DM Fflash's Iron Gods Campaign Reboot (Inactive)

Game Master DM Fflash

Chapter 3: The Choking Tower

Roll 20 Link

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M Human (Kellid) Blight Druid, S16, D10, C14, I10, W19, CH10, HP59, AC17, Init 1, Perception +14 Level 7 Druid

"Then let's close the door and find her"

Male Human Mechanist/Savage Technologist Level 7

"We tried to close it, it's been over ridden, we need to get out of here and move north, have you all learned nothing from the last machine we tried to fight and lost to?"

Kovax will move away from the door and be prepared to fire on anything that comes out of the northern door where we last saw the woman.

Male Android Stalker 7 :: AC 22 (t17, f15) :: 53 hp

Confirm that the door to the north is busted? That's the one that fritzed when we tried to swipe the card?

Male Human Mechanist/Savage Technologist Level 7

No, the door that had this robot locked in it is the one that this card now doesn't work on when it worked on it just fine 10 minutes ago. Which means she has over-ridden it somehow which isn't good for us.

I am only assuming the doors to the north will work but I am actually suggesting that we go all the way around the room and come in from the north side, not the south side.

We have not been able to do much damage to these robots because of their hardness, this thing has a good chance to kill us especially if the purple haired woman comes up from behind while we are engaged, and there is legit no damn reason to fight this thing right now.

Male Android Stalker 7 :: AC 22 (t17, f15) :: 53 hp

I get that, but based on what I read above, the door leading from the room we're in now to the central room where purple-hair was didn't work. If it *did* work, then I agree 100%... lets go!

Razorend wrote:
Confirm that the door to the north is busted? That's the one that fritzed when we tried to swipe the card?

Kovax is correct. No one tried the door to the central room. Everyone turned their attention to the south.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Android Stalker 7 :: AC 22 (t17, f15) :: 53 hp
DMFflash wrote:

Razorend wrote:
Confirm that the door to the north is busted? That's the one that fritzed when we tried to swipe the card?

Kovax is correct. No one tried the door to the central room. Everyone turned their attention to the south.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Then I completely misread the above. I agree with Kovax that we should be trying to get into the central room vs fighting here in the south.

M Human (Kellid) Blight Druid, S16, D10, C14, I10, W19, CH10, HP59, AC17, Init 1, Perception +14 Level 7 Druid

Then let's do it...

M Human (Kellid) Diviner 6 Technomancer 1, HP 38/54 , AC 13 (17 w/ mage armor), Init +11, Perception +12, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +7
6/6 1st 5/5 2nd 2/4 3rd Wands: MM 7/44 SR 4/16 REx 14/18 REn 34/34 RoR 12/17 G 36/38

We're in combat now, I would just assume let things play out versus meta gaming this. But I'm easy with either course of action.

The Source of the Problem Round 5

Init: Kovax, Urgeon, Razorend, Meyanda, Ridic, Gearsman

Part of the metagaming problem is me not posting ... here we go

Razorend moves in and readies for the approaching metal man as the party banters about what to or rather what not to do. Ridic takes up position in the back and then the robot rushes forward.

Razorend takes a vicious blow at it cutting under it's guard that it let down as it rushes to attack and shreds some vital cables sending a spray of sparks. Razorend's elation is shortlived as the automaton follows through with a vicious blow from its truncheon which is humming with a high-pitched whine. When it strikes it discharges electricity into the android stalker and touches his central nervous system with a resonating disruption (Mind affecting)

Gearsman charge vs Razorend: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 9 + 2 = 29; HIT!; Damage: 1d6 + 5 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + 5 + (2) = 13 + DC12 Fort Save or take a -1 penalty to attack rolls, skill checks and Will Saves and a -4 penalty to concentration checks for a round

Round 6

Kovax follows up his warning by moving to the north.

At Urgeon and the rest of you for action

Male Android Stalker 7 :: AC 22 (t17, f15) :: 53 hp

Fort Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

Razorend reels for a moment, but manages to shake off the shock and keep fighting. He holds a defensive posture as he re-centers himself and focuses on the next strike.

