GM Shady |

Here we are, then. Part the first ... The Hollow.
Your journey through the gate is smooth and painless. The portal opens into a wide forest clearing, where you now find yourselves, slightly dizzy and still slow-witted from the effects of - what?. How, really, did you find yourself in this situation.
Though the sky is cloudless, the clearing is heavily shaded by the clusters of trees, so that those beams of light that actually find their way through the forest's canopy seem almost solid against the surrounding darkness.
The memory of the Rotunda - why were you there in the first place? - is fading quickly. You know that there is a quest, something to be found. You've been sent here by the Guild, about which you know next to nothing, but of which you now seem to be a member. Your companions seem to be in the same position, thrust unknowingly into an adventure none of them had been expecting 24 hours ago.
At the edge of the area where you now find yourself, stands a small settlement - about thirty mouldering, thatched cottages. Local children chase pigs and sheep in play, but they all rush toward you. They take your hands and lead you into the dark village, the area around which is watched by hundreds of unsettling scarecrows made from bones and branches wound together.

Nik'olo Gaczi |

Nik'olo takes in the bucolic and tries to push away the depressing, but fails: "What sh!thole is this?!" he asks to no one, chin raised proudly in disdain. He was not a great lover of the open spaces. No, his taste was for closed alleys and open courtesans. Farms! Kids!! Grass!!! Why did he accept this assignment?
Wait. Did he accept? It all seemed muddy now...
As the children rushed his companions and him, he tries to escape their touch as best he can, but there are too many, and he finds his hand stuck in the moist grip of a freckled boy smiling like a horse and smelling like a stable.
He shrugs the discomfort away and, blanching, mutters: "Hello fellow! What's your name? Mind telling me where we are?" as he gets carried by the child-mob.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Ashekara Kalder |

Ashekara moves to a nearby tree, stumbling occasionally as the world pitches underneath her with every few steps. Her people are known travelers, but they make their way by foot, by horse or by wagon. It is her only experience with teleportation, but it's enough to realize she has no taste for it. She takes a moment to gather herself, resting heavily on the tree for support. Once the world seems stable once more, she searches herself, making sure she hasn't misplaced anything in the time between arriving and... wherever I was before this. She looks around at the others who arrived with her, and dismisses the idea of asking them what they remember almost as soon as the thought occurs to her. She has, in her estimation, a mind as keen as any of them--If my memory of what has led us to this is faint at best, how much more so must they be in the dark.
Her dark brows furrow as they are soon set upon by the village children. She follows them without complaint or struggle, even though her suspicions are not put to rest by their seeming hospitality. Do they have no concern for themselves, that they would rush to invite strangers into their midst? she wonders as the children draw them closer to the village. Her hazel eyes focus more intently on one of the scarecrows she passes, trying to make out what sort of creatures have supplied the bones. Or perhaps we aren't the first group of strangers to have been sent here...
Heal: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 to determine if the bones are human or not

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A ravenfolk dressed in leather armor steps forward.
"Greetings...all Eerikki here. I feel strange. Does anyone else feel that way? seeing the children his eyes go wide and he calls out. "Hello little ones?!"

GM Shady |

@Ashekara - the scarecrows are made up of straw, rags, twigs, twine, wire and animal bones. Many have larger animal skulls - boar, deer, cattle - for heads. Most have candles, half burned down, nailed through the heads. When the wind blows, the scarecrows make whistling sounds, probably as a result of holes drilled through the skulls and fitted with reeds.
The children don't speak to the strangers, other than to giggle somewhat. The children don't seem "strange" but the village is evidently extremely poor.
The group enters the clearing around which the various village buildings are set. The houses are simply built - wattle and daub with thatch roofs. It's about 5pm in the evening, judging by the position of the sun, and there are about 2 hours remaining of useful daylight.
There are a dozen or so adult villagers wandering around.
You can explore the village (see Discussion thread).

Nik'olo Gaczi |

Nik'olo barely gives the buildings or the people a glance, instead worried about two things: raiders and food. Given the absence of an obvious threat, he turns his attention to his stomach, which is growling fiercely: "Companions!" he calls, "Night is fast upon us. A warm meal and a fresh bed, I'd say, should be the priority."

