Hell's Rebels: Flight of the Silver Ravens (Inactive)

Game Master pinvendor

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HP 15/15 | AC 19 T 12 FF 17 | F +4 R +2 W +5 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | Init +2 Perc +3 | Blessings 4/4 | Spells 1st 3/3 | Fervor (1d6) 3/3

She whirls around, suddenly sure that she is being spied upon. Faces spin around her, shouts fill the air.

Down with Thrune! Arrest the anarchists! No more taxes! Long Live Cheliax!

There she is, the lying whore!
The shame of Vikta!
Throw her in the stockade!

In a panic her hand reaches for her morningstar, but just then she spins, crashing into some miserable despot.

"Out of my way! I..."

Blue eyes.

She stops. The man before her is a stranger, a disheveled vagrant. But something about his eyes excites her memory. She realizes that this is no man, but a ghost.

"V...Varian? Blazes, what's happened?" She asks, in unison with Darian.

Hour 1: Watch the Crowd (Sense Motive 21)

M CG male human (Cheliaxian) Bard (Negotiator)| HP: 15/15 | AC 12 T 10 FF 12 | CMB: -1 CMD 9 | F: +1 R: +3 W: +4 | Init: +0 [+2 Urban] | Percep: +6 [+8 Urban] Sense Motive: +7 Bluff: +11 | Speed 30 ft | Spells 1st 3/3 | Bardic Performance 9/9 Bard (Negotiator) 2

Phineas arrives at the protest disguised as Davis the Merchant. His too-big coat needs no extra padding today, as it covers a suit of leather armor, while his wide brimmed hat and false beard provide welcome protection from the rain and the damp.

It is warm, but I have no idea how guards manage to wear armor all the time. It feels so...constraining. Still, I will be glad of it if violence does break out, I suspect.

Phineas arrives to find that quite a crowd has already gathered, including more than a few familiar faces. Phineas blends in with the crowd, taking note of Darian and Avrora's presences and keeping an eye on both of them while he gets a feel for the different factions present.

Mixed support...the majority are here to protest the edicts in one way or another, but that group over there is here to provide support for Barzillai. That is going to undermine the whole protest; I had hoped that the Chelish loyalists would weaken as the edicts have grown more and more restrictive, but no such luck yet.

Glancing back toward Avrora and Darian, he is shocked to see they have met up with Varian, who looks terrible.

What happened to Varian? He looks like hell. Phineas thinks back on everything he has managed to learn in the last week since the meeting at Isabel's. I never received contact from Varian's resistance group as I had hoped. Did something happen? There weren't any rumors regarding them, but Varian was the first I had heard of a resistance group other than the Silver Ravens. If so, it becomes even more pressing I find the man with one black glove.

Phineas will wander haphazardly over to the trio, and position himself near by the group before quietly whispering a greeting.

"Greetings, everyone. What happened, Julius? You look terrible, and I never heard from you after last week."

Phineas will use his disguise kit to disguise himself as Davis before leaving to attend the protest. That gives him a +14 before any extra modifiers. Phineas is probably going to start out by attempting to disrupt the chelish loyalists before searching for his contact, but he will meet up with everyone to find out what has happened to Varian first.

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Male Human (Varisian) Psychic 2nd AC 13/13/12 / HP 12 / F +1 R +1 W +5 / Init. +1 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +7

(Earlier…the Bleakbridge at morning..)

Making his way southward across the Bleakbridge, Galen walks with a smile upon his face and a bounce to his step, invigorated by the morning’s events of another successful job completed for the scholars of the Alabaster. Though he doesn’t call attention to it, a beautiful golden sail is hidden in the folds of his kapenia scarf, the few copper pinch he has stowed away in his more common money pouch at his belt. Of course during this past week of his scribing and translation efforts he had to take out an advance with the sage-scholar who hired him, his normal funds nearly depleted. Costs had gone up on parchment and ink in Kintargo – nearly everything had gone up since the day Lord-Mayor Barzallai Thune took the Opera House as his own and declared martial law. The day after the Night of Ashes as it was being termed now by students of Alabaster and other Kintargans. The day he had his odd encounters at the Tooth and Nail and the high house of Lady Rhelian. Galen’s smile slips a bit as he walks south over the bridge, his mind mulling over the strangeness of that day and those nobles and high-handed folk speaking about rebellions and protests and proclamations. Some of those proclamations spoken of by the false-scholar of a famed house had come to pass as truth. It was odd, unsettling even.

Galen shakes his head firmly, as if to clear out the ill-thoughts that are starting to intrude upon his fine morning. I have my three pinch handy for the toll, the scholars gladly willing to absorb it for my services on top of our agreed-upon price! I have licorice for Dany and a nice orange-peeled black tea at my home that she likes so much, plus my rent is paid through Abadius and I had enough to get my satchel and cloak mended to boot! He takes a deep breath and shifts the cloak closer about him to ward off the windy chill from the river as he passes over the crest of the bridge, looking about him as the Bleakbridge shops and kiosks open their doors and display their wares on another fine day of market. Perhaps I’ll spend a few pinch to get a hot roll or two for the Aria…I have the coin to spend a little of it…some tea would be nice about now…I still cannot fathom WHY the sixth proclamation is against tea! As if that is really a problem? And mint in sweets? What possibly is this Barzillai Thrune about…that his nannies fed him bad tea and mint when he was a devil-loving little babe or something of the like…

It wasn’t merely that Galen was, as of last night and the night before that, breaking the laws of Kintargo by “secretly” brewing his tea at night as he normally did with his own tea set, helping him to quiet his mind and get the scribing work done or meditate in the ways of Irori’s teachings. No, it was just the absurdity of it all, the arbitrary whims of an unelected Thrune coming in to squeeze Kintargans and thumb his nose at a city that was doing just fine in service to mighty Cheliax. Galen meant it that night at the Rhelian house when he objected to “Julius” and his radical notions of stirring up a real row where none existed before – certainly he meant it when he told Darian Aulamaxa that he had no interest in playing into the games of the noble houses of The Greens. He meant it then and he would say it again now if pressed…probably he would perhaps…but Galen cannot help but wonder if there were real signs and portents to some of these bizarre proclamations coming to fruition.

I wish I had Nan’s gifts at fortune-telling…a real Harrowing or augury would make me feel better about understanding all of this. And now there was a true protest forming up at the Aria across from the closed-down Opera House. Which was where Dany and his friends and their friends were already at – where he would already be at if he didn’t have business in Villegre for his work, but to where he was heading now. That protest was a call by many Kintargans to peacefully let the new Lord-Mayor know what they thought of his martial law, his tolls and at least a few of his proclamations. A peaceful demonstration it was to be. Yet Galen started feeling a pit of dread in his stomach at what it could turn into. He decided against the hot rolls after all, losing interest in his appetite and continued to walk the far span to where the Dottari had their toll gates and barrels to hold the three-pinch toll that everyone was required to pay to cross in either direction. Grim-faced now, he thought about Mistress Gens of the Sweet Tooth having to give away her mint treats at the Tooth and Nail, and Mistress Sabinus having to pay ten sails for that horrid portrait of the Cheliaxian Queen on the far wall, imperiously looking down upon its patrons and casting something of a pall over the locals. It’s like that Queen’s eyes follow you around the room, with that thin grimace of hers as if one’s done wrong and about to get whipped…I’m glad Setrona put it on the wall facing the privy…and what’s Thrune going to do with all those mongrel dogs anyhow? I just don’t understand…

Galen reaches the tolls and stands in one of the lines to pass through in usual orderly fashion, the three pinch pocketed in his hand. The morning doesn’t seem so fine for some reason now, but he’s sure to feel better when he sees Dany and the rest of his fellows at the Aria...

(Currently…the Aria Park protest…)

Galen smiles and gives a quick squeeze of Dany’s hand as she kisses him on the cheek; with the protesters already shouting their chants and misgivings though, Galen knows his longtime friend-turned-lover has her mind on the events surrounding them, not added displays of affection. He shakes the hands of both Gleesas and Janan next to his lady – two young men of the Villegre he would consider his “friends” as well as anyone he knows, though they have long been friends of Dany Teslias first and Galen second. Galen doesn’t mind however, and goes on to give greetings to other students of the Alabaster that he has passing familiarity with or once knew when he was a student: Stratlan, Meecham and Rellan are three he knows best of all from long conversations at the ‘Long Roads’ in Villegre, drinking coffee or tea and arguing all manner of philosophy and politics for afternoons and evenings at a time…at least until evenings were closed off due to the recent martial law declarations. Other students from the Alabaster are here as well to protest, young men and women he nods to or has vague familiarity with, their voices mixing with the other groups of protesters from different districts and social standings. There are even some that Galen knows from the Aria as performers and not protesters – fellow performers that he’s talked to and shared park spaces with as Zephyrus the Storyteller: Old Melv is by the fountains working the crowd with his comedic rat-catcher routine, while Jikjak the Juggler is over by the far end in his familiar patchwork cloak, and Sharp Slade the Blade is in his customary all-black fencing garb boasting of his sword-swallowing act, even though his blades are peace-tied and probably going to stay that way with the grim-faced Dottari all out in force. Galen looks briefly to see if the beautiful Aleanya Deterion is out with her black feather mask but he doesn’t see her; he himself thought to change to Zephyrus for the Aria but decided against it, given the circumstances of the occasion.

Over past the fountain on the west side of the event, Galen sees “Davis” the merchant, followed by the rather drab-clothed Darian Aulamaxa next to him, talking to some wretched beggar of all things. The beggar seems slightly familiar to Galen, though he loses interest when he sees the “prickly rose” woman in a heavy cloak and…armor…comes into view just on the other side of Darian. Ech. Not this again…that cannot be good tidings…well at least “Julius” isn’t around to start up another fiery speech to rush the Opera House or some such nonsense…and Mistress Rhelian isn’t about either…DRAT! That Avora woman and “Davis” just saw me here…well…I’ll just wave I guess…just smile and wave and be on my way…

Galen nods and smiles with wide eyes to the assembled group plus the beggar they seem to prefer the company to, giving them a quick wave of his hand before moving onto the other side of the protest where he strikes up a conversation with some of the performers he knows there. He's distracted though by those he has seen, and doesn't pay much attention to what the performers are rattling on about...

Listen for Rumors Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Liberty's Edge

|HP: 59/68 AC: 24; F: +12, R: +12, W: +10 | Perc: +10, Stl/Perf +12, Dec/Dip +13, ELore +14, Itm +15, Arc/Occ/Nat/Rel/Soc +8 | Speed 25ft | Weapon +15, 2d6+4+2. | Foc 1/1 | Active conditions:

Hells Bells, Sunset! Isabel thought while slogging through the rain and the crowd. I don't mind you staying with me and going in and out at all hours but if you tell me to be somewhere this early you'd better be there too!

Isabel, although she doesn't realise it, is having an easier time navigating the crowds than most. Even with her hat and cloak she is still a striking figure, especially since the tactical padding beneath her cloak gives her a more curvaceous figure. Gazes follow her progress through the crowd but people part for her none-the-less and Isabel actually makes good time reaching the centre of the park where Sunset said to meet her.