5 ft step back. Full-round maneuver recovery... AC 22.

M Human (Kellid) Diviner 6 Technomancer 1, HP 38/54 , AC 13 (17 w/ mage armor), Init +11, Perception +12, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +7
6/6 1st 5/5 2nd 2/4 3rd Wands: MM 7/44 SR 4/16 REx 14/18 REn 34/34 RoR 12/17 G 36/38

Round 6

Urgeon moves away from the automaton and then fires his wand at it again.

MM: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (2, 4) + 2 = 8

M Human (Kellid) Blight Druid, S16, D10, C14, I10, W19, CH10, HP59, AC17, Init 1, Perception +14 Level 7 Druid

Ridic moves into the room, but stays 5' away until next round when he can attack

The Source of the Problem Round 6

Init: Urgeon, Razorend, Kovax, Meyanda, Ridic, Gearsman

Urgeon fires two more missiles, but they fizzle harmlessly on the robot's exterior.

Razorend steps back to recover and Ridic moves into the room.

Up north, near Kovax, the two doors open together and Meyanda is standing on the other side, partially covered by the wall and reaching around with her curved metal wand/pistol.

Kovax, ready for the action fires his blunderbuss but the bullet smashes into the wall. He reloads.

To hit (touch): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7; miss

Meyanda fires back, a red glow growing as a blob at the end of her pistol until it shoots a flaming hot projectile out at a ridiculous speed. The white hot projectile smashes into Kovax's shoulder searing him painfully!

To hit (touch): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 fire damage

On the far side the robot follows Razorend, relentlessly, its metallic voice screeching out in its alien language.

"Please stand down and submit"

Glitch: 1d100 ⇒ 68

The robot swings its baton again, but this time it flashes brightly as it hums emitting a blinding flash. (Ridic and Razorend make a DC15 Reflex Save or be blinded)

Reflex: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11; fail

The robot also seems affected by the flash as it swings blindly at Razorend missing high and then takes a backhand swing with his other hand, which the android easily dodges.

To hit: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
Miss: 1d100 ⇒ 2; miss

Slam To hit: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Miss: 1d100 ⇒ 37; miss

Back to Urgeon

Male Human Mechanist/Savage Technologist Level 7

Will the conveyor machine provide cover?

Male Human Mechanist/Savage Technologist Level 7

And does she have cover? If so where would I need to move to remove that if possible

Not sure if it's possible to delay until she pops out or if there are not any rules for that.

Male Human Mechanist/Savage Technologist Level 7

Kovax will fire again and move to cover, kneeling down if that increases his chance to hide

He will use Knowledge is Power to increase his damage and also use an Inspiration point to increase his chance to hit

To Hit Touch AC - 1d20 + 5 + 1d6 ⇒ (12) + 5 + (6) = 23
Damage - 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

M Human (Kellid) Blight Druid, S16, D10, C14, I10, W19, CH10, HP59, AC17, Init 1, Perception +14 Level 7 Druid

Reflex Save
1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8

Ridic will take a defensive posture and swing at anything he feels is approaching him

M Human (Kellid) Diviner 6 Technomancer 1, HP 38/54 , AC 13 (17 w/ mage armor), Init +11, Perception +12, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +7
6/6 1st 5/5 2nd 2/4 3rd Wands: MM 7/44 SR 4/16 REx 14/18 REn 34/34 RoR 12/17 G 36/38

Unable to do anything else, Urgeon draws and fires his crossbow.

attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
damage: 1d8 ⇒ 4

Male Android Stalker 7 :: AC 22 (t17, f15) :: 53 hp

Reflex save: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

Razorend hisses as the flash dazzles his sight. He retreats, stumbling.


Male Human Mechanist/Savage Technologist Level 7

It's almost like fighting that thing was a really bad idea...if only someone had said something....

Male Android Stalker 7 :: AC 22 (t17, f15) :: 53 hp

Wouldn't have gone that way if I didn't get confused about the doors.

The Source of the Problem Round 7

Init: Urgeon, Razorend, Kovax, Meyanda, Ridic, Gearsman

Urgeon fires his crossbow ineffectively as Razorend stumbles blindly out of the room.

