Hideouts & Hoodlums: Justice Society of America

Game Master Scottenkainen

Join the Justice Society of America in May 1941 as they campaign against the mysterious Mr. X, the criminal underworld, and the supernatural!

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Male Human Mysteryman 8

The Sandman quickly glances through the closet checking to see if there is anything useful. Assuming that he finds nothing, he will race back down stairs and join his companions. "I couldn't find the sprinkler controls" he says as he again blasts the demon.

Male English/Swedish Publisher/1, Writer/4

The demon uncoils his whip around Hourman and lashes out at one of the false Dr. Fates with it, but misses, distracted by the more immediate threat of Hourman. The two parry and thrust like fencers, Hourman's brass club blocking most of the demon's swings, but letting one slip past his defenses and cut through his costume on his arm 9 dmg; Hourman is down to 23 hp. Hourman is kept on the defensive and is unable to mount a counterattack, despite more strength flowing into him from Dr. Fate's spell.

Flash reappears and goes back to spraying at the flames around the demon with his fire extinguisher, causing the flames to flicker and more steam to flood the now-sauna-like garage.

Sandman is about to give up on the upstairs closet and head downstairs when he finds, at the back, a control valve for the sprinkler system. He turns the valve on and...

Downstairs, the demon roars in frustration as the sprinkler system erupts and dumps water on his flaming aura. The garage becomes enveloped now in steam so thick that no one can see past the nose on their faces.

Male Human Speedster/7

Flash keeps spraying his extinguisher where he last saw the demon.

male human Magic user 10

I should still be under the effect of the detect thoughts. So can I use that to locate folks in the room? Would Darkvision cut through the steam? Can I tell if the beast's flame shield is down?

male human Magic user 10

Following the pure light of Hourman's thoughts the enigmatic golden helmed sentinel pours more mystic energy into the hero of our time.

Cast cure wounds II

"Now is the time Hourman. It is the surce of the steam. Strike where the clouds are thickest."

Try to sneak into the beasts thoughts If I can and knit Hourman back together at the same time.

Male Human Mysteryman 8

Well that made everything worse, the Sandman thinks to himself as he races back down the stairs to join his companions. I've no doubt that that flaming fiend can see just fine in this sauna. That's what I get for listening to Fate.

Male English/Swedish Publisher/1, Writer/4

Hourman feels Dr. Fate's healing touch back up to 36 hp.

Dr. Fate's amulet, bolstered by his indomitable will, is finally able to pierce the demon's magic resistance and read its thoughts.

Past the demon's dark and sadistic thoughts for what he plans to do with the four of you, you find that the demon is also inwardly raging about the ignominy of being traded off from a powerful wizard to a mundane mortal to pay a trivial debt. And the demon's original master -- none other than your arch-foe, Wotan!

Bounding down the stairs three at a time and barreling down the hallway, Sandman reaches the garage -- though it looks and feel more like a tropical rainstorm!

Flash is able to outrun the demon's whip a second time, but he doesn't manage to get in a good hit with the extinguisher as blinded as he is by all the steam.

Hourman, though, feels the demon's sword cut him again back down to 25 hp again, but is able to deliver a satisfying blow to the demon at the same time, bending his pole-staff over the demon's head.

Liberty's Edge

Scottenkainen wrote:
Hourman, though, feels the demon's sword cut him again back down to 25 hp again, but is able to deliver a satisfying blow to the demon at the same time, bending his pole-staff over the demon's head.

Hourman struggles to get free of the demon's whip. He scans the garage looking for anything useful. He's looking for anything that might be used as a Vehicular Weapon. If there is something he can lift, he will try that once he gets free. If not he will kick off Invulnerability and try to get the whip out of the demon's grasp. "You can't stop all of us, ugly! Why don't you just give up and go home?"

Male Human Mysteryman 8

The Sandman will look for something to climb on, hoping to get a better view of the fight. If he finds something, he will hurl the fire extinguisher at the demon. And, if Hourman is out of the way, he will use his grapple gun to try to pierce the extinguisher causing an explosion of flame retardant.

Feeling a bit outclassed in this fight. Though, I guess I've been assuming that that a Balrog . . . er. . . Balor is immune to my sleep gas.

male human Magic user 10
The Sandman wrote:

The Sandman will look for something to climb on, hoping to get a better view of the fight. If he finds something, he will hurl the fire extinguisher at the demon. And, if Hourman is out of the way, he will use his grapple gun to try to pierce the extinguisher causing an explosion of flame retardant.

