Faol Mhor's Skull & Shackles Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Faol Mhor

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Bard 1, HP 8/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 12, Touch 12, Flat 12, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4

So far...

Lex the handsome and dashing pirate who was a friend to some of you was brutally murdered in the bilges, while Felix who some of you know was blamed for the murders of Fipps and Narwhal which was in fact carried out by some of you as well.

Felix has since been released from the sweat box to redeem himself and to help in the assault, but you noticed that Plugg and Scourge had him at the front of the boarding party on the main deck...those of you who know him fear that this was probably the last time you'll see poor Felix.

Your two groups both came aboard at relatively the same time but never seemed to interact with each other until now, forced to storm the enemy ship together you will quickly need to learn how to work together.

The attack...

So far it's all been a blur of action, each of you has made it to the other ships deck with various degrees of success.

Gan, a man with a pistol, jumped across and promptly shot a sailor straight through the head while his Shoanti counterpart has managed to do some serious damage to another sailor with his sharp and barbaric spear.

A small woman, how could be easily mistaken for a halfling has been menacingly swinging her mace around, to no avail so far but it certainly must have distracted the sailors to allow the tall Shoanti to get in his attack.

To all of your surprise, an strange looking fellow, but perhaps not as strange looking as the mermaid who still lays flat on her face on the deck...:), runs up the stairs emitting an odd cackle and glaring at one of the sailors, he says to you all.

"The name's Jove Sirocco, and I'd like to apply for the post of pirate on your crew!" Jove beams at all of you.

He turns to the sailors, who have no doubt heard his cackle and says "This is what you get for not tying your knots tight.

They don't look impressed to see him...

Okay here we are...lets see what happens.:)

Just to make things simple, since we ended our other campaigns on some players turns, I'm just going to jump straight to the remaining two pirates and their turns. Then it will be all of your turns. If you didn't take a turn till this point I'm just going to assume you got distracted by all the chaos.

The second pirate seems strangely affected by Jove's stair, but he quickly raises his sowrd and charges at the stowaway...

Charge attack 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 +2 for the charge, -2 for evil eye, so he has a base +2 attack

The sailor barrels into Jove, his short sword cutting him across the arm...1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 Lethal DMG

Meanwhile the Pirate who's taken the spear to the neck desperately swings his blade at the Shoanti who impaled him.

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 His desperate attack cuts a gash across the Shoanti's cheek..1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 Lethal Damage

The Sailors look desperate, clearly out numbered and surrounded, but with pirates they expect no quarter so they seem ready to fight to the death.

There are two pirates left, one near Four Skulls and Thea who has taken -11 HP, the other is across the deck charging Jove, which means he has a -2 to AC for the next round.

It is your turn! But please post a blurb about your character in the discussion board first so the others can get to know you a bit, thank you.

Female | HP: 14/23 | AC:13 / FF: 10 / Touch: 13 | Fort:+ 1 / Reflex: +4 / Will: +6 | Init: +6 / Per: +12 Elf Wizard / 5

Thea swings her mace again at the pirate near her as she tries to move so that she is flanking him with Four Skulls.

attack 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 + 2 = 14
damage 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 and 1d6 ⇒ 5 for flanking

Bard 1, HP 8/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 12, Touch 12, Flat 12, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4

With all the chaos of battle and the sudden appearance of the Sylph on the deck Thea easily manages to side step around the sailor and strikes him in the back of the head.

With a sickening crunch his lifeless body falls to the deck.

The sailor who took -11 HP is now dead, just the one across the deck attacking Jove is up. Anyone doing ranged attacks on him remember he is in melee now so more difficult to hit, but he also has a -2 to his AC which I'll factor in.

Um, how did the pirate hit Jove? Jove has an AC of 17 with Mage Armor, and the pirate rolled a 3... +2+2-2 = 5. Unless he missed so badly he hit?

Jove cackles madly (move action) at the pirate, steps back from the pirate (five-foot step) and then screams DON'T TRY THAT AGAIN!