Standing there miserable under her hat, she catches sight of Galen kissing a pretty young woman about Isabel's age, trailed by a number of fashionable young men. Students by the look of them, and that must be Daily, Galen's lover Isabel feels a momentary pang of self-recrimination as she's sure that name isn't quite the right one, but the conversation has slipped her mind. Galen's eyes are focused elsewhere before he turns and hurriedly eels his way into the crowd. Following his last gaze Isabel recognises a number of her guests. Avrora Vikta looks exactly the same as she did, Phineas has returned to the apparel he affected in the Tooth and Nail and Darian... was wearing fewer bright colours than usual. From an Aulamaxa that practically counted as a disguise!

As Isabel moved closer to the group she stared hard at the bedraggled figure in the centre of the little group. Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19 Shelyn's love, thats Lord Tanessen! What's happened to him? She quickens her pace and approaches the group. "My lords, my lady. What brings you all out here on such an unpleasantly damp morning?" The way her gaze is fixed on Julius/Varian makes her real question clear. What in the Silver City has happened to him?

Just to get my dice roll in, Isabel is searching for her contact (Sunset) as she proceeds through the crowd. Perception: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 7 + 2 = 24

CG male human (Cheliaxian) cleric (hidden priest) of Milani 1 | HP: 7/10 | AC: 15 (10 Tch, 15 FF) | CMB: +1, CMD: 11 | F: +4, R: +0, W: +4 | Init: +0 | Perc: +3, SM: +2 | Speed 20 ft | Spells 1st 3/3 | Special abilities Channel energy (1d6) 5/5 | Active Conditions None

Varian swallows hard: everyone was concerned for him. I must look very bad... "I had some...hard times" he explains keeping his gaze fixed downward. "Maybe I'll explain it to you later...I must go now" he says quickly without looking any of them in the eyes. Avrora, Phineas...At least them believed in me. I cannot let them see my current weakness.


Varian starts moving through the crowd, asking around for rumors and information: he has been lagging behind of late, and he needs to get up to speed.
Varian is trying to listen for rumors in the first hour of the protest, using Diplomacy to gather information. If he does not consider that as an eversive or otherwise dangerous act, he will also cast enhanced diplomacy on himself to gain a +2 bonus on his check.

Diplomacy to gather information: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Enhanced Diplomacy to gather information: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

(at will)enhanced diplomacy, light, stabilize
(2/day + 1 domain)bless, protection from evil (D), summon monster I

@Varian: As it so happens, these checks are made throughout an entire hour - so Enhanced Diplomacy won't work. In addition, for future reference, if it did work, I'd use the first roll and add 2, not let you have a second roll using it ;)

Post coming soon!

*Edit*: Phineas, you needed to make a roll for your action - since you didn't, but you did tell me what you wanted to do, I'll roll for you this time around. For your next action though I'd like you to roll, however.

A dull overcast threatens more rain as more and more people show up to the protest during its first hour. A few of the newcomers have brought signs (some more poorly written than others) and begin waving them around or even passing a few out to others. Among these signs are those protesting for elections, looser economic laws, or in the case of one particularly garish sign marked with a rather vulgar image, nothing but anarchy and a good riot.

In front of the protest, the dottari appear nervous but remain steadfast; their heavy, black-iron maces remain hanging from their hips and each stands continues their vigilance behind their unraised shields. Nox, for her part, eyes the crowd warily, glaring at them from time to time but making no moves herself.

As the first hour draws close, it appears that the supporters of Thrune within the protest have died down, their yelling having slowly lessened throughout the hour. All that remains are the various other interest groups, three of which are at least all aimed in the right direction - at their Lord Mayor. The fourth group seems to be just trying to cause trouble and annoy everyone else.

While watching the crowd you notice that the crowd’s general mood is agitated and discontented, but not overtly violent. Everyone is yelling their thoughts but it doesn’t appear to be turning violent. In addition, you spot a greasy looking man wearing worn and dirty clothing moving between people pilfering a few copper pinches here and there - a pickpocket. No one appears to have noticed him yet besides you and Isabel, due in part to everyone focused at yelling at either the Opera House or each other. Lastly, you believe you notice some sort of.. unusual subcurrent amongst the crowd’s movement, as if there was some sort of organizing force among the protest.

While wandering through the crowd, listening and asking for rumors, few people pay attention to you and due to all of the yelling, you aren’t able to hear anything juicy for the first hour.

Although you met with Varian and co as the protest got under way, when Varian started wandering off, you did so as well - not for the same reasons perhaps, but to attempt to silence those supporting Thrune. As the hour passed, you wound your way through the protest silencing the undesirable elements with a quick word and a bluff - by the end of the hour, those supporting Thrune had their voices all but removed from the protest and the protest’s message became just a little bit clearer now that everyone involved was focusing on Thrune and not each other - except the anarchists.

While wandering through the crowd, listening and asking for rumors, few people pay attention to you and due to all of the yelling and distraction from your friends and lover, you aren’t able to hear anything juicy for the first hour.

During this hour, you catch glimpses of a shadowy figure behind the curtains on the third story of the Opera House. Whoever it is appears to be watching the crowd curiously, but you aren’t able to tell who it might be.

While watching the crowd, looking for Sunset and the man with a black glove on one hand, you notice that the crowd’s general mood is agitated and discontented, but not overtly violent. Everyone is yelling their thoughts but it doesn’t appear to be turning violent. In addition, you spot a greasy looking man wearing worn and dirty clothing moving between people pilfering a few copper pinches here and there - a pickpocket. No one appears to have noticed him yet besides you and Avrora, due in part to everyone focused at yelling at either the Opera House or each other. Lastly, you believe you notice some sort of.. unusual subcurrent amongst the crowd’s movement, as if there was some sort of organizing force among the protest. However, both Sunset and the man with the black glove are nowhere to be seen.

During this hour, you catch glimpses of a shadowy figure behind the curtains on the third story of the Opera House. Whoever it is appears to be watching the crowd curiously, but you aren’t able to tell who it might be.

As you move through the crowd listening for rumors, you overhear one. It appears that the old livery - more specifically, the Fair Fortune Livery appears to be haunted, as the person you heard the rumor from has heard strange noises coming from it again and hopes that Barzillai will tear the old eyesore down, as it has stood abandoned and ruined for years.

’Secret’ DM Rolls:

Avrora: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Darian: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Galen: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Isabel: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Phineas: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Varian: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
??: 1d10 ⇒ 4

Non-Secret Rolls:

Phineas' Bluff to Silence Undesirables: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18


The first hour draws to a close and the second begins! As each hour is effectively one ‘round’ of this event, please feel free to continue roleplaying and take your second hour’s actions, chosen from the same as above.

HP 15/15 | AC 19 T 12 FF 17 | F +4 R +2 W +5 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | Init +2 Perc +3 | Blessings 4/4 | Spells 1st 3/3 | Fervor (1d6) 3/3
Varian Tanessen wrote:
"I had some...hard times" he explains keeping his gaze fixed downward. "Maybe I'll explain it to you later...I must go now" he says quickly without looking any of them in the eyes.

"Wait, where are you going?" she calls to Varian, but he already fished through the crowd. She turns to "Phineas," sizing him up, and not entirely sure of his identity. Beyond him, she sees Galen wave and smile. Then, Isabel approaches.

This cannot be mere coincidence. Fate has brought us together this day. It is a sign, but for good or for ill?

"Isabel. The protest, of course. The new proclamations--it's just as we feared! Our new Lord Mayor is insane. Tea? Mint? He even has the city killing mice and doves!"

Avrora has been particularly aghast at this latter proclamation, as mice are sacred to Milani. Often overlooked, the gentle creatures hide in the shadows of giants, eking out an existence on the scraps of the more powerful. To be treated as vermin, to be systematically exterminated...

"Yes, I do believe we have a problem on our hands."

Glancing around, she notices a vagrant with a hand in others' pockets.

"Speaking of hands, Isabel, did you see that? There's a thief among us." Avrora grasps her coin purse tightly. She is becoming nervous, as the previously disorganized protestors are beginning to arrange themselves into some sort of formation, their random calls quelling into a more unified message.

"And where the hells is Thrune?"

For the second hour, Avrora will continue Watching the Crowd

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

M CG male human (Cheliaxian) Bard (Negotiator)| HP: 15/15 | AC 12 T 10 FF 12 | CMB: -1 CMD 9 | F: +1 R: +3 W: +4 | Init: +0 [+2 Urban] | Percep: +6 [+8 Urban] Sense Motive: +7 Bluff: +11 | Speed 30 ft | Spells 1st 3/3 | Bardic Performance 9/9 Bard (Negotiator) 2

No problem Crusty, I was planning to dress it up a little before rolling, but I can do that now.

Phineas winces internally as Varian walks away with a less than forthcoming explanation. Damn, that's a bad sign. Nothing I can do about it now though. Phineas will turn to the group and whisper quietly once Varian has left. "Avrora, Isabel, this is Phineas. Over this last week, I believe I have made contact with the Silver Ravens. There should be a contact from them at this protest, a man wearing a single black glove on his right hand. Please find me if you see him." Phineas looks around warily. "I intend to search for him myself, but first I will attempt to do something about that group here to support Thrune. This protest needs to have a unified voice. Good day, my friends."

Phineas quietly slinks off, and begins to mix with the protesters supporting Barzillai. How to break this up? What lie would be believed? The best lies contain a kernel of truth....

Phineas has a sudden realization, and quickly begins his work, spreading rumors and speaking to the loyalists.

"Friend, we should leave this protest. Barzillai has requested that all that remain loyal return to their homes and businesses and cease to engage in this lawless and anarchic display. He does not wish for any loyal to Kintargo and house Thrune to be endangered when the Dottari deals with these rabble rousers."

"Haven't you heard the rumors? The Dottari will deal with this lot. We who remain loyal have been requested to return to our homes and businesses and cease encouraging such lawless behavior."

"Oh, aye, I could not agree with Thrune's request for us to disperse more stongly. A great man, Barzillai Thrune. He cares for us, and does not wish for us to come to harm when this lot gets what's coming to them. I will leave shortly myself, a good day to you all."

After close to an hour, Phineas' rumor mongering and lies have had their effect. The voices of the supporters of house Thrune are all but removed, clarifying the protest. Phineas surveys his work proudly.

Well done, Phineas...now, to find the man I came here for.

Phineas will search the crowd, looking for the contact from the Silver Ravens, the man with one black glove.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 6 + 2 = 27

Human Bard 6| AC 20 FF 17 T 11| HP 49/49| F +4 R +8 W +6| Init +1| Percep +9
Inspire Courage, Bull’s Strength, Tongues

Had to sleep at work today due to the storm. Not got the energy to come up with a deserving RP post...but I will be listening for tumors again, hanging on the periphery of the scene so as to be able to deny actually participating, if asked about why I was there later.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 6 + 2 = 15

Liberty's Edge

|HP: 59/68 AC: 24; F: +12, R: +12, W: +10 | Perc: +10, Stl/Perf +12, Dec/Dip +13, ELore +14, Itm +15, Arc/Occ/Nat/Rel/Soc +8 | Speed 25ft | Weapon +15, 2d6+4+2. | Foc 1/1 | Active conditions:

"Yes Avrora, I see him. Have you noticed the patterns in the crowd? There's people organising this, but I can't say why yet - can you try and make them out through the crowd? If there are people here with dangerous intentions we need to stop them. On that note Phineas seems to be doing well with the loyalists. If we're going to keep this peaceful we have to stop the anarchists as well."

