GM Singer |

The clatter of plate and mug fill the warm and inviting tavern of the Rusty Dragon. It is the evening meal and patrons are leaning over their dinners in high spirits, laughing and sharing stories while secretly hoping Ameiko Kaijitsu, the Rusty Dragon's owner, has prepared enough food for seconds.
A traveling bard is tuning his instrument in the corner and a circle of children are already pulling up chairs eagerly awaiting songs of lost heroes, nefarious dragons and riches unimaginable.
And speaking of heroes...
Our heroes are sitting together at their usual table by the fireplace, a round of drinks near their hands and a sense of excitement lining their conversation.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock, the local law here in Sandpoint, has just restored the "goblin bounty" after several years of inactivity. The town of Sandpoint will pay 10gp for every goblin ear that is brought in and an additional reward of 300gp if the Licktoad clans leader, Chief Gutwad, shows up minus a body. It is a hefty sum of coin to adventurers bold enough to seek it out- and hey- who wouldn't mind a few less goblins roaming the area?
Ameiko, balancing a fresh round of drinks in both hands, comes over to your table and smiles before setting them down in front of you. These are on the house, though if you become fat and wealthy after this bounty business, I'll be expecting you to settle those tabs. She says with a grin.

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Gohei takes his tankard and smiles a very warm smile at her. Before drinking he nods and says:Consider it a promise, Ameiko! Maybe you will sing one of your wonderful songs as a bonus if we return. That would be nearly a better reason to start this quest, than mere gold!" He than drinks fast to hide his feelings.
After Ameiko is safely gone and he can speak more freely, he asks the others:"Does anyone of you know where to find those goblins? I would be very much interested to get a bit of fame and to do something to honor my father"

Engir Wolfeye |

Engir lifts his head in anticipation of free drinks on Ameiko.
As Ameiko begins setting down the drinks, Engir rudely snatches one, "Hrmm, 'bout time for some ale, my thirst was almost unbearable in these warm lands."
Engir then takes a long pull from his mug, "Why you mainlanders live in this heat infested land are beyond me."
"Besides it makes you all weak and decadent, too reliant on the wyrd-make. "Not on the blade-make."

Dorvren |

Dorvren takes a beer and takes a small sip, as he steadies his nerves, he has never shared a table with such a boistrous fellow before. Then making sure to make eye contact with each new friend he begins, fighting down the urge to retreat into another persona as he is wont to do
...Thank you ma'am.
I am not sure Sir Gohei, but I too seek to test my skills. And if I ever am to travell with Sandru, perhaps some better equipment.
Sir Engir, perhaps you would like to finish my drink as well, to cool down?
He holds his drink out to Engir.
Sir Gohei, have you battled goblins before. We do not see many of them in the inner city of Magnimar?

Engir Wolfeye |

Engir grabs the offered mug from Dorvern, "many thanks mainlander, surely this will help cool me off."
Engir downs the mug with relish.
"Murder-make on goblins is it?"
"Hardly worth the murder-make, but coin is coin."

Aloria Adu |

"Thank you, thank!" the small woman says taking up the mug of ale in both of her small hands and placing it before her. The gnome, with her bright purple hair flowing about her has a big infectious smile upon her face. She is enjoying the company and atmosphere.
"Oh the young Wolfeye has problems with magics again does he?" The gnome teases, "Worry not I will still lend you Densa's gifts in your time of need."
The gnome then picks up the drink, again in both hands, and sips at the strong drink
AC: 20 (18 Flat-footed / 13 Touch)
In Hand:
Spells (0-level, DC 13, at will) Create Water, Detect Magic, Light
(1st level, DC 14) Bless, Bless, True Strike d)
Channel Energy (1d6, DC 13) 5 of 5 remaining
Bit of Luck (Sp)(Any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result) (6/day)
Agile Feet (Su) (ignore all difficult terrain for 1 round) (6/day)

