Handsome Gob |

"It's only what? A day since we last fought that holographic thing? But it feels like weeks or a month? Guess his trigger finger is feeling itchy..."
Handsome looks for a back door or other alternate entry.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
"Nope. Looks like there's absolutely no alternative whatsoever. Guess we're just gonna have to kill em all!"

DR34-M12 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

"Maybe we could try diplomacy again?" Dreamz is barely able to say with a straight face as she checked the power readings on her rifle.

Handsome Gob |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hi-C flips the cover off Handsome's scope.
"Hey you broke..... oh."
Handsome takes another look around...
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

Xavier "Rover" Florin |

"We can try, but I think they would not be open to a peaceful negotiation!"he says with a slight laugh

GM Friendly Sauce |

after Hi-C's expert help with the scope, Handsome is able to see at least 3 main entrances that are heavily guarded. The rear of the Temple is obscured by piles of debris and destroyed buildings.

Handsome Gob |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

"Welp, guess I'll say hello. Then you all shoot them, yah? Good plan? Great!"
Handsome steps out and approaches. Aware that they probably won't understand a thing Handsome says, he nevertheless greets them, gesturing in a non-threatening manner.
"Yo! Yo! Yo! This is absolutely your lucky day! 'Why?' You may ask. Well I'll tell ya! You've all got in your presence a group of genuine, bona-fide sky angels!! And we're here with the opportunity of a lifetime! Let us in for a looksie (we won't be long) and we'll cut you in for one thousandth of a basis point of our net profits from the junk food monopoly that we'll soon be establishing on this planet." In a lower, hushed tone, Handsome quickly adds, "Less applicable service fees. Terms and conditions apply."
Handsome continues on in a full, confident tone, "Think about it! I know you all are religious fanatics but I'm tellin ya! The offer I'm laying out is absolutely something to get fanatic about!"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 + 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 15 + (1) + 1 = 34

Xavier "Rover" Florin |

'He knows they can't understand him right, wait have we tried Kasathan yet?" he says thinking about if they visited once before maybe they left ancient languages?

DR34-M12 |

Dreamz' circuits pulsed as she quickly ran some calculations. "Based on organic addiction rates to sugar, caffeine, and targeted ads, that would still net them thousands of credits over a standard contract period. But based on those same addiction rates they would also end up in debt."

Xavier "Rover" Florin |

"that is not always true, sugar and caffeine may not affect them the same way as say me" he says observing alongside the rest