Casting Ear-Piercing Scream
Sonic Damage 1d6 ⇒ 1 & dazed for one round
DC 16 Fortitude save to half damage and prevent dazed condition

His voice cracked during the scream, and he grins sheepishly. Not used to yelling. No real need for it sleeping in a cargo hold trying to be inconspicuous.

Going by AC in profile line, forgot you cast mage armour...that was almost two weeks ago ;). Up date in your character bar the modified AC in brackets or something behind your AC. With so much to keep track of it will make my life much easier.

Oh...I also noticed that it changed my rolls from when I previewed the post to when I posted the post... that's very odd. Thats never happened before. The pirates just barely hit both of your ACs with my original rolls, JOve should have taken 5 and Four Skulls should have only taken -2 HP. In anycase he only had a 14 on you JOve so with your mage armour he misses and we'll go by the roll thats posted and say he also misses Four Skulls.

Bard 1, HP 8/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 12, Touch 12, Flat 12, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4

Sailor's Fort Save 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15, He doesn't make it, he is dazed and takes 1 lethal.

Oh...and Jove...You guys are the pirates :) they are innocent hard working sailors who just want to go home to their wife and kids :)

Male Human Gunslinger(Buccaneer) -2 HP = 17/17 NLHP 0/17 AC 17 Touch 13 Flat 14 F +3 R +6 W +3 In +3 Per +6

Darn shame that one. I'll say a prayer for their families later. Right now I got to put more holes in heads.

I reload my pistol Move Action and five foot step closer to the Sailor attacking Jove.

Attack:1d20 + 6 - 4 ⇒ (12) + 6 - 4 = 14 For:1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8 vs his touch AC.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

DM Faol my current AC with shield of faith is 19. i dont think the sailor got me, he rolled a 5...

With his adversarie dead the shoanti moves to the next foe flanking him with the new comer.

Atk: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 4 + 2 = 16
Dmg: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Haha I did mean "sailor" not pirate, though in my defense they did tie me up lol. Even Lex never got tied up haha ;-)

Male Undine Oracle 2 (Dual-Cursed Oracle), HP 20/20, NL-HP 0/20, AC 15, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 14, F +2, R +1, W +5, Init +1, Perc +3

Assuming that the attacks kill the remaining enemies:

Move Action: Move to catch all allies within the area of effect
Standard Action: Channel
Healing: 1d6 ⇒ 3

"If any are unconscious, they may awake from this..."

Avakor moves amongst his allies and focuses inward, again drawing out his inner song. A wave of healing energy erupts from him and flows over all in the area, healing their wounds.

Like I told Jove Four Skulls, When I previewed the post, the rolls worked out to get a hit, for some reason they then changed when I went to post which never happens. In any case I said we would go with the posted rolls so you are correct it did not hit you.

I also need you to update your AC stat if its changed by a modifier like shield of faith because I don't always remember what happened at the beginning of a fight because it can take some time to get through one ;) See Jove's Character bar for an example of what I mean next to his AC.

As the Shoanti Charges forward and impales the last sailor from behind a crack from Gan's gun goes off and a bullet hits the man as well. He screams in agony. His body slumps to the ground and stops moving.

Lol Jove, You stowed away ;)

Avakor is that an allied targeted channel or an AOE Channel, I'm assuming from what you ssaid its an un-targeted AOE? In any case...

Avakor's healing energy rushed over all those still standing. The Sailors on the deck do not move. those of you injured are healed for 3 HP

For now the Stern castle appears calm, you've taken your objective with little effort. Below you the melee rages, Pirates and sailors hack and slash at one another across the main deck. Some men fall from the rigging into the ocean and you can hear the screams of the unlucky who are still alive as they are ripped to pieces by the sharks.

You can all take a round after the combat to say and do something if you like. Tomorrow afternoon, I'll post again/

Male Human Gunslinger(Buccaneer) -2 HP = 17/17 NLHP 0/17 AC 17 Touch 13 Flat 14 F +3 R +6 W +3 In +3 Per +6

Where's the wormwoods captain and how well is he doing?

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

There. Everybody is dead. Now what?