Razorend Acro: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26; success

Kovax blasts Meyanda, deflecting a slug into her shoulder off the wall causing her to shout in pain. The gunslinger moves out of the line of fire behind the conveyer belt.

Meyanda pops her head out again putting something away that was in her right hand and then calls upon divine guidance pointing at the blinded Razorend and ignites a burst of cacophonic sound that explodes in waves catching both Razorend and Kovax.

Take Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 7 sound damage + make a DC15 Fort Save or be stunned 1 round.

Ridic hunkers down as the gearsman clears its vision and stalks toward him. He swings his scythe at the creature catching it with a lucky blow
and severing its head from its body and it steps twice before collapsing still spouting random Androffan phrases and twitching with electricity.

To hit: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Miss: 1d100 ⇒ 66
Crit Damage: 8d4 + 16 ⇒ (4, 1, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 4) + 16 = 39

Actions Round 8?

M Human (Kellid) Diviner 6 Technomancer 1, HP 38/54 , AC 13 (17 w/ mage armor), Init +11, Perception +12, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +7
6/6 1st 5/5 2nd 2/4 3rd Wands: MM 7/44 SR 4/16 REx 14/18 REn 34/34 RoR 12/17 G 36/38

Urgeon picks up his wand and moves back into the room.

M Human (Kellid) Blight Druid, S16, D10, C14, I10, W19, CH10, HP59, AC17, Init 1, Perception +14 Level 7 Druid

That's it...from now on, Tike rolls for me! Who said fighting this thing was a bad idea? :)

Ridic will leave the room and move to the left wall...The wall that the Meyandar is firing from. Double move to the doorway, but will not look down the hall. Carefully making sure that she cannot see him.

Male Android Stalker 7 :: AC 22 (t17, f15) :: 53 hp

Fort save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Razorend has no warning to defend against the incoming blast and takes the full brunt. Blinded, stunned and badly wounded, he somehow keeps to his feet.

At 1 hp!

Male Human Mechanist/Savage Technologist Level 7

Fort Save - 1d20 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 3 + 4 = 20

With Ridic moving up and blocking his line of sight perfectly Kovax will reload another slug and be ready to fire if she pops out again

Male Android Stalker 7 :: AC 22 (t17, f15) :: 53 hp

Backfill for Urgeon -- after we got settled, healed and rested, we brought Meyanda back to consciousness. Razorend spoke with her alone in the force room while the others waited quietly outside and listened along.

Razorend emerges from the forge carrying an empty flagon and plate cleaned of food. He nods and leads the group a few meters away before he speaks in a low voice. "The conversation wandered a bit this time, but Meyanda seems more than happy to tell me what she knows." He frowns, adding, "I'm not good at reading people -- or androids, for that matter -- but I sense no guile from her. She obviously hates meatbags... er, you know: fleshy people, but seems to trust me implicitly because I'm an andriod. She's just... horribly ignorant of the world, and brainwashed of anything but what this Hellion has told her."

With a sigh, he continues. "We know that Meyanda follows, worships in fact, a thing called Hellion... some kind of technological entity that came from the sky, has been trapped on Golarion since it fell, and apparently hates all living things of flesh. Those are all bits piecemealed from things she said. I don't think she knows really what Hellion is, and I don't believe its actually a god, but its apparently powerful enough to act the part. She was sent here to harness the energy of the torch and transmit it to Hellion, to help it transform or something... most likely something bad."

"The Lords of Rust are Hellion's worshipers, or slaves, or most likely both. They are based in Scrapwall, a city to the north east. I wasn't able to get much more from her on them, other than they are led now by an female orc called Colgara. Meyanda also seemed confused, even frustrated, that so many of the Rusties are... meatbags." He says the last with a small grin.

M Human (Kellid) Diviner 6 Technomancer 1, HP 38/54 , AC 13 (17 w/ mage armor), Init +11, Perception +12, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +7
6/6 1st 5/5 2nd 2/4 3rd Wands: MM 7/44 SR 4/16 REx 14/18 REn 34/34 RoR 12/17 G 36/38

Urgeon will attempt to transpose the scroll.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

Urgeon nods at Razorend. "Well done, my friend. This demon Hellion and his minions sound like a threat. We will need to travel to Scrapwall to investigate further."


