Adventurer's League 5E : Beneath the Fetid Chelimber (DDAL05-06) (Inactive)

Game Master spinningdice

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Beneath the Fetid Chelimber

Female Water Genasi | Druid 4 | WS 2/2 | Spells 1: 4/4, 2: 3/3 | Spell DC 14 | CDW 1/1 | HP 28/28 | AC 16 | Init +2 | Saves S-1, D2, C1, I3, W6, Ch1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Normal | Insp: No | WDM 3/3 | WW 7/7



HP: -11 | Spell Slots: 4/3/2 Female Golaith | Druid 5 | Spell DC 14 | Max HP 31 | AC: 17 | Saves S2, D2, C2, I2, W5, Ch-1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Supergreen. | Insp: No


Male Wood Elf Rogue 4 (Swashbuckler); AC: 16, Unarmored: 14; HP: 21/29; Saves: Advantage vs. Charm, Dex and Int; Init: +4; Perc: +4 (Passive 14), HD 4


Dark Archive

Sunless Citadel Maps

As you take respite at the Golden Tankard, in Parnest you note the proprieter watching you, as if trying to judge your nature. Realising he's been noted he ambles over.

"Y'know you look like you can handle yourselves, I ain't hiring, but there's been rumors - a band of hobgoblins have been searching out a wizards tower in the Marsh of Chelimber. Sure would be better for whatever they're searchin' for being in your hands not theirs. An' if you stumble into the hob's then a few less of 'em in the world will cause no tears."

Female Water Genasi | Druid 4 | WS 2/2 | Spells 1: 4/4, 2: 3/3 | Spell DC 14 | CDW 1/1 | HP 28/28 | AC 16 | Init +2 | Saves S-1, D2, C1, I3, W6, Ch1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Normal | Insp: No | WDM 3/3 | WW 7/7

Interested, Raining pipes up. A wizard tower, you say? What can you tell me of it?

Male Wood Elf Rogue 4 (Swashbuckler); AC: 16, Unarmored: 14; HP: 21/29; Saves: Advantage vs. Charm, Dex and Int; Init: +4; Perc: +4 (Passive 14), HD 4

Vic sits leans back on two legs of his chair with his arms crossed.

So, nothing in it for us, except what we can gather from the Hobs? Can you tell us a little more about this wizard's tower?

Female Water Genasi | Druid 4 | WS 2/2 | Spells 1: 4/4, 2: 3/3 | Spell DC 14 | CDW 1/1 | HP 28/28 | AC 16 | Init +2 | Saves S-1, D2, C1, I3, W6, Ch1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Normal | Insp: No | WDM 3/3 | WW 7/7

Turning to Vic, she says, I wouldn't say nothing, placing emphasis on the word "nothing." Old Wizards Towers tend to have some rich history that deserved to be shed to light.

Plus, we might find something that'll help take out Fruul. And anything the hobgoblins want is likely better left out of their hands.

Turning back to the gossip monger, Raina continues, But still, Vic's right. What else do ya know? She smiles warmly with the last question.

Mordekai regards the man with curious interest.

"Vic makes an excellent point. You're saying you'd rather have me out there, locked in mortal combat with a hobgoblin than in here enjoying your hospitality? Tell us also, what's in it for you?"

He steps a bit closer and put his right hand on the table to support his weight and his other arm around Raina, bending forward towards the innkeeper. Mordekai's chains and rings around his neck and hanging from his ears and nose make a soft clinking sound.

But it seems you have the ladies attention, so you have mine.

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Sunless Citadel Maps

"I don' know much about the tower, there's been rumours around forever of a tower sunk into the swamp. Couldn't tell you more 'an that really.
Hobgoblins must reckon' they have somethin' more to go on though. If my sources are right, the hobs were working for Fruul, be a bad plan for him to get any more power than he does already."

He eyes Vic for a moment.
"Look, I'm not the business of hirin' folk to go be do-gooders. I'm just pointin' the way to something of interest. But I got a feeling in my gut that they 'ave somethin' more than just blind wondering to go on. Take or leave it."