Ashekara Kalder |

Once she has determined that the scarecrows are at least slightly less sinister than they appear, Ashekara moves along with the rest of the group towards the village proper. Well, that lays to rest one concern. But what purpose do the candles serve? With some effort, the young woman pushes the mystery to the back of her mind and gathers her focus to the task at hand. "Do you think that they speak the Trade Tongue here?" she asks her companions in the silence that follows the Septime man's question. The warm accent of the Kariv people flavors her words, making the question sound more like do you sink zhet zay speak zeh Trade Tongue ee-yuh?, sibilant and trilling.
She barely manages to hold back a derisive snort at the man's suggestion. While she can see the logic in securing food and shelter eventually, she hardly thinks those are the most pressing matters they have to attend to. "We have a few hours of the day's light, yet. Perhaps we can learn more of where we have been sent before we take our rest." Her eyes dance over the group she finds herself stranded with, silently taking the measure of each before fixing on the woman clutching her God's symbol. "You there, holy woman. You seem agreeable enough," Ashekara says, somehow managing to make it sound less like the compliment it's intended to be. "See what you can learn from one of these gajo, won't you? Where to find the nearest road back to Zobeck, to start."

Bjørn Egilsson |

"A fresh bed for a soft man, I'd wager," Bjørn quips with a grin, one hand resting on the pommel of his sword. The man's bright red hair hangs loose about his face beneath the hood of his cloak, and stands out against the dull browns and greens of his clothing. "We're not headed back to Zobeck though, lass. We've got a job t'do, even if I'm a little fuzzy on why we took it." He shifts the weight of his pack, stretched to its limits by what appears to be a large, thick egg. He chuckles a bit as the children giggle and run from them after leading them into the village. "If you ask me, I'd suggest we figure out whatever it is we're supposed t'be lookin' for. A bed can wait, if you want one at all."

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The ravenfolk turns towards the ranger. "Yes a bed is secondary to what we're looking for. I found a few morsels in the dirt over there and I'm not too hungry at the moment."

GM Shady |

There's no town hall (or, for that matter, a town). Other than rudimentary farmsteads, some larger than others, the only other buildings are a chapel (map ref 4) and a ruined lime kiln (1).
To Ashekara's question, the woman replies: "No holy woman I. You'll want Brother Arkadi, much good it will do you. The way to Zobeck - lies that way, so they say.". She points at the trail west from the village (past map ref 3).
A large grey cat, which had been moving stealthily along a window sill, behind the woman, looks past her and hisses directly and menacingly at Ashekara.
Yards away, several of the children have clustered together, pointing at Eerikki, obviously discussing him, chattering and laughing excitedly.
With the early evening falling, the wind picks and up and starts to whistle between the houses. Several wolf howls can now be heard, distantly in the forest. The villagers are obviously disconcerted and look worriedly in the direction of the howls, while wrapping their cloaks tighter around themselves.

Ashekara Kalder |

Ashekara turns to the village woman with a look of open surprise. She had not been addressing her, but the information she has provided is welcome all the same. "My thanks," she tells the woman in her usual terse manner, but she follows the words with a deferential nod of her head. It would not do to go making enemies out of the villagers so soon. She tosses an arch look at the cat for a few moments too long, before continuing down the path a few paces. "I am Ashekara, of clan Kalder," she tells her traveling companions, seemingly apropos of nothing. In truth, she has realized that, if she is to be stuck with the group for an indeterminate amount of time, it would be in her best interest to learn their names--if only to avoid having her "suggestions" taken by the wrong person in the future.
"Town leader? In this place?" she snorts. "Shall we look for farmer with the most pigs? ...No, it occurs to me that smaller settlements often place a greater emphasis on religion. Perhaps we should seek this Brother Arkadi out." Her eyes scan the various buildings of the village, looking for any that stand out as a potential place of worship. "There," she says, pointing out a lone building to the east. As the group makes their way towards the chapel, Ashekara falls back a few paces. She knows the darkness that surrounds her--that woman's mangy cat must have sensed my aura--and does not want to risk hostilities should Brother Arkadi sense it, too.