Relighting the torch has given you a bit of celebrity. Word of the your triumph spreads through town quickly, and you soon find that paying for drinks or rooms is unnecessary. It’ll still be some time before Torch is on its feet again, though some of the crafters didn't leave town and do start work again after the Torch returns to its normal bonfire size after about 24 hours.


You are only able to keep Meyanda's presence from Khonnir for a little while and he eventually discovers her in the Foundry.

Garmen Ulreth is still under watch by a couple of guards Khonnir tasked.

Council Audience

Khonnir makes you aware that the Council is gathering to recognize you publicly and present you your reward. They'd also like to ask some questions to help stop the rumor mill and determine what the current risk to Torch is as they try to attract back merchants without garnering the Technic League's attention.

Tech Research

Over the next week, you discover a wealth of knowledge on the tablet that Meyanda held. Many of its operating abilities are limited to the doors and scrying devices inside the Black Hills Cavern dungeon, but it has technical information and schematics on many of the things you found and a database of other information that helps you start to piece together the language and get a rudimentary understanding of technology. (This is what allows you access to the feats and classes and the free bonus tech feat as written in the campaign tab).

At the same time, Sam, Urgeon and Khonnir begin to figure out the intricacies of the "power relay" as Khonnir has come to call it that you found in the warehouse. As Meyanda had mentioned, it was receiving energy or power from the reactor in the caverns and then transmitting it to a location about 100 miles to the northeast. That's about where Scrapwall is on your map.

Both artifacts are on your Loot spreadsheet

Khonnir sees Meyanda for the first time and you hold your breath awaiting his reaction. He sees you and chuckles, "I'm far from disappointed, this is a fascinating discovery. We had heard the rumors, but an android priestess? Never would I have guessed."

He spends some time talking with her and is intriguesd by her demeanor and her strange combination zealotry and naivete. He talks with her and doesn't find much more than you do.

"Tomorrow, when you go to the Council to collect your reward, I encourage you to turn her over to us for disposition. Garmen Ulreth as well. It is time they understand the full plot and potential future threat to the town."

Noticing your pile of loot, he raises an eyebrow. "Be careful who you let know that you've gathered that many relics. You will gain the attention of the Technic League. They consider all relics to belong to Numeria ... well themselves actually. They've convinced the Black Soverign to issued an edict in the land (after he slaughtered the Pathfinders in Starfall and razed their lodge) that anyone taking relics will be executed for theft of sovereign property."

M Human (Kellid) Diviner 6 Technomancer 1, HP 38/54 , AC 13 (17 w/ mage armor), Init +11, Perception +12, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +7
6/6 1st 5/5 2nd 2/4 3rd Wands: MM 7/44 SR 4/16 REx 14/18 REn 34/34 RoR 12/17 G 36/38

Urgeon nods at Khonnir, "I can't speak for the others, but I would be happy to leave both Garmen and the android with you."

He frowns upon Khonnir's mention of the Black Sovereign. "I have not desire to attract the Technic League's agents. We will follow your advice and will keep our use of this technology discrete."

He turns to the others. "Let us begin provisioning ourselves for the expedition to Scrapwall."

With that, he will use the Foundry's tools to begin crafting magic items.

Male Human Mechanist/Savage Technologist Level 7

"I agree with Kohnnir as well, on both accounts" Looking around the room, "We should construct some sort of a safe or vault to store things in and keep them hidden away"

Male Android Stalker 7 :: AC 22 (t17, f15) :: 53 hp

"Hold up," Razorend interjects. "I am not comfortable turning Meyanda over to the so-called authorities. I appreciate that she is dangerous, and has committed deeds against the good the the town. But, I fear she is merely a brainwashed slave of this Hellion creature. In my discussions with her, it became clear that she is incredibly ignorant of anything outside what her master has told her. She knew nothing of Nethys or the other gods, but showed an interest when I mentioned him." He shakes his head, sighing. "The town leaders will only imprison or destroy her. There may be a chance -- with time and patience -- to enlighten her and break Hellion's chains."