Feeling a bit outclassed in this fight. Though, I guess I've been assuming that that a Balrog . . . er. . . Balor is immune to my sleep gas.

The extinguishers, depending on when the firehouse was decommisioned, may not be pressurized. The Co2 pressurized extinguisher was only invented in 1924 at the behest of Bell labs. If this place is old enough or was poorly funded, you might be carrying a carbon tetrachloride pump extinguisher. Mind you if it is a CTC extinguisher then there is probably a case of CTC filled glass "fire grenades" around somewhere. May as well try the gas, we know it has mucho magic resistance but we know nothing of it's resistance to science.

DM. Has the beast moved outside of the teleporting circle during the fight?

Male English/Swedish Publisher/1, Writer/4

The demon has taken a step back and forth through the 7-minute battle on occasion, but either by intention or coincidence it has not stepped out of the circle.

Sandman jumps up on the workbench and throws the extinguisher at the demon, hitting it right in the face. Hourman rips down the large garage door to use as a massive clubbing weapon.

The demon, beset on all sides, grumbles, "Bahhh...my instructions were to attack you, not slay you. I will take my leave of this realm..." ...and, with that, fades from view.

male human Magic user 10

Focusing Detect thoughts on the circle area. Not sure if it is gone or just unseen.

"This may be a trick. Hourman please place that door where the beast was. If it is there but unseen you will feel it.

Male Human Speedster/7

Flash darts off to collect the basket of evidence he set down earlier.

Male Human Mysteryman 8
Dr. Fate wrote:
The extinguishers, depending on when the firehouse was decommisioned, may not be pressurized. The Co2 pressurized extinguisher was only invented in 1924 at the behest of Bell labs. If this place is old enough or was poorly funded, you might be carrying a carbon tetrachloride pump extinguisher. Mind you if it is a CTC extinguisher then there is probably a case of CTC filled glass "fire grenades" around somewhere.

Darn you science and history! I just want to do cool things!

"Dian will never believe any of this. Or even worse, she will–and complain that I never let her meet a demon." The Sandman looks around. "Our mysterious Mr. X seems to be more than a common criminal. I'm glad you decided to appear Dr. Fate. I was worried we'd have to rely on the likes of Sargon the Sorcerer."

Male English/Swedish Publisher/1, Writer/4

Dr. Fate tries to detect the demon's thoughts, but if it simply went invisible, it either completely shielded it thoughts (and, even when protected by magic resistance, he still felt thoughts were present earlier) or moved outside of the firehouse and out of range of the amulet already.

Flash begins to read the papers in the wastebasket super-fast. Many of them are incriminatory towards Flame Farmer, or Howard "Flame" Farmer, and his arson racket. There is one typed note from Mr. X in the pile, though And you'll have to forgive me, as I'm pressed for time today, but I'll give you the full text of the note soon!.

Somewhere...Sargon the Sorcerer feels like someone just bad-talked him.

male human Magic user 10

Dr. Fate consentrating on the amulet as makes a last sweep of the area, replies to Sandman. Both mysterious heroes still concealed by the thinning mist.

"Mr. X did not call that beast. While it was distracted by the sprinklers and Hourmans attack I was able to use the Amulet of Anubis to pierce its mystic shields and sample its thoughts. Mr. X was given this demon by Wotan. The thought of the two of them working together...."

But come. Tell me what you know of this Mr. X? What has led you to this derelect building?"

Male Human Mysteryman 8

Whew . . . let's see what I can remember and get in the right order here . . .

The Sandman considers Fate's question, taking a moment to sort out the events of the evening. "Well, as you know Mr. X delivered a letter to the Justice Society, ordering us to shut down our operations or pay the price. One of his henchmen–the Flame Farmer–went on an arson spree. When we finally caught up with him, he yielded up this location as his hideout, indicating that we'd find a note from Mr. X. . . . As far as what we know about Mr. X . . . well, not too much. He has his hands in all sorts of criminal enterprises and that's about it. " The Sandman pauses and then "Glad you showed up Dr. Fate. Demons are a bit out of my league. I think that Hourman uncovered some information that might mean something to you. Something about demons and telephones . . . "

Male English/Swedish Publisher/1, Writer/4

The note reads simply...

