Call of the Forgotten Realms

Game Master Charles Evans 25

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Male Gnome Bard 1

Donnie looking around at these creatures wonders to himself if hes seen them before.

Knowledge nature (1d20 3=6)

Looking around at the state of those fighting these creatures Donnie thinks its time to lift spirits. Taking a deep breath he begins to sing.

inspire courage +1 to saves against fear and charm and +1 to attacks rolls and damage rolls to all who can hear me for the duration of my singing +5 rounds after

also sorry bout lack of posting my ISP crashed

M half orc Paladin 1

Nim moves into c3 where i believe he can use a two handed weapon?
he pulls out his great axe, rages and attacks yelling "fight me! bug thing!" (in his mother tongue, Gnomish of course!)

i believe that Nim gets +2to hit for flanking and +1 from the bard (thanks for the bonuses!) i do not know what negatives he gets because of the cramped spaces (i am assuming none ) but please feel free to deduct from my attack roll as you see fit

attack 1d20+11 =26


M half orc Paladin 1

oops! i just realised that donnie is in my way!! so i will ready an attack, i will attack next round when and if donnie moves unless donnie gets this and can move out of the way this round!! I Will keep my attack and damage for later if that is ok

nim says in his polite diplomatic way..... "GET OUT OF MY WAY STUPID SINGING GNOME!! LET NIM FIGHT!"

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

NPCs' Initiative:
The other gnomes and halflings continue to exit the room. The area in front of the door down to the lower areas of the of the boarding house E3 is now clear, as those scrambling to get out in that corner spill through the door and down the stairs (possibly hastened in their exodus by the chilling disappearance of the gnome into the aspidistra to their rear in E2).
In the meantime some sort of commotion seems to be going on in the hall, delaying the gnomes and halflings in A2 trying to exit into that area from completely vacating the common room. Over the other sounds of confusion and panic, it seems that possible chittering noises may be coming from the hall, and Mrs. Prestwick can be heard shouting in outrage: 'Get away from my prize aspidistra, ya oversized bug', accompanied by strange whacking noises which have vaguely hollow metallic tones.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Opponent's Initiative:
Suddenly surrounded by several gnomes, one of them making strange noises, and with a much larger 'gnome' a short distance away bellowing loudly, the 'beetle' in B3 which attacked Bronx last turn seems confused and perhaps even a little intimidated.
It lashes out at random: (-2 penalty for natural attack in current unusual confined space totalled into roll)(d20+3=23) Critical hit threat!
Critical confirmation roll. (1d20+3=16) (flat-footed, no dex. bonus to AC)
50% miss-chance. (1d100=22)
The 'beetle' attempts to bite something apparently hovering in the air, several feet above Seebo's head, and misses by maybe only inches, if what sounds like the string of curses it provokes from that spot is anything to go by.
Then the 'beetle' drops prone, and accompanied by a flash of green light neatly slides through the shadowy space between an armchair and the floor into some other terrible dimension and out of the common room for now.

Skill checks:
Hide check, invisible creature. (1d20+28=37)
Move silently check, invisible creature. (1d20+8=10)


You're pretty certain that the unseen creature spoke in Sylvan.
If you make a DC 15 Listen check (bonus vs fey applies):
You're pretty certain that the creature said 'Midnight take your soul, you dumb beetle'.

Any character that has the ability to suceed in a DC 37 spot check against a fey:

A faint shimmering confirms that there is indeed an invisible creature currently lurking in the air above Seebo's head.

Any character that makes a DC 12 Listen check against a fey (+2 circumstance modifier factored in to increase difficulty owing to extraneous distractions such as a bard singing, and sounds coming from the hall):

There are sounds coming from the air above Seebo's current position B2 apparently confirming that something is still there.

Everyone else's attention seems to be focused on the action going on over by the fireplace. If you make a Spot check with DC 10:

You notice green light starting to flicker from beneath a cabinet placed up against the wall midway the two windows. (In C1.)