Isabel moves off into the crowd, trying to track down Phineas, Once she finds him she draws him aside for a private conversation. "Good work my friend. Now that the loyalists have been silenced I suggested we move on and try to stop the anarchists causing trouble. There's some sort of organising force at work here and I fear it's only a matter of time until someone provokes them to violence. If we can at least stop the anarchists then we have a better chance of keeping this peaceful."

Assuming that Phineas comes with her, Isabel turns to head towards the anarchist section of the protest. Now, if I were here for violence what would stop me? A government conspiracy perhaps? Maybe this protest is a distraction from something... but what? Isabel takes a deep breath and plunges into the crowd, rumors ready.

"Greeting friends, what are you all doing here? Haven't you heard? This is just a distraction - you see the woman outside the opera? She's a Thrune lackey sent to spy on us. The Paracount is over in the Greens, bribing the noble families to support him. This was just a distraction so that he could browbeat them without anyone watching!"

"Can't you see this is a trap? There's agents of the Dottari throughout the crowd!" Isabel points out some of the loci she's seen for the strange movements in the protest. "It's all a conspiracy between Thrune and the Dottari to get us all out of hiding and do us in, just like he did when he arrived and destroyed the Thrashing Badger! We need to get out now so we can screw him over later. No point getting caught now."

"Down with Thrune, may donkeys spit on his gas filled corpse! I've heard there's a back entrance to the opera house - a supply tunnel the diva's use sometimes! It comes out a couple of streets away! If we find it we can get inside and really mess with him!"

"There's no point messing with this protest - it's too big and no-one knows why anyone else is here. We need to hit something more organised. If we can get his procession to the Keep, that would really show what we can do. Look - the loyalists have run away already. If this keeps going there won't be anyone to go for anyway.

Pulling her hat back over her bright hair, Isabel slips away from the anarchist section. Hopefully that sowed a few seeds at least!

Bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

M CG male human (Cheliaxian) Bard (Negotiator)| HP: 15/15 | AC 12 T 10 FF 12 | CMB: -1 CMD 9 | F: +1 R: +3 W: +4 | Init: +0 [+2 Urban] | Percep: +6 [+8 Urban] Sense Motive: +7 Bluff: +11 | Speed 30 ft | Spells 1st 3/3 | Bardic Performance 9/9 Bard (Negotiator) 2

Isabel catches up with Phineas as he starts to blend back into the non-loyalist crowd. He distractedly listens as she speaks, eyes continuing to scan the crowd before responding.

"You're right, Isabel. We need to deal with the anarchists if we can so this doesn't turn into a riot. However, I need to find the contact from the Silver Ravens, if he is here. It should hopefully be easier now that the Thrune loyalist presence has been lessened. Once I find him, I will try to come and aid you in dispersing the anarchists, if you haven't been able to do so already. I wish you luck."

With that, Phineas will slip off into the crowd, continuing his search for the man with one black glove.

M CG male human (Cheliaxian) Bard (Negotiator)| HP: 15/15 | AC 12 T 10 FF 12 | CMB: -1 CMD 9 | F: +1 R: +3 W: +4 | Init: +0 [+2 Urban] | Percep: +6 [+8 Urban] Sense Motive: +7 Bluff: +11 | Speed 30 ft | Spells 1st 3/3 | Bardic Performance 9/9 Bard (Negotiator) 2

Oops, I just realized that I got my perception off by a point. That should be a 26, not a 27 for searching for the Silver Ravens contact.

CG male human (Cheliaxian) cleric (hidden priest) of Milani 1 | HP: 7/10 | AC: 15 (10 Tch, 15 FF) | CMB: +1, CMD: 11 | F: +4, R: +0, W: +4 | Init: +0 | Perc: +3, SM: +2 | Speed 20 ft | Spells 1st 3/3 | Special abilities Channel energy (1d6) 5/5 | Active Conditions None

After having already gathered at least one interesting information overhearing the crowd discussions, Varian spends his second hour at the protest trying to better organize the crowd. "We all want the same things!" he shouts among the rabble, "Everything is linked! The new government has enacted new taxes and business policies, and that has slowed down and hindered our economy. And that happened precisely because the new government was appointed instead of legally elected. Otherwise, we would have had the chance to express our opinion and think twice before enacting those new measures. And why was this government appointed instead of being regularly elected? Because we choke under someone else's yoke! If we'd been allowed to elect our own Lord-Mayor, things would have gone differently!" His intent is to conciliate the economic conservatives, advocates of democracy and Kintargo partisans reasons to protest in a single one. "We should rise our chorus as a single voice. All we want, all that everyone here wants is the good of this city and its citizens! Nothing else!".

His eyes frantically searches for Avrora in the middle of the crowd. I need her, I need her fire now. As he spots her, however, his eyes inexplicably goes down, unable to stare at her, those words still echoing through his mind.

“I believed you. I believed in you. But you’re no better than the rest of them, are you?”

She won't believe in me anymore. I must fend for myself. Oh, Alazario, if only you could be here with me now...
Varian is trying to act as a rabble-rouser to better organize the crowd.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Male Human (Varisian) Psychic 2nd AC 13/13/12 / HP 12 / F +1 R +1 W +5 / Init. +1 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +7

"...and that's how with only a single pointed finger, our wandering hero Riddle saved his stalwart but simpleton friend Port, overturned the treacherous designs of the Prince's wicked chamberlain and altered the history of the Taldan Empire forever!"

Old Marv and a two other performers of the Aria laugh as well as a few causal protesters and passersby, but the mood in the air is tense. Not the day for performances and stories really, even though Galen knows the likes of Marv, Slade, Jikjack, Shrill Maeve and other performers need to work for the coin when they can get it. Galen knows he would be in the same predicament if not for the job he just finished up in Villegre. It's clear, however, that this protest is serious for most of those attending.

"Well, Zeph, I'll be movin' on to the Veritas, as this is a waste of time here...you at the Tooth later on?"

Galen shrugs at Old Marv and replies, "Maybe. Depends on what Dany and the rest want to do after this is over...could be a headin' up to the Long Roads for a time today, visiting on some old acquaintenaces at the Alabaster, that sort of thing."

Old Marv gives him a healthy BAH! and waves him off, but the smile shows he's not truly offended. Saying their goodbyes, the performers go their separate ways, with Galen moving around the fountain to continue to listen in on the groups of the protest. Keeping an eye on Dany and Gleesas and the rest of the student groups towards the front of the Aria, Galen cannot help but notice the others, split up now amongst other groups and areas of the park's protest. Avora Vikta is clearly marked by him, cloaked but fairly unmistakable in the crowd, with a wide berth by many who walk nearby. He thought he saw "Davis" twice or three times or so, but doesn't seem him near Avora or his own group. Darian, too is about and strangely Galen sees Mistress Rhelian coming back from a group of supporters if that is to be believed, a hat placed well over her head to not be as conspicious to passersby.

Galen wants to talk to Isabel and see what she's up to, his curiousity growing from that odd encounter a week ago and he still felt he needed to thank her for her hospitality that night. For some reason though he doesn't approach her openly, his eyes darting up to the upper story of the Opera House where he thought he saw...something...someone?...in the shadows looking down upon them. A shiver goes up his back but he shakes it off, and decides to head over instead to where a larger group of Old Kintargan laborers and dockworkers are gathered, gaining strength in their chants from that odd beggar of all people which drab Master Aulamaxa, Mistress Rhelian, Mistress Vikta and Master "Davis" were all gathered about a while back. Another oddity that by itself may be just coincidence, but on a day like today seems to be a piece of some cosmic puzzle that Galen better wake up his mind to.

He needs to be sharper with what is going on here, he knows it. He just doesn't like the way this feels to him. His Nan would say there's reasons why chance meetings on the roads are not merely chance if you feel your spirit calling you to Desna's purpose. Desna or no, Galen decides to trust his feelings and moves about more intently to see and hear what the various groups are talking about.

Listen for Rumors Perception: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 6 + 2 = 19

A light drizzle greets the growing number of protesters as the second hour drags on - what began as a protest of a few dozen people has since grown to nearly a hundred as the Silver City’s citizens pour onto the cobblestone street between the grass of the Aria Park and the Opera House. Although supporters of Thrune have long since disappeared, the protest is no more organized than it was when it began. Cries of elections, lifting tariffs, and the odd “Go home Thrune!” intermingle to create a jumbled mess of a message. The fact that others still are taunting and teasing both the guards and other protesters is not helping the situation.

Although native Kintargans are used to such a light rain, which barely bothers the vast majority of those attending the protest, Nox, having come to the city with the Paracount, glares up at the sky as if to challenge Gozreh to stop the rain. In doing so she is forced to squint as the water gets in her eyes - shaking it off, she reaches a mailed hand over her head and violently pulls the hood of her thick, black cloak forward, thankfully concealing a portion of her hideous visage.

Despite the rain, the protest continues to swell and continues to get louder - and if possible, more disorganized as the second hour comes to a close and the third begins.

Little has changed this past hour; the crowd continues to to be agitated but not overtly violent - though it seems people are getting more restless as the hours progress. That pickpocket you spotted seems to have vanished - along with whatever coins or goods he pilfered from innocent protesters.

While watching the crowd for your contact you notice a greasy looking man sneaking about slipping his hand into people's’ pockets or silently pilfering loose coin pouches all while pretending to protest along with everyone else. It doesn’t appear anyone has noticed him - although this could be the very same thief you heard Avrora mention a little while ago. More pressing is what appears to be some sort of unusual subcurrent amongst the crowd’s movement, as if there was some sort of organizing force among the protest - it almost seems as if someone is purposefully agitating the otherwise peaceful protesters.

Alas, your contact is nowhere to be found.

”Did you hear about the muggings around Temple Hill and Redroof? Seems as if the gangs around there are getting restless with the onset of martial law, and they say that the Red Jills’ boss has gone some sort of crazy.” While listening out for rumors you hear mention of one of the thieves’ gangs that operates in Kintargo - specifically the Red Jills, an all-tiefling gang that specifically targets humans.

While winding your way through the crowd making strategic bluffs to silence and disperse the anarchists within the protest, your lies and rumor mongering falls on deaf ears. Those anarchists who listen to you shake their heads and laugh - they don’t seem to care about anyone in the Greens or even the lies about this whole thing being a trap. Instead, they continue to yell and make a general annoyance out of themselves at the other protesters and the Dottari.

