DM-Tareth's Modified Kingmaker Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Tareth

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In the grove, Kams continues to struggle forward through the dense growth while the others trail behind. It's difficult to see anything beyond a few feet, but you notice that the smell of fur and musk grows stronger as you push forward.

Male Human Ranger

Kams continues as previously discussed.

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Combat, if needed:
Attack 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 Damage 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

We come from Restov, is anybody here?

Kams motions for those following to be ready, to be careful.

To confirm crit poss.. 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Elf Paladin 2

Thad does not banter with the beasts responsible for so much sorrow. Bleeding profusely abruptly conscious that this might be his last day on the earth, he answer's the worg's words with steel.

Acting to protect its rider (and itself) from this terrifying carnivore, the warhorse stomps hard on the worg with its iron-shod hooves.

5' step to AB-8
Thad's attack @ Wo5
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 171d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Warhorse's attacks @ Wo5 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 141d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 31d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 141d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Ride (DC 15) to use mount for cover 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20 - if the wolf lunges at Thad again, he will try to roll himself out of the way, using the bulk his horse for cover.

Elf Paladin 2

I forgot this roll yesterday: Fight with trained mount (Ride DC 10) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Human Druid(Eagle Shaman) 6 | Per +12(+20 as eagle) AC 11 (15 MA), t11, ff10 (14 MA) hp 47/47 Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7

Warren is trying to determine if the cry is an animal cry disguised as a human cry. He is also trying to see if there are tracks of humans walking or being dragged.
Know:Nature 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Survival 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

To your ear, the sounds do seem human and real, but as you look for tracks, there don't appear to be any in your immediate area. However, the actual trail you were following, entered the grove from a different direction.

Kams you push through the thick bows of fir to enter a small open area under the canopy of growth. The air is thick with the smell of fur, musk, and blood. The ground is covered with a thick layer of needles and fur and only the occasional drop of rain lands, leaving most of the place dry.The body of a half eaten human is sprawled a few feet to your left, quite dead. A second body is laying in front of you, and appears to be alive.

Standing next to and over the living human body is a large worg. Larger than the ones you've fought already. The brown black fur is grayed in places, especially around the muzzle and there are a couple a scars marking its right rear thigh. Oddly, a small amulet of bone and sinew dangles from the worg's neck. Red eyes glow in the dim gray light watching you carefully. As you enter, the creature's jaw closes around the neck and upper body of the man. The teeth sink in slightly causing the man to moan in unconscious pain.

"Come no closer human." Rumbles a slightly feminine voice as the creatures lifts its head from its victim. "I can and will rip this weaklings throat if you attempt to use that weapon at your side." A feral hatred emanates from the beast, but it does not appear ready to strike. "I offer a truce and bargain. You have killed my pack mates and I have taken yours. Free me, and this one will live and I will leave this land."

Male Human Ranger

Kams lowers his blade slowly, sheathes his dagger, then resumes holding the longsword, point down, in both hands.

Know you the Grim White Stag, oh fearsome hound? I serve Ol' Deadeye. We stand before him now in pact to your deal. Free these fallen, harm no others, and leave these lands, for five days journey in all directions. Only then shall you and I alone be done. Tarry not a night, nor return afore a year and a day be done. Break this pact then by the Stag Lord's hunt shall his own host run you to ground and shear your fur for his winter mantle. Agreed?

Kams prepares himself in case the beast is preparing an ambush.

Lots O' Checks:

Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Survival 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
In case of attack
Longsword To Hit 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 Damage 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Wild Empathy re deal 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
boy, lots of rolls I probably didn't need

Human Druid(Eagle Shaman) 6 | Per +12(+20 as eagle) AC 11 (15 MA), t11, ff10 (14 MA) hp 47/47 Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7

"I offer the word of the eagles and he who commands them that if you harm another two-legged creature from this moment, you will have the fight of your life. Every moment you will have to look up to the sky to see who is harrying you. You also have our word if you agree to the terms of truce you will be spared as long as you comply. Know this that our hunting lands are extensive and to the south. If you choose to move to the south, we will meet again."