Flame Farmer,
I am calling in all your markers. Take your gang and torch as many hotels in Manhattan as you can. All or part of the Justice Society of America may be staying at those hotels. I have hired a professional sniper to protect your gang. He will meet you at the Hotel Bristol at 10:30 pm, which must be your first target. I am also sending a specialist to your hideout to prepare a defense against the Justice Society, should they find it.
Mr. X

It is currently 1 am on May 2, 1941.

Male Human Speedster/7

"Hmmmm. Not much that we didn't already know. I think we'd all best get some rest, we'll need to be at full strength if we're to take on Mr X and this 'Wotan'."

Male Human Mysteryman 8

"Rest sounds fine to me. Anyone need a lift?" The Sandman suddenly feels the weight of the evening, the burns and bruises.

Male English/Swedish Publisher/1, Writer/4

Feel free to elaborate on all of the following assumptions...

The four Heroes agree to take an 8-hour break, return to their respective homes, and rest.

The Heroes then agree to contact each other, or to meet at a rendezvous place, and plan out what they intend to do next, either collectively or separately, to either prepare for Mr. X's next move or to track him down.

male human Magic user 10
Scottenkainen wrote:

Feel free to elaborate on all of the following assumptions...

The four Heroes agree to take an 8-hour break, return to their respective homes, and rest.

The Heroes then agree to contact each other, or to meet at a rendezvous place, and plan out what they intend to do next, either collectively or separately, to either prepare for Mr. X's next move or to track him down.

Hmmmm no more teleport spells to get back to Salem. Does the JSA have a safehouse or something? I suppose Kent Nelson could have a club in Manhattan or I suppose I could get a hotel.......

The three Fates merge into one as he speaks "Before we part my friends, a small gift from the lords of order." Burn my remaining 1st and 4th level spells as cure wounds I and II. I think I have a full compliment of 4th and all but two 1st available. A rendezvous would work best for fate. The room where it all began?

"Until tomorrow." Need to call Inza, she will kill me for coming to New York with out her...

Cast Invisibility and flight in that order making for a dramatic exit out the ruined door.

Male English/Swedish Publisher/1, Writer/4

Before mysteriously disappearing, Doctor Fate's magic heals some of the Heroes' wounds, so that everyone is only lightly injured still See OOC thread for hp totals here.

Male Human Mysteryman 8

"Well, I guess Fate didn't need a ride. Anyone else?" Assuming that no one needs a lift, the Sandman will head home to bed. He'll also spend some time trying to figure out how to hide his burns from Dian.

Male English/Swedish Publisher/1, Writer/4

Everyone winds up getting home (or the closest substitute to home for Dr. Fate, who goes back to the rented hotel banquet hall) on their own.

Dr. Fate picks up the hotel lobby phone while invisible and convinces a nosy switchboard operator to connect him through to Salem, Massachusetts at this late hour. Inza, always a night owl, picks up. "Dr. Fate? You're in New York? I see. Do you need me there, or would you like me to keep an eye on Salem for you in your absence? I could work with that Hawkman fellow for you. He's quite dreamy..."

Meanwhile, Sandman thinks about what to say to Dian in the morning. Got my sleeve caught in the toaster...had a grease fire while I was cooking...hmm... he contemplates as he drifts off to sleep.

Not that anyone will confirm this for me, but I'm going to guess that you're all sleeping/resting from 1:30 am to 9:30 am, then either meeting at Dr. Fate's hotel or calling in there to share your plans for the day.

Male Human Mysteryman 8

I will totally confirm that for you. The Sandman is sleeping until 9:30 and then meeting up at Fate's Hotel to plan further.

male human Magic user 10
Scottenkainen wrote:

Everyone winds up getting home (or the closest substitute to home for Dr. Fate, who goes back to the rented hotel banquet hall) on their own.

Dr. Fate picks up the hotel lobby phone while invisible and convinces a nosy switchboard operator to connect him through to Salem, Massachusetts at this late hour. Inza, always a night owl, picks up. "Dr. Fate? You're in New York? I see. Do you need me there, or would you like me to keep an eye on Salem for you in your absence? I could work with that Hawkman fellow for you. He's quite dreamy..."

