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OK, the revised list is now:
- Rosey (warlock)
- Aadvark (bard)
- Glod (shaman)
- Nevynxxx (wizard)
- Art (battlemind)
That's a striker, two leaders, a controller and a defender. Given that we are a little light on offensive punch but have a surfeit of healing, non-strikers (especially the leaders) might give some thought to honing their choice of powers to increase their damage output (assuming they haven't already). It's not a problem, and if you are happy with what you have then don't feel the need to change.
As we seem to have five players, I suggest we don't recruit any more. We might have room for one more but I feel happy with the party and players we have right now.

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Aubrey the Malformed wrote:Good point, well put..... Hmmmm I think we have a basis to be getting on with. Now to hope the post doesn't take too long...
Well, I can't really see the Veiled Alliance getting out of bed to rescue a guy working for one of their chief enemies and who doesn't give a damn about them just because he had his hand up his boss's daughter's skirt. So if he has a detached relationship with the Veiled Alliance he would need to have some reason why they would bother. Also, if you have no sympathy with the Veiled Alliance, you are sort of leaning towards being a defiler, which is maybe not what you were after in the first place. I think a closer link to the Velied Alliance is probably more practical as a plot hook. Nothing, of course, that prevents you being the maddest shagger in Balic, or that being the cause of your fall-out with the boss...
OK, to get the show on the road we can start character creation before you get your book - I can talk you through the stages, but it'll have to wait until I get home.
Also, I'm away this weekend so I will be incommunicado from Saturday morning until Monday morning (visiting God's own county of Yorkshire for my father-in-law's 70th).

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OK, to get the show on the road we can start character creation before you get your book - I can talk you through the stages, but it'll have to wait until I get home.
Sounds good to me, if you want a more realtime medium, I'll be around after about 8pm, skype, messenger, G+ hangout, email......
Also, I'm away this weekend so I will be incommunicado from Saturday morning until Monday morning (visiting God's own county of Yorkshire for my father-in-law's 70th).
<shudder> If you fancy a reprieve, I'm just across the border in Lancashire......

Rev Rosey |

Ahem. Speaking as a proud White Roser, I take issue with that :D
Wherabouts in Yorkshire Aubrey?
Nevyn, you can get me on G+ if you like.

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If you want to talk him through it, Rosey, that's fine by me. Let me know how you get on.
Oh, not too far away then, I'm just the other side of Burnley....
Rev, Added "Anthony Metcalf" also sent you a message....

Calla the Quick |

Okay, a few changes to Calla. She's now using an Alhulak (a sort of hybrid axe / flail weapon). I've added details for all her powers.
In combat she has two ways to mark enemies, and can shrug off slows and immobilizes. She can stick to practically any enemy that's trying to step round to the back row. +8 to hit and generally does 1d8+5 damage. Defences are AC: 19 Fort: 17 Ref: 14 Will: 16.
Rev, Aardvark, Aubrey - does that seem reasonable for the sole defender? (When I compare with Yuriel, Calla seems quite a lot better.)
Next up some further thinking about background. Oh, and a roll for random minor psionic power: 1d10 ⇒ 8

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Aubrey - Irivis is a Wilder, not Veiled Alliance. Although it's quite possible to rebuild that bit and might be fun to do so.
It's not necessary - I only mentioned Irivis in that context as I thought she was Veiled Alliance. On that basis, Nevyn's character doesn't need to know you - if he's Veiled Alliance, that's fine.
By the way, how did character creation go last night?

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Okay, a few changes to Calla. She's now using an Alhulak (a sort of hybrid axe / flail weapon). I've added details for all her powers.
In combat she has two ways to mark enemies, and can shrug off slows and immobilizes. She can stick to practically any enemy that's trying to step round to the back row. +8 to hit and generally does 1d8+5 damage. Defences are AC: 19 Fort: 17 Ref: 14 Will: 16.
Rev, Aardvark, Aubrey - does that seem reasonable for the sole defender? (When I compare with Yuriel, Calla seems quite a lot better.)
Next up some further thinking about background. Oh, and a roll for random minor psionic power: 1d10
I've noticed that the defenders in PHB2 and PHB3 seem better at mass-marking. Of course, that also means getting hit a lot more too...
Actually, re Calla, I noticed that her powers work off her (high) CON but her basic melee attacks will be off her (fairly average) STR. At least two of the character have powers that allow another melee combatant in the party a free melee basic attack. There's a feat (forget the name - Melee Training (CON)?) which allows your basic attacks to work off a different stat, in your case CON. That might be worth considering. Toughness might also be worth it too at some stage.