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Taldan) Bard (Archivist) 1

Stephanus moves to find a line of sight on the worg and waits quietly to hear the exchange. His eyes stay fixed on whatever target he can get, hoping to shoot before the monster can bite if it comes to that.

He declines to check his moral compass on the question of making pacts with evil creatures. It's been broken since he fled the empire anyway. Aroden won't care, is what they say in Oppara. He's found that the phrase falls a trifle flat when repeated outside the empire, so now he confines himself to thinking it.

Better to observe frontier justice and learn from it.

Alianna hangs back, alert and ready should the worg decide to attack either the unconscious person, or her companions. She listens to the exchange, content to take her cue from Kams and Warren.

Human Druid(Eagle Shaman) 6 | Per +12(+20 as eagle) AC 11 (15 MA), t11, ff10 (14 MA) hp 47/47 Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7

Warren slowly advances on the Worg with his drawn scimitar. "Touch him again and your dead. Take the deal."

The worg emits a series of light growls and grunts, almost as if laughing. Then her eye's seem to glow brighter as she addresses Kams and Warren, "It has been a long time since I have hunted the stag, but this is not the day to pursue old foes. I will agree to your terms, but first you must remove the amulet from around my neck. As long as it binds me, I cannot leave this land."

She raises her head so it is easier to see the amulet of bone and some kind of crystal hanging from a leather thong around the creatures neck. Now that it is more exposed you can see that the amulet is glowing softly adding a purple tint to the dim light at the center of the grove.

The beast rises from her position over the hostage, her body easily two or three times the size of the others you just met. Looking to Kams she says, "Leave your steel and remove this thing from my neck and our bargain will be sealed, human." She then waits, tense and watchful, to see what you do.

Near camp, the worg attempts another strike at Thad, but not before both he and his horse manage several solid blows which end the creatures existence in this world. The other injured worg continues to run to the southeast, using the trees, shrubs and tall grass as cover.

Mikhail recovers from his fall only to find himself facing the stern visage of his father. The horse he was riding continues to run to the north, although it seems hampered by its injuries.

Donal looks down at the dead worg and let's out a heavy sigh of relief, "Bad business...I hope the others are well." Seeing the wound Thad took he adds, "My thanks to you, I'm not sure I would've been able to take that beast all on my own. But that's a nasty looking wound. We should get you back to the wagon's and get that cleaned and bound?"

Alianna clears her throat, perhaps nervously." First tell us who 'binds' you and why." She peers suspiciously at the amulet a moment, then her gaze lifts to that of the worg.

The old worg returns Alaina's gaze and it is easy to feel the age, cunning, and spirit held within those eerie eys. A slight shiver passes through her body at the mention of the one who shackled her, "I know not the name of my captor or her motives. Only that she is chaos personified. Wielder of might beyond your simple knowledge. She taps old power, power from depths of the past to establish her place in this age as lord of the lands to the south."

The creature looks thoughtful for a moment as memories drift across her mind. "Master of trickery, she took me unaware and bound me to her service. I was to bring my pack north to harass the villages and trade along the road. Fill the land with fear and weaken its defenders. Usually a task I would do willingly, but I do not take well to being bound and at the mercy of another...and now my pack is gone"

She tilts her head at Alaina, "That is all I know. Now remove the necklace, or soon I will not be able to resist its growing urge to strike." At she finishes her last words, you notice the light from the amulet gradually growing brighter.

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Tityanna sighs and releases her hold on her magics, including the spell she carries with Donal and immediately drops back from the altercation to return to the caravan.

Useless, she seethes.

"Might any of you have any skill at healing?" Tityanna asks the mistresses of the caravan. "The knight has taken some damage."

Hearing Tityanna mention Thad's wounds Ursula's eyes fill with concern as she whispers to Duella. After a few seconds, the young woman and the halfling disappear behind their cart only to reemerge after a few seconds. Ursula walks over carrying a small kit containing bandages, needle, thread, and several small bottles filled with a variety of liquids. Duella is not far behind. She is also carrying a couple of containers, one appears to be a bottle of good brandy, while the other is an unmarked jar.

Her eyes filled with worry, she says is a soft, strained voice, "I've served as a healer's assistant in Rostov for several years and I've some remedies to help prevent the wound from becoming mortified."

