Mira Tullian |

@Cerio: Agreed. I think this is a strong group of RPers!
It took all of Goggles will-power to keep herself from 'goosing' the Professor as he was hyper-focused on rat's biting him from behind. She knows it would have been childish but it had still been very tempting.
Same, Alenka. Same ;)

Professor Lucius Mermont |

Alenka Farkasova wrote:It took all of Goggles will-power to keep herself from 'goosing' the Professor as he was hyper-focused on rat's biting him from behind. She knows it would have been childish but it had still been very tempting.Same, Alenka. Same ;)
Mean, very mean. :)
I'll laugh when the professor concocts some crazy-ass explanation for your PCs ailments. :)

GM Thing |

Thank you so much! I'm really glad you are enjoying this game as much as I am. Honestly, I believe this is my best pbp group so far.
You all are awesome both in quality and quantity of posts, and I'm really glad to have you.

Cerio Dreswitch |

Let's check the room to the south!

Mira Tullian |

South is fine with me
-Posted with Wayfinder

Alenka Farkasova |

I'll be traveling starting tomorrow and away until about the 28th. I'll only have access to internet on my phone so my posts will probably be short and sparse. Please bot Goggles as needed.
Heavy, do you remember what happens when you put your ear up to random doors? Leah's not around to help you this time :)

Cerio Dreswitch |

Happy holidays folks! Wishing everyone the best, most enjoyable season possible!

GM Thing |

Merry Christmas and a wonderful end of the year for everyone!

Mira Tullian |

Happy new year everyone!
Also, curse my low initiative roll! haha. *Continues waiting patiently for turn.*

Cerio Dreswitch |

Pardon my ignorance (this is probably a silly question), but don't SLAs provoke attacks of opportunity? Shouldn't the rat's use of it provoke attacks from everyone within range?
Not that I'm not enjoying the game of cat and mouse :).

GM Thing |

It would indeed, but much like a spell, a spell like ability also allows the caster to cast it on the defensive. The only difference is that sometimes it is more tricky to determine the level of the effect (for example when it is a SLA that is not a copy of a known spell), but otherwise it is the same as a normal spell.

Mira Tullian |

@GM: I have been meaning to ask, would you mind putting the link to the map in the campaign header, like for the Reign of Winter game? When I just need to check the map and I'm on my phone, I generally find that link much quicker to navigate to than finding your most recent post.

GM Thing |

Still waiting for Jenny, but to answer Cerio's question, a bludgeoning weapon deals full damage to swarms based on tiny creatures. Also, Alenka, you are forgetting to add the additional +2 to hit and damage thanks to the Strength increase of your mutagem!

Alenka Farkasova |

Oops! I wasn't sure if the strength increase was included with the feral mutagen...but it makes sense.

Mira Tullian |

I would nominate Jenni for the cloak of resistance. She seems to be the only one with two low saves. Also, anything that increases her will against charms and domination is really protection for us all...signed person who got hit by Jenni while she was charmed or dominated :p
As for the brooch... *shrug*.

Cerio Dreswitch |

Agreed Jenni should have the cloak. As to the brooch, it's hard to say who would benefit from it most, so we could just roll randomly.

Mira Tullian |

@Cerio: In my eagerness to get that post out before I left work, I didn't notice I'd been ninja'd. My apologies.
Although, for what its worth I might be a better test subject then Edrick. Because both bad effects and healing would be bad for Edrick. ;).

Cerio Dreswitch |

It's no problem. Mira is being heroic and saving both Heavy and Creepy!
Oh,and healing isn't bad for Creepy--phantoms are outsiders, not undead!

Alenka Farkasova |

I'm just surprised (and relieved) no one wanted to try it on mutant Goggles :)

Mira Tullian |

It's no problem. Mira is being heroic and saving both Heavy and Creepy! Oh,and healing isn't bad for Creepy--phantoms are outsiders, not undead!
Really? Huh... Well color me informed :)
@Alenka: No one wants to cross Mutant Goggles.... :p
-Posted with Wayfinder

Cerio Dreswitch |

I'm going to propose that Cerio carry most of the wands. He has the highest UMD and I plan on keeping its ranks stacked. With almost nothing to add to melee and muffled casting, I planned on using wands to fill the gaps in my action economy. Mira also has ranks in UMD but she's a much more viable combatant. That doesn't mean I have to carry all of them, but perhaps the default choice?

Cerio Dreswitch |

GM Thing |

Guys, I was thinking about how to determine the duration of Alenka's mutagen in game during exploration. I'm thinking about 10 minutes per room, unless there is nothing to see in a room, where it would count as only 'half-room' (or 5 min). This way, if lucky, she could use her bonuses on multiple fights.
Any thoughts?

Professor Lucius Mermont |

Guys, I was thinking about how to determine the duration of Alenka's mutagen in game during exploration. I'm thinking about 10 minutes per room, unless there is nothing to see in a room, where it would count as only 'half-room' (or 5 min). This way, if lucky, she could use her bonuses on multiple fights.
Any thoughts?
That's what I do in my games.
I assume everyone takes 20 on perception (if possible) and say that it takes 10 minutes to search a 'regular' room.