The creature which may or may not be currently invisibly lurking in the air in this room (treat as a fey, for the purpose of any bonuses/penalties) is sufficiently clear of the floor at present for no penalties for fighting in confined spaces to apply against it. If combat with it becomes an issue, the usual -1 penalty to any attacks 'from lower grund' against it from creatures standing on the floor will however apply, as will (unless it is somehow made visible) the usual 50% miss chance. Owing to their short stature, regular sized gnomes (without reach weapons) may be required to scramble up and balance on the armrests/backs of armchairs (DC 10 Balance checks required combined with move action) to gain sufficient height to make melee attacks against the creature in question, or engage in other acrobatic efforts such as a DC 8 Jump check for a standing jump.
And that's Round 3 up, as before in any order of characters.
Nim: You will need to make new rolls if you decide to attack anything this turn, given that your prevous opponent has just beetled off. (Sorry: Couldn't resist the chance for that bad joke!)

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

I haven't seen anything to indicate that you've readied your shield in the event of an attack incoming against you.

Male (Rock) Gnome Ranger 1

Listen Check:

Bluff Check:

"Well WE scared that one off, well done fellows."

For all non-fey, Sense Motive = 14. For fey, Sense Motive = 16

Bronx seems to be trying to hint something to Seebo, but he doesn't seem to be doing a very good job at it.

Bronx then swings down at the bug at his feet.
Attack Roll:

Damage Roll:

M half orc Paladin 1

nim hurries over to A2 pushing past halfings etc so he can get to the beetle he thinks may be attacking in the hall, if he sees it he will try to push past the wee folk to get to it
str check?

Male Rock Gnome Cleric 1

Seebo draws his wand and shield, and quuickly takes stock of the fighting and injured, making sure his brother is OK

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Sense motive check. Unseen Creature.(1d20+6=11) Failed.
You get a solid blow in on the creature at your feet, smashing it up badly. It's virtually finished, twitching occasionally in what you take to be its death throes. You succeed in splattering large quantities of some sort of greenish ooze (which you take to be its vital fluids) over your weapon, yourself, and the furnishings in your vicinity.

Your attempts to shove your way through the gnomes and halflings into the hall meet with no success. You are stuck in the crowd in A2, trying to keep your dagger in the air, and out of the way of hurting any of your smaller, fellow gnomes. (I'm guessing that concern about the risk of trampling them under foot or otherwise hurting them held Nim back in his efforts to get through.)

You can feel a breeze of cool night air on your ace, coming presumably through the open front door, and you think that you may be able to see at least one bug, twitching on its back, in the hall amidst the rush of gnomes and halflings trying to get out.

You stand there in B2, wand out and shield readied.

You are currently standing in B1 with an unconcious, (but otherwise minimally damaged) 'beetle' which your spell knocked out a couple of rounds ago lying at your feet, and with your quarterstaff in hand. Your familiar is (you hope) somewhere out there in the night air, winging its way to come and meet you. You have not acted yet this round.

You are currently standing next to the fire [in C3] having commenced to sing last round, with the aim of inspiring courage amongst those friends and allies who are fighting within earshot. You have yet to act this round.

The potted aspidistra into whose depths a gnome inexplicably vanished is still sitting on the carpet in E2, and the 'beetle' which Nim stabbed is lying on the floor in D3.

Male Gnome Bard 1

Continuing with his song, Donnie draws his Longsword and makes a swipe at the creature closest to him.

"Die fell thing!"

drawing sword and attacking the big beetle in B3 attack and damage (1d20=18, 1d6-1=5)

EDIT: oops i forgot to add my own bardic music buff so that would be 19 to hit and 6 dam... sorry bout that

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

The message boards seem to be currently playing up from where I'm posting, and I'm unclear if you've posted or posted then deleted it. The big 'beetle' in B3 'vanished' during the previous round, having apparently exited by crawling away into another dimension (in the odd manner that these creatures seem capable of coming and going); Nim stabbed a small one which is currently out of action and dying in D3, Bronx has pretty much finished off the small one in A3, but Davkul might appreciate a hand with finishing off the one he knocked out with his spell a couple of rounds ago in B1, in case it wakes up again! He has so far tried to coup-de-grace it once (with a quarterstaff) and scored only minimal damage. There may be an invisible creature of some description somewhere in the room (unknown whether it is of hostile intent or not) last heard of hovering above Seebo's head, and Nim is currently trying to get out into the hall as he believes that there may be more fighting going on out there. Of course that isn't to say that other things might not pop up in here....
Your post has now turned up and indicates that you are attacking the big 'beetle' in B3; unless you wish to edit or post to adjust your action I may have to take you at this.