Elf Paladin 2
Donal wrote:
We should get you back to the wagon's and get that cleaned and bound?"

"Aye. I think I can make it back to the wagons with the help of Fulton and Mikhail, take my horse and ride after the boy's mount. We can't afford to lose it, and that wolf I blooded would probably circle back and hamstring it simply out of spite.

If Donal agrees, Thad will dismount and limp back to the wagons. He stumbles into camp and leans against a wagon; the injury on his thigh is obvious where the leather greaves are torn aside and blood drips down his leg despite his best effort to apply pressure to it.

Aliana shivers a bit as the warg's eyes meet her own, unnerved at the strangeness of seeing and talking to the great wolf-like beast. The creature's words have little soothing of them either and bode ill for peace in the days ahead. Shaking herself, she glances at her companions for confirmation before leaning forward... So long as you keep your word to trouble these lands and ours to the south no further, I will remove it, in honor of the bargain offered. But as Warren has said, break the vow and we shall meet again, and not to your betterment."

Unless one of the men objects or questions the warg further, she will continue on to remove the necklace

Human Druid(Eagle Shaman) 6 | Per +12(+20 as eagle) AC 11 (15 MA), t11, ff10 (14 MA) hp 47/47 Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7

Warren will not let Aliana get within the range of the Warg's jaws alone. He will approach with Aliana and try to get between the Warg and the human. "You agree to answer our questions to the best of your ability before departing too."

Male Human Ranger

Kams snaps, Hold, standing tall and proud, hoping to make an imposing, or at least for the moment, authoritative stance. He sheathes his sword as he moves forward.A moment please, my lady, good master. As it was my word and bond to this hound, so it should be by my hand that this yoke be broken.

Kams leans down, to look the beast eye to eye. Have you a name, o' darksome b@#%#? I am Kams. He sniffs slightly, tentatively as he gazes upon her, drawing her sight to his. Know that we sought naught but to travel these lands, to restore rights lost to time. Like your pack, we seek to take from the land what it offers, to grow our pack, and to stake our claim upon these fertile hunting grounds.

Kams reaches out, taking the pendant in his off-hand, and shows only as much teeth as she bares to him, then enhales deeply, his nostrils filling with the worg's scent as his scent surely fills hers. By Erastil and your own dark faith, let this be the end of our fight together. Go, and take whomever remains of your kith and kin. They are bound by this, as you to me, so me to them, as Erastil and your own Lamashtu, or whomsoever you call upon, they watch over us all.

He starts to jerk free the cord, then stops, Should you have information about this "Old Trickster" that usurped your pack, that led you to ruin and loss, I offer to make this foe my own, to honor the lives we both lost in this. Send word once you have thought upon it, when you know her name, her face, or her scent. Perhaps we shall hunt together, taste the blood of worthy prey, and heal this dark passing.

Kams stands and snaps the cord, dropping the pendant to the ground between them.

He looks to the worg, wary yet daring himself not to show any sign of weakness.

Wild Empathy:
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

The worg matches Kams gaze with a strength and ferocity born of age and many survived challenges to her dominance.

As the amulet drops to the ground it gives off a burst of brilliant purple light that fills the grove for a second and then the charm no longer glows.

The worg steps back, and shakes, "Ahhh. That is better." Turning back to Kams and the rest of the party her voice already sounds deeper and stronger than it was just a few seconds ago.

"Our bargain is complete. I will leave this land, but know that I am Gnasha the Devourer. I have tasted the stag's blood and seen Erastil's temple burn. I have ruled the plain with tooth, muscle and deed. I am the bane of Branthlend. I am the end of the Fir'ock Clan. Villages and towns from the Shrike to the Pitax have trembled in fear at the sound of my call."

"Should we meet again in pursuit of the one who chained me, I will remember this day. For now, our pact is sealed...for a year and a day."

With those last words the beast, turns and dives through the trees, using a narrow path to slip through the dense growth. A few seconds later you can hear her call echo through the air, shortly answered by another, single, weaker call from the north.

Male Human Ranger

Kams watches the beast leave, shaking his head at himself and his actions that led to this.

