NPC_Male_NR |

Alendru Ghoroven:
"Ah, the late Professor.
I can't help you much on the Necromancy front as It's not my field of study,
but these notes do raise concern, and I would recommend that you don't show it to anymore people unless you can really really trust them."
I am assuming you showed the journal, and it's highlighted notes

Janos Ardeal |

Janos nods. "Thank you, Mr. Ghoroven. We appreciate your time. Hopefully our concerns turn out to be nothing at all, but we do appreciate you speaking to us."
Once they've left the teacher, Janos looks at the others and says, "I think it's time we do some investigating outside of the library. Who's up for a midnight walk in the Restlands?"

Daniel Arrisen |

Daniel leaves with the others, bidding the Mage farewell.
I want to apologize for wasting time. I had hoped he would be more helpful than that. Though, he has a point. Perhaps we should be more trusting of the good father and seek entrance to this false crypt.
The eradication of undead certainly falls within his charter, so I'm inclined to think he would help.

Janos Ardeal |

"No, it was a good thought. If this is a cabal of necromancers, however, maybe we do need to Father Grimburrow's help. Besides, you've already made a good impression on him. Perhaps we ask him for permission to enter the Restlands and investigate Petros' death? You think he would give us permission on something as open ended as that?"

Daniel Arrisen |

Well given the hour, we can squeeze in a visit to the temple and hope the man remains in good spirits. IF he agrees we can head to the false crypt.
Daniel walks purposefully back to the temple and locates the cleric.
Father, if we might speak with you. We recently attended the late Professor Lorrimor's funeral and during the reading of his will he has left us some distirbing books and notes pointing to a sect of the whispering way, possibly operating out of Harrowstone. Our research today was directed towards finding out what we could on them.
Based on what we discovered I can assume you may know something of them.
We we found tells us it is a cable of necromancers who seek to plumb the depths of lichdom.
If you'll look at these journal notes, you'll have an idea of the professors suspiciouns.

Janos Ardeal |

Janos whispers to Mat as they walk to the Temple. "It's not quite what we had planned, Mat, but I think we'll need the Father on our side before long anyway. Might as well make use of Daniel's rapport with him."

Daniel Arrisen |

Father, if we might speak with you. We recently attended the late Professor Lorrimor's funeral and during the reading of his will he has left us some distirbing books and notes pointing to a sect of the whispering way, possibly operating out of Harrowstone. Our research today was directed towards finding out what we could on them.
Based on what we discovered I can assume you may know something of them.
We we found tells us it is a cable of necromancers who seek to plumb the depths of lichdom.
If you'll look at these journal notes, you'll have an idea of the professors suspiciouns.

Daniel Arrisen |

Daniel does not like to speak for the group, so he does not.
You have my word as a Sword of Imodae, I'll not defile Pharasma's crypt. All church valueables I find I will bring to you as I am able.

Daniel Arrisen |

With your leave then, we will investigate the false Crypt. Thankyou.
Daniel turns to his companions. If everybody is ready, shall we go?

Daniel Arrisen |

Turning from the Father, Daniel leads the group to the graveyard.
Let's not dawdle. We should finish this while the night is still young if we can.
I can magically provide light in the crypt if we need it.
Waiting on GM area description ;)

Janos Ardeal |

Totally had forgotten about them. Should we take them to the crypt? Do we need to stop by and see Kendra for dinner? Adventurers don't need to eat!
"Alkaid, our apologies. We've gotten caught up in our research. Daniel was conferring with Father Grimburrow on a few items. Unfortunately, we want to follow up on a lead right now, so dinner may have to wait. Please tell Kendra, we'll be out late, but we will return. When we do, we'll be happy to share a bit to eat and a pot of tea." Janos shifts impatiently.

Daniel Arrisen |

Trust, Sister. Imodae is with us, so long as we remain true. I will use all the power she gives me to keep us safe.

Janos Ardeal |

"We'll be fine, Alkaid. We've got a servant of the Inheritor with us and a certified spirit hunter with us. Plus, Mr. Falknor will be able to get us out of trouble as quickly as we would get into it. Tell Kendra we'll see her shortly."

Rhia Van der Geist |

As the group enters the restlands, the rolling fog and wan moonlight gives Rhia an air of etherealness, the fog swirling as if reacting to more than simply her movements.
Quietly she speaks, not to her companions at first but to the spirits of her ancestors, calling upon their protection.
"Protect this daughter of the blood as I walk amongst the restless."
Her body reacts as the chill around her deepens,yet it is a comfort as the space around her is filled with a misty swirl, images of warriors, long passed flicker around her, patrolling, focused on defending her from harm.
"Be on your guard gentlemen, danger can come quickly, and unseen in places like this.
Activate spirit shield +4 Armor bonus to AC for 1 hour

Janos Ardeal |

Janos looks to Rhia as she speaks, uncertain if she is talking to the group or something else more in the spirit world. "She's right. Watch yourselves. Sometimes in places like this, your eyes can trick you." He carries his long handled axe in a ready state.
As they walk, Janos tries to match the misty scene before him to the view they had the previous day. "The Professor's note said it was at the intersection of Eversleep and the Black Path. Anyone see those names?"

Daniel Arrisen |

Perception1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
We'll keep an eye out, Daniel states firmly and Draws his longsword.
I am good with a sword, but generally give blessings as soon as combat is joined. Does anyone wish to walk point?

![]() |

Mat follows his companions into the cemetery, a chill runs up his spine as Rhia summons her spirit protectors. I wish should would at least warn us when she is going to summon dead warriors. He glances around nervously and mutters to himself, "Hopefully we are not making a mistake."
He whispers loudly to the others, "I'll join Janos on point." and silently moves to join him at the head of the group.
perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11