M Human (Kellid) Blight Druid, S16, D10, C14, I10, W19, CH10, HP59, AC17, Init 1, Perception +14 Level 7 Druid

Ridic looks at Razor"Then what is it that you are proposing? Are you suggesting that she will be set free due to her ignorance? Worst yet, become our continued burden to bring her with us and break her free of this brainwashing? It is truly sad when this happens to someone, but she has a long ways to go before she could be around...what was it you said again, ah yes...."Meatbags". Clearly, she has a lot of disdain for those of us with flesh, and that is a dangerous thing. I now challenge you, what is the best we could ever hope to get from her versus risk and danger that she could bring to even more innocent people?"

Male Android Stalker 7 :: AC 22 (t17, f15) :: 53 hp

... fast-forward through live session discussion ...

Razorend finally nods assent, if still hesitantly. "We put Meyanda to the mercy of the town council, but I still plan to plead for her freedom and try to rehabilitate her -- if she can learn the value of life... that there is more to the world than what her former master forced upon her."

"I should be the one to tell her. Maybe Kovax too, if you wish to help."


Razorend returns to the forge room. "Meyanda, my companions and I have decided to turn you over to the council of Torch for justice."

"I have my misgivings because I truly believe you are an unwitting slave of Hellion. It has misinformed and misguided you, and in your forced ignorance, you cannot even see the chains it has placed upon you. You could not understand the gravity of the evils you were committing in its name."

"It may seem a strange, even arrogant, request, but I ask to be your advocate in whatever trial may come, and to teach you more of the world. I will not force you to change your ways or allegiance, but I hope you will come to understand just how much was kept from you, and make your own decision."

Female Android Warpriest of Brigh 5 / Ranger 1 (HP: 38/49; AC: 16 (19 vs beams/rays); F: 8; R: 5; W: 7; Init: 6; Per: +14)

The android priestess eyes you with an unreadable expression as you enter and speak, "Justice. You say I cannot understand what I was doing or that I was ignorant of my actions? Yet you wish to advocate for me so you can teach me the world? I do not understand why."

She cocks her head to ponder you, "I know nothing of this town and its rules, so if you know how to navigate them and apparently don't wish to kill me. I don't know how you intend to explain more to me about Hellion when you profess not to know him, but maybe I can teach you something of him."

Is she still bound?

The Council

We cant do this part in flex time along with Razorend's discussion with Meyanda. We won't do the Meyanda part of the council until Razorend is finished wiht her

The next morning, Oathday, you head over to the Town Hall where the council has gathered. Council Meetings are weekly and are open to the public and while you're aware of that, you've never had cause to attend one before so the experience is new.

The Council Hall is packed with many who've been harmed directly or indirectly by the events of the recent week or even at the hands of Garmen Ulreth having come to see justice meted out. A lively, and somewhat angry buzz swarms the room but gives way to light applause and cheers when you arrive.

The Council is set up as horse shoe shaped table that's nearly a complete circle. but with a small access at one side to allow speakers or those being addressed to stand in the middle of the Council ring.

Captain Aaronlu Langer is already there with Garmen Ulreth in chains, her hand on her sword as she and two of the Town Guard watch him. Around the table, the councilors are already seated: Bazlundi Otterbie,
Dolga Feddert, Joram Kyte, the council leader, Serantha Olandir, and of course Khonnir Bhaine.

When you arrive, you are offered seats near the table in area reserved for upcoming speakers or witnesses. You wait for a few minutes as clerks move about and the council before Serantha stands up and holds her hands in the air. The hall quiets and Serantha invites Joram Kyte up to offer a blessing to Brigh before they progress with the meeting.

She opens with some basic roll call and procedural items before they start the discussion of Garmen Ulreth. It's not a "trial" in the full sense of the word, but it's a list of accusations and evidence against the man, mostly gained from ledger and accounts you found in his warehouse and some things siezed from Silverdisk Hall earlier in the morning. (Nothing here you aren't aware of)

After the reading of evidence, you are called upon to provide a representative to recount the details of what you uncovered that led you to the Warehouse and what you found there.