HP: -11 | Spell Slots: 4/3/2 Female Golaith | Druid 5 | Spell DC 14 | Max HP 31 | AC: 17 | Saves S2, D2, C2, I2, W5, Ch-1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Supergreen. | Insp: No

The massive woman in the corner who had been paying attention stands and says "Which way to this tower?"

Female Water Genasi | Druid 4 | WS 2/2 | Spells 1: 4/4, 2: 3/3 | Spell DC 14 | CDW 1/1 | HP 28/28 | AC 16 | Init +2 | Saves S-1, D2, C1, I3, W6, Ch1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Normal | Insp: No | WDM 3/3 | WW 7/7

Raina glares at the arm wrapped around her, then with a promiscuous smile she sweetly whispers into Mordecai's ear, Remove that before the power of the sea freezes your manhood out from betwixt your legs.

Then turning back to the innkeeper, she says, Thank you for the information, kind sir. I am intrigued and will check it out, and then I'll return here to tell the story of what I discover.

M Mountain Dwarf / Cleric 2 / Spells 1st-3 / Spell DC12 / HP 8/15 / AC 18 / Init +1 / Saves S2, D1, C1, I0, W4, Ch3 / Pass Perc 12 / Status: Normal / Insp: No Cleric 1 / Init +1 / Spell Attack +4

A dwarf, mostly unnoticed to this point, hops off his stool and approaches.

It would be a new thing for a hobgoblin to know what is worth something and what isn’t unless told which might make this a bit more concerning. My hammer and prayers can aid you tall folk in getting to the bottom of this.

"You might find it warmer down there than you expect m'lady." Mordekai answered with a smile while he complied with the request. His golden tooth glinted in the candlelight.

"Right then, seems like we have a bit of an adventure ahead of us." He clapped his hands once and slid smoothly into a patchwork long-coat.

Male Wood Elf Rogue 4 (Swashbuckler); AC: 16, Unarmored: 14; HP: 21/29; Saves: Advantage vs. Charm, Dex and Int; Init: +4; Perc: +4 (Passive 14), HD 4

Okay, you have tickled my fancy with a taste for more.

He lets the chair fall to all four legs and bows at the waist with a flourish of his hand.

Vic Lofliss, at your service.

He looks to the others.

Let's see if we can beat those hobs to the good stuff hiding in that tower whilst we thumb our noses at Fruul in the process.

M Mountain Dwarf / Cleric 2 / Spells 1st-3 / Spell DC12 / HP 8/15 / AC 18 / Init +1 / Saves S2, D1, C1, I0, W4, Ch3 / Pass Perc 12 / Status: Normal / Insp: No Cleric 1 / Init +1 / Spell Attack +4

Orders another ale. One step closer to divinity with each tankard.

HP: -11 | Spell Slots: 4/3/2 Female Golaith | Druid 5 | Spell DC 14 | Max HP 31 | AC: 17 | Saves S2, D2, C2, I2, W5, Ch-1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Supergreen. | Insp: No

"Yes, I can see how drinking that could bring you closer to being a spirit." says the large woman. "Again, directions please. The spirits directed me here, and clearly this is what they wanted me to see."

Dark Archive

Sunless Citadel Maps

The proprietor gives you rough directions to where the hobgoblins were last seen. "Y'should be able to track 'em easy enough from there."

it doesn't sound like it should take too long to reach the location he's directed you to, 3-4 hours trek maybe?

HP: -11 | Spell Slots: 4/3/2 Female Golaith | Druid 5 | Spell DC 14 | Max HP 31 | AC: 17 | Saves S2, D2, C2, I2, W5, Ch-1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Supergreen. | Insp: No

Skyreaver collects her belongings and starts heading for the door. "Yes, okay, I'll ask" she says to no one in particular before turning back to the other adventurers and asking "So, are any of you coming?"

Male Wood Elf Rogue 4 (Swashbuckler); AC: 16, Unarmored: 14; HP: 21/29; Saves: Advantage vs. Charm, Dex and Int; Init: +4; Perc: +4 (Passive 14), HD 4

Sure, right behind you.

Vic follows along.

I would like to stop off and trade on my Shortbow for a Longbow, provided we have a minute on the way out of town.