Although your words are wise and one or two odd people listen to them, they are mostly drowned out by the protest’s scrambled message - in particular, thanks in part due to the shenanigans of the anarchists trying to disorganize and annoy everyone - and your attempts to better organize the crowd have virtually no effect.

However, while trying to rabblerouse, you spot a shadowy figure behind the curtains of a third-story window in the Opera House - although you can’t tell who it is, they seem to be curiously watching the growing protest.

”You’ve heard about the Thrashing Badger burning down right? They say it was a tavern brawl gone too far - but how does that explain the other two buildings that burnt down the very same night? Coincidence? I think not! Ever since they burnt down the Dottari have been patrolling all three locations heavily. They say it was to ensure no one else got hurt, but I heard they pulled bodies from the wreckages - although if you hear what the church has to say about it, it was to give them a proper Asmodean funeral.”

Although little new information is heard from rumors, bodies being retrieved from the burnt buildings on the Night of Ashes is new to your ears - as is the fact that the Dottari are patrolling the locations.

As you wander around listening to rumors and talking to people, Dany and her friends reunite with you and she attempts to stay close - she shares her concerns of growing agitation amongst the crowd and doesn’t leave your side.


The second hour draws to a close and the third begins! As each hour is effectively one ‘round’ of this event, please feel free to continue roleplaying and take your third hour’s actions, chosen from the same as above. The rain is very mild, if on the chilly side, (although Nox appears to be upset by it), and doesn’t impose any penalties.

’Secret’ DM Rolls:

Avrora: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Darian: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Galen: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Isabel: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Phineas: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Varian: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Darian’s ??: 1d10 ⇒ 8
Galen’s ??: 1d10 ⇒ 5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M CG male human (Cheliaxian) Bard (Negotiator)| HP: 15/15 | AC 12 T 10 FF 12 | CMB: -1 CMD 9 | F: +1 R: +3 W: +4 | Init: +0 [+2 Urban] | Percep: +6 [+8 Urban] Sense Motive: +7 Bluff: +11 | Speed 30 ft | Spells 1st 3/3 | Bardic Performance 9/9 Bard (Negotiator) 2

Phineas finishes surveying the crowd, now glad of the armor that provides an extra layer against the cold and the damp that threatens to soak through his overcoat.

Damn, not a sign of the Silver Ravens. Could my information have been wrong? Has he not arrived yet, or has Thrune already dealt with them since earlier this week?

He stops to look over the crowd, taking in everyone at once as a large angry man brushes against him, yelling obscenities against House Thrune. Worse yet, someone here is pushing the crowd towards violence. I have influenced too many juries, too many crowds to miss the signs. If this is to remain peaceful, the crowd needs to be focused in the right direction. Isabel will need my help dispersing the anarchists.

Movement catches Phineas' eye, as a greasy man slips his hands into another's pocket yet again. Pickpockets, of all things. Naked opportunism, when we need to stand united against Thrune. Well, lets see if he still wishes to continue stealing from the protesters after this...

Phineas' eyes follow the man from a distance. When he is distracted by pursuing a mark, Phineas casts Message on him, allowing Phineas to whisper directly in his ear from a hundred feet away. Phineas will try and time his message so that he speaks to the man just as he is reaching into someone's pocket.

"Your activities have been noted by the House of Thrune, citizen. Surrender to the Dottari immediately. Resisting a lawful summons for arrest is punishable by no less than two years imprisonment."

Phineas pauses a moment for dramatic effect.

"There is nowhere you can run where we cannot see you."

Bluff: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24 (for pretending to be an emissary of house Thrune)
Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13 (to try and scare the pickpocket sufficiently that he stops; either runs or turns himself in)

I made up the punishment for resisting arrest; Phineas will know what that is from his law training, so will fill in the appropriate sentence, if that isn't it.

Hopefully, that will get him out of here. I left my coin purse at home, but the last thing we need is more events to create undirected fury in this crowd. Now, to help Isabel... Phineas takes a few minutes to get the feel of what she has done with the anarchists before adding his own touches to the rumors swirling around. She has the right idea, just needs to focus and galvanize the message. What motivates the troublemakers? Fighting boredom, most likely. They want to see excitement, see something burn.

Phineas slips through the crowd, seeking to build on Isabel's work to disperse the anarchists. Lets build on that Barzillai in the Greens rumor.

"This is damn boring, nothing's happening. They're just sitting here yelling at each other. Come on, I've heard someone is trying to break into the Greens to go after Barzillai, maybe we can do some looting on that house that burned last week while everyone's distracted."

"Barzillai's not even here! If nothings happened in the last few hours, nothings going to happen. I'm going to go get something to drink, then see if those rumors of looting going on over on the Greens are true."

"Bah, this is getting boring. Nothing's happening here. I've heard theres a riot going on in the Greens, wanna go check it out? Maybe we'll see some of the protesters get beat by the Dottari. Gods know nothing like that is happening here, more's the pity."

Attempting to silence the anarchists: Bluff: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Liberty's Edge

|HP: 59/68 AC: 24; F: +12, R: +12, W: +10 | Perc: +10, Stl/Perf +12, Dec/Dip +13, ELore +14, Itm +15, Arc/Occ/Nat/Rel/Soc +8 | Speed 25ft | Weapon +15, 2d6+4+2. | Foc 1/1 | Active conditions:

Drat, this isn't working... Isabel backs off from the main body of the anarchists, watching as Phineas wades into the fray. He's building on my idea - that's a good move. I can't go back in there for a while... I know!

Isabel scans the crowd until she can pick out one of the more vocal anarchists before easing her way through the crowds until she is a short distance away.

"Guards, guards! That man assaulted me, he tried to take my purse! Guards, guards!" Isabel tries to attract the attention of some of the guards she is sure are lurking in the crowd and focus them on the anarchists. If the leaders have to flee the rest will fall apart... I hope

bluff, aid another to Phineas: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Well bugger to that plan then! Damn you dice!

CG male human (Cheliaxian) cleric (hidden priest) of Milani 1 | HP: 7/10 | AC: 15 (10 Tch, 15 FF) | CMB: +1, CMD: 11 | F: +4, R: +0, W: +4 | Init: +0 | Perc: +3, SM: +2 | Speed 20 ft | Spells 1st 3/3 | Special abilities Channel energy (1d6) 5/5 | Active Conditions None

Seeing that his attempt to better organize the crowd has failed in a mess of voices and screams, Varian cannot hold back a dissatisfied grin. How am I supposed to get this people protest as a single person?

Then, his stubborn resolve fills him with fresh energies to make another attempt. With an obstinate grin on his face and his fists clenched, Varian tries again to act as a rubble-rouser. When he looks up, a shiver runs down his spine. Who's that one watching us from above? We're in front of the Opera House, so it may well be... When he realizes that the new Lord-Mayor could possibly be watching the crowd from the safety of his shelter, Varian cannot hold back anymore.

"People of Kintargo! Please, hear me! Brothers and Sisters, please pay attention to my words! We must protest! We must make them hear our voice! But no one can discern a single voice among many others! Follow me! All together. Down with taxes! Down with the foreign government! Hail democracy! All hail Kintargo!"

Varian is trying to act as a rubble-rouser again in order to better organize the protest. This time, he's trying to spread his ideals of unity in the opposition through short slogans instead of a long speech.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

Male Narinar Adept 1/UC Knifemaster 3/Fighter 1
Hp 55/55| AC 17, touch 14, ff 13 | CMD 17| Saves: Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +4 (+3 vs poison)| Init: +6| Perception: +8

How unfortunate. Though...perhaps Lord Thrune's stricter policies may bring the Jill's to heel...or make it worse.

He continues to hang on the edge of the scene, casually observing and listening.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 6 + 2 = 14

HP 15/15 | AC 19 T 12 FF 17 | F +4 R +2 W +5 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | Init +2 Perc +3 | Blessings 4/4 | Spells 1st 3/3 | Fervor (1d6) 3/3
Varian Tanessen wrote:
"People of Kintargo! Please, hear me! Brothers and Sisters, please pay attention to my words! We must protest! We must make them hear our voice! But no one can discern a single voice among many others! Follow me! All together. Down with taxes! Down with the foreign government! Hail democracy! All hail Kintargo!"

Realizing that the heckling against her was merely a figment of her imagination, Avrora calms down and begins to re-evaluate the crowd. Her head jerks as the familiar voice of Varian echoes off of the opera house.

What is he doing? I thought he had succumbed to the pressures of the aristocracy. What if...what if that was a ruse to bring Darian in line? Maybe he's been resolved all along!

She runs to his side. A sly smile crosses her lips as an idea begins to form, and with it, a glimmer of hope.

"Down with taxes! Down with the foreign government! Hail democracy! All hail Kintargo! Down with taxes! Down with the foreign government! Hail democracy! All hail Kintargo!"

Avrora will try to rabble-rouse to assist Varian.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11

Male Human (Varisian) Psychic 2nd AC 13/13/12 / HP 12 / F +1 R +1 W +5 / Init. +1 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +7

”Don’t fret now, sweetling!” Danyeren Teslias pats his cheek twice – hard – but laughs as she does so and enfolds her arm into his, maneuvering him in the direction towards the bulk of the student protesters that call for a proper election of Kintargo’s next lord-mayor and an end to the mandatory curfew. On Galen’s other side is Gleesas who chuckles in turn and gives him a shove forward on his shoulder, heckling the quieter young man in a familiar way that in the past has usually gotten them all into boiling water at the Alabaster Academy.

”C’mon Gales! No time to go wobbly-legged now! We’re gonna get this pompous Thrune to hear us at least and show his mutt-lover face! Right Dany?”

”Right you are Glee,” answers Dany in her characteristically bold and fearless manner, nodding to both men firmly. Yet for a fleeting moment Galen sees Dany’s eyes with a shred of doubt and fear to them, the cacophonous blend of chants and jeers and shouts gathering an air of wild energy that could turn a peaceful protest into the riot of a violent mob. Galen senses it all too clearly now, and looks at Dany with that look that says to her ’maybe we should just head out of here’, wanting to say it out loud but not daring to in front of Gleesas and all the rest as they enter the assembled student gathering. That fleeting moment between Dany and Galen is shared by both ever so briefly, but then she looks to Gleesas who nods at her with a bold look of determination, and then over at Janan fully engrossed in a rousing chant of calling down Thrune as a foreign usurper, and suddenly the look of doubt vanishes. Dany’s eyes harden as she nods to Gleesas and then to Galen as if to say to him ’stay or go but I’m staying put’ and that’s the end of it.

”Just stay near me love, and keep an eye out for Janan over there for me… Meech and Strat and the other boys too if you can. Just in case things take a sour turn.” Dany points over to where the anarchist group is getting fairly riled up with delivering obscenities - both spoken and gestured - to the wall of Dottari at the Opera House. ”Stay with me and it’ll be fine – there’s hundreds of us now here at the Aria! He’s got to at least acknowledge us! We Kintargans aren’t going to be ignored like slaves or serfs working the fields, right? We have to do this Galen! All right?”

