Eternal Horizons - Gameplay Thread 3 (Inactive)

Game Master Jacob DeCourcey

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Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1

Axcayacatl looks around looking for his group of adventurers. " Sigh! We should hurry."

M Human Summoner/1 Hp 9 AC 15, t 12, ff13

Having heard ending the ending speech by Fox, Aaron spends the next hours trying to find out more information about the area outside of this town, especially to the east. He takes a couple of looks at the bounty poster noting the name and any particulars. He leaves the inn going back toward the stables. Here, nestled around his pack and gear, is his companion Rumble.
“Well Rumble, I guess you heard we are leaving in the morning.” He picks up his shortspear and shoulders his pack. I’ll call you a few minutes before we leave. This inn looks safe enough. Wish we had a few more coins but we took what we could.”

Rumble replies in a low growling common; his voice echoing in the summoner’s head, “could of grabbed a bit more but they might be followin’ then. Just a little luck we get plenty, then we go back.”

Aaron smiles at that,” I’m in no hurry to make that journey. See you in the morning.”

With that he dismisses his edilon and heads back to the inn. He grabs some bread, cheese and few pieces of fruit before heading off to his room doubting the kitchen will be open when they leave in the morning.
Excited about the adventure he is about to embark he spends an hour before bed going over his gear, tightening every strap, sharpening the tips of his spears, and inspecting his sparse pack for the third time. Satisfied with their condition he lies down for a restless night’s sleep.

Getting up an hour before dawn, Aaron eats his stored breakfast, dons his armor, and straitens his gear. He walks outside, moves to the corner of the building, and takes a minute to call Rumble back to his side. When he appears, Aaron brushes the long hair around Rumble’s head attempting to make him as presentable as possible. That done he sits on a log outside of the inn with the sun just starting to brightenthe horizon, Rumble next to him, waiting for his new acquired “friends” to appear, anticipating the adventure that awaits.

Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1

Ax aproaches Aaron, and says " Hi. Did you have a good sleep. Breakfast was good, but nevertheless... I'll go over the corner and buy some more food for the trip and a few ither trinkets. See you in a few minutes."
Ax walks away thinking about the things he will shurely forget to get, and will sorely miss.

M Human Rng: 1; (Hp 12; [Ac14, (T 11,(Ff 13)

Jar’Kel finishes his ale and excuses himself from the group. “Well then friends I have some preparations to attend to, Until daybreak .“ Going about his business with as much haste as possible he ends the afternoon wandering about the town, until sunset finds him on a slight hill at the edge of Fallsvale. Staring westward into the unknow of the Horizon's, he watches the sky and clouds rampant in their fading glory. Trying to divine what weather will come with the dawn.

would like to buy 15 days of trail rations(7.5gp), 1 mule(8gp), 1 packsaddle(5gp) 15 days feed(7.5sp).
Kn. Nature check to predict tomorrow's Weather 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

”I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze”

"William Wordsworth (1770-1850): I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"

Male Elven Fighter 1

Amarandlon leaves the group: "At daybreak we will meet fellow companions."

He walk around the streets of Fallsvale looking for what he might need for the journey. Having found some food he returns to the inn and packs his bag for tomorrow. He walks to the edge of Fallsvale, where he meets Jar'Kel, not a word is spoken just a nod exchanged, he then look to the west.

After having meditated he begins preparations, sharpening his blade making sure everything is packed and having his last warm meal for a while.

As the others appear in the common room of the inn he greets them: "Good morning fellow companions, shall we walk west once everyone has eaten?"

M Human Summoner/1 Hp 9 AC 15, t 12, ff13

"Well met Ax." Aaron says standing. "Slept well as ever. This is my companion Rumble." Aaron introduces Ax to his edilon. A four footed beast resembling a cross between a wolf and a lion. Standing at about three and a half feet at the shoulders,, it had a proturing snout filled with sharp pointed teeth, a brownish colored mane covered a unusually long neck that moved about almost serpentine in nature, long dark mostly retracted claws were visible on the front set of paws, an intelligence could clearly be seen in its greenish eyes.

Aaron sees his other adventurers packing more food and making final preparations. It looked like the are we were going was only a day or so away... with what we could find on the trail 4 rations should have been enough to carry us through he thought to Rumble. I guess a few more wouldn't hurt.

[b] I got a few more thig\ngs to pick up too. See you back here.