HP: -11 | Spell Slots: 4/3/2 Female Golaith | Druid 5 | Spell DC 14 | Max HP 31 | AC: 17 | Saves S2, D2, C2, I2, W5, Ch-1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Supergreen. | Insp: No

"The spirits do not have a problem with that."

Female Water Genasi | Druid 4 | WS 2/2 | Spells 1: 4/4, 2: 3/3 | Spell DC 14 | CDW 1/1 | HP 28/28 | AC 16 | Init +2 | Saves S-1, D2, C1, I3, W6, Ch1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Normal | Insp: No | WDM 3/3 | WW 7/7

Heck ya, I'm going! Raina exclaims.

I'm Raina. Previously a tender of the coastal ecosystems and hunter of history. Particularly stories of cultural myths.

Raina is a young woman with green hair and blue skin. She wears a simple cloth outfit dyed with natural colors that covers her torso and legs, but leaves her arms bare. A pack adorns her back, with a wooden shield strapped to it, and a curved sword hangs at her belt. Across her back, between her clothes and the backpack, is a short oar for rowing a canoe or other simple water craft.

Raina is a bit of a talker, comfortable sharing stories about anything and everything. Without prompting, she explains her own story.

I am from the archepelagos north of the Moonshaes, on a small island where I tended the shores with my people.

I grew up with a love of the stories of all the people who sailed by, and as soon as I was of age, I left the shores to explore the world and learn the history of other folk. Most recently, I met a ghost who was concerned with the well-being of a lighthouse. It was amazing, and we helped her stop an evil spirit of an ancient and long forgotten god.

What about you? Where are you from? What is your people's story?

M Mountain Dwarf / Cleric 2 / Spells 1st-3 / Spell DC12 / HP 8/15 / AC 18 / Init +1 / Saves S2, D1, C1, I0, W4, Ch3 / Pass Perc 12 / Status: Normal / Insp: No Cleric 1 / Init +1 / Spell Attack +4

Hops off the bar stool and drains his tankard

Well lets git a move on, I am with ya ya big lass.

Extends a hand to Raina Kai.

Nothing but a simple cleric here on a path of redemption and content to travel, fight and make some gold with you all. Though I feel like I might wishing I had a bit longer legs if you folks get walking to fast.

Female Water Genasi | Druid 4 | WS 2/2 | Spells 1: 4/4, 2: 3/3 | Spell DC 14 | CDW 1/1 | HP 28/28 | AC 16 | Init +2 | Saves S-1, D2, C1, I3, W6, Ch1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Normal | Insp: No | WDM 3/3 | WW 7/7

Raina looks both excited and appropriately condolence at the dwarf's words. Redemption? she inquires.

M Mountain Dwarf / Cleric 2 / Spells 1st-3 / Spell DC12 / HP 8/15 / AC 18 / Init +1 / Saves S2, D1, C1, I0, W4, Ch3 / Pass Perc 12 / Status: Normal / Insp: No Cleric 1 / Init +1 / Spell Attack +4

Well the wisdom of Tymora came to me a bit late in life. Had a rough start is all, nothing you need fret, but I am on the road of good fortune now.

Female Water Genasi | Druid 4 | WS 2/2 | Spells 1: 4/4, 2: 3/3 | Spell DC 14 | CDW 1/1 | HP 28/28 | AC 16 | Init +2 | Saves S-1, D2, C1, I3, W6, Ch1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Normal | Insp: No | WDM 3/3 | WW 7/7

Uh uh, Raina admonishes. You don't start with such an enticing opening like that and refuse to elaborate on the tale. What kind of rough start? What aspects of Tymora are you focusing on? What road of life brought you to her teachings? You must tell.

With that, Raina walks in step with the dwarf to hear his story.

HP: -11 | Spell Slots: 4/3/2 Female Golaith | Druid 5 | Spell DC 14 | Max HP 31 | AC: 17 | Saves S2, D2, C2, I2, W5, Ch-1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Supergreen. | Insp: No

"I am from The Mountain, where I trained to be a speaker for the spirits to my people. My people live on The Mountain."

Mordekai held back a moment as the others exit the tavern enthusiastically talking amongst themselves. Fascinating. He thought as he watched Raina walk out.