Spot Check: Listen Check: (1d20+1=20, 1d20+3=17)

Davkul fires off his second Color Spray(DC16) into the air above Seebo's head

"There's an invisible one in here and another bug coming under this cabinet here folks" Davkul all but shouts. "Can someone help me finish off this one before it wakes up!"

EDIT: Sorry.. seem to have had trouble posting the last day or so

Male Gnome Bard 1

i think i am am having a similar problem where a rather lengthy post made by you (which included the info on B3 beetle leaving) was not showing on my screen untill now... it has been to long for me to edit my post but if you would allow, this is what i would like to do instead

"Thought I heard something for a minute there..."

Listen check (1d20 4=6)

"...nope nevermind"

Seeing Davkul doing his very best to kill the beetle thing Donnie decides to help.

"Us Gnome better stick together, never could trust a big folk... or in this case a big beetle thingy"

5 foot step into C2 draw sword and make an attack at beetle in B1 attck/damn on beetle in B1 (1d20 1=11, 1d6=4)

i stopped singing so the buffs now last for 5 rounds
Also this time i remembered my own +1 attack/damage

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Will save, unseen creature. (1d20+4=18)
The spread of darkly shimmering colours that Davkul fires into the air above Seebo's head has little immediate apparent effect.

In the meantime, with a deft thrust of his long-sword, Donnie deals sufficient damage to the 'beetle' that Davkul had taken down earlier in B1 to ensure that it's not likely to be waking up again anytime soon in the absence of any healing ministrations.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

The NPC initiative coming up soon is likely to sweep you out into the hall, in the press; if you wish to disengage yourself in the hall area, you will need to make a DC 12 dexterity check, or be likely carried out the front door.

M half orc Paladin 1

Nim will try to come back into the room, he will 5 ft step from A2 to B2
dex check d20+2 =20

he then attacks the invisible thingy, with his glaive? can he do this because he is attacking into the air? (he will also rage!)i am listing his bonus to hit as +10 (1 bab, 7str, 1,masterwork,1,singing)
please take off any minuses as you see fit

d20+10= 28
assuming he hits:
miss chance d100=64 a hit
Damage 1d10+11=14

if nim cant attack with his glaive then his damage with a dagger is d4+8=9

pleased note that his chance of hitting with a dagger is 1 less then the glaive
this is so complicated!! for just one attack it has taken me 25 minutes!! cant we just use the honour system for dice rolls please!!)

Male Rock Gnome Cleric 1

Quickly looking around Seebo does a heal check
to see if anyone needs healing from his wand.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Nim, Seebo:
I was waiting for Nim's Reflex save in the hope of avopiding a break in my NPC initiative post; It is not the next round yet, so will ignore your posts with the exceptions of Nim's dexterity check!

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

NPCs' Initiative:
The group of halflings and gnomes in A2 that Nim had gotten caught up in, trying to push through into the hall, surge forward and out into the hall, where Nim manages to dextrously extract himself from the throng and avoid being swept out of the front door into the chill air of a Deadsnows winter night. Strange whacking noises are still drifting from the hall into the common-room, accompanied by occasional loud comments such as 'Take that, ya varmint.' which sound like they are being made by Mrs. Prestwick.