Four Skulls looks at the deck below searching for the wormwood officers.
Percept: 1d20 ⇒ 11

Staying at a save distance from the newcomer while keeping an eye on him Skulls says to Jove.
I am sure the captain will be delighted to have you kid.

Jove smiles at Four Skulls and laughs, Kid, funnily enough, I may be young for my race, but I'm still probably thrice your age. What're your names, sailors? I already told you mine. He makes a bit of a bow. Seeing Avakor, he speaks in an undulating, flowing language.

An undine! A kindred spirit! With my wind and your waves, we should make a good team!

After introductions, he calls for Zephyrus. Zeph! Come say hi to our new friends!

A bird flies down from the rigging and lands on Jove's shoulder. The bird speaks in a sweet, melodic, high-pitched voice.

I'm Zephyrus. Yes, a magic thrush. I help Jove with his spells. By the gods he needs it. The thrush playfully nips Jove's hair.

Bard 1, HP 8/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 12, Touch 12, Flat 12, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4

As you all pause for a moment and Four Skulls takes the time to look down into the melee he sees Captain Harrigan moving towards the door on the deck below him.

Harrigan appears to be headed for the Captain of the merchant ships quarters.

Four Skulls you see a young Rohadoumi sailor, with scimitar in hand, rush from the melee towards the captain to try and stab him in the back.

You are all on a raised deck above the main deck, underneath the deck you are standing on are rooms, most likely the captains quarters. You are all in a good vantage point so if you also pass a DC 10 perception check you also notice the danger that Harrigan is in.

If you pass the perception check you may take an action

Male Human Gunslinger(Buccaneer) -2 HP = 17/17 NLHP 0/17 AC 17 Touch 13 Flat 14 F +3 R +6 W +3 In +3 Per +6

I look to the others. "Would anyone be bother if I shot our beloved captain?" It is apparent I am really mulling the idea over. Folks need to answer quick before I act.

Bard 1, HP 8/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 12, Touch 12, Flat 12, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4

lol...he's not joking people...he'll do it :)

Female | HP: 14/23 | AC:13 / FF: 10 / Touch: 13 | Fort:+ 1 / Reflex: +4 / Will: +6 | Init: +6 / Per: +12 Elf Wizard / 5

perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Thea must be too short to see over the railing since she fails to notice the danger that the Captain is from the sailor. "I wouldn't be bothered, but you should think about who might see you do it. We are on a raised deck in full view of our own ship, on which there might be people who would object.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Not at all. But the women is right, be carefull not to be seem doing it. Maybe if we wait a little bit that Rouhadoni sailor over there will do the deed for us. You can then shot into the melee and just say "whoops" wrong target... the shoanti wisper to his companions.

Male Undine Oracle 2 (Dual-Cursed Oracle), HP 20/20, NL-HP 0/20, AC 15, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 14, F +2, R +1, W +5, Init +1, Perc +3

Perception Check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Heal Check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Turned in the completely wrong direction to notice anything happening on the deck, Avakor looks over each of his allies, checking for more wounds. "Should it kill him, what will we be left with? Harrigan is the one that issued the order to avoid slaying crewmates. The rest of the crew does not seem to value that. Would Mister Plugg or Master Scourge be so discerning?" He looks over to Gan for a moment, pausing as he does so, before going back to work.

Male Human Gunslinger(Buccaneer) -2 HP = 17/17 NLHP 0/17 AC 17 Touch 13 Flat 14 F +3 R +6 W +3 In +3 Per +6

I smirk. "Wouldn't mind putting a few holes in them either. A three way battle might be fun. There are a few others I could see coming to our aid. I may we ought to see if we can slip into the Merchant captain's cabin an go after him. I'm sick of this boat to be honest and more truth, The first mate Plugg, allowed are fellow crewmates to attack one another. I don't see a better opportunity to change things then now. Certainly not going to wait for the loss of another crewmate to act. What do you guys say?"

This in game oppression has lasted for 6 out of game months. I am ready for it to end so we can do something really fun.

