About Avakor MaekridizCurrent Condition:
Current: HP 20 Current Non-Lethal: 0 Wounds: None Status: Normal Spells Remaining:
Channel Uses Remaining: 4
Spells Active:
Base Stats:
HP: 20 Initiative: +1, Darkvision 60 ft Speed: 20 ft, swim 30 ft Attack
Melee Unarmed Strike: +0, 1d3-1 Ranged
Diplomacy +8 Heal +7 Profession(cook) +7 Profession(sailor) +8 Survival +7 Swim +12 (-2 armor) Traits:
Abendego Spellpiercer: You gain a +2 trait bonus to concentration checks made to cast spells. Besmara's Blessing: You gain a +1 trait bonus to Perception and Profession (sailor) checks. Additionally, once per week, you may reroll one Profession(sailor) check and take the highest of the two (you must use this ability before the results of the check are known).
Toughness: You gain +3 hit points. You gain +1 hit points every time you gain a hit die beyond 3. Racial Abilities:
Amphibious: Undines gain the aquatic subtype and the amphibious special quality. Energy Resistance: Undines gain cold resistance 5. Hydrated Vitality: Undines gain fast healing 2 for 1 round anytime they submerge themselves completely in a body of natural salt water, fresh water, or brackish water. Undine can heal 2 hit points per level with this ability per day.
Class Abilities:
Mystery(Life): Each Oracle draws upon a concept in order to cast their spells. These mysteries impart different class skills as well as granting specific spells based on that concept. Oracle's Curse (Haunted and Lame): An Oracle bears a curse that provides both benefits and hindrances, and eventually improves their abilities over time. A Dual-Cursed Oracle is afflicted with two curses, one of which never improves.
Orisons: Oracles learn a number of 0th-level spells that do not consume spell slots when cast. Revelations: Oracles occasionally discover secrets about their mysteries that are represented by revelations.
Channel 1d6: Oracles of Life are able to Channel Positive Energy as per a Cleric of the same level. Spells:
Spells Per Day: (4) 0th: Create Water, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Guidance, Mage Hand, Mending, Read Magic 1st: Cure Light Wounds, Detect Undead, Endure Elements, Shield of Faith Equipment:
Studded leather armor Buckler Shortspear Dagger Light Crossbow Case with Bolts (10) Holy Symbol of Besmara (wooden) Holy Symbol of Desna (wooden) Holy Symbol of Gozreh (wooden) Backpack Signal Whistle Hammock Traveler’s Outfit Spell Component Pouch Flint and Steel Belt Pouch Various Scarves (5gp) Tanglefoot Bag Stolen Equipment:
Recovered! Money and Valuables:
278 gp 1 sp Worn Bracelet (5gp) Miscellaneous Statistics:
Age: 74 years Height: 6’4” Weight: 165 lbs. Appearance: Avakor is generally a turquoise coloration that pales in the front nearly to white and darkens in the back to a deep turquoise blue. A series of spots of dark turquoise gather thickly on his back and gradually thin as they wrap around his body, disappearing entirely just as they reach the front of his chest. His eyes are large and bulbous, nearly fishlike, and his nose is almost non-existent except for a pair of slits. His ears are flush against his head, with only a small hole visible, but occasionally fold out into a fin-like fan when resting. Small, fin-like ridges lie flush against his calves and forearms, only folding out when underwater. His hands are webbed. Thin slits are visible along his neck, only opening in the water. He is completely hairless. Avakor dresses in open vests and short, loose pants that stop above the calf and rarely, if ever, wears boots. A scarf of green or orange is often seen on his head, but he always wears a violet scarf covered in intricate designs around his waist. Background:
“My first memories are hazy at best, but such are the recollections of childhood, no? I remember a face, that of my adoptive mother, Ilyana Maekridiz. Even as a hazy memory, her face still brings a smile to mine. I remember her retelling of how she found me, a young child, nearly a babe, on the ruined coast of the Sodden Lands. I was laying nearby the corpse of a young Taldane woman, presumably my mother. She wore a bracelet of silver, tarnished and missing most of its gems, with the symbol of Desna on it. Ilyana took it as a sign from Desna and took me into her care.” He pauses for a moment before holding up his right wrist. “I wear that bracelet to this day.” “Ilyana was the remnant of a small Varisian family that had taken residence in the Sodden Lands before they had earned that name. She was a child when the Eye had struck and flooded the land. Most of her family had been lost in the initial floods and time, or monsters, had taken the rest. She was a fortune-teller with no one’s fortune left to tell. Whenever I had asked about the reason that she had stayed in those lands, she’d simply smile at me and say, ‘Twas Desna’s will.’ I never corrected her on that, mainly because I’ve wanted it to be true. It was only later that I’d figure it to be the blessing of Besmara, but I’ll never be one to curse either of those goddesses.” “We wandered for many years, just the two of us. I learned a great deal about Varisian life and culture during that time. I suppose that my fondness for scarves comes from that.” He pats the intricate scarf that he wears around his waist. “Eventually, we made contact with a group of survivors hidden up on the mountaintop abode of Jula. It was a godsend, even if the leader of the group was a follower of Erastil. Not that I have anything against him in specific, just a bit too focused on structure for my taste. Anyways, we spent many years in that place. I learned a great deal there, beyond just the necessities of survival and the culture of the Varisians. The place was diverse enough that I began to understand a bit more about how big this world just was. I also discovered a love of cooking, one that I continue to practice today. Ahhh… While there was little food, I used whatever I could to cook anything that the other people there could think of. Not the best of cuisine, but I managed.” “I found another love there as well, the weather. While some of the residents hated the constant storms that lashed the area, I found them refreshing. Every time that I needed to recover a bit of energy, I would walk outside into the wind and rain. The feeling of it against my skin…” He shivers. “Nothing replaced it… well, except for the feeling of being submerged, but that comes a bit later.” “During my time there, I found that my leg began to hurt more and more, at a place where a piece of debris had pierced it when Ilyana found me, and that strange happenings began to occur around me. Small objects would occasionally skitter away from me, weird noises would occur, and such. I was beginning to get worried about it when the pain in my leg grew immense and it erupted into a vicious wound so suddenly that it took the healers best efforts to stem the flow and save my life. Divinations were done after the strange event and all I was told was that Gozreh had seen fit to touch me or something as such. The priests were puzzled as to the exact reasoning for my plight, but it seemed to settle down… mostly, and it was largely left alone. I was left with a decided limp, though, one that I still carry, despite my attempts to heal it.” He smacks his right calf, which bears a strange scar. “Ilyana saw something else in my miniature trial and decided to give me some tutelage in the art of magic, which resulted in fairly little. I was not a caster in the arcane arts, as she was, but eventually, it was found that I could perform small miracles, like those of a cleric, but without praying to a specific deity. Ilyana and I kept it mostly hush hush, lest everything be brought under more scrutiny and I be feared possessed or some other such nonsense.” “About 30 years ago, Ilyana passed away. She had grown old while I had barely progessed through half my teen years, at least by human reckoning. She bequeathed to me kapenia upon her death, telling me to add to the family, to ensure it lived on. After that, I left Jula, and headed to the coast. The water there, so close, called to me and I began to swim, following the coast south. I had heard about the tales of the pirate captains to the south, and the thought of a life on the water appealed to me. I just hoped that I could find a captain to sign on with that wouldn’t be a black-hearted scoundrel.” “Eventually, I found myself in Port Peril. When the initial awe at the place wore off, I suddenly realized how despicable this place really was, but the idea of adventure, of freedom and the allure of coin drove me forward. I did research, mostly by asking around the somewhat inebriated populace, and found a good captain to sign on with. They needed a cook, as the last one had found some bit of bad business to involve himself with in port, and it just so happened that I had some skill in the kitchen. I remember those days fondly, with Captain Brandershine. He was a halfling, a former slave of Imperial Cheliax, and a damn fine person. He had never let his time a slave embitter him, but rather used it as reason to treat others a bit better… and make Chelaxian vessels a prime target. After a few years of sailing with him, I left to investigate the Eye of Abendego from the town of Drenchport. I was sad to hear of his death at the hands of those that had enslaved him previously, but I had always known it would happen.” “In Drenchport, I sailed with many ships that skirted the Eye on a regular basis, and I began to understand my love of the sea that much better. I wasn’t just someone with the blood of genies, but I had been blessed by The Pirate Queen for one reason or another. Things on board ships just seemed to favor me. A knot tight for someone else would slip loose in my grasp, I’d catch the winds just right from time to time at the helm, or other such things. Even with this luck, though, it seemed like my magics came from a different source, like I was blessed by more than one deity, although I had little clue as to who the other one was.” “After many years in Drenchport and sailing around the edges of the Eye, I travelled back to Port Peril, hoping to find old crewmates from my time with Captain Brandershine. I’ve found that one frequents the Formidably Maid, so that’s my next stop this eve.”