You are in the hall, which is twenty feet long, and eight feet wide. (As far as game terms go I shall refer to it as being a single column of 5-foot squares, four tall, numbered from 'H1' at the bottom to 'H4' at the top, with a 'margin' of 'half width squares' along the left and side (M1 to M4), from which creatures smaller than size medium may fight.) The door to the outside is at the bottom of the 'H1' square, and the exit into the dining area, at the top of the 'H4' square. There is a doorway through to common-room, from which you have just come, on the right-hand side of H2. There is a doorway leading to a flight of stairs going up and down on the right hand side of H4. Along the sides of the hall, are more potted aspidistras (as you've probably guessed by now, Mrs. Prestwick likes them a lot!) with the biggest aspidistra in the boarding-house being stood in a pot in M4 to one side of the doorway to the dining area. Standing in the doorway to the dining area, wielding a frying pan, is Mrs. Flora Prestwick, facing out into the hall and several of the small 'beetles' lying on their backs twitching in front of her. Behind her, poking tentatively through the doorway along her flanks with broom-handles, is a pair of servants. There are still several living small 'beetles' chittering away in the hall, gathered up at Mrs. Prestwick's end, and Nim thinks that he may be able to hear the clicking of more beetles outside, mixing with the alarmed cries of gnomes and halflings.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Opponents' Initiative:
"So you think you're a mage then, gnome?", a voice snarls in common from out of the air above Seebo's head.

Make a DC 14 Will save or spend round 4 attacking one of the nearest creatures to you. Lesser confusion spell result. (1d100=74)

Skills checks:
Hide check, unseen creature. (1d20+28=45)
Move Silently check, unseen creature. (1d20+8=20)

Light flashes from under a cabinet placed up against the wall between the two curtained windows in C1 and a swarm of diminutive beetles come pouring out from between the cabinet's legs. There is a nasty chemical hissing sound that comes from them, and the carpet smokes beneath them as they advance. They crackle and flash with green light.

Any character that has the ability to suceed in a DC 45 spot check against a fey:

You see a faint shimmer in the air moving from above Seebo's head in B2 over to the fireplace in C3 where it heads out of the room and off up the flue.

Any character that makes a DC 21 Listen check against a fey (+1 circumstance modifier factored in to increase difficulty owing to the minor distraction of continuing sounds coming from the hall):

You hear the faint whir of wings moving at speed, from the vicinity of the air above Seebo's head in B2 over to the vicinity of the fireplace in C3.


With a flash of green light, a small 'beetle' emerges from the angle between the wall of the hall opposite Nim and the floor to hurl itself across the hall at him, in what Nim can only presume to be an attempt to knock him back into the common room. (With my taking your attack of opportunity as being the dagger attack you rolled in your previous post), Nim impales it easily, flipping it back onto the floor, to lie there twitching. Three of the 'beetles' at the other end of the hall, apparently taking umbrage at this, turn around and come back down the hall at Nim. Nim's remaining attacks of opportunity against small beetle things, (adjusted in game for bardic bonus). (1d20+7=15, 1d4+7=11, 1d20+7=22, 1d4+7=10) This time Nim only gets one of them, and the other two attempt to bite Nim. Attacks & damage on Nim by strange 'beetles'. (1d20+1=7, 2d4=2, 1d20+1=21, 2d4=6)One critical threatened! Critical confirmation. (1d20=11)Critical fails.
One of the beetles manages to bite Nim surprisingly fiercely for something so small for 6 hp damage total. (None of the 5 foot squares in the hall H1, H2, H3, or H4 count as being confined by the way.)

And with that round 3 ends.
Start of Round 4, Situation summary:
Nim is standing just inside the entrance to the hall from the common room. He appears to be involved in some sort of fight with further of the small 'beetles', and has just been bitten by one. Nim is in H2 of the description of the hall that Nim has been given.

The small 'beetles' which Nim is fighting are in H3 and M3. Further up the hall, Mrs. Prestwick and her servants are battling four more, all the 'beetles' being crowded into H4.