Dany gives Galen her typical reassuring look of unshakable confidence and determination, her light brown hair with touches of auburn color dancing across her shoulders playfully, her light brown eyes alluring and drawing him in. He nods at her in acceptance with a forced smile and her smile returned is all summertime and green meadows and the smell of roses in bloom all rolled into one. He loves her and he knows she loves him, and that’s all that matters. Though they’ve disagreed and fallen out at times and changed their relationship over the last six years as they grew up as students in the Alabaster, she never did abandon him when she easily could have; certainly after Nan died and he ran out of money to live and learn in the Villegre District, Dany could have dropped him for better pursuits. Aside from his friend Gleesas, Galen is fairly certain his other student friends had encouraged her to do just that, perhaps still doing so. Yet she never left him. Her loyalty, once given and returned in earnest, was unshakable. She introduced him to the Songbird Hall, to the teachings of The Eternal Rose, to the passions and tenderness of romantic love. Even if she would leave him one day for another, he would always be eternally grateful to have been part of her life. Yet until that day comes, he would never willingly abandon her. Never.

Galen watches out for Dany and his friends as the protesting crowds seem to build ever stronger in intensity. Most of the students of the Alabaster that are here are protesting for the Kintargan traditions of the lord-mayor to be elected, with some calling for other oppressive Cheliaxian restrictions to be lifted. Beyond them Galen spies out the anarchist ruffians that seem to be causing the most negative stir of all the groups, with some students blending in to their catcalls and shouting down of the Dottari. He spies out where several of his friends are in the masses as best he can, and then takes a turn to look at the other non-student groups that are in the forefront of the demonstrations.

That’s when he sees Avora Vikta move determinedly towards an older crowd of laborers and craftsmen, which seems to be gaining strength-of-voice and concerted calls for action under the very “beggar” he had seen earlier with several of those he was in the odd meeting with last week; to his shock he realizes the man is none other than “Julius Vindex” the not-scholar and scion of House Tanessen that drew such a loyal response from Darian Aulamaxa after announcing his secretive life in the city. Julian…Varian? WHAT? The man looks positively filthy and wretched…why by the heavens would he lower himself to such a guise when he looks to inspire and incite action for his thorned rose, the Everbloom? Doesn’t make sense…though no one would suspect him as of House Tanessen that’s certain! Ah…yes Mistress Vikta knows him for truth and I guess the others did too…how odd. He does have an orator’s flair I’ll admit when he pares down the message to match his audience…

Galen tries to look around for Phineas-as-Davis and Mistress Rhelian, as well as the scion of House Aulamaxa, but doesn’t see them in the throng of protesters. Marking Dany as only a few paces from him as she is in full chant against Thrune’s tyrannical proclamations, Galen strains his neck to see what develops around him, keeping a sharp eye on the anarchists in case they escalate something out of control with the Dottari guarding the Opera House.

Watch the Crowd Perception: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 6 + 2 = 27

As the third hour of the protest wears on, the day’s light drizzle continues, wetting the cobblestones and causing the grass of the Aria Park to be trampled into mud with help from the many feet amongst the protest. By now, the crowd has grown over a few hundred strong. Although cries of “Down with taxes! Down with the foreign government! Hail democracy! All hail Kintargo!” can be heard from quite a few of the protesters, even more are simply yelling and waving signs at the Opera House - although at least the anarchists seem to have disappeared - and by the end of this third hour it is quite obvious that crowd’s tenor is getting more and more hostile as Barzillai refrains from showing his face.

At precisely three minutes after the third hour, the protest’s clamor is interrupted by the clangorous ringing of the Devils Bells as they ring once, twice, and then a third time. Much of the crowd quiets as their chants and yelling was interrupted by the ominous portent and a few seconds after the third clang dies down, a window on the third story of the Opera House bursts opens and its curtains are drawn wide - showing none other than Barzillai Thrune in the flesh.

Dressed in a resplendent outfit of black, red, and gold beneath an ornate breastplate bristling with sharp, blade-like edges, all of which is emblazoned with the pentacle of Asmodeus and the cross of Cheliax, Thrune paints himself as an imposing figure. A stocky, middle-aged man with receding black hair, Barzillai fingers a diabolically spiraled mace that flickers with fire from the Pit that hangs from his hip. Opposite of that rests a golden, cross-shaped dagger within its ornate sheath. The Lord-Mayor holds a crystal wineglass filled with blood-red wine in his other gloved hand as he looks down upon the crowd with a condescending sneer.

The gathered citizens of Kintargo quickly grow quiet as Barzillai clears his throat and opens his arms wide, the blood-red wine in his glass swirling at his movement. ”Ah, my adoring little chickadees! I am sorry to say that I have not yet adapted to your.. quaint, country ways, being accustomed as I am to the sophistication and learning of Egorian. Nevertheless, “ he pauses for a moment, ”know that I have heard your concerns and that I appreciate your.. valued feedback. I know we shall eventually find a mutual understanding in the fullness of time! I take pride in updating Kintargo’s quaint, outdated laws to the modern standard this proud city deserves and in strengthening its ties with the empire in these cruel times, but obviously I have approached my duties too aggressively.”

He pauses another moment for dramatic effect before continuing his speech. ”You say that you chafe at the presence of non-natives in positions of power? That authorities not of this city have no place as its leaders? That you will not be yoked by intruders? Your lord-mayor hears you! And so it is with a heavy heart that I issue this proclamation in response to your demands: All non-native ships’ captains are hereafter barred from leaving their vessels and setting foot on Kintargo’s docks or streets, under pain of.,” he pauses yet again and puts on a false face of appearing to look as if he’s thinking. ”Let’s say…” His face opens up in a broad, evil grin, Squassation!

At this proclamation, the crowd bursts into anger - this is the first of the proclamations to specifically issue a form of torture as punishment rather than just imprisonment or a fine. Unlike before, the protest appears to be on the verge of rioting as nearly the entire crowd begins to yell in outrage against the proclamation.

As the pickpocket slips his hand into his next victim’s pocket, his eyes go wide and he quickly withdraws his hand and looks around quickly in shock. Now-afraid he’s being watched by Thrune’s lackies, the pickpocket quickly slips back into the crowd - he’s no longer trying to hide, instead fleeing the protest. You spot him running off towards Old Kintargo at a full run.

Next, as you weave your web of lies and deceit amongst the anarchists attending the crowd, you notice that your attempts seem to be working - during this hour the anarchist’s voices are continuously diminished as they leave for ‘greener’ pastures - in this case, the Greens itself.

It appears your cries fall on deaf ears - again - as you attempt to call attention to one of the more vocal anarchists. That being said, you notice that Phineas’s words are sticking and over the course of the hour, the anarchists all but disperse. It appears that Phineas is telling them about a riot in the Greens and they’re buying it.

Unlike before, your short slogans seem to have a tangible effect - combined with the fact that Avrora also begins chanting alongside you, people around you notice you above the din and chaos and begin chanting as well. By the end of the hour you’ve gotten a large chunk of the assembled protest joining in on the chant. If this doesn’t garner Barzillai’s attention, nothing will.

Due to your rabble rousing, you gain a +1 to all Charisma-based checks for 24 hours!

Alas, while you’re busy listening for rumors it seems that Varian and Avrora spark the crowd into a chant against Thrune and you aren’t able to hear anything of interest.

As you join in on Varian’s attempt to organize the crowd, people begin to notice him and join along. By the end of the hour a good chunk of the crowd begin chanting along side the two of you - if this doesn’t garner Barzillai’s attention, nothing will.

You notice as the hour wears on that the crowd begins to get more and more vocal and agitated - if not violent- although thankfully this seems to be focused towards Barzillai as Varian and Avrora organize the crowd into chanting an anti-Thrune message, of which Dany and her friends join in on.

However that may be, you also notice there appears to be some sort of unusual subcurrent within the crowd’s movement - almost as if someone is manipulating the crowd beyond that of Phineas or Varian.

Luckily, on that note, the Anarchists all but disappear by the end of the hour - likely in part due to Phineas mingling with them and spreading a web of lies and deceit causing them to abandon the protest for greener pastures - of which the Greens happens to be.

Galen, Isabel, and Phineas:
Squassation is a form of excruciation (public torture) in which the victim’s hands are tied together and raised above the head; the victim is then hung from the hands while a weight is suspended from the feet, causing intense pain to the arms and legs. Although the duration of such torture is varies, generally it lasts between one to four hours. Subsequent offenses often increase this duration.


I’ll give everyone a chance to react before continuing...

’Secret’ DM Rolls:

Galen: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Isabel: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Phineas: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Human Bard 6| AC 20 FF 17 T 11| HP 49/49| F +4 R +8 W +6| Init +1| Percep +9
Inspire Courage, Bull’s Strength, Tongues

Well...that just seems incredibly stupid. Why would you dissuade trade to the city?

HP 15/15 | AC 19 T 12 FF 17 | F +4 R +2 W +5 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | Init +2 Perc +3 | Blessings 4/4 | Spells 1st 3/3 | Fervor (1d6) 3/3

Avrora bites her lip to keep from screaming. She has no idea what "squassation" is, but it must be something awful. She does know that many ship captains are now effectively prisoners on their ships. And they haven't even done anything! The protest isn't their fault!

O Milani, save us from this tyrant!

She urgently beseaches the Everbloom under her breath, then, throwing caution to the wind, she cups her hands around her mouth and cries out:

"You have no right! No right at all! You wicked...tyrant!"

She turns to Varian, clutching his collar. "The man is insane, Varian! He's threatening to torture innocent citizens! For what? Surely we cannot let this stand! We must find the others!"

Liberty's Edge

|HP: 59/68 AC: 24; F: +12, R: +12, W: +10 | Perc: +10, Stl/Perf +12, Dec/Dip +13, ELore +14, Itm +15, Arc/Occ/Nat/Rel/Soc +8 | Speed 25ft | Weapon +15, 2d6+4+2. | Foc 1/1 | Active conditions:

He's not as tall as I expected is Isabel's first, and most irreverent thought. As Barzillai continues though her thoughts are consumed by mounting horror. This isn't just a proclamation, this is outright incitement! He WANTS the crowd to do something stupid - why be so unnecessarily cruel otherwise?

She turns to Phineas and speaks in an urgent whisper. "He's provoking us, thank Shelyn you managed to dispense the anarchists. We have to get out of here! Have you seen Varian and Avrora? We must warn them!" She pushes Phineas towards where she last saw Avrora and Varian and scans the crowd frantically for Darian and Galen.

Seeing Galen she mouths a single word to him, there's no way of him hearing across the crowd but the intention is quite clear. Run! As she does so she catches sight of Darian and hurries through the crowd towards him, not noticing as her hat is knocked off in the struggle.

"Darian, it's him! It's everything we feared, he wants the crowd to riot. We have to get out here! Phineas is getting Varian and Avrora."