Nik'olo Gaczi |

Nik'olo doesn't mind too much that his suggestion gets shut down. What Ashekara was suggesting would likely bring them closer to a meal and a bed. Finally, he takes a moment, glad to have gotten rid of the kid with the wet palm, to have a look around.
But his surveying is cut short; the lady had found a likely place and he'd rot in hell before he'd let her venture on her own like this. So with a soft curse, he puts a hand on his flamboyant red hat and hurries after her.
"I beg of you, lady, do not wander so on your own. What will the sharp tongues say? Worse, what if these tongues announce teeth and monstrous hunger!?

Ashekara Kalder |

Ashekara is about to dismiss the Nik'olo's concerns as absurd, but the villagers' reactions to the howls have not gone unnoted by the young woman. At seeing what little distance separates the chapel from the edge of the forest, the dismissal dies on her tongue. She does her best to look contrite--which she isn't--and addresses the man, "You must forgive me; I am not accustomed to waiting on others to decide what ought to be done. But you are right to advise caution. I will try to follow your lead." She gives Nik'olo a placating smile which feels all too foreign on her face, before sweeping her arm out toward the chapel. "After you."

Bjørn Egilsson |

"I have a feeling these villagers have had trouble with the wolves before... I can sense their fear, and so can the beasts." Bjørn nods to Ashekara as she mentions heading for the religious center, and shifts the weight of his back farther onto his shoulders. "Aye, heading for the local priest is a good bet. He's liable to know what's what around here, and perhaps find those of us who want them a bed." The ranger gives another wary look towards the sound of the howling, the hair on the back of his neck raised. "The beasts are hungry."

Nik'olo Gaczi |

"Indeed they are, but so am I!"blurts Nik'olo to the ranger as he hurries to the front. "My Lady, I beg your pardon. As a Septime, I should invite you to lead. Please accept theses strange circumstances as my excuse in striding ahead of you for this late promenade." he adds to Ashekara with a wink.

GM Shady |

I'm going to assume we have 5 players at the moment. I'm also going to assume you are going to go find the priest.
The group moves off in the direction of the chapel. Outside, they find a very old man, dressed in a ragged green cloak, quietly tending a herb garden, while humming to himself. He seems oblivious to both the group, as it approaches, and to the howling in the forest, which is getting louder (though not necessarily closer - it's difficult to tell).

Ashekara Kalder |

Feeling as though she has missed a salient point in their exchange, Nik'olo's wink is met with look of mild confusion. Not knowing enough about the man's culture, and not particularly inclined to inquire at the moment, Ashekara lets the conversation drop with a small shake of her head. I wish it weren't so, but it looks like we may have time enough to acquaint ourselves with one another later. She gives another indelicate snort at Eerikki's suggestion--after all, she agreed to follow the group's lead, not to be nice about it. "That is a fine way to become dinner. If the wolves are so eager to feast, best not to wander into their domain. Better to draw them out into the open, yes?" she says to the raven creature, her tone taking on a somewhat less harsh note at the end.
As they approach the elderly man tending to the garden, Ashekara makes sure to stay near the back of their little group. She intends, for the most part, not to do much speaking unless she finds a question that needs asking. She knows where her strengths lie, and it isn't in handling people gently. Yet as they wait for the old man to acknowledge their presence, the silence only interrupted by the incessant howling of wolves, Ashekara quickly loses what little patience she's had since being sent here. Having a low opinion of the elder's hearing, Ashekara pitches her voice a bit louder than what courtesy might dictate. "Brother Arkadi?"

Bjørn Egilsson |

"Excuse me!" the Northerner calls, approaching the presumed priest. "We were wondering if you might be able to help us... we've been sent to find something, given a task," Bjørn says, rolling a small piece of blue cloth in his hand, as if he's trying to remember where it came from. "It seems as though you might be having some trouble of your own, though. Have you had much contact with those wolves, by chance? I might be able to help with that... a favor for a favor, perhaps?"

Nik'olo Gaczi |

Seeing the priest assaulted by questions coming from all corners, Nik'olo gives them man but a smile, feeling some strange kinship with the interrogated, perhaps a reminder of his days dodging watchmen and bandits in deadly streets.
Forcing his eyes away from the scene, he turns and instead takes a new look at their surroundings. All this talk about wolves has finally penetrated his brain, and he looks both for signs of threat and possible defensive measures to be taken in fighting a pack.
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

GM Shady |

The old man continues to hum his tune. Turning around, he seems to notice the group but brushes past them to tend to another part of his garden.
One of the villagers, noticing the encounter, calls "Sorry, gentles. Brother Arkadi is harmless, a good man, yes. But his mind has gone. You'd best seek help elsewhere."