Common room:
Davkul is standing next to one of the windows (curtains drawn) in B1. Davkul put his quarterstaff aside to cast a spell last round. It is currently propped up against an armchair in the same square as him. There is one of the small 'beetles' looking like it's not going to be getting up again in a hurry, (which Donnie hit last round) at Davkul's feet.
Donnie is standing with his longsword drawn in C2.
Seebo is standing with his shield out and wand ready in B2.
There is a dying small 'beetle' oozing out in D3.
There is a swarm of diminutive beetles which are causing the carpet to smoke underneath them, accompanied by a sort of chemical sizzling noise in C1.
There may or may not be an unseen creature somewhere in the room.
The potted aspidistra into which the gnome disappeared still hasn't moved from E2.

For everyone except Nim:

There is another small 'beetle' that is probably dead by now in A3, with Bronx standing over it.

Nim and the rest of the PCs are now in two different rooms. If a PC moves into either A1 or A3 in the common room for any reason, or carries out any actions there, please spoiler the text, and indicate in the line before it that it is for everyone apart from Nim to read. If Nim indicates that he has moved from his current location in the hall, then unless it is back into the common room, would all players posting their character's actions [i]after/[i] Nim spoiler their entire posts off for the duration of the current combat, until the PCs are all back together. If you wish to move from your current location in the hall, Nim, to anywhere other than back into the common room then indicate so, and then please spoiler any text that follows, for the duration of the current encounter.

It is now round 4: Please post your actions in any order of characters. REMEMBER THE EFFECTS OF DONNIE'S BARDIC MUSIC (INSPIRE COURAGE, +1) ARE STILL IN EFFECT. All known doorways, except for one that Nim can see at the far end of the hall, are considered open and passage through them unimpeded.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Would all players please check that they have their character's BAB and AC (normal, flat-footed, and touch) listed on the profiles of their alias.
I accidentally made a double-post earlier today on this thread; one under the name 'Charles Evans 25', and one virtually the same under the name of 'DM Charles Evans'. Please ignore the 'Charles Evans 25' one if it is still there; I have emailed the Paizo Webmaster in the hope that he can generously remove it.

DM Charles Evans


Will Save: (1d20+3=16)
Davkul punches through the compulsion with a snarl.

Listen Check: (1d20+3=7)
Davkul strains to hear where the flying menace moves to, but fails.


Snatching up his staff again, Davkul swings at the swarm of beetles, then steps away from them to A1.
Attack Roll: (1d20=11, 2d4-2=2)

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1
Davkul Gladdenstone wrote:

DM Charles Evans

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

Thank-you Davkul.

Davkul prods at the swarm of little beetle things, but with little effect.
Davkul disappear's from Nim's arc of sight.
For all players except Nim:
Davkul has backed away from the beetle swarm into A1.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Bronx and Donnie:
If either of you makes a DC 6 Knowledge (nature) check, then:

You realise that the swarm resembles a dangerous 'mundane' hazard of the natural world, best attacked with spells or equipment that deals damage over an area, rather than with normal melee weapons. The particular vermin (acid beetles) that these creatures resemble most closely don't just bite and sting anyone that they swarm into, but attack with their acidic secretions as well.

Male (Rock) Gnome Ranger 1
DM Charles Evans wrote:

Bronx and Donnie:

If either of you makes a DC 6 Knowledge (nature) check, then:** spoiler omitted **

Knowledge (Nature):



Does Bronx think that using a torch or burning brand (from the fireplace) would be effective against them? I ask because he hasn't seen anyone do any spells that are real attack spells. He also doesn't have any flasks of alchemical material.

I'll wait on your response before I state my actions for the round.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1
Bronx Madcap wrote:
DM Charles Evans wrote:

Bronx and Donnie:

If either of you makes a DC 6 Knowledge (nature) check, then:** spoiler omitted **

Knowledge (Nature):


** spoiler omitted **

I'll wait on your response before I state my actions for the round.


A log from the fire or torch will probably deal one point of fire damage (on a successful hit) but not the bludgeoning 'gauntlet equivalent' damage mentioned in the PHB.)

Male (Rock) Gnome Ranger 1


"Get fire to burn those bugs. Watch out the fairy went over by the fireplace!"