GM Singer |

Ameiko gives Gohei a smirk. My singing worth more than gold? I'm afraid Varisia hasn't started taking Kaijitsu songs as currency just yet. Though don't think I'm not trying! She grins. Whatever you all decide to do, please be safe. The goblins aren't much one at a time, but when they are all together, they can be quite dangerous.
A patron, a fisherman by the smell of him, who was obviously eavesdropping chimes in Aye! Ol' Gutwad and his Licktoads took out a caravan not 10 miles from Sandpoint a week ago! Was a right bloody mess when I rode past it. His eyes look eagerly to the mugs Ameiko is handing out, hoping his knowledge has earned him a drink. When Ameiko brings him an ale and tassels the old man's hair the local fletcher decides to add-
Heard it was a wagon full o' fireworks, it was. Them goblins have them a whole arsenal of them now and the boom rockets and whiz-dazzlers have made them bold as bold can be! When Ameiko doesn't immediately bring him a drink he eyes the fisherman with envy. Heard the spooked horses did as much damage as the goblins did in the end. Horses don't take to loud noises, sure as sure.

Dorvren |

Dorvren perks up at both the mention of a song and at the mention of fireworks.
Taking a deep breath, and revealing his knowledge of the language for the first time to anyone, even Sandru

Emerald Castrovei |
Emerald takes the proffered tankard and takes a deep drink, "Thank you, it sure feels nice to be back in town and seeing you again Ameiko." She listens to the talk about the goblins and gasps when she hears about the butchered caravan, her eyes narrow and she says, "I hope those weren't friends of mine or a caravan I've traveled with in the past."
She takes a big gulp from her tankard as if trying to swallow her emotions, "These goblins must be prevented from harming anyone else ever again. And with fireworks at their disposal, they can cause tremendous amounts of mischief."

Dorvren |

Dorvren flushes at his insensitivity towards the demise of the caravan's inhabitants. I hope I have not offended Ms. Castrovei

Engir Wolfeye |

Engir looks to Alora,"Aye purple haired one of the smallfolk, I distrust the wyrd-make, it often brings bad omens that strikes out of the heavens upon us like a hammer blow."
"Our Gothi of Gorum in our lands however understand the dangers of the wyrd-make, and use the wyrd with caution."
And then adds,"I hope you do to smallfolk."
Engir downs another ale, "so then let us find these goblins who hide in holes and begin the murder-make."

Emerald Castrovei |
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Emerald fails to notice Dorvren's sudden uncomfortableness.
After Engir's disquisition, she adds, "I like the word 'murder-make' the only modification to that plan I'd make, is that we also deal with the ones not hiding in holes as well."

Dorvren |

Allowing himself to slide into one of his more confident personas, if only for a few moments to recover from his brief embarrassment.
Bluff to "Become a confident warrior"1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
His voice strengthens, dropping a few notes in his register.
Perhaps we should flush them all out of their holes and let the "murder-making" be done right at the edge of them. Then you have a choice of "murder-making" them in the hole, on the edge of the hole or out of the hole,

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Goheis response is just a raised eyebrow to the Ulfen words, but then he says:"Let us rest and gain strength and meet again at sunrise before the inn to start our journey. I advice some supplies and a few weapons. To how goblins fight? I only fought them once, when they attacked sandpoint, but they love fire, they have no order, they are reckless. That´s all I can remember."

Engir Wolfeye |

"Sure let us start the murder-make on the morn then, for now another round of ales to quench the thirst."
He then looks at Emerald,"I care not where hole dwellers are, be they cower in the holes or stand to get their cords cut by blades forged in fire of smiths."

GM Singer |

The door opens and a figure walks in. He is handsome, in a rugged and road worn kind of way, and he strides up to Ameiko with the confidence of an old friend. Giving her a kiss on the cheek, he helps himself to a mug of ale, presses a coin into her palm and walks over to the heroes' table.
Hello, my exceptionally varied group of friends, what is this I hear of goblin hunting? Sandru pulls a chair out, turns it around, and has a seat.
If you are serious about going you need to know a few things before setting out. Brinestump marsh is not as big as the Mushfens farther south, but it is still dense and tangle. I tried to take a caravan through once when I was younger to shave off time. Lost 3 horses and 2 wagons broke their axles. It was a loss, so to say.
Sandru brings the mug to his lips and takes a heavy drink. Ahhhh, Now that is a damn fine brew! He looks at the group. Did you have any questions?