M CG male human (Cheliaxian) Bard (Negotiator)| HP: 15/15 | AC 12 T 10 FF 12 | CMB: -1 CMD 9 | F: +1 R: +3 W: +4 | Init: +0 [+2 Urban] | Percep: +6 [+8 Urban] Sense Motive: +7 Bluff: +11 | Speed 30 ft | Spells 1st 3/3 | Bardic Performance 9/9 Bard (Negotiator) 2

Phineas feels a deep sadness and incredible anger well up within him at Barzillai's words as the crowd explodes in furious shouting at Thrune's mad proclamation. Squassation! For a captain leaving a ship? And having the temerity, the sheer and utter gall to word this proclamation like we -asked- for this?! The man is insane! If there was any doubt this Thrune would not be a disaster, that settled it. He is right about one thing, he is bringing Egorian to Kintargo. He is everything I fled Egorian to leave behind and more. Phineas quickly scans through the crowd, searching for one woman who stands out from the rest. There's Avrora. There is a small chance this won't turn ugly since Isabel and I were able to get rid of so many of the violent here, but if it does, she's the one person here I am almost certain will fight.

Isabel grabs Phineas' shoulder, whispering frantically in his ear.

Isabel Rhelian wrote:
She turns to Phineas and speaks in an urgent whisper. "He's provoking us, thank Shelyn you managed to dispense the anarchists. We have to get out of here! Have you seen Varian and Avrora? We must warn them!" She pushes Phineas towards where she last saw Avrora and Varian and scans the crowd frantically for Darian and Galen.

She pushes Phineas towards the two before running off towards Darian.

Phineas hesitates for a moment, weighing his options. In his heart, he wants to try and lynch Barzillai himself, but he knows Isabel is right. With a heavy heart, Phineas takes a look at the roiling, seething mass of angry, yelling protesters between himself and where Varian and Avrora are chanting near the front of the crowd. Getting through the crowd will be tough, and I don't want to be anywhere near the Dottari if things break down...but perhaps I do not need to.

Phineas fades towards the back of the crowd, taking the opportunity to obscure himself in some nearby bushes. He targets Avrora, then Varian with a Message spell, so that he can hold a whispered conversation with them without having to push through the crowd.

"Avrora, Varian, this is Phineas. I am near the back of the crowd, contacting you with magic. If you whisper, I will hear you." Phineas' voice whispers softly in their ears, bitter and angry. His words sound strained, as if uttered through clenched teeth. "Barzillai Thrune is insane. Torture for a captain leaving his ship? Isabel is right, he is deliberately provoking the crowd to action. He wants a riot. We need to get out of here right now, before this goes very bad."

Stealth: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1 Phineas is bad at sneaking....he hasn't had a lot of call for it before now in life. Hopefully the distance modifiers will help...

No roll20 at work, but Phineas will be hiding in the bushes he is currently next to.

CG male human (Cheliaxian) cleric (hidden priest) of Milani 1 | HP: 7/10 | AC: 15 (10 Tch, 15 FF) | CMB: +1, CMD: 11 | F: +4, R: +0, W: +4 | Init: +0 | Perc: +3, SM: +2 | Speed 20 ft | Spells 1st 3/3 | Special abilities Channel energy (1d6) 5/5 | Active Conditions None

Varian heart stops beating for a second as he realizes that Avrora is standing up for his slogans. So she has given me another chance. I won't fail you this time, I promise. With renewed enthusiasm, he continues inciting the crowd, spurring it into a civilized if hard complaint. All right, I think I managed to incite them enough...

Suddenly, the new Lord-Mayor shows up from a window on the third story of the Opera House. It was him... thinks Varian as he grins almost to the point of breaking his own teeth.

As Barzillai Thrune gives his speech, Varian stays focused on what the Lord-Mayor says, even though he cannot avoid to glance a few, nervous gazes upon the gathering crowd. He's a cunning strategist. I wasn't expecting otherwise. But he openly despises us...I've seen that face before, I've heard the tone in his words already, when I was in Egorian. They deem us...quaint. That is, little more than dung. Our only duty is to fuel their vices with our work. To break our backs everyday, just to scrape off a meager existence while in the City of Thorns the lofty can enjoy their dark pleasures and bask in their vices...But you're understimating us, my fine strategist. We're more than laborers. We're Kintargans. We're true Cheliaxians and we won't let you control us...

Lost in his toughts, Varian is suddenly brought back to reality by the furious roar of the crowd when the Lord-Mayor announces his next proclamation. That will completely destroy our economy...I...I don't understand. I thought they needed our economy to work in order to use our riches...But.... He gazes at Avrora, who has just called him by his true name. He hugs the girl tightly, as they were old friends. "Remember. My name is Julius." he whispers through clenched teeth.

There's only one explanation for this hard measures...They fear us. Something big is about to happen. They have fear. They fear to lose control over us, and prefer our economy to falter rather than loosening their control on this city...I wonder what's happening out there...A storm is gathering, or so it seems...Wait, what? Squassation?!

Varian stands astonished at hearing the Lord-Mayor's last word. That is a very poor play, Barzillai, he thinks to himself, already tasting the incoming riot. Then, a thought flashes through his mind. What if he wants a riot to burst? What if that his plan to justify other, scricter measures? Varian looks at Avrora, then back at Barzillani, then again at the girl standing next to him. If we stay here, we'll be caught in the middle of a riot. He stands in position, waiting to see the crowd's reaction.

Human Bard 6| AC 20 FF 17 T 11| HP 49/49| F +4 R +8 W +6| Init +1| Percep +9
Inspire Courage, Bull’s Strength, Tongues

Darian goes pale as he hears Varian's name called out over the crowd. Oh no...surely she didn't...

When Isabel gets to him and makes her plea, Darian looks at her numbly before answering "I'm not leaving him.'

He mutters to himself and makes a couple casual gestures, his facial features change, and a short beard sprouts on his face. His armor, weapon, and shield also alter themselves, retaining their basic shape but losing most of their decorative touches. He then begins to try to push through the crowd to Varian.

HP 15/15 | AC 19 T 12 FF 17 | F +4 R +2 W +5 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | Init +2 Perc +3 | Blessings 4/4 | Spells 1st 3/3 | Fervor (1d6) 3/3

"Julius, fine, whatever! It may change tomorrow. The point is.."

Phineas's message interrupts the tirade into which she is about to launch.

"A riot?" She whispers, seething. "It isn't a riot that he's about to unleash. It's total chaos and rebellion. And I for one will be glad to see.."

"Are you joking!? You want to leave? This is just getting started!"

It suddenly dawns on her how insane she must appear whispering heatedly into her breastplate.

CG male human (Cheliaxian) cleric (hidden priest) of Milani 1 | HP: 7/10 | AC: 15 (10 Tch, 15 FF) | CMB: +1, CMD: 11 | F: +4, R: +0, W: +4 | Init: +0 | Perc: +3, SM: +2 | Speed 20 ft | Spells 1st 3/3 | Special abilities Channel energy (1d6) 5/5 | Active Conditions None

As he hears the voice inside his head, Varian gasps looking around nervously before regaining his composure. When he realizes that Avrora is hearing Phineas' voice as well, he musters his courage. He doesn't share her rebellious intentions, but he doesn't agree with Phineas nonetheless. "And leave the people here to die? No way. If I can save even a single life bringing the people here back to sanity, I will. I'm sorry Phineas"

That's risky. Very risky. But is the right thing to do. The thing Milani would want me to do. But there's something more, perhaps. He glanced at her, her unruly words whispered through clenched teeth. He won't to fail her again.

Liberty's Edge

|HP: 59/68 AC: 24; F: +12, R: +12, W: +10 | Perc: +10, Stl/Perf +12, Dec/Dip +13, ELore +14, Itm +15, Arc/Occ/Nat/Rel/Soc +8 | Speed 25ft | Weapon +15, 2d6+4+2. | Foc 1/1 | Active conditions:

Isabel stops for a moment, a frown of concentration on her face before her features shift into a slightly less symmetrical form, her hair changing to a short brown bob.

She pursues Darian, cursing quietly under her breath as she does so. He's right - we can't just leave them, particularly not Varian and Avrora will have to be dragged out... On her way through the crowd in Darian's wake she catches sight of Phineas standing awkwardly halfway into a bush and looking utterly absurd as he whispers into thin air.

She can't see Galen anymore but Darian is plowing on ahead and there's no time left to lose.

Cast Disguise Self

M CG male human (Cheliaxian) Bard (Negotiator)| HP: 15/15 | AC 12 T 10 FF 12 | CMB: -1 CMD 9 | F: +1 R: +3 W: +4 | Init: +0 [+2 Urban] | Percep: +6 [+8 Urban] Sense Motive: +7 Bluff: +11 | Speed 30 ft | Spells 1st 3/3 | Bardic Performance 9/9 Bard (Negotiator) 2

Phineas momentarily steps further into the bush to avoid being run over by an angry man yelling obscenities about the lord mayor. Avrora and Varian's whispered denials float on the wings of his spell to whisper in his ear as he settle back in place behind a branch.

"Think it through, both of you. A proclamation that insulting can't possibly be an accident. He knows exactly what is going to happen, and he wants it." Phineas' voice becomes tinged with bitter regret. "This won't be a rebellion. This is designed to be a slaughter. He wants the crowd to move against him so he can easily justify imprisoning or killing everyone here. If you won't run, start talking, because as soon as the crowd moves against him it will get bloody, fast."

"I will do what I can to support you from here, come what may. Good luck, my friends."

I was far too prescient with what I told the Thrune supporters...he probably does want them out of the way. With them gone, everyone here is an undesireable.

With a start, Phineas realizes that if his worst fears are correct, Thrune has probably placed Dottari to encircle the crowd to ensure no one escapes.

If I were Thrune, what would I do? My enemies plan a protest, so I turn my enemy's plans to my advantage. For the first hours, I move Hellknights and Dottari into position roughly encircling the protest, but hidden some distance away, then deliberately provoke a confrontation with the crowd. A riot begins, the forces in place are signaled, and in one fell swoop, I capture or kill every Kintargan who cares enough to vocally protest my rule.

I can only pray that he was not that thorough.

Phineas will turn and closely examine the streets leading up to the protest sight, looking in the windows of buildings to see if he can spy any hidden or waiting forces.


Perception: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 5 + 2 = 9

CG male human (Cheliaxian) cleric (hidden priest) of Milani 1 | HP: 7/10 | AC: 15 (10 Tch, 15 FF) | CMB: +1, CMD: 11 | F: +4, R: +0, W: +4 | Init: +0 | Perc: +3, SM: +2 | Speed 20 ft | Spells 1st 3/3 | Special abilities Channel energy (1d6) 5/5 | Active Conditions None

Varian grins bitterly. "You're right Phineas. I've thought the exact same thing. But I just can't let them be slaughtered. But this is my choice. Do not risk your life for me. It's not worth it."

M CG male human (Cheliaxian) Bard (Negotiator)| HP: 15/15 | AC 12 T 10 FF 12 | CMB: -1 CMD 9 | F: +1 R: +3 W: +4 | Init: +0 [+2 Urban] | Percep: +6 [+8 Urban] Sense Motive: +7 Bluff: +11 | Speed 30 ft | Spells 1st 3/3 | Bardic Performance 9/9 Bard (Negotiator) 2

"It is not just for you, Varian." Phineas' whispered voice echoes in Avrora and Varian's ears, sounding almost distracted, like his attention is elsewhere. "This tyrant came to my city, my home, bringing the worst of everything I thought I had left behind in Egorian with him. I might not look like much, but I intend to oppose this monster with every fiber of my being. If I can help, I will. But that includes trying to make sure we all get out of this alive, if the fates allow."