Sorry my friends. I failed you as I failed Erastil. I should have shown courage and fought this beast, though I fear we would not have prevailed, and surely this one would be dead.

Kams moves to assist anyone with healing, taking a concern look over the survivor. Preferably as an Aid Another, but Healing Check 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8.

Gnasha, Branthlend, Fir'ock Clan... I must learn these names and more about this hound. We will meet again I fear.

Male Human Ranger

Healing is not Kams' strong suit.

Gnasha, Branthlend, Fir'ock Clan... we must learn these names and more about this hound. I fear we will meet again.

Looking over at the amulet, Any chance that bit of evil will be useful in keeping track of that dark spawned cur, or in learning something about this she-demon that bound it and sent it here?

Male Human Ranger

Once the immediate concerns are dealt with, Kams will take a good hard look around the scene, trying to learn information and find anything of importance.

Looking for stuff 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Reading the tracks, #s, etc 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Also, if possible, Kams will look to see if he can find a tuft of fur or token of that she-beast that he can take, to keep his focus strong.

Before leaving the grove, Kams will take a last moment for prayer.

[i]Erastil, forgive me that I let the beast live. I thought of the victim, I thought of myself, I thought of my allies. I failed to think more of those this beast will claim in the days ahead. For this I am sorry. Grant me the truth of this hound, and the chance of redemption in your eyes. Let my blade someday make you proud.[i]

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Taldan) Bard (Archivist) 1

Stephanus slips through the last of the brambles and enters the den. He walks over and casts detect magic, focusing on the untouched amulet on the ground.

Knowledge(arcana) 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Spellcraft 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

He then sweeps the den with the arc of the enchantment, quickly scanning for anything else that might stand out. When the enchantment ends or he's satisfied with the survey, he waits to see if Zavac requires help with the injured man.

"Should we burn the bodies of the dead? I haven't a spade to do the other. We'll carry this poor man back to their camp?"

Before the group leaves, he pulls his journal out of his bag and does his best to sound out and write down Branthlend and the Fir'ock clan.

Human Druid(Eagle Shaman) 6 | Per +12(+20 as eagle) AC 11 (15 MA), t11, ff10 (14 MA) hp 47/47 Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7

Warren approaches the survivor and speaks slowly and deliberately.
"Our way is not the Wargs way. Might, strength and ferocity give way to right and justice. Your life was put on the scale and found to outweigh the death of a great evil. We value the potential in all in the human flock."

"You have the potential in you to do great things. Do not squander the opportunity given you today. Make us proud and do something--many live a worthless life never appreciating the gift of life. You will not make that mistake. The blessings of Gozreh and Erastil be upon you--they guided two of the instruments of your salvation today.

Warren takes the amulet without touching it into his possession if no one else will.

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Taldan) Bard (Archivist) 1

Stephanus will take the item and make a study of it - he's just being cautious by trying to analyze it before taking it into his possession. The thing obviously contained some power that was not in line with the will of its wearer. This suggests it could bear a curse.

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Tityanna bows the the woman and her governess. "Thank you for your kindness," she says and manages a faint smile. "I am certain the knight will appreciate your efforts."

She spares a hurried glance over her shoulder, and sees only Thad returning, and the smile fades. "Pray, excuse me, it appears as though I am still needed."

Tityanna embraces her magics and moves back toward the road. She can feel every blade of grass beneath her boots, and smell each scent on the breeze that struggles to loosen her curls from the rows that she has made with her braids. Her lips are parted when she meets Thad returning from the altercation, and her nigh cat like eyes appear to reflect the light for a moment.

"Mistress Leveton will attend your wounds," she reports, her voice almost a daze. "Did you suggest that we sacrifice our settlers for a single horse?" she inquires, favoring Thad with the full weight of her attention.

Donal carefully accepts the reins of the warhorse, "Aye, I'll bring the poor beast in. It's not run too far."

With only a little trouble he swings his big body up into the saddle and rides in the direction of the wounded horse.

As Thad staggers into camp and exchanges a few words with Tityanna, Ursula steps over to get a better look at the injury. After a few seconds, her usual quiet and soft nature is replaced with the much more forceful authority of a healer used to dealing with soldiers.