Mira Tullian |

I have no issues with that, so long as we are actually searching the room. If we just walk in and out I would hope it would be less than 5 minutes.
Mira has a bit of a one track mind at the moment, so she has only actively been searching through rooms that seem to have records or documentation.

GM Thing |

Sorry for the prolonged delay! My intention was to update yesterday, but my internet died from 19:00 to 24:00, which is when I have access to all my books! I'll update today.

GM Thing |

Guys, I'm really sorry to say this but I believe I'll need to take a prolonged vacation from PBP. I'm currently passing through something that I've not yet been able to figure out, but I'm feeling incredibly anxious and a bit panicked. I feel like my live is slipping through my fingers, and I desperately need to grasp it once more, or else I might go entirely crazy and perhaps make some decisions that I'll for sure regret in the future.
I'm not still sure if PBP hampering me or not, but I've been feeling that in many occasions, I'm posting more because of my commitment to all of you, and less because of my own enjoyment. I still believe this is an amazing hobby and I hope to find the root of my problem and come back to you. You are all awesome and it really pains me to leave you in the dark for now. I hope you understand.
I believe I need not to say that, once I started playing with you, I had all the intentions to continue to the end... however, many times stuff don't happen as we wish. I honestly don't know how much time I'll be gone, so I comprehend if you want to look for another GM. Actually I hope you do so, because if I'm not able to return, it would be a shame for all the effort and enjoyment we have together (at least I had).
The worst thing of this decision, is the feeling that I'm letting you down, something that I can't stand. I hope you understand.
Once more, thank you for all the amazing time you've proportioned me.

Angie H |

Don't worry about this at all! As you said, it's an amazing hobby, but it's just that, a hobby. I've had to abandon games in the past because of life, and it's not something you should feel guilty about. Do what you need to do to take care of yourself. That's priority one. If we see you here again one day, then that's great. If not, so be it. I wish you all the best, and don't you worry about us. We'll be fine. :)

Professor Lucius Mermont |

Echoing Angie's thoughts.
Take care of real life and I hope all ends up well.
You know where to find us once you're ready to start playing again.

Cerio Dreswitch |

No disappointment at all. We all know that things happen and games, online and otherwise, can end. You've been a great GM and given us a lot of fun!
More important, hope you are able to overcome these challenges and feel better. If you decide to return, you know where to find us!

Mira Tullian |

Sorry to hear that, but definitely no hard feelings. It sounds like you are doing right by yourself taking a step back until you get things figured out. I'm sure we'll all be fine. Me for example, yeah I'm out of both my games, but I'm sure I can find another one...or maybe even run a PbP module like I have kind of wanted to do, but not had the time for.

Alenka Farkasova |

There's nothing really to be said that hasn't already been said (and in a better way than I could hope to). But I wanted to add...please, please, please take care of yourself. That's the important thing. I'm sorry to hear that you've been going through what you're going through. I've really enjoyed our playing and thanks so much for all the work you did GMing us. You're not letting anyone down :)

Jenni Skullsplitter |

Well, folks, what do you think? Should we try to find somebody else to GM this? Or just let it lay until/if Thing is ready to return?

Cerio Dreswitch |

I will probably step back from the game. I have enjoyed playing with you all--as I said, this has been one of my favorites! But I'd rather step back and re-focus rather than recommit to the campaign.

Mira Tullian |

I personally haven't had much luck with replacement GMs in the past. Usually there aren't that many people willing to do it...and the ones who are don't end up sticking around very long. It's a pretty daunting task to get up to speed on a game that already has 17 pages worth of posts...

Alenka Farkasova |

As much as I love playing with you guys and playing Goggles, I'm ok with stepping back from the game. I'll be here if Thing is ever able to take it up again :)

Professor Lucius Mermont |

I like Lucius and want to keep playing but I don't have much faith at all in finding a GM to take over a game unless it's one of the current players.
puts index finger on tip of nose :)

Professor Lucius Mermont |

Lucius, is that your way of volunteering?
er... no. :)
Remember me? I am already running three games.
BTW, according to my teenage daughters, putting a finger on your nose means 'not it' so the last one to do so 'is it'.
Obviously you guys are not in the 'in crowd' and do not know this. :)

Mira Tullian |

Did your daughters also tell you about other hip new things, like the Facebook? :p
I've always heard the game referred to as Nose Goes...and I believe its actually a pretty old thing. I know we did it a lot back when I was in college for the Student Activity Council, whenever there was something no one liked to do, like answering the phone. That was about 7 years ago and I'm pretty sure it wasn't a new thing back then either.
Of course I'm not sure if we can press gang someone into being GM based on whether or not they touched their nose... *Touches nose to be safe*...but if someone wanted to do it I wouldn't object. I'm afraid I don't think I'll be volunteering. I don't have any of the book and while I am contemplating getting my feet wet with PbP GMing, I would want to start with something smaller like a module.