"Try and get the crowd under control, if you can. I will follow your lead."

Male Human (Varisian) Psychic 2nd AC 13/13/12 / HP 12 / F +1 R +1 W +5 / Init. +1 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +7

"Dany! DANY!" Galen shouts repeatedly for her as the students all around him jeer and shout loudly in defiance of Barzillai Thrune's latest proclamation of torture. He tugs at her sleeve even as she is trying to grab at Gleesas who is intent on surging forward dangerously close to the demarcation line of the Aria; to his right he sees Janan has nearly lost his mind in shouting down the lord-mayor with a bold group of other students that threatens to break off from the main body, spittle flying from the young man's face. It's all getting out of hand and Galen feels fear as he's never felt it before, the spectacle around him starting to take on a surreal, nightmarish feel.

Galen sees Mistress Rhelian in that moment, sees her mouthing the word 'RUN' that is unmistakable to him, before she herself disappears from view as another group of protesters come up on his left, shaking their fists up at Thrune atop his perch-like balcony of the Opera House. Though Galen can't see Avrora or Varian he knows they are there with a large group of protesters left of the fountain, as he can hear their somewhat organized chanting of defiance. To his right he's completely lost track of Meecham, Stratlan, Rellen and the other lads, the movement of packed people increasing now to a fevered pitch.

"DANY!" He tugs on her sleeve once again and presses up next to her so that she has to hear him. "This is...this is all WRONG, Dany! Thrune is acting like...he's not here to address this...it's like he's ACTING a part on the stage Dany! Like he's toying with the crowd or trying to make us howling mad with these mad proclamations of his! We need to...we need to back up from here and get to the footbridges between the twin ponds behind us!" His voice crackles with urgency and fear, almost pleading to her to hear and heed him.

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”Oye Thrune, eat s+%%!”

As the crowd borders on rioting, yelling and screaming at the guards and Thrune, one grizzled old man with a weathered face and thin grey hair shoves forward in front of the crowd and hocks a clump of wet manure at the third story window. Barzillai, smiling to himself as he takes a sip from his wineglass, widens his eyes in surprise as he is forced to duck to avoid the foul projectile that ends up sailing over his head into the room beyond. In evading his ‘gift’ from the crowd, he spills his wine all over his armor and noble regalia; Barzillai’s demeanor suddenly shifts from amused to bellicose; in a voice much unlike before, he waves the empty wineglass at the crowd and shrieks, ”Enough of this! Nox, run them off, arrest them, or kill them! I don’t care which!” before retreating into the opera house and slamming the windows shut.

”Dottari! At attention!” Nox quickly moves to obey her master, mobilizing the dottari who quickly draw their heavy black-iron maces and raise their shields towards the crowd. Seeing such a display of hostility from the guards and reacting to Barzillai’s orders, the crowd bursts out into a full riot as people begin flinging rotten food, stones, and anything else at hand at the guards and the opera house.

As Nox mobilizes the dottari, she herself remains at ease, a wicked grin appearing upon her ugly, misshapen face. ”Chelish Citizens’ Group! Now’s the time for you to show your Lord-Mayor where your true loyalties lie!” At this, numerous men and women amongst the crowd pull back their cloaks or rip off false tear-away clothing to reveal matching armbands emblazoned with the Chelish Cross, black-and-red studded leather armor and iron truncheons; each one carries a set of manacles on their hips along with a sadistic grin on their faces.


        << Encounter: "A Lovely Little Riot" | Round I | Hazards: Rioting Crowd | Encounter Map: Roll20 The Aria Park Protest >>


One of the thugs, revealing himself just a few feet from Galen and Danyeren, grips his truncheon in both hands and swings it towards his target with as much force as he can muster. ”For Thrune!” he yells as his truncheon connects with the back of Danyeren’s head and her eyes go wide with shock and her mouth opens into a silent scream as Galen hears a sickening crack. It almost seems as if time has slowed down to a crawl as Galen watches his lover fall to the cobblestones, unconscious in a crumpled heap. Her light brown hair quickly becoming stained by her growing pool of blood as it mixes with the water and dirt on the cobblestones.

Nearby, three other thugs reveal themselves just feet from Varian and Avrora - these thugs took notice of the duo as they organized the crowd during the past hour and have them surrounded, their truncheons at the ready and a gleam in their eyes.

Other thugs are scattered around the full-fledged riot as they begin to beat rioters senseless with their truncheons; the dottari in front of the opera house maintain their defensive line, shields at the ready. The few rioters foolish enough to get close to them in an attempt to either storm the opera house or to try and get past the dottari are beaten unconscious by their heavy swings.



Initiative Order:
The PCs (17)
Chelish Citizens’ Group Thugs (5)

During this combat, the entire area within the teal lines is considered difficult terrain due to the protest - in addition, due to the people, everyone gains cover against any attack that doesn’t originate from adjacent to them (ala ranged attacks). Also note that because of the crowds, certain spells (like Sleep) might not work as intended.

Also please note that you can't 5-ft step due to the difficult terrain of the crowd.

Initiative Rolls:

Avrora: 1d20 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 1 + 4 = 16
Darian: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
Galen: 1d20 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 1 + 4 = 25
Isabel: 1d20 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 3 + 4 = 27
Phineas: 1d20 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 1 + 4 = 22
Varian: 1d20 ⇒ 2
Welp there goes your 20’s for the night hahaha
Total: 106; Initiative: 16.67

Thug 1: 1d20 ⇒ 2
Thug 2: 1d20 ⇒ 3
Thug 3: 1d20 ⇒ 3
Thug 4: 1d20 ⇒ 11
Total: 19; Initiative: 4.75

The PCs are up! Do note however that I have some special considerations for combat that I need to discuss with everyone (Except Thron) in the discussion thread. Before you make your combat post, please go and read that! (I’ll have it up very shortly if it isn’t up)

In addition, before I forget:

Varian, the crowd instinctively knows to part before you as you move around the battlefield thanks to your earlier attempts to organize the crowd. As a result, although you still gain cover, the crowd does not count as difficult terrain for you.

CG male human (Cheliaxian) cleric (hidden priest) of Milani 1 | HP: 7/10 | AC: 15 (10 Tch, 15 FF) | CMB: +1, CMD: 11 | F: +4, R: +0, W: +4 | Init: +0 | Perc: +3, SM: +2 | Speed 20 ft | Spells 1st 3/3 | Special abilities Channel energy (1d6) 5/5 | Active Conditions None

As he sees the old man throwing his foul-smelling ‘gift’ at the new Lord-Mayor, Varian closes his eyes. And so it begins...Milani, may your wisdom guide me.


Varian steps back, as to get shoulder to shoulder with Avrora. "Stay close" he whispers through clenched teeth. Then, he starts gesturing in a strange way as he pronounces some arcane words, just like a wizard casting a spell. Alazario, you trained me for years just for this moment...

Noting that the focus required by his disguise technique has not prevented him from casting his spell, Varian grins and draws his morningstar, a resolute expression on his face.
Varian takes a 5-foot step back, then he casts bless as a standard action. Varian and all his allies within a 50-ft. burst, centered on him, gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects. Varian uses his false arcanist class feature to disguise his spell as an arcane spell cast by a wizard. He then draws his morning star as a move action.

Knowledge (arcana) check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

HP 15/15 | AC 19 T 12 FF 17 | F +4 R +2 W +5 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | Init +2 Perc +3 | Blessings 4/4 | Spells 1st 3/3 | Fervor (1d6) 3/3

Avrora gasps as the heckler throws manure at Lord-Mayor Barzillai Thrune. As it sails over his head and results in an audible splat, she cannot help but stifle a laugh. She covers her mouth with her hand but nonetheless finds perverse humor in the fact that a member of Thrune, dressed in full regalia, should be splattered with waste.

And who knows what will become of the upholstry.

Her mirth is cut short, however, upon the site of Barzillai's engraged features. She can guess what is coming.

O Milani, protect us from this wrath!

Suddenly they are surrounded. Varian, acting faster than she could have imagined, appears at her back. She looks around and sees members of the "Chelish Citizen's Group" clubbing protestors with reckless abandon.

"Filthy traitor scum!" she hisses through clenched teeth as she draws her morningstar and shield.

Varian utters a phrase and a strange calm settles over her. Her thoughts turn to Milani, who has given her so much. Milani, who abhors servitude and dominion. Milani and her sacred rose.

Avrora clutches her thorned mace tightly, relishing the prospect of showing these hooligans just how sharp a thorn can be.


Double Move: Draw morningstar/shield

Active Buffs: Bless

Liberty's Edge

|HP: 59/68 AC: 24; F: +12, R: +12, W: +10 | Perc: +10, Stl/Perf +12, Dec/Dip +13, ELore +14, Itm +15, Arc/Occ/Nat/Rel/Soc +8 | Speed 25ft | Weapon +15, 2d6+4+2. | Foc 1/1 | Active conditions:

Oh hells. Isabel actually winces as the thug in front of her cracks Dany over the back of the head. This is not going to go well.

Cane in hand Isabel starts shouldering her way through the crowd towards Galen. It's tough going but she manages to barge her way through - focus concentrated entirely on the despicable excuse for a man clubbing a defenceless woman in front of her.

"Swine, try someone who isn't afraid of pigs like you!" She swings her cane to club him in return.


Free Action: "Draw" sword cane while moving (note, not actually using the blade so possibly bludgeoning damage rather than slashing? Shes trying to stay somewhat in cover as a middle-aged matron to match the disguise.)
Swift Action: STARE at Thug 3
Charge: up to Thug 3.

Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Attack to confirm critical: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Damage: 1d6 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1
Crit Damage: 1d6 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3

M CG male human (Cheliaxian) Bard (Negotiator)| HP: 15/15 | AC 12 T 10 FF 12 | CMB: -1 CMD 9 | F: +1 R: +3 W: +4 | Init: +0 [+2 Urban] | Percep: +6 [+8 Urban] Sense Motive: +7 Bluff: +11 | Speed 30 ft | Spells 1st 3/3 | Bardic Performance 9/9 Bard (Negotiator) 2

Phineas snaps his attention away from the surrounding streets as the crowd surges forward and Thrune screams for Nox to slaughter the crowd.

Damn...there it goes. No sign of any dottari on the side streets. If we're lucky he didn't plan a trap out that far.

As Nox calls for the Chelish citizen's group to deal with the crowd and violence bursts out all over the protest, Phineas keeps his eyes on Varian and Avrora and get a sinking feeling in his gut as he notices they've become the target of a number of the Chelish thugs.

Sleep won't work, too many bystanders. Got to try dazing them to give Avrora the upper hand. Hold on Varian, Avrora, I'll help as much as I can. I hope she can use that mace...