Bronx moves over to the fire place (C3) and reachs in and grabs a burning brand (from the end not on fire) if there are any, keeping hold of his walking stick in his offhand. He looks around nervously as if expecting to be attacked.

Male Gnome Bard 1
DM charles evans wrote:
Any character that makes a DC 21 Listen check against a fey (+1 circumstance modifier factored in to increase difficulty owing to the minor distraction of continuing sounds coming from the hall:

" I could swear there is something making an odd noise..."

Listen (1d20 4=9)
"...If only i could hear properly over this din. Maybe i can figure out what these things are..."
Knowledge nature (1d20 3=7)
"Hmm i knew i'd seen them before"
Donnie shouting out to all who can hear (spoilered because i dont know if nim is in hearing range)

"More of these devilish Beetles are coming, watch out for that ooze there leaving behind, its acid... also there to many to attack one by one lets try and blow them all up at once!!"

Donnies action for round 4 will be posted shortly this is all i have time for i'm just on my way out

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Given that Donnie is shouting loudly, Nim may look at that previous spoiler if he so desires, although he has his own distractions in the hall at present. Any character standing in A2 of the common-room will be adjacent to Nim (unless Nim moves) although thanks to Nim, and that the door looks out across the hall, will not be able to see much of that area.

Male Rock Gnome Cleric 1

Seebo hears what BronX says and grabs for the lanterns that help illuminate the common room and starts to throw them at the swarm. Hoping the oil will ignite and burn them.

M half orc Paladin 1

Nim draws another dagger (so he has two!) he rages and he attacks the Bug in H3
if it is ok i will simply take minium damge for my attacks unless i state otherwise

9 damage
if it dies i will 5ft step into H3 (which should give my an aoo agianst the other bug in m3 if it attacks, is that right?)


Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Nim kills another 'beetle' thing, then moves out of sight of everyone in the common room along the hall in the opposite direction to the front door.

Would all characters still remaining in the common room yet to act please spoiler text of any actions except for comments made 'out loud', and either label such spoilers along the lines of 'for everyone else in the common room' (for general reading) or 'for the DM'.

Male (Rock) Gnome Ranger 1
DM Charles Evans wrote:

Nim kills another 'beetle' thing, then moves out of sight of everyone in the common room along the hall in the opposite direction to the front door.

Would all characters still remaining in the common room yet to act please spoiler text of any actions except for comments made 'out loud', and either label such spoilers along the lines of 'for everyone else in the common room' (for general reading) or 'for the DM'.

I think everyone has acted this round, though Seebo might need to make an attack roll with the oil lamp.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

I am still waiting for Donnie's action, and for Seebo to make his attack.



If you want to do that you will have to first move to a square on the edge of the room (where the oil lamps are), take a move action to pick one up, and then either: 1) Throw it as if it were a splash weapon (including the usual rules for 'scatter' if you miss and a 50% chance of it failing to spread a pool of burning oil where ever it lands (but just going out), since the lamps are not designed to be used as weapons).
Or 2) Empty it into your own square or an adjacent one which will guarantee it catches fire.
If you try to target the swarm (currently in C1) with a lamp as a thrown weapon (dex. bonus applies to attack roll & bardic song), you will need to make a ranged touch attack against AC 17 (or 21 if you throw from more than 5ft away, owing to 'cover' from furniture).
There is no need for an attack roll if you are simply emptying it into your own or an adjacent square.
If it stays burning, it will deal 1d3 fire damage on a direct hit (or if poured) with an additional point to the swarm on a damage result of either '2' or '3'. Splash damage, to anything in the vicinity from a thrown attack will be 1 point of fire.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

The mix-up I made over the double-post yesterday has now (thanks to the Webmaster) been just about untangled. However the details of illumination in the Hall area got lost in the reshuffle. The hall is illuminated by the bright light shining from the magical lanterns hanging along it.