Rev Rosey |

Rev Rosey wrote:Aubrey - Irivis is a Wilder, not Veiled Alliance. Although it's quite possible to rebuild that bit and might be fun to do so.
It's not necessary - I only mentioned Irivis in that context as I thought she was Veiled Alliance. On that basis, Nevyn's character doesn't need to know you - if he's Veiled Alliance, that's fine.
By the way, how did character creation go last night?
I need to take a look at her anyway and make sure she's still useful. Nevyn now has a CB file sitting in his in box containing a good to go controller wizard. We went through everything I think.

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OK - if all characters are created we can probably roll with this on Monday.
As an aside, can I ask you all something? We are always hearing about how Dark Sun is a brutal place, only the strong survive and the weak die. I was thinking of putting in from time to time some nasty stuff along those lines (particularly the weak and vulnerable dying) but I also don't want to upset anyone or appear gratuitous. To some extent I'd like to make the setting feel like I feel it should be (a harsh and unyielding environment where most people would kill you for a waterskin) but on the other hand we are doing this to have fun, not push the boundaries. Can you let me know what you consider would be something you would be uncomfortable with?

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OK - if all characters are created we can probably roll with this on Monday.
As an aside, can I ask you all something? We are always hearing about how Dark Sun is a brutal place, only the strong survive and the weak die. I was thinking of putting in from time to time some nasty stuff along those lines (particularly the weak and vulnerable dying) but I also don't want to upset anyone or appear gratuitous. To some extent I'd like to make the setting feel like I feel it should be (a harsh and unyielding environment where most people would kill you for a waterskin) but on the other hand we are doing this to have fun, not push the boundaries. Can you let me know what you consider would be something you would be uncomfortable with?
A very funky Character created, I will wander through the file the Rev created for me and sort out the profile on here later on.
As far as brutality goes, go for you life. I'd draw the line at Torture Porn, but I hear worse stories than you'd want to tell from family members in the Police.

Arakan |

I have no issues with a decent level of Athasian verisimiltude. It is a tough world, where the weak are downtrodden by the strong, and almost everyone has a dog-eat-dog mentality of worrying about one's own survival before considering others.
So, I'm okay with anything shy of gratuitous over-defining. As long as it's part of the scene for a reason, then it belongs as far asI'm concerned.
Also, I looked at Artificer, and it doesn't work out as well as I had thought. I could look into adding either Ranger or Rogue into the Hybrid for a little more striker-esque feel (I am an Athasian Bard after all. Read: Socially accepted Assassin.). So an addition of extra damage would be IC for me. My premise was skill monkey, and I get that even as a Hybrid Bard. So, we would be 1.5 leaders, 1.5 strikers, a controller and a defender.

Arakan |

I put hybrid rogue into the mix, and it works out pretty well. I think I'm going to stick with it. I'll change the stuff in the profile before we start.

Calla the Quick |

Hope everyone has had a good weekend. Personally, this weekend, I have mostly been watching rugby.
Changes to Calla:
Background - her family runs a caravan loosely connected to House Wavir, trading between Balic and Tyr. Her early life was in the family caravan, but that was recently interrupted by a two year stint in the Balic Legions. This was agreed within the family so that she could gain combat experience, with the expectation that she come back to act as a caravan guard.
However, now that she is back with her family, the trading life suddenly seems somehow smaller and less glamorous. And it turns out her uncles are intensely annoying. The caravan nears Tyr, and Calla feels on the verge of some momentous decision.
Mechanics - Took the Balic Legionary background, and Streetwise as a class skill. Fits better with the Dune Trader theme.
Swapped out Pursuing Step feat for Psionic Initiative - again a better thematic fit with 'the Quick'. I'll look at Melee Training (CON) as a level 2 feat if our group dynamic works out that way.

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It might work better if she was a native of Tyr rather than Balic (and her house also Tyrian). And while she might have military training, I quite liked her as an ingenue (with maybe a bit of education in thw Way rather than military service) though I leave that up to you. (Sorry to work over your concept quite a lot but the opening of the capaign is "Calla's story" a bit.)
Also, Glod: are you still out there? Not heard from you in a few days.