Aloria Adu |

As she sips her ale the gnome's ears perk up as she hears a forgein language that Dorven is speaking. She has heard it before and continues to listen carefully in an attempt to understand it.
As Sandru joins the group of chatting companions Aloria welcomes him with a bright smile, "Merry meet again Sandru!"
"Yes, yes, goblins." She acknowledges. "Do you know where the goblins dwell? Perhaps a simple map of the march of what you remember?"
The gnome sips her ale again, "Some here have said that the goblins have fireworks, are these things dangerous?"
AC: 20 (18 Flat-footed / 13 Touch)
In Hand:
Spells (0-level, DC 13, at will) Create Water, Detect Magic, Light
(1st level, DC 14) Bless, True Strike d)
Channel Energy (1d6, DC 13) 5 of 5 remaining
Bit of Luck (Sp)(Any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result) (6/day)
Agile Feet (Su) (ignore all difficult terrain for 1 round) (6/day)

Dorvren |

Sense Motive to see if he notices Aloria's interest1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Dorvren does to notice.
As soon as Sandru walks in Dorvren lights up, dropping his assumed persona immediately. He rises and shakes his hand.
Sandru! I made it. Dorvren smiles I am excited to show you all I have learned since we parted. Is there anything we should be concerned about in the marsh, other than the goblins? Do you think that the goblins might have found a way to use the fireworks as a weapon? Can you tell us anything about fighting goblins that might be useful?
Dorvren pauses, realizing that he is monopolizing Sandu's attention.

Engir Wolfeye |

Engir looks up from his now emptied mug to Sandru, "Sandru, I'm not interested in caravan work."
"I have found a new job I am quite good at drink-make."
"Oh and apparently I have also accepted a job with these mainlanders to cut the cords of goblins who have stolen dragon-smoke."
Engir then gestures at the rest of the party at the table.

GM Singer |

Sandru shakes Dorvren's hand as the young man bombards him with a series of questions. He laughs heartily. Slow down, my friend, and let's see if we can sort through the fury of this interrogation together. He smiles playfully, one tooth far to the right sparkles gold.
The marsh is dangerous, yes. Not only are their gators, snakes and other wild and natural creatures about...but have you heard the legend of the Soggy River Monster? He scoots his chair closer to the group and even the bard stops playing to listen to the tale.
There is a creature, white is death and as enduring as marble, who stalks the low places of Brinestump with a ravenous hunger. Why, this year alone I know of 5 people who have wandered into the swamps and never come out again. Sandru drops his voice lower for theatrics.
They say the Soggy River Monster found them and stripped their bones clean before making a throne of them to some dark court..
Sandru slams his fists down on the tabletop and roars. And you could be next!!! A woman shrieks, the bard breaks a string on his lyre, Ameiko drops a mug.
Desna's bosom, Sandru! No ghost stories in the common area! She goes to clean up the mess and anyone looking would see she is smiling to herself and not truly angry at all.
Sandru throws his head back and laughs out loud. It is a tale without merit, my friend! A spook of the imagination. But seriously, there are goblins and they are real enough. With fireworks, they'd be bold as brass and planning on attacking anything that leaves the walls of Sandpoint. I'd travel with care.
Ameiko finishes cleaning the mess and heads back behind the counter to pour another. There is Walthus Proudstump. She says. He is old and lives alone out in the swamps. Calls himself its warden, but its not official in any sense. If you were looking for someone who knew the Brinestump swamps well it would be him.

Dorvren |

Having leaned in close during the tale Dorvren jumps back almost tipping out of his chair. He can't help but laugh as once again Sandru has tricked him...but he can't help but be curious about the River Monster, listening to stories are what kept him going during his years on the streets.
Many legends are based somewhat in truth... Raising his voice enough so Ameiko can here as well Any ideas what this River Monster is supposed to be?
He reaches for his now empty mug and holds it in front of his lips as he thinks on what he has learned of the area in his brief time.
Local1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
He tries to recall what he has heard about Walthus Proudstump.