He hurried after the group and once outside he turned to Skyreaver, having heard her last remark. "Well, Im glad you decided to come down from the mountain." He said cheerfully. "What can we call you?"

Dark Archive

Sunless Citadel Maps

Are you stopping to trade at Vic's request? Standard PHB prices apply selling items at 1/2 cost.

A white crow will drop a message with Raina (either when she's alone, or if you are sticking together, at an unobtrusive moment).

Raina/Emerald Enclave:

If you are headed into the Chelimber, we have reports of Razorvine in the marsh. This is not native to the area, in fact it is not even of Faerun. If you can keep your eyes open and if safe to do so retrieve a sample. Be warned, the name is a warning - its leaves are sharp!

A short walk out of the village, a quiet [i]Bamf sound emanates from a couple of feet ahead of Skyreaver I assume she's at the front and a gold-coloured pseudodragon appears. Skyreaver has to stop short in her long stride for fear of colliding with the creature.

It turns to look at you, though you can't discern whether its milky white eyes are blind or seeing. "ahem. SEER and the Lord's Alliance ask that, once the hogoblins are prevented from finding the tower, assuming the rumours are correct, you would continue and attempt to find the tower."

Female Water Genasi | Druid 4 | WS 2/2 | Spells 1: 4/4, 2: 3/3 | Spell DC 14 | CDW 1/1 | HP 28/28 | AC 16 | Init +2 | Saves S-1, D2, C1, I3, W6, Ch1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Normal | Insp: No | WDM 3/3 | WW 7/7

Yeah, we can stop for shopping. Let's not RP it, though. Just purchase what's needed and move on.

Razorvine. This is not good. Thank you, crow. I will keep an eye out.

HP: -11 | Spell Slots: 4/3/2 Female Golaith | Druid 5 | Spell DC 14 | Max HP 31 | AC: 17 | Saves S2, D2, C2, I2, W5, Ch-1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Supergreen. | Insp: No

"Who is this SEER of which you speak?"

Male Wood Elf Rogue 4 (Swashbuckler); AC: 16, Unarmored: 14; HP: 21/29; Saves: Advantage vs. Charm, Dex and Int; Init: +4; Perc: +4 (Passive 14), HD 4

Vic jiggles his purse, and he mentions in passing,

No need to stop on my account. I do not have the funds for an upgrade to the Longbow as of yet. Let's keep moving.

Dark Archive

Sunless Citadel Maps

The Pseudodragon blinks, "SEER is my mistress, in fact she is calling me now. I will return if she believes you have found the tower." It seems you will get nothing more from the tiny dragon as he promptly disappears.

Crashing you forwards a little as I'm in my RL game tonight - feel free to talk en-route.

You've been marching through this swamp a few hours. The trip isn't pleasant by any means, the smell of decaying vegetation, while not overpowering is cloying and ever-present. The constant chirruping and buzzing of insects is soon filtered out, but lingers on the sideline of your consciousness.

Despite marching through damp pools and wet channels and the thin, low-lying misty-haze, the hobgoblins are easy to track. They were either in a hurry, or just didn't care if someone was following them.

Noting an obstruction ahead, you draw weapons and draw closer, a half dozen dead hobgoblins lay with their weapons drawn, sprawled halfway into the fetid water of the marsh.

Investigating the Bodies:

They appear to have been crushed to death sometime within the last day or so. While their equipment seems to be as battered as the hobgoblins themselves, two longbows and four longswords seem salvageable - though are caked in mud. The captain has a bronze armband.
This is from a cursory examination

DC12 Wisdom (Perception)Pass:

There appears to be a a trail that something that slithered in some manner emerged from a deep channel, smashed up the hobgoblin party and then retreated back to the water, be on your guard

Female Water Genasi | Druid 4 | WS 2/2 | Spells 1: 4/4, 2: 3/3 | Spell DC 14 | CDW 1/1 | HP 28/28 | AC 16 | Init +2 | Saves S-1, D2, C1, I3, W6, Ch1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Normal | Insp: No | WDM 3/3 | WW 7/7

Perc: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Hey, look at this. There seems to be a trail where something slithered. Came from the waters and is likely the culprit for the destruction at this camp. Be wary.