Phineas pushes out through the frantic crowd to keep as much distance between himself and the thug as he can while still being able to target his opponent. With a quick chant, he casts a Daze spell at the thug to try and delay him from attacking Varian or Avrora.

Are the bushes and fountain difficult terrain too? I figured they would be, but they are not in the teal boundary.

Move action: move into position
Standard action: Daze, DC 14 Will Save on Thug #4. (EDIT: Assuming that these count as agents of house Thrune or Worshippers of Asmodeus for the Ex-Asmodean Trait. Otherwise, DC 13)

Human Bard 6| AC 20 FF 17 T 11| HP 49/49| F +4 R +8 W +6| Init +1| Percep +9
Inspire Courage, Bull’s Strength, Tongues

Darian grits his teeth as things turn for the worst. Just like I said....

Seeing armed thugs loyal to the new Lord Mayor reveal their presence and surrounding Varian, Darian hopes to buy his cousin time. He mutters some of the magic he knows and tries to briefly stun one of them.
Daze Thug #1, DC 12.

Quick word before I go to work Isabel: Because you don't have +1 BAB, you cannot draw a weapon while moving just yet - in addition, the crowd is difficult terrain, making Charges impossible without certain feats/abilities (such as Dragon Style).

However, I'll let you use that roll for when you DO get to make an attack, so keep note of it.

Male Human (Varisian) Psychic 2nd AC 13/13/12 / HP 12 / F +1 R +1 W +5 / Init. +1 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +7

”Dany? DANY!” Galen shouts at her not wanting to believe what has just happened, wanting to wake up from this surreal nightmare of sudden violence. He doesn’t want to believe it, but he still hears the crack of the thug’s truncheon smash the back of her skull in his own mind, watching helplessly as her blood pools around her head on the ground mixed with the rain. "NO!!!" Galen shouts the word and wills himself to wake, but nothing changes. It is all he can do to wrench his eyes away from Dany's broken form to look up at her brutal attacker.

”You…you monstrous…” Galen can barely speak now as his vision blurs and his mouth has gone utterly dry, defenseless against the murderous thug who could easily step forward and smash him in the face next. But then Isabel Rhelian comes in through the surging crowd and challenges the man boldly with her walking cane; Galen’s ears are hot and ringing and he can’t quite understand what she’s saying to him, but something seems to stir within and brings him back to responsiveness.

Galen stands there, clenching both of his hands into fists at his sides, forcing himself to look at the thug who just shattered his world apart. He looks into the brute’s mind somehow, and finds a single word with a dry, raspy voice to give meaning to the compulsion.

”FALL!” The single word is uttered and slams into the Chelish Citizens’ pig, who already seems distracted by Isabel standing against him. Once uttered, Galen draws his own truncheon from his belt that Dany and Gleesas insisted he take with him this morning, even though he almost didn’t do so when he was collecting his things to head to Villegre earlier.

Round 1, Initiative 17, Aria Park
hp 7/7; AC 13/13T/12FF; CMD 12; +1F/+1R/+4W
Effects/Conditions: Bless, Cover (ranged), Difficult Terrain

FA: Speak
SA: Cast Command on Thug 3 (DC 14* Will, 1/4 spells used)
MA: Draw Club

(* Thug 3 already affected by Isabel’s Hypnotic Stare)

Ok yeah so Isabel, since you can't charge in difficult terrain, I moved you 15 ft (half of your 30 ft) and drew your weapon. When you do get to attack 'em next round, I'll let you use your previous roll.

As you guys will notice on the map, various people have little sword symbols on them - I use this as an easy way to remember that someone has their weapon drawn. Its not required or anything for you guys, but I'll be using it for my NPCs and whatnot. The symbol of a gun turret represents a ranged weapon. A Red Dot means dying or bleeding, a green dot represents poisoned, a blue dot represents dazed, a pink one represents nauseated, , an orange one represents stunned, a purple dot represents prone, and of course the big red X represents unconscious. Yellow is misc.

Update soon!

Liberty's Edge

|HP: 59/68 AC: 24; F: +12, R: +12, W: +10 | Perc: +10, Stl/Perf +12, Dec/Dip +13, ELore +14, Itm +15, Arc/Occ/Nat/Rel/Soc +8 | Speed 25ft | Weapon +15, 2d6+4+2. | Foc 1/1 | Active conditions:
DM Crustypeanut wrote:

Quick word before I go to work Isabel: Because you don't have +1 BAB, you cannot draw a weapon while moving just yet - in addition, the crowd is difficult terrain, making Charges impossible without certain feats/abilities (such as Dragon Style).

However, I'll let you use that roll for when you DO get to make an attack, so keep note of it.

I don't think I've ever actually had a fight with a level 1 character before - can you tell?

At least I get to keep the crit, and its terrible damage roll!

As the riot begins in earnest, two of the Chelish Citizens’ Group thugs surrounding Varian and Avrora approach them, shoving their way through the crowd. One of them takes a swing towards Avrora, but doesn’t quite expect her to put up as much of a defense as she does - his truncheon harmlessly thuds against her shield as a result. The other one, however, goes after the unshielded Varian and brings his iron truncheon down hard upon Varian’s shoulder in an attempt to both subdue and intimidate the cleric - while he does manage to bruise him, Varian isn’t affected by the man’s poor attempt at intimidation.

The third thug surrounding the duo finds himself unable to focus and stands there looking dazed - with his unburdened hand he furiously rubs his eyes as he tries to get rid of whatever ailment is confounding him.

The man who beat down Danyeren, meanwhile, finds himself oddly compulsed to drop down onto his belly just feet away from his earlier victim. Although he strains every fiber of his being to try and stand up, he is unable to overcome the odd mental compulsion affecting him. As a result, he focuses on defending himself from any would-be attacker.


        << Encounter: "A Lovely Little Riot" | Round II | Hazards: Rioting Crowd | Encounter Map: Roll20 The Ariak Park Protest >>


In front of the riot, meanwhile, the dottari focus on holding the line while Nox issues commands. While she’s distracted, one particularly brazen man bursts forth from the crowd and throws a dagger at Nox with all of his might. Not being able to react to the dagger in time, Nox finds it embedded in her throat, quickly being covered in her life’s blood as it gushes out from her wound. Incredulously, what would have fell any other person seems to be of little consequence to Nox as she looks at her attacker with mere annoyance. Quickly reacting to their leader’s assailant, two dottari rush forward and intandem attack the man. One of them aims his club at the rioter’s abdomen, striking it with enough brute force to cause the man to double over in pain - the second dottari takes advantage of this and swings his mace upwards, catching the man heavily beneath his jaw, forcing his head back upwards with a sickening crunch - more than one of the man’s now-bloodied teeth fly from his mouth as he falls over backwards in a crumpled heap thanks to the ‘tender’ orchestrations of the dottari.

Nox, grimacing at the inconvenience of having a blade stuck in her throat and her sticky blood running down her front, violently pulls the dagger out with her free hand and nonchalantly tosses it to the side. Before the crowd’s eyes, her wound begins steaming and miraculously closes itself within moments. ‘Harumphing’ at the riot’s audacity to attack her, she orders the dottari to hold the line and heads back inside the opera house, vowing to return shortly.


Thug 1 attacked but missed Avrora, Thug 2 attacked (and hit) Varian; Varian as a result has taken 3 nonlethal damage, but resisted the man’s intimidate attempt, thus increasing any further DCs for Intimidate attempts from Thug 2 by 5. Thug 3 is Prone but taking a Total Defense action - and Thug 4 is Dazed for this round.

NPC Rolls and actions:

Thug 4’s Will Save: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2 (Failure)
Thug 1’s Will Save: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14 (Success)
Thug 3’s Will Save: 1d20 - 1 - 2 ⇒ (11) - 1 - 2 = 8 (Failure)

[ooc]Thug 1:
Move Action: Move 5 ft (difficult terrain)
Standard: Attack Avrora
Light Mace Attack@ Avrora: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 (Miss)

Thug 2:
Move Action: Move 5 ft (difficult terrain)
Standard: Attack Varian
Light Mace Attack@ Varian: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20 (Hit)
Light Mace Nonlethal Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Free Action: Intimidate vs Varian
Intimidate vs DC 14: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 (Failure)

Thug 3:
Free Action: Drop Prone (Forced)
Standard Action: Total Defense (+4 AC)
Condition: Prone (-4 AC)

Thug 4:
Condition: Dazed 1 rd
No action!

The PCs are up! Varian’s Bless has 9 rounds left on its duration, giving all of you a +1 morale bonus to attacks and against fear effects, including the thugs’ intimidate checks.

CG male human (Cheliaxian) cleric (hidden priest) of Milani 1 | HP: 7/10 | AC: 15 (10 Tch, 15 FF) | CMB: +1, CMD: 11 | F: +4, R: +0, W: +4 | Init: +0 | Perc: +3, SM: +2 | Speed 20 ft | Spells 1st 3/3 | Special abilities Channel energy (1d6) 5/5 | Active Conditions None

Under siege, Varian grins and clenches his fists, tightening his grasp on his morning star. When he gets hit, he shouts something in pain, and rotates on himself in the attempt to draw his shield in his flowing swirl. It's in that very moment that Varian remembers to have left his shield in the Silver Dragons' hideout. Damn!

"Avrora, counter-attack! Keep your shield up, we'll be surrounded soon." Then, his face warped in an expression of anger, he tries to hit the Chelish loyalist right in his face with his morning star, keeping a defensive stance to make up for his lacking shield.
Standard action: Attack Thug 2 fighting defensively. Varian takes a -4 penalty on all his attacks this round, but gains a +2 to AC until the start of his next turn.

Morning Star Attack (-4 fighting defensively): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Morning Star Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

M CG male human (Cheliaxian) Bard (Negotiator)| HP: 15/15 | AC 12 T 10 FF 12 | CMB: -1 CMD 9 | F: +1 R: +3 W: +4 | Init: +0 [+2 Urban] | Percep: +6 [+8 Urban] Sense Motive: +7 Bluff: +11 | Speed 30 ft | Spells 1st 3/3 | Bardic Performance 9/9 Bard (Negotiator) 2

No, Varian!

Phineas looks on in shock as the guard he didn't Daze slams his truncheon down on Varian's shoulder.

"Hold on Varian, I'm coming!"

Phineas' voice whispers in Avrora and Varian's ears, carried by his Message spells.

Alright Phineas...remember to project. And the posture, its all about the posture. And the facial expressions. Show no fear to instill fear in the hearts of others. Oh, I hope this works, this isn't like the courtroom at all...

With his heart thudding violently in his chest, Phineas draws his dagger from his coat pocket and confronts the thug he Dazed.

"YOU! Phineas shouts, pointing aggressively at the thug he just dazed, voice pitched to carry over the crowd. "Chelish lackey! How did you enjoy my touch on your mind?" A sadistic, evil grin spreads across Phineas' face, as he seems to loom over the crowd, despite his small stature. "I assure you, my next touch will not be so gentle."

Free Action: Whisper
Move Action: Draw dagger
Standard Action (Demoralize Thug 4): Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

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