Over to you all to speak, either directly or in summary as I did before. I'll respond in kind

Male Android Stalker 7 :: AC 22 (t17, f15) :: 53 hp

Yes, I would not have released her completely.

Razorend frowns, thinking for a moment. "Why? Honestly, I am not sure myself, but... I see a little of my past reflected in you. A few years ago, I was created by engineers of the Technic League to be an assassin, a killing machine that followed their orders unswervingly... a slave. Somewhere in that process, they miscalculated -- they gave me more autonomy than planned -- and I understood. Once I was aware of my chains, my whole existence became defined by them. Until I escaped. In you, I see a slave of Hellion, though you may not be aware of your own chains."

"I cannot explain everything. Some things you will need to see and experience for yourself. I want you to have that opportunity, but if you cannot be trusted to co-exist peacefully with the people here, they will not release you to try."

"I would be willing to learn of Hellion. Indeed, it appears to be a serious threat to this town, and perhaps all of Numeria. Yet Hellion's disregard for the lives of the people that live here, flesh or android, cannot be disregarded."

M Human (Kellid) Diviner 6 Technomancer 1, HP 38/54 , AC 13 (17 w/ mage armor), Init +11, Perception +12, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +7
6/6 1st 5/5 2nd 2/4 3rd Wands: MM 7/44 SR 4/16 REx 14/18 REn 34/34 RoR 12/17 G 36/38

Urgeon will stand up and will describe the encounter in the warehouse with Garmen and his ropefist thugs. He will also describe the technology that Garmen was hiding at the warehouse and will convey his suspicions that Garmen was related to the extinguishing of the torch.

Female Android Warpriest of Brigh 5 / Ranger 1 (HP: 38/49; AC: 16 (19 vs beams/rays); F: 8; R: 5; W: 7; Init: 6; Per: +14)


"You have regard for the lives of the flesh-trapped, and you consider us to be people. I find this strange. I would know more about why you think that way. If your Council doesn't dismantle me, I will learn from you. You may represent me."

Her purple lines tattoos flash in sequence ending with her eyes, "Hellion will not be pleased that I failed in my mission. He will be less pleased that I do not return."

Male Android Stalker 7 :: AC 22 (t17, f15) :: 53 hp

"I fear the same," Razorend nods. "Indeed, we expect Hellion to send agents looking into the fate of your mission. If they are like the Technic League after my escape, they will seek your destruction rather than understand why you choose your own path."

Female Android Warpriest of Brigh 5 / Ranger 1 (HP: 38/49; AC: 16 (19 vs beams/rays); F: 8; R: 5; W: 7; Init: 6; Per: +14)

"This is likely true. Hellion will find me defective and have me destroyed."

The Council

After Urgeon gives his debrief, Khonnir adds in a few comments about the actions he took following his involvement. From there, the Council calls in a parade of witnesses taken from Garmen's ledger as they all one by one testify to the litany of cons, blackmail and extortion that the former gambler put them through.

Eventually, Garmen is given the opportunity to speak for himself and he spends most of the time swearing and insulting the populace for being so easy to manipulate. He laughs as he's found guilty and then the Councilwoman Olandir stands to pronounces his sentence,

"Garmen Ulreth, we the combined appointed representatives of the people of Torch do hereby sentence you to exile to be enforced by implant."

Garmen looks confused as two of the Town Guard grab him and shove him violent over, pinning his face to the table and spreading his arms out wide. Capt Langer takes a pistol-like device, similar to the serum injectors you found under Black Hill and shoves it up against his neck. It makes a hissing sound and Garmen shouts out in surprise and pain.

"Garmen Ulreth, should you return within 20 miles of this city, I anticipate you will find yourself without a head," Olandir speaks firmly and matter of factly, waving Langer to take Garmen away.

The Town Guard brings in Meyanda and Razorend in similar fashiong to Garmen, except Razorend is not held as a prisoner.