Looking Thad in the eye she says, "We need to get you off of that leg and get that wound cleaned up. The gods only know what kind of infection that beast could pass along, not to mention the blood you've already lost."

She begins clearing a space at the back of her cart to create a makeshift area for Thad to sit. Once it's ready she gestures to the knight, "Sit and hold still while I see to this." Her manner is calm and skilled, but her brown eyes are still filled with concern.

In the grove, an eerie sense of calm fills the air after the creatures departure. The amulet sits dormant near the unconscious body of the former prisoner.

For those who examine the the charm further, it is no longer magical. It is made of bone carved into the shape of an wolf's skull. The eyes hold two amethyst stones which no longer glow. The back of the skull is marked with a stylized knotwork 'S' of inlaid silver.

Further searches of the former den, reveal a few gold and silver coins, a simple silver bracelet with the words 'To my soul's joy, Tomas' inscribed on the inside, a well balanced steel dagger of excellent quality, a gold locket containing a bit of blond hair inside, and pint-sized flask filled with some kind of liquid.

There is fur lining much of the area, but it's difficult to tell which actually belongs to Gnasha. After a few minutes search, you finally come across a sizable tuft of gray which you are nearly certain matches that of the old worg.

While the amulet's magic has been expended, you can feel the residual energy of a fairly powerful enchantment of some kind. Based on what the worg said, it could have been a geas or some variant. Whatever it was, it took a reasonably high level caster to create the object.

Aliana bends down beside the unconscious man and puts a cool hand over his brow, checking for fever. " I fear my skills in healing are minimal at best. Can any of you gentleman aid him here, or should we devise some method of transportation?" As she speaks, she touches the fellow soothingly while also searching for any wounds not immediately noticed.

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Male Human Ranger

Kams will collect the tuft of Gnasha's fur, and secure it within his armor for the time being. Later in the day, he will fashion a small leather pouch and sew the tuft within, for safe keeping. Any chance Kams can find a small patch of supple leather, roughly 2"x2", he can use for the purpose?

If no one objects, Kams will gather the coins and items of interest from around the den, intent upon turning them over to Zavac for safekeeping until everything can be laid out before the assembled chartership at the evening encampment.

Master Zavac, can you assist this man's wounds? I fear my healing skills are only as good as those my mother mastered. Were he having a child or suffering the chills, I feel confident I could help, but wolf wounds were not common 'round Edme.

Seeing Stephanus and Warren looking at the pendant, he adds, If the charm is safe to handle, and if it might link back to Gnasha or her witch, I'd like to keep it after you worthy masters are quit of it. "Old said curses oft come to haunt, as summer birds come anon to nest," or so the saying goes in Galt.

As for the other victims, Kams will gather the remains together, then comment, I fear these soul(s) have long departed this core; they await Pharasma and what lies beyond. Carting and digging will gain them little, and fire will risk more harm, so I suggest we offer prayers to speed them on, wish them well, then return their substance to nature's care. He offers to cut brush and low pine boughs to cover them in woody cairns, limiting scavenging, and allowing nature to take it's course.

Edit: Sorry Aliana, started writing, took a call, and didn't refresh before posting. I missed your post.

Elf Paladin 2
Aye. I think I can make it back to the wagons with the help of Fulton and Mikhail
She spares a hurried glance over her shoulder, and sees only Thad returning, and the smile fades. "Pray, excuse me, it appears as though I am still needed."

I think you may have misinterpreted my post. Thad is returning with the Meyersons on foot, while Donal takes the healthy horse to chase down the injured one... he should arrive all of a minute or two after us, or at the same time since our pace will likely be quite slow given the extent of Thad's injury.

The abstract HP system can be a little weird to interpret, with no by-the-book effects until you hit 0. Given the description of the injury, I'm treating Thad as someone who has just sustained a life-threatening injury. Please let me know if that changes Tityanna's reaction to the situation at all, and I'll give you an IC response once I'm sure we're both on the same page...

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Woops, my mistake, I saw Donal taking off and thought the other settlers were still with him. And yes, she is worried about Thad's health, and her being completely healthy, she wants to make sure Donal remains so as well. With two threads going on at the same time, and being less than healthy, I got lost.