M Mountain Dwarf / Cleric 2 / Spells 1st-3 / Spell DC12 / HP 8/15 / AC 18 / Init +1 / Saves S2, D1, C1, I0, W4, Ch3 / Pass Perc 12 / Status: Normal / Insp: No Cleric 1 / Init +1 / Spell Attack +4

[e] Drawing his hammer and shield. [/e]

Well Vic, a long bow delivered to you it would appear.

Halfling (Lightfoot)Bard 1 CG AC 14 HP 10 Spell slots 2x1st lvl Spell DC 13 Init +3 Saves Str/-1 Dex/5 Con/0 Int/2 Wis/0 Cha/5 Passive Perception 10 Status Normal/ 0/3 Bardic Inspiration

During the walk Mordekai turns out to not be the outdoorsman one might expect from a wood-elf. His natural grace and feel for nature is completely cancelled out by his complaining about his boots getting wet and his coat dirty.
He also seems to have a particular hard time with the insects.

When they arrive at the scene with the dead hobgoblins his attitude changes though. He becomes silent and observant as he scans the area around them. Slowly he draws his hand axe as he gazes around.

"Anyone mind if I take the last longbow?" He asks.

Male Wood Elf Rogue 4 (Swashbuckler); AC: 16, Unarmored: 14; HP: 21/29; Saves: Advantage vs. Charm, Dex and Int; Init: +4; Perc: +4 (Passive 14), HD 4

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

As the fates would have it, a lucky day, indeed.

Vic takes one of the Longbows.

HP: -11 | Spell Slots: 4/3/2 Female Golaith | Druid 5 | Spell DC 14 | Max HP 31 | AC: 17 | Saves S2, D2, C2, I2, W5, Ch-1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Supergreen. | Insp: No

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

"I agree, we should be wary. If there are beasts about, best to prepare for them and then bring them forth."

With that, Skyreaver draws 3 good sized rocks from a pouch on her best and begins whispering to them. As she does so, faint motes of light begin flowing into them.

Dark Archive

Sunless Citadel Maps

Since you are all Raina warns you of the danger, it is not entirely unexpected when a serpentine form, seeminly made from the swampy water itself begins to rise out of the channel.

Initiative Rolls:

Init Rolls:
Skyreaver: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Vic: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Mordekai: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Raina: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Cass: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

NPC: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Some excessively poor rolling there, but ultimately for simplicity you can all go before the creature

Party Up!. There's a map under my Avatar name, should be editable to move your pawns around. Green areas on map are wet areas, considered difficult terrain (movement costs double), brown areas are still muddy and squishy, but don't hinder you. Feel free to shift yourself a little before moving, as in a tabletop game I'd ask you to position yourselves before slapping the monster down.

If you can't see the map, don't worry, the slithery watery looking creature (which is large) is about 20ft away in the swampy area. You can travel around 30ft around the trail to get within melee range of it, without getting knee to waist deep in swamp (or at least a couple of you can). Do let me know if you can't see it though and I'll loot into alternate hosting options.

Sorry any of you folks who prefere theatre of the mind, I like to have at least a rough diagram to keep my head straight, if you prefer feel free to just narrate your actions

Lengthy first combat post, just want to make sure where all reading from the same page for the first combat, if anyone has any abilities that I've failed to notice do please bring them to my attention

Female Water Genasi | Druid 4 | WS 2/2 | Spells 1: 4/4, 2: 3/3 | Spell DC 14 | CDW 1/1 | HP 28/28 | AC 16 | Init +2 | Saves S-1, D2, C1, I3, W6, Ch1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Normal | Insp: No | WDM 3/3 | WW 7/7

Raina casts Frostbite on the watery creature, followed by shillelagh on her oar.

Frostbite is an action, DC 13 Con Save or take 1d6 ⇒ 6 cold damage.

Shillelagh is a bonus action. Turns my club into a d8 magic Bludgeoning weapon using wisdom as my attack stat.

Since Raina is a coastal druid focused on water magic, does she know anything about this creature?