Like to purchase 10 more days of rations 5gp and 6 sunrods for 12 gp.

Check the discussion thread for the exploration procedure.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 1

Jackson appears from upstairs, his pack strapped to his back. From his hip hangs a coiled whip, a dagger in a simple leather scabbard, and a crude morning star. His hat rests in the customary spot atop his head. He scans the room, taking note of who is and is not present. "We're missin' one. Angus, I think it was? The one with th' weird dog. He still in bed?" Not waiting for an answer, Jackson produces what looks like a thick sheaf of papers, but, when unfolded, reveals itself to be one very large, mostly blank, sheet of paper. Setting it on the table, he removes his pack with a quick uncinching. The map shows the town in the south, and nothing else, save for a small but distinct mark some way to the west. "Alright fellas, gath'r round. The general idea is that we'll be goin' here," he says, pointing at the mark. "The bartender has kindly informed me that there's some kinda gully with rooms built into th' side. Says s'me crazy folks lived there a while back. Now, even if we take our time and map everything along the way, explorin' the lay of the land as thor'ghly 's poss'ble, the whole trip should still only take three 'r four days. Now, I don' know about y'all, but I've got enough supplies f'r at least double that. If we're all in agreement, there's quite a bit more explorin' we could do even aft'r completin' our objective f'r this expedition. I may be leadin' this party, but evr'y man, woman, elf, half-elf, half-orc, fairy drag'n an' eldritch 'bomination that may be involv'd gets a say-so, 's far as I'm concern'd."

M Human Summoner/1 Hp 9 AC 15, t 12, ff13

Aaron returns from his short errands to the tavern noting there is no one waiting outside. A slight panic arose as he worried the others had left without him. He drops his pack next to Rumble. Here watch this, I’ll check inside Aaron arrives inside as Fox is talking…

“…..there's quite a bit more explorin' we could do even aft'r completin' our objective f'r this expedition. I may be leadin' this party, but evr'y man, woman, elf, half-elf, half-orc, fairy drag'n an' eldritch 'bomination that may be involv'd gets a say-so, 's far as I'm concern'd,” he heard him finish.

They’re in here, he says to Rumble, sounds like we’ll be movin’ off soon. Aaron leans in close trying ot to miss anything else.

Oh, sorry, Jar'kel. I missed your weather check. The weather appears to be temperate for the next few days.

Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1

Ax walks back into the tavern. After looking around to see if everybody is ready, turns to the innkeeper and says "Thanks for the food and the shelter... hope we can cover our expenses really nice when we come back". He knows some might not come back... that´s the way things turn generally, but it is better to think all are going to be here, and not about the perils that will probably hurt one of this guys. He takes another look of the group and wonders who... With that black mood in his head, he calls to all "So, have you decided which way first?".

M Human Rng: 1; (Hp 12; [Ac14, (T 11,(Ff 13)

Jar’Kel wakes slightly before the sun. Gathering his things he walks out behind the tavern to wash his face at the well. Sun rise over the town brings sounds of stirring from inside. He walks in through the back door after tending to the mule, just in time to hear Fox’s latest declaration. “Mournin Gent’s.” Joining the group studying the map, Jarkel points out places on the map as he speaks. “I propose we take a day and map out the grasslands, move to one of these two areas of hilled forest the following day.
It's my hope that we can find a significant landmark in these areas that will give us a reference point for the map and a rally point if we should become lost or separated. Then head strait to our destination, mapping as we travel.

The weather seems likely to hold at least a few days more, so we shouldn't be too concerned on that account. Any other ideas or concerns?”

sorry for the delay in posting had some internet troubles yesterday, map is a work in progress

Male Elven Fighter 1

Looking at the map where Jar'kel shows his suggestion Amarandlon nod thoughtfully and comments: "A wise suggestion, Jar'Kel, might I suggest exploring the hills closer to the forest afterwards."

Then remarks to himself: "By Calistria I miss the old oaks of Loth'Gola"

I don't think the map is loading properly, I can't see the entire picture, any suggestions?

I'm not sure what you're seeing, Amar, but the map only occupies the top-right quadrant of the image. You should see a transparency grid around the bottom and left sides.

Male Elven Fighter 1

Ahh I got the right one then. Is the light green the explored hexagons?

The light green ones are just the grassland surrounding the town. There's nothing there.

Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1

"My preference would be to go Northwest and approach the "X", from the North", Ax says to the group.

M Human Summoner/1 Hp 9 AC 15, t 12, ff13

Aaron listens closely to his new found companions as they discuss the party’s route. “I know Ax said we should all have our ‘say so’ but I have little to add to this. I did spend a few hours last night trying to find about the surrounding areas from the locals, but I didn’t get anything more than I started with. Seems without good knowledge of the geography any way is as good as any others. I’m up to picking a direction and goin’ letting the lay of the land and what we find on the way dictate our best direction. Whatever we decide, I would like to time our arrival so that we have as much daylight as possible to explore. I don’t see at night as well as you with elven blood and I don’t want to miss a thing.”

I can be your eyes at night, Rumble states in Aaron’s head.

Fine for surveillance my fruend, not so much for combat. Aaron replies mid conversation.

”Plans are always bound to change. It’s the knowledge we gather on the way will best help us profit from it.” Aaron stops abruptly, surprised that he sounded so much like the father he was trying to leave behind.

M Human Rng: 1; (Hp 12; [Ac14, (T 11,(Ff 13)

Nodding as the others offer their opinions and suggestions, Jar'Kel waits for for Aaron to finish before saying "The Young man is correct in that we wont really know what we face until we git goin, I like the north approach better then my suggested route. What do you think Mr. Fox?"

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 1

"That'll be fine. Take it from th' north, skirt the edges o' th' forest an' make our approach headin' south." As he does so, Jackson draws a route with his finger. "Now, if we're all in agreement, let's get this expedition underway." Jackson waits to see if there are any objections before shouldering his pack.

NW (blank), NW (blank), SW (plains/hills), NW (forest), SW (forest), NW (forest), SW (forest), S (forest, X)

M Human Summoner/1 Hp 9 AC 15, t 12, ff13

"I like that path you are making, but I think we should make it a point to plan a few stops on the way. Maybe after every two or three depending on terrain. I'd still like to be aproaching or destination with only one block in front of us in the morning so we have the most daylight to explore." Aaron states, feeling a bit more confident from the acknowledgement he was given by Jar'kel.

Male Elven Fighter 1

"The suggested route is most agreeable to me and your suggestions are all wise. I will provide help with the wilderness should our guide require it." Amarandlon says.

You're taking a day to explore each hex, right?

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 1

I don't see any reason to take that long; according to your exploration rules, it should only take us 3 hours to explore a hex, and that's if anybody has a move speed of 20'. I think we all have 30' so it should be less than 3 hours per hex. As I count, that should be about 3 days-worth of hex-ploration before reaching our destination, assuming an 8-hour adventuring day, though I'd think we could go more than 8 hours per day.

M Human Summoner/1 Hp 9 AC 15, t 12, ff13

I was thinking of the same based on the rules andt terrain, it would be a rest about every 6 or 9 hours. Obviously if we have an encounter or some other discovery this would change. That would make our trail rations last the trip, unless i misunderstood the traveling rules.

"My compainion, Rumble, is more skilled in the wilderness than I, and I am sure he could aid as well if our guide requires it." Survival +4 "So who is going to be our lead tracker/scout?"

If you want to fully explore a hex, guaranteeing that you find any permanent locations, it takes a day, unless you're on grasslands. If you want to pass through a hex, there is a chance that you will find a permanent location, but no guarantee. Passing through takes a matter of hours, because the hexes are 5 miles across, but fully exploring a hex take longer because they each have an area of almost 65 square miles, so, really, a day isn't nearly enough time in real life.

EDIT: Bad math. I used 5 as the side length instead of the diameter when I calculated area. It's actually 16 square miles, so a day is about right.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 1

Ah, I see now. Then yes, a day per hex sounds good to me.