Elf Paladin 2

No worries, I figured it was something like that. I'll proceed as though Tityanna didn't say that last bit.

Thad gladly surrenders himself to Ursula's care. She was infinitely more compassionate than the old sawbones from Thad's bandit years, and right now sitting seemed a very, very good idea. He follows her directions somewhat mechanically and seems to be in a bit of a daze as the adrenaline from the fight wears off.

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Taldan) Bard (Archivist) 1

Stephanus smiles at Kams as he scoops up the amulet. "Who keeps it for posterity is no concern to me. Let me confer with Tityanna back at the caravan and if it is as I believe and the magic once bound to this item is entirely released, why then please take it. I would sketch it this evening if we have a chance."

Stephanus nods his agreement on the disposal of the victim and lends a hand moving the body and collecting the things. Does the bottle of liquid radiate magic?

Human Druid(Eagle Shaman) 6 | Per +12(+20 as eagle) AC 11 (15 MA), t11, ff10 (14 MA) hp 47/47 Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7

Warren's speech would have been more impressive had it been given to a conscious listener.
Warren helps gather up the valuables and carry the injured survivor back to camp. Once outside the canopy he sends the eagles aloft.

Stephanus: The bottle is not magical, a little simple investigation will reveal it is a decent quality scotch or whiskey.

As Alaina performs some initial first aid on the unconscious man, Zavac steps up and uses the power of Sarenrae to close some of the man's wounds and stabilize his injuries. However, he still remains unconscious. Some of his wounds were quite deep and it's likely he lost a lot of blood. After a few minutes further examination it becomes clear this man might need a healers care over the next few days even with divine means of healing.

Zavac: Channel Energy x2 - 2d6 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7

Most of the material here is rotted unless you want to cut a piece from the dead man's leather jerkin. However, you're certain, one of the settlers would have a bit of leather they would be willing to trade or part with.

As Thad sits down Ursula gets right to work removing armor and clothing to get to the bite. Taking the bottle of brandy from Duella, she looks Thad in the eye and says gently, "This is going to hurt, but it will keep the wound from festering." Before he can reply, she opens the bottle and pours a good quantity of strong brandy over the torn and punctured flesh.

After a few minutes, Donal comes walking back into camp, his hands gripping the reins of both horses. He looks a little pale, but in good spirits as he ties both horses to the Meyerson's wagon and then looks around to see if there's anything else he can help with.

Young Yori Meyerson runs over to the injured horse and starts to brush its coat and clean the wound with water and a clean cloth. Every once in a while he gives his brother an angry look, but the other doesn't notice as he's busy being lectured by both of his parents.

Human Druid(Eagle Shaman) 6 | Per +12(+20 as eagle) AC 11 (15 MA), t11, ff10 (14 MA) hp 47/47 Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7

Warren helps with the cairns before departing.

"We need to bring this survivor back to the camp and reunite with the others. Dividing the group is no longer best."

Without hurrying anyone, Warren will prepare for departure and have his eagles scout the way.

Elf Paladin 2

Thad tries to be stoic under her ministrations. He's not particularly good with pain, but he has collected his share of injuries in his long life and though this one is grave it is hardly the worst. Thad looks up at the clouds and tries to refrain from peeking at the wound as Ursula delicately picks out the bits of fabric and other contaminants.

At one point, the fact that the hands gently exposing and cleaning the wound are feminine impacts Thad but he doesn't dwell on the thought, dismissing it as disrespectful of the widow who-


After a slow, shuddering breath Thad meets Ursula's gaze again, "That wasn't so bad... but if its any indication of what's to come, could you spare any of that for drinking?" Thad is fully back in the moment after the vicious shock of the liquor in the open wound. He does his best to project an aura of good cheer and keep anyone from worrying about him, swapping banter with anyone who comes by to check on him and doing his best not to flinch as Ursulla proceeds to treat the wound.

Charisma check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18, purely for my own RP use to give me an idea how to describe Thad as he puts on a good front for his companions.

Ursula offers a quick smile and nods to Duella when Thad asks for a little of the brandy for himself. "Not too much." She says grabbing the small jar of ointment. "This will ease the pain and I'll have something help you sleep as soon as I'm done."