HP: -11 | Spell Slots: 4/3/2 Female Golaith | Druid 5 | Spell DC 14 | Max HP 31 | AC: 17 | Saves S2, D2, C2, I2, W5, Ch-1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Supergreen. | Insp: No

Skyreaver whispers "Now is your chance! Be the boulder!" to one of the rocks in her hand before throwing it at the creature.

Attack Roll: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Damage Roll: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

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Sunless Citadel Maps

DC 15 Int(arcana/nature) check:

You're reasonably sure it's a Water Weird and it seems somewhat injured already. They are resistant to most physical attacks and fire, and magically linked to a particular body of water and cannot stand separation from it.

Con Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
A sheen of frost spreads across the creature, but doesn't seem to affect it.

Skyreaver's magical stone shoots past the creature eliciting an annoyed croak from some less threatening creature.

Male Wood Elf Rogue 4 (Swashbuckler); AC: 16, Unarmored: 14; HP: 21/29; Saves: Advantage vs. Charm, Dex and Int; Init: +4; Perc: +4 (Passive 14), HD 4

Round 1

Vic moves quickly 30 feet directly south and positions himself against the log as he takes a shot at the serpent.

LB Att: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
LB Dam: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

HP: -11 | Spell Slots: 4/3/2 Female Golaith | Druid 5 | Spell DC 14 | Max HP 31 | AC: 17 | Saves S2, D2, C2, I2, W5, Ch-1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Supergreen. | Insp: No

Nature: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

"We should move it away from the water."

M Mountain Dwarf / Cleric 2 / Spells 1st-3 / Spell DC12 / HP 8/15 / AC 18 / Init +1 / Saves S2, D1, C1, I0, W4, Ch3 / Pass Perc 12 / Status: Normal / Insp: No Cleric 1 / Init +1 / Spell Attack +4

Let the Sacred Flame of Tymora send you to darkness serpent.

Cass cast Sacred Flame on the serpent.

Perception: 1d8 ⇒ 8 Dex negates radiant damage.

Mordekai nocks an arrow on one of the longbows they just found, and raises it up aiming at the beast.

"I think you're right. How do you propose we do it, Skyreaver?" He asks the goliath.

As he's discussing tactics he lets the arrow fly and moves 10 feet closer to the creature.

action: ranged attack, move: 10 feet closer, bonus action: draw handaxe.
longbow attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
damage: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

HP: -11 | Spell Slots: 4/3/2 Female Golaith | Druid 5 | Spell DC 14 | Max HP 31 | AC: 17 | Saves S2, D2, C2, I2, W5, Ch-1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Supergreen. | Insp: No

"With the blessing of the spirits and mighty thews."

Dark Archive

Sunless Citadel Maps

Round 1 Summary
Raina covers the creature with a sheen of frost, but it has no effect. (Creature saved), and enchants her club.

Skyreaver throws a magical stone at the creature, but misses.

Vic fires his newly acquired longbow, striking the creature, but it appears resistant to the damage

Cass casts Sacred Flame Dex save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22, but it doesn't appear to have any effect.

Mordekei fires at the creature, but again, it seems resistant to the damage caused.

Creature has suffered 9 damage so far

The creature flows/glides towards you, but seems reluctant to leave the more watery area, this doesn't stop it from making a grab for (Mordekei/Skyreaver): 1d2 ⇒ 2 Skyreaver Grab: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 for dmg: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 1, 3) + 3 = 12 crushing the life out of her and dragging her towards the water. Grappled, DC13 to escape

Grappled Summary:

Speed = 0
Ends if grappler incapacitated
Ends if either participant moved out of range

Party Up!

(I've moved folk as per your posts, editing is enabled so you can move yourselves!)

And this thing is making all its saves today apparantly... um sorry about that

Female Water Genasi | Druid 4 | WS 2/2 | Spells 1: 4/4, 2: 3/3 | Spell DC 14 | CDW 1/1 | HP 28/28 | AC 16 | Init +2 | Saves S-1, D2, C1, I3, W6, Ch1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Normal | Insp: No | WDM 3/3 | WW 7/7

Raina moves in with her magically enchanted oar and strikes the creature.

attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

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