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Ikoma Gohei writes down the name and all the other information. Then he folds it carefully and puts the notes into his robe. If there is nothing more interesting to say he will return home eat something and go to bed early.
Next morning, before sunrise, he will get up do his katas and then bath to be at sunrise in front of the inn as agreed upon.

Engir Wolfeye |

Engir listens to Sandru's tale, "Sound like this beast you speak of is more of an old crone's hearth tale to scare children."
He then adds,"I do hope indeed this beast be real, for it sounds like it may be a worthy foe to meet my axe-smile."

GM Singer |

Sandru tilts his head and listens. Aye, most tales are a bit of Crone's hearth and truth, but there are people in Sandpoint who have claimed to see it. And then there are those missing bodies...
Sandru pushes himself up from his chair. Be that as it may, those gobos are certainly causing trouble and that bounty will put some real coin to men and women bold enough to claim it. If you are looking for someone to guide you into that swamp, Ol' Chester here heads out every morning to fish and knows the best paths to get you there. Sandru puts a hand on the old man's shoulder who Ameiko gave a free drink to earlier.
Ol' Chester lifts his eyes to them, they are foggy white and don't seem to focus on anything in particular. Sure as sure I can takes' you out, fer' a pint and a meal on the morrow, as fer' as the swamp edge I will! That is wer' I do my fishin' and that is wer' I go no ferther. But Proudstump will be just a ways ferther up the path if ye' need a berter' guide than Ol' Chester.

Dorvren |

Thank you Sandru. I can't speak for all of us, but I will go with Chester to deal with the Goblins, and perhaps find the monster. Chester I would be honored to buy you dinner tonight if you would be tell me some of your stories.
Other than that Dorvren is ready to go to sleep and in the morning meet to move towards the swamp

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Gohei looks at the old man and puts a silver in his hand and says:
"Honored uncle, we would be very happy to accept your guidance. Of course, more than showing us the edge of the swamp and giving us your blessing is not necessary. If there is anything more I can do, just tell me."

Emerald Castrovei |
Emerald chimes in, "I dislike resorting to violence, but I don't see a way for us to handle this with diplomacy. I'm going a long too. Any idea why they had an entire load of fireworks? Where were they going with it?"

Aloria Adu |

"I'm game to be getting some goblins too!" Aloria chimes in. "While a lovely atmosphere here, I wish to experience... well, more!" She says with a big smile.
At Dorven's mention of stories, "Oooo, I'd like to here stories too."
AC: 20 (18 Flat-footed / 13 Touch)
In Hand:
Spells (0-level, DC 13, at will) Create Water, Detect Magic, Light
(1st level, DC 14) Bless, True Strike d)
Channel Energy (1d6, DC 13) 5 of 5 remaining
Bit of Luck (Sp)(Any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result) (6/day)
Agile Feet (Su) (ignore all difficult terrain for 1 round) (6/day)

Dorvren |

Dorvren raises his empty mug at Engir's toast
Ms. Adu...
Dorvren struggles to make eye contact without dropping into a persona
I would be happy to purchase your meal as well...if you would share some stories that is.

Aloria Adu |

The gnome turns to Dorven with a serious look on her face... but it only lasts for a few moments before she laughs, "Sorry I had to try... And please, Aloria. We're friends!" She pauses a moment, "Or are we..." she tries the serious tone, but fails miserably and ends up laughing again as she is having a fun time.
"Save your coin. I'd be glad to share my own tales of traveling with my Ma and Pa. Good times growing up on the road, seeing the sights, meeting the people. All part of what Desna expects of us." She says with a big smile as she finishes the last of her ale.
AC: 20 (18 Flat-footed / 13 Touch)
In Hand:
Spells (0-level, DC 13, at will) Create Water, Detect Magic, Light
(1st level, DC 14) Bless, True Strike d)
Channel Energy (1d6, DC 13) 5 of 5 remaining
Bit of Luck (Sp)(Any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result) (6/day)
Agile Feet (Su) (ignore all difficult terrain for 1 round) (6/day)

Dorvren |

Dorvren is completely off balanced by Aloria. He does not know what to make of her.
Thank you Ms. Adu...Aloria. Sorry.
Then quietly. As you can probably tell I am not used to company. He flushes.
Then embarrassed at being embarrassed he flushes more.