Then she begins spreading a blue-green ointment from the smaller jar onto the wound. The smell is like a full cavalry charge slamming into your nose. Surely it is a combination of skunk essence, cat urine, and rotting grass that is used and created to simply distract the victim from the furious stinging sensation that follows the smell as it touches the open wound.

The foul odor doesn't seem to bother Ursula as she continues to spread ointment all over the wounded leg until the entire area plus some is covered. "The stuff smells horrible, I know. And it stings a bit at first, but it is an excellent pain reliever for flesh wounds, and also disinfects the area which is especially important given the creature that bit you."

As she works, a lock of dark hair face into her face which she brushes back with a slender hand. The action leaves a slight trace of blood across her cheek which she doesn't notice as she concentrates on the wound and her work. After a few minutes the ointment stops stinging and suddenly the leg feels significantly better. Although the smell remains it isn't as strong and the pain has nearly disappeared completely.

With a deft and gentle touch she carefully wraps the leg in bandages and then sits back to see if she's missed anything. Nodding in satisfaction, she says, "You'll need to stay off of that leg for a day or two, the ointment works quickly, but not as effectively as some of the priests of Sarenrae. We'll check the wound and replace the bandages every four hours and you should be back up in no time."

She then offers Thad a smile and gently puts her hand on his shoulder, "Thank you, for your bravery and protection. It was a valiant thing you did. Surely the creature would have killed the boy if you hadn't acted as you did."

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Tityanna spares Donal a faint smile when he returns with both the horses, but continues looking out after the others. She recognized that she made a very poor sentry, but with Thad injured and suffering the lady's ministrations and Donal appearing to be quite out of his element following the conclusion of the battle, she set her expression to one of determination and kept her considerable wits about herself. If a threat appeared, she was confident that she would be able to assess it in due course and direct the others to meet it, or not considering the knight's condition.

It would certainly serve to teach the elder children how to handle a bow, she mused, keeping her mind fresh as she surveyed the field. An accurate history of the settlers would be helpful as well, she thought and hummed, recalling Donal striking the creatures with his hammer. Not without skill, but his use to us is greater as an expert than a combatant...

Male Human Ranger

Kams will cut a piece of leather from the deceased man's armor, saying a small prayer to Erastil to aid the man on his journey to peace in the hereafter.

He will then assist in helping the wounded man out of the worg's den and back to the horses. He will offer his mount for the wounded man, leading both as the group journey's back to the others.

Perhaps someone should ride ahead and let them know the worg's/wolves should not be a bother again, at least for awhile. Also we should let them know this man looks to be needing a place to rest and heal, a few days at least, somewhere amongst the wagons.

As the group gets closer to the wagon remains, Also, we should let them know we have some goods that need to be carted on to Oleg's, at least until we learn the identity of this man and his connection to the supplies. We need to remain cautious, help those in need, but make sure who it is we are helping, if at all possible.

Ali, remember ol' Two Thumbs. He lost what, three fingers to tending horses at Jobin's corrals. Bite the hand that feeds you indeed.

I posted this before I went to work, but it ppears to have been eaten.

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Taldan) Bard (Archivist) 1

As the group wanders back to the wagons, Stephanus ranges up next to the walking master Redcloak and offers the stogie, now lit.

He casts his voice so as not to easily be overheard. "I'd offer witness to the defense were your actions on trial before your conscience."

"The tenets of your faith are your business, but if I may represent... I see no sequence of events today that would have likely lead to the death of that terrible creature we just met. Far more likely the deaths of all of us, and possibly the people we're charged to deliver. Certainly of this chap," touching the boot of the unconscious man on the horse.

"Had we known that monster's lair lay just off the road, but never stumbled upon these men, we would have rightly carried on to Oleg's with the best interest of these settlers in mind. Perhaps to return here in the future to eliminate this evil, but not today. Perhaps she and her brood would have killed someone on this road tomorrow."

"Now she is banished elsewhere, and may potentially be an ally against some more potent adversary. That is the more concerning thing if our future lies in those same lands. Whatever laid this questing charm on that Worg must be powerful indeed."

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