"My good friend Ax here'll be takin' over th' lead scoutin' duties, 's long as he finds it amenable. One las' thing to be clear of 'fore we head out. As this is a formal adventurin' expedition int' parts yonder and thither, we're bound to find ourselves trippin' over treasure o' some sort. T' that end, I took it upon m'self to write up s'me official Expeditionary Articles," he says, fumbling around in his pack. "They should be somewhere 'n here..." His voice trails off, as he gives up looking. "Bully. Nowhere t' be found. Well, all they really amount to," he says, standing back up, "is that we split all treasure found in equal shares, and that, as the primary goals o' this expedition are academic in nature, that I have first crack at any relevant historical artifacts. Said historical artifacts come out o' my share o' the treasure fairly, so there shouldn' be any hang-ups about that." He looks around to gauge the levels of agreement before continuing. "One las' thing," he adds on. His face momentarily shifts into an uncharacteristically threatening glare and his voice drops to barely above a razor-sharp whisper. Each word, barely audible, is distinctly over-enunciated, nearly concealing a very different accent. "Do not ever call me Jacques." As soon as it appeared, the face is gone, and Jack returns to normal. "Now, if we're all settled, people, lets move out! We're burnin' daylight!" With that, Jackson shoulders his pack and makes for the door.

M Human Summoner/1 Hp 9 AC 15, t 12, ff13

Aaron nods to Jack after acknowledging Ax. It makes sense to me that we split the general findings equally and distribute any special items to those who either want them or can best use them, but I would like to make on caveat to the historical artifacts. I have a keen interest in all things Azlanti he widens his purple eyes slightly as he talks. So in the unlikely instance that we come across some, I'd like to be able to take a closer look at it.

Well Rumble, get ready we're headin' out; our first big adventure. We'll be takin' up the back while Ax that you met earlier will be leading our direction.

With hope of an acceptance, Aaron follows Fox to the door.

After three days of uneventful travel you are awakened in the middle of the night by a terrible thunderstorm. Large hailstones the size of eggs fall from the sky, threatening to injure anyone caught under them.

DC 10 Survival check or take 1d6 damage. Reflex save DC 11 for half.

Fortunately, the air after the storm is cool, and the lower temperatures remain throughout the next day. You make great time, and arrive at your destination in just 7 days.

During your examination of the area, you come across a large gully. The gully is about 100 yards long, 50 feet deep, and 30 feet wide, running north to south. The trees do not grow near the gully, with the forest starting about 40 feet back from the edges, save for one large tree growing right on the edge of the gully, with some roots hanging over.

M Human Summoner/1 Hp 9 AC 15, t 12, ff13

Survival check Aaron 1d20 ⇒ 19 : Rumble 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Aaron looks at the first interesting place that they have found since this journey began. He was torn by this development, glad he was able to learn a bit more about his traveling companions but somewhat disappointed that the “grand adventure” started off so slow. The only real excitement came from the freak weather storm. Aaron was fortunate that he had picked a place to sleep that provided a bit of coverage while he slept that night and that Rumble was dismissed at the time. The unexpected nature of the storm made Aaron realize there were many more dangers than just the monsters that lurk there. Aaron started to wonder if they should have brought a cleric, especially since he could not afford any healing potions right now. His mind returns to the current situation and the large gully in front of them.

Arron moves closer to Ax and Fox “Looks like anyone could easily been seen approaching the gully since the trees are so far back from the edge. There is also a most welcoming, and obvious, path down. I am a little suspicious. Any ideas what could be down there? I’ll have rumble look for any tracks nearby.”

Rumble stay close to the tree lie where I can see you. Look for any tracks or signs to see what dangers may be in front of us. I’ll keep an eye on you and dismiss if anything goes wrong.

Rumble patrols along the forest line about 50’ either side of where the party entered the clearing making sure he is in sight of Aaron as he goes. Aaron watches Rumble prepared to dismiss his companion if unexpected trouble arises.
Rumble Survival= 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 Perception= 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1

Ax Survival check = (7)+5=12
Ax feels lucky for having avoided the worst of the thunderstorm. Only somewhat wet! He picks up his stuff and looks around the guly for tracks.
[ooc]Survival check for "Follow tracks" = (9) +5= 14
It will take me minute to find out if there are any tracks. Everybody OK?

M Human Rng: 1; (Hp 12; [Ac14, (T 11,(Ff 13)

Survival check to avoid hail 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25,
Survival check 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23to aid others avoid the hail

Noting the weather worsening Jar'Kel leads the mule behind a stand of pines out of the wind, thus avoiding the brunt of the storm. Turning his attention to the rest of the party he finds that Ax an Aaron have taken cover. "Not surprised that Ax managed ta find cover, seems well seasoned himself and a little more comfortable since we left the tavern. The yongin's abit of a surprise though. Handel's himself pretty well so far."