Perception Check 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Well, this is the perfect chance for me to make a good impression on my new captain! Jove says brightly, then bellows HEY MISTER PIRATE CAPTAIN WATCH OUT BEHIND YOU! Jove congratulates himself with a bit of a cackle on having a shot of getting in the captain's good graces.

Male Human Gunslinger(Buccaneer) -2 HP = 17/17 NLHP 0/17 AC 17 Touch 13 Flat 14 F +3 R +6 W +3 In +3 Per +6

Sorry Jove but the following action is what Gan would do in this scenario. Nothing personal.
Hearing the strange newcomer ruin what could have been an excellent opportunity to off our much hated captain, and realizing he is not one of us too. I aim my pistol at Jove and fire without hesitation.
Attack:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14 vs his touch AC for:1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Male Undine Oracle 2 (Dual-Cursed Oracle), HP 20/20, NL-HP 0/20, AC 15, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 14, F +2, R +1, W +5, Init +1, Perc +3

Avakor begins to utter a sentence in aquan, in reply to Jove's earlier statement. He seems to be busy with attending to others at the moment and begins to speak before looking towards Jove.

"You speak the language of the waves? It's good to mee-"

He's stops just as he looks up in time to see Gan leveling his pistol at the sylph. "What th-" The noise of the pistol shot cuts him off.

Actually, my touch AC in this case is 15. Didn't want to put it in brackets because it's situational and only applies to nonmagical ranged attacks, but I have the Breeze-Kissed sylph trait, which grants me a +2 racial bonus to AC against said attacks via a whirlwind I can turn on and off with a swift action (which I did before the battle).

And no worries, Gan. I thought about explaining myself to the rest of you, but just as you would shoot Jove for tipping the captain off, Jove would unabashedly warn the captain without any prior discussion. :) I (the player) have no love for the captain since I suffered in the Wormwood as Lex, but Jove is a young stowaway who is scared (though he'd never admit that) and sees scoring points with the captain as his only shot to prove his loyalty to the pirates.

Jove jumps at the loud bang and the bullet which grazed his flowing hair. Zephyrus screeches, wings flapping madly as he jets back up into the rigging. Then Jove yelps Hey! What was that for? We're all good pirates here! Aren't pirates SUPPOSED to warn their captain?

Jove looks Gan dead in the eye, and Jove's sky-blue irises turn jet black for a moment. Gan feels intense doubt of his accuracy in battle, as if an invisible hand will jolt his barrel at every shot or arm at every strike.

Evil Eye Hex -2 on attack rolls: Make a DC 16 Will save. Success means it's only for 1 round; failure means the hex applies for 5 rounds.

Sorry to hex you, but hey, you shot first. Jove offers his hand. Even? You almost kill me with your boomstick, so I hex your ability to shoot your boomstick.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

For someone thrice my age kid, you are dumb as a baby. And a cursed magi! the shoanti spits on the floor. Four Skulls level his spear at Jove and trying to decide if he should kill the newcomer or not. Damn it, Gan.

OOC since Jove couldn't know but I just have to say: my eyes turn black when hexing and I'm cursed, says the oracle of bones with spirits haunting him 24/7 and who can summon undead to do his bidding, LOL.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Shoanti have a lot of supertitions against arcane magic.

Male Human Gunslinger(Buccaneer) -2 HP = 17/17 NLHP 0/17 AC 17 Touch 13 Flat 14 F +3 R +6 W +3 In +3 Per +6

I understand. Funny thing is you called pirates good. Gan is typically out for himself and has no idea who Jove is. Only that Jove is a nobody trying to ruin a great opportunity. I'll give Jove a chance to respond before shooting again.

Will Save:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
I resist the dark sensation that creeps into me. It only affects my aim for a few seconds. I reload my pistol and speak in a serious and threatening tone. "Good pirates!? Since when have pirates been good? We are slaves on that mans ship and too many of us have been killed without any chance to defend ourselves. We had the perfect opportunity to free ourselves and you just ruined it! For that alone I have no problems putting a hole in your head." I seem ready to shoot again but for this round I hold action waiting for the effects of the hex to wear off.

