GM Viskous presents Iron Gods (Inactive)

Game Master Viskous

An Adventure Path set in Numeria, land of super science and savage barbarians!

Important Links
Iron Gods Campaign Website
Local Ties Timeline
Numeria Info!
Roll20 Campaign site

Posting Guidelines
Posting should be once a day with no more than three posts a day.
GM will usually post mid morning Pacific time.
Weekends: Not required


Build Rules:

Paizo only materials
15 point buy
Max Hp first level, ½ HP on additional
2 traits from the regular sources
A bonus campaign trait from the players guide
Average starting gold

House Rules:

Recovering from nonlethal damage
Normally this takes 1 hour of rest, to restore an amount of HP equal to your character level.
Using the Heal skill to provide First Aid will shorten this time to 5 minutes. In addition if the First Aid check beats the DC 15 check by 5 or more, the person providing the heal check may add their wisdom modifier to the amount healed. You may be assisted on this check by one other person.