Harsh weather comin in Mr. Fox, Mr Amarandlon, best to get some thick vegatation between you and the wind. Jar'Kel points out suitable cover to each, as he calls out his warning.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 1

Jackson, standing out at the open and staring at the sky and the quickly approaching thunderhead, is snapped beck to reality at Jar'Kel's warning.

Survival check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

Taking heed, he ducks into a foxhole, hoping to whatever gods might answer that the hole's inhabitants are either not at home, or willing to share. After the storm, Jackson crawls out, brushing himself off. "Now, that wasn' so bad!"

Upon arrival at the gully, Jackson removes his hat, using it to shield his eyes. Stepping toward the ledge, he peers over the side, trying to find holes in the walls or some other way of getting inside a potentially hidden cave.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Not seeing much of interest, he steps back, surveying the rest of the area. In response to Aaron, he says, "Well Angus, you're right about that path. It's the most obvious way down. As f'r bein' suspicious, I don' know. It looks pretty tame, just sittin' there an' bein' all path-like. An' unless there's a secret way down, I don' much like th' idea o' spelunkin' our way down th' walls. Finished with his preliminary surveillance, he turns his attention back full to the others. "The trackers should take a better look 'round the place. Remember, we're lookin' for tracks, signs o' habitation, a potential alternate route down, and some kind o' cave entrance to get to these supposed rooms in th' wall. As for the rest of us, we should start settin' up camp. Even if th' gully's uninhabited, it'd be better for us t' camp up here. The high ground'll keep us from bein' caught unawares from above."

Male Elven Fighter 1

Survival check 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 5 + 2 = 12

"Thank you Jar'Kel, a most agreeable advice." Amarandlon answers as he barely avoids the hails while stepping under the thick crown of an ancient oak.

As the three stands looking at the gully Amarandlon walks up besides them and says: "A most ordinary place when you look at it. What do we expect to find here? Would there be a potential for trouble here?"

Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1

Ax looks around and concentrates on his sourandings."perception check for smells and sounds " 1d20 + 77 + 714 ⇒ (19) + 77 + 714 = 810 Ax asks " So, are we staying here or moving along."
Do we wait for the results of checks? (This is my first pbp)

Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1

"sorry about that, I am learning, so the dice for the perception check, should be" 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1

and the survival check for the hail storm should have been: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
and the survival check for finding tracks " 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

When Jackson looks into the gully, he sees a rickety rope bridge running from side to side, right underneath where the tree stands on the edge.

When Ax searches for tracks, he is able to see that a large troop of goblins (maybe a dozen) has passed this way recently. The tracks start at the lone tree, and continue to the south.

Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1

Ax asks Amarandion " let's take a closer look at that tree over there. There are some goblin tracks that seem to come from nowhere" Ax takes hold of his shorts word, just in case. He looks around and concentrate again as he approaches the tree.
"Roll perception for details around the tree: " 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

Male Elven Fighter 1

"Little greenskins" Amarandlon says through his teeth. Following behind Ax with his sword drawn he adds: "I do hope the animals have the decency to die."

M Human Summoner/1 Hp 9 AC 15, t 12, ff13

” The name is Aaron, Jack, for one who is so particular on how they are to be called, you sure are casual on other’s names. When we get into a scrap, and I am sure we will, best be sure whose name your callin’ when you’re askin’ for help.” Slightly annoyed, partially because this “leader man” can seem to remember his name and partially due to his ideas were summarily dismissed, Aaron walks toward Ax and his discovery near the tree.

Rumble, looks like some goblin tracks near the tree. Surprised you didn’t see something. See if you can help Ax find any more information on the tracks.
to aid Survival :1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Aaron walks over towards Amarandlon to have a closer look at the bridge as he gets close to Rumble he takes a good look at it. Perception = 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

”Well Amarandlon, I don’t know if they will die on their own, but I wouldn’t mind helping them along. Never did like them much. Would have been the end of me if Rumble hadn’t been around. ”

He turns his attention to Ax, ”Are they close enough that we should go after them, or just keep a watch for them coming back later?”

Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1

Ax turns to Aaron and speculates "We can either follow the goblins, or cross the bridge, where it seems they crossed this way and followed South" . Looking to Jack, Ax asks " Jack, does your map give any indication as to which way to go?" Axcayacatl puts his cap on and looks to the sky, and wonders about the weather.