Bjørn Egilsson |

"Where might you suggest we find help, then? Last person we spoke to pointed us here," Bjørn says, frowning. "Although, she did say something to the effect 'not that it'll help', so perhaps we should have asked more pointed questions. If there's no mayor and your priest ain't right in the head, who do the lot of you go to when there's a problem, or when travelers come through?" As he asks his last question, he realizes from the state of the place that they might have been the first such travelers in a long time. Still, the redheaded man gives the villager a pointed look.

GM Shady |

The man shakes his head. "You're right," he says. "Normally, far as I know other villages do things, it's the priest. But, well, sometimes priests get old. And there's nobody to do nothing about it. Don't know if Arkadi sent to Zobeck for someone else. Or prayed to the gods for someone to come. Maybe you're it!"
He smiles, though there's no humour in the smile.
"And now, with these happenings, and Yurt dying as he did, and the child going missing last night and her poor mum and dad half mad from looking and the wolves getting braver as they are. Now we need a leader, and the favour of the gods and we have none. And I'm afraid that's the way of it, that the gods saw fit to make so."
His voice tails off and he looks to the ground. The old man continues moving among the plants, whispering to each of them in turn and humming to himself as he walks between them.

Ashekara Kalder |

Ashekara's lips quirk up into a pleased smirk at Bjørn's testy tone. I see I'm not the only one a little lacking in social graces. It's a small consolation to know that her patience isn't the only one being put to the test. Her eyes drift back to the priest as the villager explains Arkadi's situation. Seems odd that they'd trust a man so afflicted to do anything of use, much less send for a replacement. Little wonder things are going so poorly for them if no one is taking any initiative. Content for now to let the others do the talking, Ashekara pulls her cloak a little closer as the evening chill begins to set in, and, most importantly, keeps her likely unwelcome opinions to herself. Especially where it concerns the missing girl. Poor girl... Alas, if the wolves are becoming as bold as he says they are, it seems painfully clear what has happened to her.

GM Shady |

The man frowns. "Olay Yurt. Killed by his own prize bull. You can see the grave over there."
He points to a newly covered grave near the side of the chapel.
"His boy Drash is emptying the house right now. Couple of people have tried to buy the bull off him, but he's intent on butchering it once the emptying is done, selling the meat and leaving the village."
"And as for young Karda, followed her pig into the forest, as she usually does, looking for truffles. Hasn't come back. Her mum Jarka is out looking for her now while the dad ties up the farm."
He turns to Naima. "Why, milady, this is the chapel of the Gods of the Green, Father Forest and Mother Field, Master Porevit and Lady Yarila. You look like a priestly type. Look! Up there at the top of the chapel!"
Indeed, at the top of the chapel is a rudimentary figure, half covered in moss, carved with two primitive faces. Tributes of horns, skulls, bone and petrified leaves hang from the figure on decaying cords.

GM Shady |

What does Naima know about the deities mentioned? Taking 10 on knowledge religion if allowed, giving 15.
I don't allow Take 10 on Knowledge checks (I need to modify the policy block in the Campaign Info to clarify). Common knowledge on Porevit & Yarila - they are twin (male and female) gods, often represented as the same god with male and female aspects, depending on the time of year - Porevit as god of the harvest and Yarila as goddess of the spring planting. Worship is widespread, so you would all know this. Since Porevit is also god of the forest, the pair are also associated with the elves.
Further note on pantheons, more info which everyone would know - the main ones in Midgard are:
- the gods of the "Crossroads", which is the pantheon most widely worshipped in Midgard
- the gods of the Seven Cities, which is kind of a medieval Italy analog (warring medieval city states)
- the gods of the Northlands - similar to the Norse gods
- the gods of Nuria Natal - similar to the Egyptian gods
- the gods of the deep Southlands - analog to sub-Saharan Africa
- the gods of the Mharoti/Dragon Empire - analog to ancient Middle East, at least from a religious perspective
- dark gods
Y&P fall into the crossroads group. Again I should set up a FAQ in the Campaign info on this. By and large, with the exception of the last group, none of the above should be considered "evil", though I should say the Midgard designers don't really like alignment as applied to gods.
@Naima feel free to take a Kn/Religion check to learn more, but also see the following.