"Now to the matter of turning off the Torch and the potential danger posed by the lawless gangs of Scrapwall. Razorend, I understand you've brought and chosen to represent her in this hearing. Seems oddly unorthodox considering, as I understand it, she attacked you. But, the floor is yours for opening statements."

Male Android Stalker 7 :: AC 22 (t17, f15) :: 53 hp

"Unorthodox yes. I felt it necessary to interject on Meyanda's behalf, because I believe she has been manipulated by this Hellion creature. In my talks with her, I found quickly that she not only knows little of the world, but also that much was deliberately kept from her. She is not an unrepentant criminal like Ulreth, and I hope that with time and careful mentoring, she can become one of us."

"I am not disregarding what she did, or trying to absolve her of responsibility, but instead try a different approach. Hellion used her as a tool, and will likely toss her aside or have her destroyed for failing. But she is a person, not a tool... and deserves a chance."

"What redeeming quality do you see in her that should make us show some leniency? As explained by your compatriots she came here with the intent to steal our livelihood at a minimum and potentially murder us all at the maximum."

She taps her finger on the table in front of her as she speaks, "You and your friends have done much for our city and we hold what you say in high regard, but what promise can you offer us? How do we make Torch safe and the people free to do their business with this gang leader in our midst and an unknown power in Scrapwall taking an interest in our source of economic prosperity?"

-Posted with Wayfinder

M Human (Kellid) Blight Druid, S16, D10, C14, I10, W19, CH10, HP59, AC17, Init 1, Perception +14 Level 7 Druid

Ridic twitching, but remains quiet...

Male Android Stalker 7 :: AC 22 (t17, f15) :: 53 hp

Razorend glances at Meyanda a moment before turning back to reply. "It may not be a redeeming quality, but I see a bit of my own story in hers. As an android myself, I was created to be a tool... in my case, a particularly deadly tool. My creators erred, however, and I was able to break free of their slavery. Hellion has done the same now with Meyanda."

"She understood her orders and was executing a mission that would have brought serious harm to Forge and its people. But, I believe she did not truly understand the gravity of her mission's consequences. She expected people would be killed, but in her forced ignorance, did not value those lives. I want her to learn that value."

"I won't make promises on her behalf -- she can do that on her own -- but I offer to be her chaperone and guide. I even understand if you decide to keep her imprisoned, but ask to give her the freedom to come and go under my supervision. We cannot help Meyanda if she is trapped in a cell."

M Human (Kellid) Diviner 6 Technomancer 1, HP 38/54 , AC 13 (17 w/ mage armor), Init +11, Perception +12, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +7
6/6 1st 5/5 2nd 2/4 3rd Wands: MM 7/44 SR 4/16 REx 14/18 REn 34/34 RoR 12/17 G 36/38

Urgeon nods at Razorend's wisdom, "I too pledge to do whatever I can to redeem her. We will watch over her and ensure that she does not stray from the narrow path of redemption. "

The Council members all listen intently and Khonnir calls for a sequester. Joram Kyle drops a silence on the room and the group continues their discussions on the other side of that barrier. Furtive gestures and exasperated soundless sighs accentuate a 30 min discussion that ends with the Council chairwoman lowering her head resignedly and nodding reluctantly.

When the barrier us lifted, she speaks with authority, though. "Our town has long prospered on individuality and embracing the situations the world has delivered us regardless what it costs us monetarily" the Council woman's obscure reference to the Technic League tithe is not lost on the audience as a murmur runs through them.

"However, we do make severe decisions for individual crimes based on the towns safety and prosperity foremost. Justice and procedure are not our driving factors. So with that, I offer the four of you an alternate. Take Meyanda under guard as representatives of our authority. Meanwhile in your quest to redeem her, plum her mind and knowledge and use it to investigate and end this threat posed by her master or gang in Scrapwall."

The murmur increases and Meyanda looks at Razorend not understanding.

"We will pay you what we would've spent on creating an exile implant. However, should she be irredeemable or you fail to end the threat to Torch, none of you should return." Khonnir frowns at this last statement but doesn't interrupt.

"Do you accept? "

-Posted with Wayfinder

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