Male Rock Gnome Cleric 1

DM Charles

Seebo moves to B3 and grabs a lantern and pours the oil onto the floor in front of Bronx and his burning stick (C2)

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Seebo, Donnie, Davkul, & Bronx

Seebo falls back, to the area where the larger 'beetle' was standing (B3), and grabs an oil lamp from the wall. He blows it out and sloshes the oil in the area in front of Bronx (C2) so that Bronx can set it on fire with his brand if he wants. I will allow Bronx to set it on fire with his brand as an attack of opportunity against anything entering the area.

Donnie. I don't know if the message-boards ate one of your earlier posts, but at the moment I'm waiting for you to post, before I finish this round.

Male Gnome Bard 1

My action for round 4 spoilered because nim cant see.


Donnie moves to the nearest oil lamp, picks it up as he gets ready to throw the lamp.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Seebo, Donnie, Davkul, & Bronx:

Donnie hurriedly steps away from the pool of oil starting to spread on the carpet in the middle of the room, which Seebo poured into C2 to toss his sword on a nearby armchar and wrestle another oil lamp out of a wall mount. Donnie and his Sword are now in D3. He turns, ready to throw if the swarm comes anywhere near him. i.e. if it provokes an attack of opportunity by entering an adjacent square before his next action.

I will try to get the remaining NPC & opponent initiative posts for this round up tonight.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

NPCs’ Initiative:

Mrs. Prestwick and her servants manage to dispatch two more of the beetle things, between Mrs. Prestwick’s frying-pan whacks and the prods with the broom-handles from the servants. It is evident to Nim, despite her unconventional choice of weaponry, that Mrs. Prestwick has picked up at least some of the rudiments of combat somewhere, as she furiously splatters ‘beetles’. ‘Hah! Any more of you to come?’ she exclaims, surveying the surviving two 'beetles'.
Drifting through the door leading to the street outside, you can hear fewer sounds of fright, and more that seem to indicate that some of the gnomes and halflings who fled out there may be starting to gather their courage and to fight back.

Seebo, Donnie, Davkul & Bronx:

You hear further hollow whacking noises coming from out in the hall, and Mrs. Prestwick exclaiming: ‘Hah! Any more of you to come?’ The chittering and clicking emanating from the hall seems to be diminishing, but ominously, this makes it easier to discern such noises coming from further afield- such as from the street outside, perhaps, mingling with the shouts of gnomes and halflings.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Opponent’s Initiative:

You feel a ‘tremor’ run through the strands of the shadow-weave as something (briefly) disturbs the flow of the dark magic, in a way stronger and more disturbing than anything which you have encountered before. Make a DC 10 Will save, or be dazed next round. What is worse, is that you get the impression that the centre of this disturbance is a way off from you, and that it would be much more disorientating if you were close up to whatever is causing it.

Seebo, Donnie, Davkul, & Bronx:

For one horrible moment, you all get the impression that something is glaring at you all, through the eyes of the swarm of diminutive beetles in C1, noting your acts of defiance. Then, with a last sizzle, the swarm streams back under the cabinet. There is a flash of green light, and then silence from that particular quarter, the chemical hiss dying a once to practically nothing and only a lingering bleached stain left on the carpet remaining to show that something was there.


The ‘beetle’ in H3 assaults Nim again. Attack roll, strange beetle. (1d20+1=19) damage roll, strange beetle (2d4=6)hp It bites him! In the meantime, the other one has made an attack on Mrs. Prestwick, before both ‘beetles’ turn, and head for the angle between the floor and wall where, with flashes of green light, they crawl off through another of those horrible distortions of the dimensions such as Nim saw the ones in the common room emerge from.

It is apparent to everyone in both the hall and common room that the clicking and chittering of the strange ‘beetle’ things has suddenly ceased, and only the confused sounds of gnomes and halflings coming from outside and the hard breathing of those who have been fighting within can be heard. Then, there comes a moment of a horrible, maddening, shrilling wind sounding outside, which makes those who hear it strongly want to clap their hands over their ears to blot it out, as it cuts through and silences everything else; and then as suddenly as it rose, it falls, and there follows nothing but dead quiet.