I meant "good" as in "sharks are good killing machines," not necessarily as "good" as opposed to evil. Jove is also one who looks out for number one, but he has no firsthand experience of being a pirate nor of the Wormwood.

Seeing the gun still leveled at him, Jove hexes Gan again (-2 to attack rolls) and lets out a nervous cackle (move action which extends the duration of the Evil Eye by 1 round, even if you make your save) at Gan's words.

Free? Free? So your whole crew loves you guys and hates the captain? You'd face no retaliation if anyone saw you killing the captain? The guy next in line is a sweetheart who calls you all chums and tucks you in at night with a bedtime story? If it was such a perfect opportunity, why didn't you just shoot the damn guy instead of jabbering on about it? You had no problem shooting me without a group vote, why not kill a guy you apparently hate with all your guts? Me dumb? I probably just saved your lives!

Again, sorry to hex you, but it's for my own protection. I'll stop hexing you when you lower your weapon.

Male Human Gunslinger(Buccaneer) -2 HP = 17/17 NLHP 0/17 AC 17 Touch 13 Flat 14 F +3 R +6 W +3 In +3 Per +6

Jove's ignorance stabs harder than any truth he thinks he is speaking. My fury makes it hard to resist his next gaze.
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16 Failing to focus I in a rage turn around and fire at the captain.

1d20 + 6 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 6 - 2 = 20 For:1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 this attack is directed at Captain Harnigan.

The die is cast. Do or die. I accept either outcome at this point.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Gan Laccaran you crazy a$& bastard! Whatever happens it was a pleasure to roleplay with you.

Damnit. the shoanti wisper wide-eyed.

Male Human Gunslinger(Buccaneer) -2 HP = 17/17 NLHP 0/17 AC 17 Touch 13 Flat 14 F +3 R +6 W +3 In +3 Per +6

You too, it was indeed a pleasure.

Female | HP: 14/23 | AC:13 / FF: 10 / Touch: 13 | Fort:+ 1 / Reflex: +4 / Will: +6 | Init: +6 / Per: +12 Elf Wizard / 5

"Oh s%~~..."

Thea looks about, trying to figure out who's heard the shot and might be looking their way.

perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Male Undine Oracle 2 (Dual-Cursed Oracle), HP 20/20, NL-HP 0/20, AC 15, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 14, F +2, R +1, W +5, Init +1, Perc +3

Avakor watches the exchange between the two men, unsure of what to do in this situation. Now? Of all times to be fighting those that don't want to kill us? Damnation!

He watches Gan spin to fire and the captain, and starts to move towards the man, but the shot is fired before he can move much.

Bard 1, HP 8/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 12, Touch 12, Flat 12, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4

Well looks like things are getting interesting...Just letting you guys know I'm at a RL game tonight so cant post. Might be able to post tonight but more than likely not until tomorrow :(

Bard 1, HP 8/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 12, Touch 12, Flat 12, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4

Okay here we go.

Thea's Perception:

Thea, by the point that everyone else finished talking and Gan has turned back to shot the Captain, You saw out of the corner of your eye that Harrigan has spun around, due to Jove's warning, faster than any man you've ever seen and attacked the poor sailor.

1d20 + 23 ⇒ (3) + 23 = 26, 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13, He cuts off the man's arm at the wrist...
1d20 + 18 ⇒ (3) + 18 = 21, 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14, He guts the man and his intestines spill to the ground...
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25, 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9, He takes the man's head from his shoulders...

The man's body falls to the deck and his head rolls in a half circle around the deck before coming to a stop, wide eyed and open mouthed..

You get a sick feeling of dread when you see Gan's bullet hit the captain in the chest.

You notice that in the chaos though that nobody else other than the Captain has seen the shot

The rest of you...

have been too focused on the chaos on the stern-castle to notice what happened to the sailor running up behind the captain.

You all turn to the captain as Gan quickly turns and fires his shot.

The bullet whizzes through the air after the crack of the pistol and it hits the captain on his dark skinned chest. The bullet sinks into his flesh but doesn't go very far. A small trickle of blood flows down his chest.

Stunned the captains one eye stairs up at Gan, his face grim but a strange small smile plays across his lips...