Not that anyone will confirm this for me, but I'm going to guess that you're all sleeping/resting from 1:30 am to 9:30 am, then either meeting at Dr. Fate's hotel or calling in there to share your plans for the day.

"Yes if you and the 'dreamy' Hawkman could keep an eye on Salem. I think I may need to be in New York for a few days. Oh, and keep an eye out for Hawkgirl. She should be back from Paris any day now. Call Kent at this hotel If you need me. Good night Inza."

That woman will be the death of me.

Use phantasmal image to hide helm and costume. Book a room as Dr. Kent Nelson. I will carry my own illusory luggage but tip the bellhop anyway.

Confirming resting until 9:30. Croissants, coffee, and fresh burn dressings in the conference room in the morning. Pity I don't have a contact other plane handy we kcould find out where X will strike next.

Male English/Swedish Publisher/1, Writer/4

I love confirmations in the morning!

Later that morning, Sandman arrives at the New Yorker Hotel on 8th Avenue. This art deco highlight of Manhattan's Garment District was home to yesterday's congregation of the Justice Society of America and, today, will serve again for an impromptu meeting of half its members.

Mr. X has proven to be an unusually resourceful foe, more so than some of the Justice Society are used to. Sandman, Flash, and Hourman have never fought supernatural foes before.

So, it is with some welcome relief that Sandman finds himself entering the conference room again that morning and finding Dr. Fate there to counsel and aid them -- and to find croissants and coffee waiting for him!

Male Human Speedster/7

"Well, it seems still we're back where we started, we still don't have any leads on where we can find Mr X, unless any of you know who 'Wotan' is? Does anyone have any ideas?"

As he speaks, Flash fingers the pill in his pocket, realising he still hasn't had a chance to analyse it yet.

"We could possibly prepare some sort of trap, by leaking a story to the newsies that we'll be at a certain location. Mr X certainly wouldn't show up himself, but we may be able to get more info from whomever he does send..." Flash shrugs, clearly not too enthused by his own idea.

male human Magic user 10

"Well we have some clues. The note to the Flame Farmer came from somewhere. Perhaps it can be traced. We may have contacts among the police who might know something. Also something like that which we battled last night makes waves in the fabric of magic. Other forces will have noticed. It is risky but I might be able to find something. Wotan will have shielded himself from direct discovery but perhaps X has not Wotan's skill in this matter.

Talking Commune/Contact other plane here. Not something Fate really wants to do but an option if we are stuck.

To the Flash: "Wotan is a powerful sorcerer. Both the Green Lantern and myself have battled this being. Wotan is capable of mighty feats of science and magic. Indeed I could almost think that X and Wotan are the same person save that Wotan rarely hides behind others." "I last saw Wotan in the City of the Black Stars. I hoped that he would remain trapped there. I was obviously wrong."

"Your trap idea has merit. I am lothe to risk the innocent bystanders who would arrive at an advertised event. Perhaps if word could be dropped to just the criminal classes?"

Male English/Swedish Publisher/1, Writer/4

Sandman was about to enter when the Flash whizzed past him and made it inside first. The Sandman clenches his fists, knowing it's wrong to feel he's being upstaged by the scarlet speedster, and yet finds it so hard to resist the feeling that he does not even enter right away afterward. Instead, he listens at the door and hears Dr. Fate and Flash planning to leak news to the criminal underworld of where they would be at some later point in time to be decided on now? and then set a trap in that location.

By 9:45, Hourman has still not been heard from yet...

Male Human Mysteryman 8

"A trap sounds like a fine idea . . . turn the tables on our mysterious foes," The Sandman says as he strolls into the room. "I'm not sure what would be a juicy enough target to lure out Mr. X, or one of his lieutenants. Perhaps we could put out a rumor that we are meeting with some turncoat or important snitch. Too bad we already dumped the Flame Farmer on the police."

Male Human Speedster/7

"That could work. Could you implant the idea in someone telepathically, Dr. Fate? That would save us a bit of trouble. The trick would be to leak it to the right criminal. Unfortunately I don't know one... do you have any underworld contacts, Sandman? " Flash asks.