GM Singer |

Sandru exchanges looks with Ameiko at the awkward exchange between Dorvren and Aloria, but they both shrug and go about their business. Sandru gathers his things and heads for the door before looking back to the group.
I'm sure those fireworks were headed here for the festival, but those goblins can't pass up a haul like that. Fireworks are like dragonfire in the hands of greenskins- makes them terribly bold and that makes them dangerous. They treasure those pyrotechnics as highly as we value gold so maybe you can play that against them somehow. Anyway, I hope to see you all on your return. Sandru tips his head and heads out of the Rusty Dragon.
The evening passes with much conversation, drink and music. When the heroes are done with their night of relaxation they head to their respective rooms and sleep.
The Sun would greet you with the dawn.
The smell of bacon, eggs and ham rises up from the kitchens and the clatter of pots and pans can be heard below. Ameiko is singing a Tian song while she works and the main door opens and closes with a wooden thunk as patrons move in and out to break their fast before heading to work.

Engir Wolfeye |

Engir awakes with a hammering pain in his skull. His eyes are bloodshot and his mouth is dry like a man who has been wondering in the desert. He rises out of bed and pulls together his wild mane and ties it back to keep it out of his face for the fight surely to come this day.
He dresses in his scale mail and arms himself with his weapons.
He descends the stairs to the taproom and throws himself into a seat at a table.
He calls out gruffly, "Ameiko, eggs, bacon and mead."
"A warrior needs his strength on the day of the murder-make."

Dorvren |

Dorvren is pleased to spend dinner with Aloria and Chester listening to their stories. It takes him a while but he manages to open up to her a little, finally becoming comfortable calling her Aloria. He goes to bed relatively early, before Engir is even close to finished drinking. Before he goes he gets some bread, fruit and a boiled egg from Ameiko for his breakfast.
He tells the story of not being able to afford books to help him learn Tian, so he would break in at night read as much as he could then leave, locking the door on the way out.
He tells the story of the test he gave himself before coming. How he snuck into the thieves guild in Magnimar and knocked out the guard at the treasury. How he broke into that and took a handful of coins, then walked out the front convincing all that he was supposed to be there.
Dorvren rises before the sun is up, and climbs out and onto the roof to eat breakfast and watch the sun rise. Then he skulks through the shadows to the general store and hides until it opens. Dropping into one of his personas he goes in and makes some purchases for the trip, in anticipation of dealing with fireworks.
3 Tinderwigs
5 pieces of paper
Total cost 7 gp 2cp
He gathers some pebbles and puts them in his pouch then returns and awaits everyone else to come down. He politely asks for a mug of water while he waits. He takes the time to sharpen his daggers and stow them in his wrist sheathes and the third at his belt next to his mace.
Assuming it is not cold he will leave his cold weather gear in his room

Aloria Adu |

Aloria is up late listen to stories and telling a few of her own. but she is soon off to her room and sleeps well. She rises early and tends to her morning prayers.
She arrives down for breakfast and partakes in much of the goodness. Opting for orange juice if available or just water. "Yum," she says sitting atop a small box on the bench so that she can reach the table. I hope you all slept well. She gives a breif prayer for breakfast and digs in, putting away as much as anyone else at the table.
AC: 20 (18 Flat-footed / 13 Touch)
In Hand:
Spells (0-level, DC 13, at will) Create Water, Detect Magic, Light
(1st level, DC 14) Bless, bless, True Strike d)
Channel Energy (1d6, DC 13) 5 of 5 remaining
Bit of Luck (Sp)(Any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result) (6/day)
Agile Feet (Su) (ignore all difficult terrain for 1 round) (6/day)