For just a second those of you who are watching notice that his eye-patch begins to glow red hot. He seems to think for a second and then goes charging into the captains quarters. You all hear the wood splinter from his kick and screams of grown men from the rooms below you.

After he leaves you all notice the headless mutilated body of the sailor on the deck behind where the captain had been standing.

None of you really have time to react to what's happened however because out of the cargo hold come three more sailors, two appear to just be regular sailors while one, a woman with hair just as dark as her compatriots jet black beards, appears to be an officer. She grips an ornate boarding hook.

They all run towards a jolly boat and the two men begin to lower the boat while she stands ready to repel anyone else.

Riaris, calls out from the melee, hanging from the rigging half way up the main mast. "Stop them! Don't let any of em %$#^ing escape!"

Enemies Init 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Four Skulls,1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Thea, 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Avakor,1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Jove,1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Sabinae,1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Gan,1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

TURN ORDER: Thea, Avakor, Jove, Sabinae, you can all act.

Then it will be the sailors turn followed by all of you again with Four Skulls and Gan as well

Ah as for Gan, Gan...I'm not going to tell you to roll up a new character yet...but maybe it would be good to get a nice character concept in mind...I mean you never know...you might live...maybe...

Bard 1, HP 8/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 12, Touch 12, Flat 12, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4

oh and I'm glad to see everyone is getting along so well so far...might be cool to find a way to meld as a team rather than get at each other.

Both Martian Level 20 invader

Lol. Simple response to the captain would be "oops I missed" however, Gan may be a bit too proud to state that. Typically I have a strict policy against making replacement characters. If I die I generally say game over and start over. It tends to make me sick to my stomach know I had developed a character so far only to have his story end. It simply goes, if his story ends, mine does too. However, in this case, I do not feel I have developed Gan well. I like the concept but ultimately I have been having trouble with the overall character. His behavior and personality seem to all over the place. That being said, In this case I would have no problem making a new character. I do have a character in mind if I need to make a new one, otherwise I would prefer to keep Gan and keep developing him.

Bard 1, HP 8/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 12, Touch 12, Flat 12, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4

well nothing's set in stone...Gan's not dead yet, there is always hope. Besides who else will cause the s*!$ to hit the fan if Gan dies lol :)

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

In my experience party coehsion takes a little longer to be achieved in campaigns with darker motifs where characters have somewhat stronger evil tendencies. Having said that, we did not kill each other yet so I think we are good. lol

Back to the game... If we are on the stern castle are we not very far away from the cargo hold entrances? I am having a little difficult visualising the deck of this ship, do u have a map DM Faol?

Bard 1, HP 8/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 12, Touch 12, Flat 12, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4

In the front there is the raised fore castle, then the main deck with the three masts. on the main deck there are two entrances to the cargo hold between the masts. Most of the fighting is around the cargo hold entrances and the masts but the three sailors have run out of the stern cargo hold to one of the two jolly boats near the stern castle where you are standing. Does that help?

I'll try and link a map but all my maps are on my other computer which is...not cooperating...

Bard 1, HP 8/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 12, Touch 12, Flat 12, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4

Wormwood MAP

The map is very similar but a bit longer than the wormwood, if you see the two grates these would be the entrances to the cargo hold.

Male Human Gunslinger(Buccaneer) -2 HP = 17/17 NLHP 0/17 AC 17 Touch 13 Flat 14 F +3 R +6 W +3 In +3 Per +6

Wow he took that shot "Like a Faust"! He is a tough one.

Seeing the spectacle of Harrigan taking my shot and smiling, I think to myself "Oh#$%%" In spite of the sudden surge of dread, I make sure to return the captain's smile trying my damndest to look confident.

Hearing the crewmate shouting from the rigging I snap back to myself. "What's done is done. Can't do anything to change that now." I turn to the not so jolly boat and attempt to pick of the two men.

Reload move action.
Five foot closer.
Shoot:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 For:1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 vs touch AC. I did apply the -2 from the gaze.