Suddenly, he seems to note the absence of one of the Heroes. "But where is Hourman? We'd better go check on him. I hate to think it, but if Mr X has found him..."

male human Magic user 10
the Flash wrote:

"That could work. Could you implant the idea in someone telepathically, Dr. Fate? That would save us a bit of trouble. The trick would be to leak it to the right criminal. Unfortunately I don't know one... do you have any underworld contacts, Sandman? " Flash asks.

Suddenly, he seems to note the absence of one of the Heroes. "But where is Hourman? We'd better go check on him. I hate to think it, but if Mr X has found him..."

Fate turns his impassive mask towards the Flash. "It could be done. It seems the issue is finding a subject. It would need to be someone well connected and somewhat talkitive so the report will seem normal."

Male English/Swedish Publisher/1, Writer/4

Sandman and Flash think back on their almost three whole years of crime-fighting experience between the two of them and realize...maybe they've been too effective at incarcerating every criminal they meet. They simply have no contacts with the criminal underworld that aren't currently behind bars. That said, Sandman can think of a few places in New York City where they might find criminals...the docks on the waterfront, a seedy bar in Brooklyn, and an opium den in Chinatown.

As for Hourman, they do have an emergency phone number for contacting him. But, when Flash races down to the lobby and uses a public phone to call that number, the operator can't raise anyone on the other end.

Male Human Mysteryman 8

Has anyone told Fate about the demonic phone calls? That's in his line.

"I suppose I should've worked on developing some contacts among the underworld, cultivated a snitch or two. But perhaps we could divide our forces and try to foster a rumor at some dives that are known criminal hangouts. I think I could also manage to plant a rumor in the DA's office. Maybe something would filter down from there. I know of a bar in Brooklyn and an opium den in Chinatown where criminals like to hang out. And there is always the docks. Perhaps we could split up and seed some rumors. I could take the bar. The opium den sounds like your sort of place, Dr. Fate. And perhaps the Flash could work the docks? I'm not particularly wedded to any locale, though. So if the saltwater makes you break out, I can head down there."

I hope those docks are saltwater. I know nothing about New York geography I fear.

Hourman rushes in, looking as disheveled as a caped crusader can. "Sorry I'm late, My alarm clock didn't go off. What did I miss?" After getting caught up, he tells the other JSA'ers about Dan O'Dell and the warning phone call from the demon.

Male Human Speedster/7

"And I thought that 'demon' was just an anonymous tipster. Now I'm not so sure..."

"I'd better go home and change into some dock-worker's clothes."

Male English/Swedish Publisher/1, Writer/4

Hourman is quickly updated and finds the good locations have already been snatched up. He will have to double up with another Hero, figure out a location of his own to go spread false rumors for their trap, or do something else entirely.

Dr. Fate can share that, while all demons are vile by nature, if magically compelled to be some can be quite cooperative. If Dan O'Dell isn't magically compelling demons to give him phone tips, then maybe someone else is...

The last thing the Heroes need to decide on, before rushing off to change into any disguises, is where the trap will be set and what time to set it for.

Male Human Mysteryman 8

"Does anyone have any ideas for the trap? I'm not sure if there is a best place. Maybe we could use the firehouse or the old carpet warehouse where I fought the Gentleman Gorilla. I imagine it's still unoccupied. Both places are fairly isolated."

If anyone has a better suggestion, feel free. I just tried to think of abandoned places that have already been mentioned.

Male English/Swedish Publisher/1, Writer/4

The carpet warehouse would be more secluded than the firehouse, which was on a crowded street.

Male Human Speedster/7

"Let's use the carpet warehouse." Flash agrees. "And let's make the meeting time in a few hours, say 1pm? That'll give Mr X less time to prepare."

male human Magic user 10

"Rumor has winged feet but it is not as fast as you Flash. We do not know how far down Mr.X's organization these persons are. I could take time for the news to reach the top.

Fate thinks for a moment

"There is a favorable conjunction with Cassiopeia* at midnight tomorrow. We could let on that I am tracing the demon back to X through a Orphean ritual**. It would explain the need for quiet and space."

"As it would be after nightfall I can use a simple formula I developed with Dr. Mid-Nite*** which will allow us to see in darkness. Not as well as the good doctor but well enough."

"I am familiar with the Blue Lotus. It is run by a small time sorcerer named Mitsuhirato. I suspect he may be doing some spying for imperial Japan on the side. I should be able to slip in and out without too much trouble."

