DM-Salsa |

Yeah, I'll be posting in the discussion threads for the other games to see if we can get some new people in.

Pinocchio |

Here we are, mostly done! He's currently naked, but he's made of wood, so who cares!
Edit: I went with vanilla rouge with plans on Wizard levels, then arcane trickster. I have a massive weakness in that I will be unable to recover hit points normally, so expect Pinocchio to really play up the coward he is at lower levels!

Pinocchio |

Actually, I just thought about it, and unless I get some other NPC or item way to restore HP, my 19 HP has to last me until lvl 4.
This may have been a bad idea, guys. :P
Thankfully, my stealth mod is +13
Oh, and I'll have a pointy wizard hat at lvl 2. >.<

DM-Salsa |

Okay, missing traits, feats, and all of the background stuff, but I'll go ahead and get things rolling again.
@Pinocchio: Please get the missing stuff in there as soon as possible.
@Lulu: You'll get it soon.

DM-Salsa |

@Pinocchio: Of course. Although those straps on your outfit may turn out to actually have a purpose if you don't get it in there soon. >:3
@Lulu: Hope Pix likes his outfit.

Lulu Yordle |

first Pix is a very tiny fey familiar and anything he puts on eventually just gets lost.
also I wonder how long before I have access to animate object spell, and a chocolate cupcake...
PS Yayyy, a hat!
Picture it....Sicily 1943 .... wait wrong picture.
Picture it.. combine 1 Chocolate cupcake, 1 animate Objects spell, 1 permanency spell, and 1 Awaken spell... (It's almost like making the M&M's guys)

AdamWarnock |

I need to put this game on hold for a couple of weeks while I get things sorted out in my life. I know this is somewhat sudden but I have to get over some problems that I have been having that are affecting my work and personal life. I love GMing this game, and I promise to come back to it once I've worked through this.
For now, though I need time to think.

Vivian Vitimus |

Thanks for letting us know, Adam. It's understandable that every now and then, personal issues interfere with gaming (I know all too well). If you ever need to talk, I'm sure any of us would be willing to listen, and when you're ready for us, we'll be waiting. For now, take a step back, take care of yourself, and come back when you're good and ready.
To everyone else - I'll always be hanging around if anyone wants to just shoot the shit. You all seem like pretty nifty people.

DM-Salsa |

I've been giving this some thought, and I will not be bringing this game back. There are several reasons for this, the main one being that I'd rather focus on games that I and the players enjoy and get a lot out of. Unfortunately, I don't enjoy this game as much as the other games I will be bringing back, and I am about to be under some serious time pressure soon.
That said, I really am sad to have to axe this game. I didn't want to, but I don't think I can run five games as things stand. I have enjoyed getting to see the interactions between your characters and I hope that those of you not in one of my other games will be willing to sit on the other side of the screen from me again if I ever get enough free time to run a game again. I don't think I'll do a homebrew, though. Those tend to fall flat for me too often.
Anyway. I wish all of you the best of luck and encourage you to give Black Dow a poke and see if he's willing to take you on for his Iobarian Saga. I've read the thread and there is some really good stuff there.

Lulu Yordle |

Vivian Vitimus |

I'm glad you're back, Salsa, and sorry to hear you won't be continuing this game. I was enjoying it!
That said, there's no point running a game if your heart isn't in it. At least I have your other three to look forward to, and know this - I'd sit on the other side of your screen any time. =)
To the rest of you, take care! Hopefully I'll see you all around sometime =)