Round 5:
(common room)Seebo, Donnie, Davkul, & Bronx:

Bronx is standing next to the fireplace in C3 with his walking stick in one hand and a flaming brand plucked from the hearth in the other. He is flanked by Seebo (who had to discard his shield and wand to pick up the lamp- they are on a table next to Seebo) in B3 and by Donnie in D3. There is a puddle of lamp oil soaking into the carpet in front of Bronx in C2. Donnie’s sword is on a chair next to Donnie, and Donnie has a (still lit) lamp clutched in his hands. Davkul is backed into a corner in A1 firmly grasping his quarterstaff. There is a dead smaller ‘beetle’ in a corner in A3, another dead one at Donnie’s feet in D3 and one which may not have long left to live lying in front of the curtains drawn across one of the common room's windows in B1. There is a nasty stain on the carpet in front of the cabinet in C1 and the aspidistra into which a gnome disappeared is still lurking in E2. There are no obvious enemies still apparently in the room.


Nim is standing in a part of the hall in H3 between the door from the common room and the door to the dining area at the far end. There are several dead smaller ‘beetles’ here. Mrs. Prestwick is standing in the doorway to the dining room, facing out into the hall, a frying pan splattered with green stuff from the ‘beetles’ clutched in her hands. Behind her and flanking her are two servants, with broom handles pointing out past her through the doorway. There are no obvious enemies still apparent in the room.

Donnie’s ability to inspire courage is still in effect. The immediate fighting seems to be over, but I would still like brief initial actions/reactions (in any order) from each of the PCs (spoilered as appropriate) before I proceed further.

Male (Rock) Gnome Ranger 1

"Hmm, I guess they didn't like the smell of that oil. Good thinking to pour it out and scare them." Bronx seems oblivious to what Seebo was really trying to do. "Now it looks like we got a plant to deal with."

Bronx moves to D2 and stabs the plant with the buring brand. "Spit him out beasty!"

Attack roll on plant (it if matters):

Damage (1d2+3 and 1 point fire):
1d2+3,1=[2, 3], 1

Male Rock Gnome Cleric 1

Seebo casts detect magic around the room, focusing heavily on the area's where the bugs have come through and the plant where the gnome disappeared.

M half orc Paladin 1

Im a bit confused! i killed the beetle in h3 and then moved into the square, is it the beetle from m3 attacking me? do i get an attack of opportunity before it attacks? if it hits me for 6 then i will be on 0hp!!


DM Charles Evans:

Will Save: (1d20+3=9) -failed.

I will be playing this as the connection to the shadowweave is felt through my pendant.

(common room)Seebo, Donnie & Bronx:


Davkul staggers against a chair momentarily, his hand clutching at his chest, before he steadies himdelf.

M half orc Paladin 1
NIM wrote:

Im a bit confused! i killed the beetle in h3 and then moved into the square, is it the beetle from m3 attacking me? do i get an attack of opportunity before it attacks? if it hits me for 6 then i will be on 0hp!!


oops i forgot to say what i was going to do, nim ends his rage and walks back into to room where his brother is and then says...


Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

You are correct on the count that the 'beetle' that attacked was the one in M3, not one that you had alread dispatched in H3, sorry! It was rather a long post that I constructed on Word, away from the messageboards, and I think my concentration must have lapsed for a couple of moments. Since it had not moved, except for the '5-foot step' to exit after it attacked you, it would not have provoked an attack of opportunity this time.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Bronx batters away at the plant inflicting grievous damage and burns on many of the leaves, but gaining little result in terms of any obvious reaction from the plant or finding traces of the vanished gnome. Whilst he is at it, he notices that the surface of the soil seems very little disturbed (apart from the rocking back and forth of it, as he strikes it). Besides the fact that there would scarcely be room for a gnome child in that pot, along with the soil and root base of the aspidistra, Bronx is left with a lingering feeling that he might have heard that voice which cursed in Sylvan and sneered at Davkul somewhere before... The trickster with the violin whose fun he ruined, perhaps, or another fey?

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