"Hourman, you would be welcome in this venture. What Mitsuhirato lacks in mystic power he may supplement with hoods."

*Mystic techno-babble!
** More!
***See Annals of Mid-Nite #47!

We need a secretary and a phone line. So we can call in iif we need back up. hmmmmmm.

Male English/Swedish Publisher/1, Writer/4

The details of the rumor, as Dr. Fate has worked them out, are decided on. Only the time to spring the trap remains in dispute, with midnight the following night feeling awfully long from now to the Flash. A compromise directly between the two times would be 4 am tomorrow morning...

Hourman takes his time pondering whether to accept Dr. Fate's offer and go with him while Sandman thinks ahead to what he will do at the bar.

Male Human Speedster/7

Although Flash chafes a bit at Dr. Fate's timeline, he'll go along with it if that's what everyone wants to do. He figures at least it'll give him some time to analyse the pill after he's spread the rumour around a bit.

Male Human Mysteryman 8

"I think it is best to wait until midnight. Both to provide more credence to our deception and to give time to percolate through the underworld. If we have nothing further to discuss, then I shall prepare for my expedition to the underworld bar."

Assuming there isn't anything left to discuss, the Sandman will return home to attempt to fashion a rudimentary disguise–glasses, shabby clothing, the like and then head out to the bar.

I don't know if I have much to add to the secretary discussion. Dian, I fear, would take it as an invitation to leap into the action. Perhaps Ma Hunkel . . . Also, found your last post to be quite amusing Dr. Fate.

Male English/Swedish Publisher/1, Writer/4

At 10:10 am, the four Heroes part and go their separate ways, each with his own special mission.

The Sandman's powerful roadster takes him out of Manhattan and back to his country estate. He takes his time picking out some shabby clothes and prop glasses, then takes his time getting to Brooklyn so he will reach the Owl's Head Bar when it opens for lunch. The contrast in lifestyles is startling between the luxuries Wesley Dodds' various chemical patents afford him, the industrial bourgeois of Manhattan, and them the packed slums of Brooklyn. As the Sandman ditches his fancy car well out of sight of any of the bar's patrons, he goes over in his head what he plans to say inside.

Earlier, Flash raced back home, changed into his grubbiest clothes, and raced to the Waterfront. This early in the day, the docks seemed to be bustling with honest-looking labor, with a 100 men loading and unloading steamers or performing maintenance on schooners. Four tugboats are pushing an oceanliner into port, two on either side, against a backdrop of one of the world's most magnificent skylines. Though there are no obvious signs of trouble, there are some idle, grizzled mariners about who look suspicious.

Knowing that opium addiction answers to no social mores, Dr. Fate need not wait until nightfall to find the Blue Lotus open for business. On a nameless street in the "Little Fuzhou on East Broadway" hangs the faded sign of the Blue Lotus. The building is dwarfed by the larger workhouses on either side, but looks less squeezed in than if it were simply hiding. Dr. Fate will have to decide if he wants the direct, front-door approach, or find a more stealthy means of egress...

male human Magic user 10
Scottenkainen wrote:
Dr. Fate will have to decide if he wants the direct, front-door approach, or find a more stealthy means of egress...

Oh I don't think I'll actually have to enter the establishment. That is if suggestion can pierce walls. Pity there is no ventriloquism spell

Cast invisibility I. Cast detect magic. Activare Detect thoughts.

Wrapping a plutonic cloak around him Dr. Fate approaches the Blue Lotus.
The helm of Nabu searching for the thoughts of guardians among the lotus eaters while Fates magic probes its mystic defences. Fate creeps along the front, rear and sides of the building, the thin walls of the poorly constructed dive posing little barrier as Fate searches amongst the minds of the lotus habitues seeking the mind of Mitsuhirato or one of his lieutenants.

Male Human Mysteryman 8

Once the Sandman arrives at the establishment, he spends a while listening, hoping to pick up any rumors in the air. Assuming he hears nothing, he will order a drink, commenting loudly: "Strange times we live in, huh? I hear that last night the Justice Society, those costumed freaks, had some sort of knock down fight with a demon. Getting so an honest crook can't keep up with that sort of thing."

Male Human Speedster/7

Flash approaches the grizzled mariners. "Did you hear about Flame Farmer? I heard he got caught..."

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