GM Shady |

Note: This is a one time infodump. I'm going to, generally, assume Kn/R DC5 to know basic information about Horus, DC10 to know basic information about the gods of Nuria Natal, DC15 about other well known pantheons including specific gods. Advanced information (masks, theological theory, etc) is DC+5 and DC+10 depending. Uncommon gods DC+5 and DC+10 depending etc. But you should (please) frame the request as a specific question, not "tell me everything I know about", etc. The above would be a series of DC10 questions, based on the above policy.

Bjørn Egilsson |

"Aye, that I could," the ranger says, giving the tengu a knowing look. "I'd need t'know where the trail starts, of course, but if you can show me where the two left town I'll be able t'follow it. But..." Bjørn pauses, his ear cocked towards the trailing sounds of the wolves, "I can't promise they'll be alive, not with a pack out hunting like that. The sooner you point me to the trail, the better the odds; where'd she leave from?"

Nik'olo Gaczi |

Nik'olo listens to the conversation with a frown. For now, what seemed urgent was finding that girl, but other things were not going so well, and those wolves...
"Now we need a leader" the man had said. Perhaps it should be them?
"Ok Bjorn, I suggest you work with Eerikki in finding out where that trailhead is, perhaps also trying to track that girl's mother too. Perhaps this man can help you find its start?" he looks at the man who is discussing with Naima "Once you've found it, come back to the church and we'll all head out looking for her, night falling be damned."
He walks over to the church's steps, climbing them to look at the whole village: "Lack of leadership is not a problem, except when there are problems. We need to step in and get that village in some functioning shape. Short term, finding that girl. Medium term, organizing that village against wolves or worse. Long term, getting Zobeck to send a new priest. Sounds good? Did I miss something?" he looks confidently at his new companions.

Nik'olo Gaczi |

Nik'olo nods at Naima: "I'd prefer if we all go together. The howling... Let us know if you find the trail head, but let us come along, as a group."

Ashekara Kalder |

It may not have been the reason they were sent to this out-of-the-way village, but even Ashekara was not so callous as to dismiss the need to find the missing girl, hungry wolves be damned. The other points that Nik'olo brings up, however... She gives a humorless little laugh when the man asks if he's forgotten anything. "And perhaps, somewhere in the middle of all this goodwill, we can try to determine the reason we have been sent here?" Ashekara asks drily.

GM Shady |

The villager nods. "Follow me," he says. "And I hope you people have your wits about you. The forest is darkening with every passing evening."
He takes the group out along the village edge, past the scarecrows, which, now you notice, all look outward at the forest beyond; each one seems to have been carefully fashioned to appear angry and wakeful. The villager notices the adventurers' sideways looks and smiles.
"Wood wards," he says, by way of explanation.
They can hear the calling of a woman not too far deeper in the forest; in fact she can occasionally be seen running between the trees:
"Karda, Karda, where you be? Karda, gods preserve us, Karda!"
The villager nods in the woman's direction.
"That's Jarka, the mother. Jarka!" he calls. "Some city swords, come to help."

Ashekara Kalder |

At the man's warning, Ashekara reaches into her satchel and retrieves her crossbow while the group makes their way towards the outskirts of the village. After loading a bolt onto the flight groove, she props the crossbow up against her shoulder, ready for whatever awaits them in the forest. It does strike the witch as strange that the villagers would be superstitious enough to create hundreds of these 'wood wards', and yet have seemingly little faith in their ability to protect them when the wolves started howling. Unless they aren't meant to keep the wolves away. She is about to ask their guide what purpose they serve when the cries of the mother of the missing girl reaches her. Ah, a question for another time, perhaps. Ashekara speaks a few words in the gutteral language of the dead and with a wave of her hand, four glowing orbs of light like will-o'-wisps materialize. Directing the lights to hover closer to the ground, she turns to the ranger and asks, "Bjørn, do you make out any tracks yet?"

Nik'olo Gaczi |

Nik'olo follows the man's gaze, searching through the trees.
She's probably out of her mind with fear...
"Don't be afraid, we're here to find your daughter!" he pleads.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12