M Human Rng: 1; (Hp 12; [Ac14, (T 11,(Ff 13)

Stealth check:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24to stay hidden in the tree line,
perception check:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14 to study the tree line for others,
perception check:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16 to watch for anyone returning to the area.

Jar'Kel leaves the mule tied to a tree several yards inside the treeline, discarding his hooded cloak with the animal. He takes several minuets to string his short bow, adjust his quiver and check that his Great Sword is securely strapped. Tying his long black hair up high on his head with a bit of green cloth, he follows the party towards the Gully.

Moving to a well Shaded position just inside the trees, Jar'Kel's Dark Brown eyes scan the perimeter of the clearing for any sine of danger. if there proves to be no present danger Jar'Kel will continue to watch for threats from the treeline.

Oh, sorry, the rope bridge isn't crossable from the top. It leads across the gully about 20' down the side. There are open doors on either side. "T" is the tree, dotted line is the bridge, solid line is the bottom of the gully. Hope this helps.

Ax notes that, at the base of the tree, there is a trapdoor disguised with leaves and grass. The goblin tracks clearly lead right out from inside the trapdoor.

Blasted ASCII didn't work. Do you see what I'm trying to explain? The bridge makes it obvious that there must be rooms or something underground on either side of the gully.

Jar'kel doesn't see any activity other than his companions.

Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1

Ax goes back to the group and says "There is a trapdoor next to the tree. Let's check carefully if it's not a trap and I suggest we take a good look down there. We might get a double view: I have some rope, and while some of you go down the trapdoor, I can tie the rope to the tree and climb down." Ax looks around the team inquisitively.

Male Elven Fighter 1

"We might walk into an ambush if we enter the goblin hold through their door and it could prove dangerous for you to circumvent them. However I don't see another option if we want to enter with the exception of everyone climbing down the rope. Jackson, I have been meaning to ask, what are we seeking here at this location?"

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 1

At Aaron's rebuke, Jackson opens his mouth to say something, but doesn't bother as the younger man turns his attention to other things. Turning back and staring into the gully, he slips into a reverie, absently rubbing a spot on his jawbone with his thumb.

Amarandlon's query breaks him from his thoughts. "Huh? Oh, well, t' be honest, I can' really say what it is we're lookin' f'r specific'lly. Based on what th' barkeep said, there's rooms in th' wall o' th' gully, but," he says, craning his neck over the edge and peering down, "they mus' be hidden, if'n they're there at all. That bridge looks like it goes...somewhere. There's gotta be a cave, or somethin'..." Turning back to the others, Jackson sees the uncovered trapdoor. "Well would y'look 't that! Good job, men! That looks like our way in. Now, the barkeep didn' say much, except that some crazy folk used t' live there a long time ago, had a lab o' some kind. I don' really know what we're gonna find, but chances are, there's gonna be some kinda vicious inhabitants, goblins, or kobolds, or maybe some kind o'... evil lab experiments, like a three-headed monkey!"

M Human Summoner/1 Hp 9 AC 15, t 12, ff13

Aaron looked at Fox seeing if his reference to bad lab experiments or three headed monkies is a slight to his unconventional companion. Aaron remembered his own experiments calling beast after beast until he found the form that best suited him. While not a monkey, there were several that had more than one head and looked like experiments gone wrong. He had had rumble for about a year and it was his confidence in his companion and their bond that had given Aaron the courage and confidence to strike out on his own. The argument with his father solidified the decision. It didn’t seem like Jack was trying to insult him or Rumble, but he felt tension from Jack every time he spoke to him.

It could be that he is just trying to assert himself as the leader of this newly banded group Aaron thought to himself. Well were here now, best make the best of it. Seems like Ax has done the most to support the group. We should pay attention to him and maybe learn a few more tricks.

I could send Rumble down to investigate. He can easily see in the dark and if things are going badly I can dismiss him. He can relate to me, or us if we are not trying to be stealthy, what he sees.

A low growl echoes in Aaron’s head “Always the canary in the mine… You know getting sent back to the planes unexpectedly is not the best feeling he says in a nearly pouting voice. Brightening with a slight edge and grin in his voice but you know I love a challenge. Hehe

With that Rumble goes right down and investigates the door. Perception= 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

Aaron stands above ready with his spear if an ambush is to come.

If Rumble does not precive any danger from the trap door he will attempt to open it.

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