Emerald Castrovei |
Emerald too stays up drinking and sharing stories of her life on the road with her new companions.
She's up early and eating breakfast, playing with her familiar, a beautiful thrush, feeding it and having a conversation with it in Elven about the upcoming events of the day - to watch out for goblins and fireworks amongst other things.
"Good morning everyone!" she greets the people joining in for breakfast.
"Do any of you speak Elven? By the way, I'd like you to meet my companion, Vara. The reason I ask about Elven is that she speaks it and I'd like her to meet the people she can be understood by in case we need to use her to convey messages between us. Also, in case I'm injured she'll be far more accurate than a collie in telling you where I am."

Dorvren |

I do not. Though I would be interested in learning...perhaps you would be willing to teach me?
Dorvren kicks himself under the table for asking such a dumb question. He flushes. Why can't I talk to people normally! He thinks to himself.

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Precisly at sundown Gohei is infront of the inn, stroking his ugly steed winddance. One can see he is cleanshaven and everything packed rather well. A bow and quiver are on his back and an old and very worn sword by his side. He waits for the others sipping some hot tea from a bamboo flask.

GM Singer |

The meal is exceptionally good and when it comes to the bill, Ameiko refuses payment. Heroes always eat free here. She says with a smile. There is even a hint of casual envy in her features- she looks like she'd rather be going out with them then serving eggs to the locals. With a wink she wishes them good luck!
Outside, Ikoma is maintaining his mount and gear while Ol'Chester rolls up with his threadbare wagon. The mule pulling it is shaggy and old. Mornin' folks. Bring me out bacon and mead fer' the road and we will head out to the swamp. There are bamboo fishing poles poking out in various angles, a patchwork net and several wooden buckets.
When the others make their way outside he waves them over. Just sit anywher' you can find a seat. Ther' is a short ride a head of us and the sun is getting hot, sure as sure. Climb in, ye' adventuers', and to Brinestump we go.

Dorvren |

Dorvren climbs into the wagon, and loads/readies his sling... Just in case he mutters to himself. We can never be too careful
He then shuffles the nets and poles around to sufficiently hide himself from site.
Stealth-spending one point of his stealth pool1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 9 + 1 = 21

Engir Wolfeye |

Engir finishes his meal and finishes the last bit of his mead. He then looks over to Ameiko, "I not be needing a refill of my mug, today I go to the murder-make of the goblins who steal dragon-smoke."
He then hoists his axe over his shoulder and steps out to the waiting wagon.
He critically looks over the rickety wagon.
"You old man who drives to the bog, I am called Wolfeye."
He then jumps into the wagon and kicks a few items to the side to make room to sit.

Aloria Adu |

Gear at the ready and breakfast done, the gnomish woman departs the tavern with her companions. As Chester rolls up she eyes the wagon and then looks to Ikoma. She smiles and walks over and asks, {b}"I don't suppose you'd be willing to have another passenger?"[/b]
AC: 20 (18 Flat-footed / 13 Touch)
In Hand:
Spells (0-level, DC 13, at will) Create Water, Detect Magic, Light
(1st level, DC 14) Bless, bless, True Strike d)
Channel Energy (1d6, DC 13) 5 of 5 remaining
Bit of Luck (Sp)(Any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result) (6/day)
Agile Feet (Su) (ignore all difficult terrain for 1 round) (6/day)

Aloria Adu |

The gnome takes the hand and replies happily, "Thank you very much Ikoma." The gnome takes out her crossbow and readies for some goblins.
AC: 20 (18 Flat-footed / 13 Touch)
In Hand: Light Crossbow +3 (1d6)
Spells (0-level, DC 13, at will) Create Water, Detect Magic, Light
(1st level, DC 14) Bless, bless, True Strike d)
Channel Energy (1d6, DC 13) 5 of 5 remaining
Bit of Luck (Sp)(Any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result) (6/day)
Agile Feet (Su) (ignore all difficult terrain for 1 round) (6/day)