Gorad Bender |

I am sorry thought you were out of town. I don't mind it getting rough.
New back story:
I grew up in the dwareven city of Kled on the Great Alluvial Sand wastes, as a Mul I was never especially well treated so I tended to fend for myself where possible. When I got old enough and brave enough I ran off to the Screaming Ravine to live where I thought no one would bother me... big mistake... After a almost a year of living on my own in this harsh region the blood curdling screams that would echo out from the dark led me to explore deeper and further than most would dare. But don't doubt that the allure and danger didn't bring some adventurers... I found the bones of many taht went before me. That is where I learned I had an affinity with spirits, I could not only see them but I could talk to them. I couldn't live those close to such a trouble spot any longer I had to flee back to Kled. Unfortunately some spirits followed and I was caught talking to them... The dwarf leaders of Kled took me to the natural geyser in the Lost Oasis so taht Durwadala the thri-kreen druid could pass judgement on my "devious" ways. She determine that while I may be a friend to death I was no enemy of life and asked that I be released.
Those bastards released me alright... right into the waiting arms of slave traders... I was almost given away, doubly cursed a dirty Mul(half breed) and a spirit talker... They didn't even let me keep my secret... The slave traders quickly sold me into the service of King Kalak... his secret agents always had a need to speak to the recently deceased... When I refused to use my powers in their evil plans I was thrown into the gladitor pits to die. But I got a lucky thrust in and didn't die... and the other gladitors learned that those around me tended to live through the most ghastly wounds as well. We formed a symbiosis of sorts, I helped them live and they helped cover for my less than stellar fighting skills...
Now that king Kalak is dead I can't go home, if you can call it that, and I don't want to stay here. I went back to the only place I felt comfortable in the wastes. I came across a caravan that had just defeated some raiders and was able to save the caravan master's son's life and the rest is history... I've been a valued member ever since. Only the Caravan Master and his head scout know the true extent of my powers.

Art |

Hey Aubrey, that's all good. I'd much prefer to work collaboratively on Calla's background and have her well integrated with the story - it's what I'd do in a round-the-table campaign anyway.
So if her family is from Tyr, then the caravan is probably attached to either House Vordon (iron traders, still powerful), or House Ianto (former slave traders, now trying to diversify and re-brand). House Ianto probably has more scope for plot and incident. They are looking to relaunch business through 'speculative cargos'. What are Calla's family transporting on this latest trip? Does she know?
Rather than a stint in the Balic Legions, perhaps some incident on the most recent journey has led to the recent tension with her family? Or perhaps it's just to do with growing up... and the incident is just about to happen.
How does all / any of that sound?
Oh, and part of my reason for switching to a Balic background was the meta-gamey desire to get streetwise as a class skill. Tyr backgrounds have that too :) So she's a naif about some matters, but knows where to go in a market to get the best deals, and how to find crew, and which areas in Tyr to avoid... but inexperienced and young. She's never had the chance to make her own decisions, or set her own goals. Ingenue.

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I am sorry thought you were out of town. I don't mind it getting rough.
New back story:
I grew up in the dwareven city of Kled on the Great Alluvial Sand wastes, as a Mul I was never especially well treated so I tended to fend for myself where possible. When I got old enough and brave enough I ran off to the Screaming Ravine to live where I thought no one would bother me... big mistake... After a almost a year of living on my own in this harsh region the blood curdling screams that would echo out from the dark led me to explore deeper and further than most would dare. But don't doubt that the allure and danger didn't bring some adventurers... I found the bones of many taht went before me. That is where I learned I had an affinity with spirits, I could not only see them but I could talk to them. I couldn't live those close to such a trouble spot any longer I had to flee back to Kled. Unfortunately some spirits followed and I was caught talking to them... The dwarf leaders of Kled took me to the natural geyser in the Lost Oasis so taht Durwadala the thri-kreen druid could pass judgement on my "devious" ways. She determine that while I may be a friend to death I was no enemy of life and asked that I be released.
Those bastards released me alright... right into the waiting arms of slave traders... I was almost given away, doubly cursed a dirty Mul(half breed) and a spirit talker... They didn't even let me keep my secret... The slave traders quickly sold me into the service of King Kalak... his secret agents always had a need to speak to the recently deceased... When I refused to use my powers in their evil plans I was thrown into the gladitor pits to die. But I got a lucky thrust in and didn't die... and the other gladitors learned that those around me tended to live through the most ghastly wounds as well. We formed a symbiosis of sorts, I helped them live and they helped cover for my less than stellar fighting skills...
Now that king Kalak is dead I can't go home, if you...
Like it, so many enemies my cup runneth over..,

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Hey Aubrey, that's all good. I'd much prefer to work collaboratively on Calla's background and have her well integrated with the story - it's what I'd do in a round-the-table campaign anyway.
So if her family is from Tyr, then the caravan is probably attached to either House Vordon (iron traders, still powerful), or House Ianto (former slave traders, now trying to diversify and re-brand). House Ianto probably has more scope for plot and incident. They are looking to relaunch business through 'speculative cargos'. What are Calla's family transporting on this latest trip? Does she know?
Rather than a stint in the Balic Legions, perhaps some incident on the most recent journey has led to the recent tension with her family? Or perhaps it's just to do with growing up... and the incident is just about to happen.
How does all / any of that sound?
Oh, and part of my reason for switching to a Balic background was the meta-gamey desire to get streetwise as a class skill. Tyr backgrounds have that too :) So she's a naif about some matters, but knows where to go in a market to get the best deals, and how to find crew, and which areas in Tyr to avoid... but inexperienced and young. She's never had the chance to make her own decisions, or set her own goals. Ingenue.
Like it - I'd run with house Ianto. And natural bolshiness is reasonable - or maybe Calla is stary-eyed about abolition in Tyr, which could be resented in a House practically ruined by it?

