Rohkar Cindren

Garret C.'s page

307 posts. Organized Play character for Oykiv.

Full Name





Cleric 7 HP: (52/52) | AC: 25(27) | T: 12(14) | FF: 24(26) | CMD: 18 | Fort: +9| Ref: +5 | Will: +10 | Init: +1| Perc: +15






Chaotic Good






Common, Celestial, Varisian, Draconic, Infernal



Strength 14
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 16
Charisma 14

About Garret C.

CG Medium humanoid
Init +1; Perception +15

AC 25, touch 12, flat-footed 24 (+10 armor, +1 Dex, +2 Shield, +1 Natural armor, +1 Deflection)
hp 52
Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10

Speed 40 ft. 30 ft. in armor
Melee Masterwork Spiked gauntlet +8 1d4+2
Cold iron Morningstar +7 1d8+2
Alchemical silver dagger +7 1d4+2
Ranged Javalin +6 1d8+2
Sling +6 1d4+2
Alchemical silver dagger +6 1d4+2

Spells Prepared (*domain spell)
0st—Read magic, Purify food and drink, Detect magic, Create water
1st—Unselected, Liberating command, Shield of faith, Shield of faith, [s]Logstrider*
2st—Unselected, Unselected, Bull´s strength, Spiritual weapon, Aid*
3st—Unselected, Prayer, Dispel Magic, Protection from energy*
4st—Air walk, Freedom of movement*

Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 18

Feats Skill Focus Religion, Selective Channel, Heavy armor proficiency, Quick Channel

Traits: Velasmani Jungle Guide, Exalted of society

SQ Channel energy 6 times/day, 4d6, DC 14 - 4 used today
Bit of luck 6 times/day - 2 used today
Agile feet 6 rounds/day

Boons:"Secrets of creation" 1/day can cast magic weapon. If Garret casts Greater magic weapon, or Magic vestment, it counts as +1 CL (and the same if the spell was casted and Garret uses the weapon/armor).
1 Aspis agent must reroll a d20 (1 time only)
+2 Bonus on Cha-based checks to influence gripplis
Only once, +4 insight vs gaze attacks
Once per scenario Garret can reroll a Bluff, Diplomacy or Knowledge check pertaining Aspis Consortioum. If failed again the boon is lost
Against enchantment (compulsion) with more than 1 save, +1 on the extra will save.
Mendevian commendation: 1
Twin tomes: learned infernal

Skills: Diplomacy +13, Heal +7, K. Arcana +5, K. History +5, K. Planes +5, K. Religion +14, Lingüistics +5, Perception +15, Profession (Guard) +7, Sense motive +15.

Languages Common, Celestial, Varisian, Draconic, Infernal

Conditional modifiers:+1 to survival in jungles.

Combat Gear: Sling, 10 bullets, +1 Darkwood light shield, 2 Javelins, Alchemical silver dagger, Dagger, Cold iron morningstar, Masterwork spiked gauntlet, Spring loaded wraistsheet with wand of cure light wounds (10 charges spent), +1 Fullplate, Lesser strand of prayer beads (bless only), Cloak of resistance +2, Amulet of natural armor +1, Ring of Deflection +1

Consumibles: Alchemist´s fire, Air cristals, Potion of touch of the sea in a potion sponge, 2 Antiplague, 2 Antitoxine, Potion of cure moderate wounds

Scrolls: 2 Comprehend languajes, 2 Protection from evil, 2 Magic weapon, 2 Obscuring mist, 2 Remove sickness, 2 Entropic shield, 2 Remove paralysis, 2 Resist energy, 1 Align weapon, 1 See invisibility, Remove blindness/deafness

Other Gear: Bedroll, Soap, Backpack, Holy text, Flint and steel, Mess kit, Spell component pouch, Cleric Vestments, Wooden Holy symbol, Smelling salts, Skeleton key, 6 earplugs, Sleeves of many garments, Pearl of Power 1st level, Wayfinder, Dark blue cracked ioun stone, Pink and green cracked ioun stone, 2 Heal kits, Silk rope, Heavy wooden shield, Belt of mighty constitution +2