BTW Gan, you rolled 16 for your saving throw and it was only DC 16, so you made it and with the cackle you were only hexed for 2 rounds. It's the GM's call, of course, but it looks like more than 6 seconds (1 round) had passed since you fired on the captain, so you wouldn't take a -2 on your most recent shot.

Bewildered that Gan actually took the shot--I only wanted him to see that I was right so he wouldn't shoot me, not so he'd up and shoot the captain! Jove doesn't have time to say anything before the pirates' new orders come, so he rushes to within 30 feet of the officer and turns his gaze on her.

Evil Eye Hex: -2 to saves for 5 rounds. DC 16 Will save to reduce to 1 round.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

How long will it take the sailors to put the jolly boat on the water?

Well, now we know the captain have some heavy magical wards. the shoanti mumbles almost cursing.

Female | HP: 14/23 | AC:13 / FF: 10 / Touch: 13 | Fort:+ 1 / Reflex: +4 / Will: +6 | Init: +6 / Per: +12 Elf Wizard / 5

Well, no one is taking down the Captain in a one on one fight. Surely that idiot didn't think he could just kill the Captain that easily?

"At least no one other than the Captain has noticed that shot." Whether or not that's going to matter, I have no idea.

Thea moves up to fling an icicle at one of the fleeing crew members.

Moves to get within 30ft of one of them.
ranged touch attack 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
confirm ranged touch attack 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
damage 1d6 ⇒ 4
extra damage if target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC 1d6 ⇒ 2
extra damage if crit confirmed 1d6 ⇒ 4

Male Undine Oracle 2 (Dual-Cursed Oracle), HP 20/20, NL-HP 0/20, AC 15, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 14, F +2, R +1, W +5, Init +1, Perc +3

Move Action: Ready Crossbow
Standard Action: Fire Crossbow at Nearest crew member not engaged.


Attack Roll: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Aaaannnddd... that's a miss!

Avakor shakes his head and pulls his crossbow off his back from where it hangs. He takes aim at the nearest sailor, but glances for a moment at Gan.

I hope his decision does not get us all killed, should we survive this melee.

The glance costs him all but the slightest notion of accuracy and the shot goes wide.


AC: 17; Flat-Footed: 16; Touch: 13
Hit Points: 20/20
Speed: 20 ft
In Hand: Light Crossbow
Bolts: 9/10
Channels Uses: 3/4
1st - 4/5
Effects: shield of faith

Bard 1, HP 8/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 12, Touch 12, Flat 12, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4

Four Skulls, it takes about three rounds to lower a Boat like that into the water with two men working on it.

Avakor does in deed miss, but Thea hits hard with here icicle. The icicle hits one of the men hard in the side before shattering. He doesn't fall but he is obviously injured.

Busy evening last night and I'm too tired to post more before work so I'll post after work, sorry.

Bard 1, HP 8/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 12, Touch 12, Flat 12, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4


Jove you manage to get within 30 feet, running down the stairs and onto the main deck to be able see her. The melee swirls around the fore castle and in he rigging so for the time being you and the others face these three alone.

will save for the officer. 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 She is clearly taken aback by your gaze and the hex effects her.


Both of the crewmen, one of them gripping his wounded side, rush to the jolly boat and begin desperately to let it down. Their action is to lower the boat this round

The officer, seeing only one opponent rush down in range makes her way forward advances towards Jove gripping her ornate pike but with some trepidation and the sight of his eyes. She reaches gets within 10 feet of Jove and thrusts the pike at his eyes.

1d20 + 6 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 6 - 2 = 10 Jove is easily able to avoid the feeble strike


Gan's shot goes wide Jove is right you passed your will save so it only affected you for one round, but even with the extra 2 you only got a 10 which still missed

All of you can take your turn for the offical round 1. Gan because you and four Skulls had a lower init you only get to act starting in this round so your action is done for this round. By the way Avakor I like your status spoiler. I might steal the idea :)

Sailors Status:

officer: HP:Full, Hexed: [-2 attack mod 5/5 rounds left.] Boarding pike 2H
Sailor 1: HP: -10, Short sword in one hand
Sailor 2: HP: Full, Short sword in one hand

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