Art |

Ah that's a nice take on it. So Calla is prattling on about how great it is that the slaves are free like your typical I-just-read-Ayn-Rand teenage libertarian in reverse. Meanwhile her folks are trying to rebuild after their whole livelihood has fallen apart. Sounds like tension to me :)
So is the caravan on the way back from Balic, or somewhere further afield? And what's in the third wagon that everyone's being so secretive about?

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Introducing Jareen. Ex-Templar, on the run.
As The Rev put it last night I "certainly shouldn't run out of things to do in combat"...
OK, a few comments arising from the character sheet:
- I notice Jareen doesn't have a wild talent (although I also notice that the CB has a habit of forgetting what you chose, so that could be a system issue).
- Jareen doesn't have a high Bluff. To some extent, I wouldn't expect him to - as a sanctioned arcanist in Balic he didn't have to conceal his power - but now he's out in the cold he might consider some Bluff training further down the line, or have a lot of angry people trying to kill him on principle.
- he also doesn't have the Arcane Defiling power, as far as I can see.

Jareen |

Also note, I may have not copied everything correctly from iplay4e to the profile...
I've linked to iplay4e in the profile, but that may not be obvious.
The bluff thing I'm pretty happy with, he will definitely be wanting to invest in that as he moves along.

Arakan |

I have the food and waterskin that comes with the adventurer's kit, and I bought desert clothing. If it would be easier to use survival days instead I'll trade out what I have and get those instead.
IC, I think Arakan would not carry them for the fact that I would imagine that the caravan feeds and waters the guards, and if need be he understands nature, so would be confident that he could keep himself alive if need be. He doesn't realize, despite knowing about nature, that he doesn't know as much as he thinks (Read: trained for a total of a whopping +5).

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I have the food and waterskin that comes with the adventurer's kit, and I bought desert clothing. If it would be easier to use survival days instead I'll trade out what I have and get those instead.
IC, I think Arakan would not carry them for the fact that I would imagine that the caravan feeds and waters the guards, and if need be he understands nature, so would be confident that he could keep himself alive if need be. He doesn't realize, despite knowing about nature, that he doesn't know as much as he thinks (Read: trained for a total of a whopping +5).
The clothing doesn't come as part of survival days, but the food and water probably does. I'd swap them out for a similar value or stash the cash for future use.

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Gorad, before I forget to mention it, I notice you are using the Brothers in Battle background. That's actually from Scales of War, not Dark Sun. I wouldn't mention it but it is mechanically superior to the other options available in DS, namely giving a +3 bonus instead of +2. I'm happy for you to take it if you want, but I'd like the actual bonus to be reduced to +2 to put it in line with the others. Alternatively, you can choose another DS background which will give you a +2.

Calla the Quick |

Updated Calla's sheet to make At will / Encounter / Daily powers more obvious as the information was buried in the description earlier. Note that psionic classes typically don't get any encounter powers at all. Instead they have power points that can be used to augment their at will powers. Calla has 2 power points, and they're refreshed after a short rest.

Art |

Sorry Aubrey, possibly got carried away improvising. Seemed reasonable that the caravan leader would have a whistle or a bell or something like that. No other players have reacted yet so we could easily change Calla's actions, or change the outcome.
As a style, do you generally prefer 'intent posts' rather than 'action posts'? Different DMs have different expectations.

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No, it's cool and is good for the story and atmosphere, plus it doesn't change anything fundamentally. I prefer it when people get stuck in and make decisions. There might be a slight issue in making up too much stuff but a peripheral thing like this is fine, plus it's a good use of your power. That said, Kevis isn't caravan-leader - Grandma is - but he might have been "duty watch" tonight.

Calla the Quick |

Oh phew, that's good then. Round the table I would've just asked 'does Kevis have a whistle or bell or is there some agreed way to raise the alarm'. But in a pbp that's an extra day...
Back to the situation at hand: I just want to note that though it may seem as though your Defender has just bolted away from the enemy and into cover, leaving the rest of you to be skewered like plump pheasant for the table by marauding marauders, it is in fact just necessary for dramatic purposes. Calla will be back in the fray as soon as we have a plan!
What's the plan, gang?