Janos Ardeal |

Janos continues to hack at the undead with his axe like he's hewing wood.
Attack 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Damage 1d12 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Priority is Zombies since they hit harder.

Daniel Arrisen |

Next action depends but with that many falling I'll likely channel to heal everybody and if there is space the group needs to move as one towards town.

Daniel Arrisen |

Rd 4
In two minds since his channels were thier greatest weapon against the undead, Daniel goes purely with his instinct.
We shall NOT fall!
Channel Energy to heal1d6 ⇒ 3With so many undead destroyed by blade and holy power, Daniel urges his allies towards any break in the horde.
Urge a group move out, towards freedom so they can break to a run.

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As a wave of darkness begins to wash over him after the zombie club him with its fists; Mat hears a voice as if far away. He is quickly draw to the voice and realizes it is Daniel calling about his goddess to heal. Mat feels the healing power wash over him and the darkness recedes. With a quick nod of thanks to Daniel and his goddess Mat motions Daniel to lead the way as he tugs on Rhia's sleeve. "Come we must retreat to safety or all is lost.", Mat yells to Rhia and the others.

Janos Ardeal |

Janos strikes at a zombie to try and allow Mat and Rhia to disengage. "Go! Go!" Afterward, he will move to follow them.
Attack 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Damage 1d12 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Follow Mat and Rhia away from the group of undead if possible

Daniel Arrisen |

Daniel continues his run, though his mind Whirls at the possibilities, Please Imodae, let them be here to help. I don't know if we can survive should they turn on us...
Being the heaviest armored Daniel has fallen to the rear, but makes effort to stay with the group.Stay together, the zombies cannot keep up but the skeletons may
Sense Motive to see if Aklaid and.Tina are hostile1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Perception how are they armed/armored1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Janos Ardeal |

Janos sees the two women waiting at the gate and he starts waving and yelling at them. "Tina! Alkaid! We need help!" He looks back to see how many creatures are pursuing them.

Janos Ardeal |

"Nevermind that! We need to hold them here at the gates. Otherwise the whole town is at risk. Can you help us?" Janos turns back to watch the undead approach. "Get ready!"
Ready action to strike at the first one within melee range. How wide are the gates? How many are still coming?

Janos Ardeal |

"Let's just hope they keep coming at us to this gate. If they manage to find their way out of the other gates, they could be in the town before we know it."
Do we see the undead coming towards us? Does it looks like any have peeled off in another direction?

Rhia Van der Geist |

Rhia turns as well sword in hand as the swirling spirits protecting her seem more real. Here and there a ghostly sword or shiled can be seen, held at the ready to protect the young scion of the bloodline.
"Daniel! Can you channel again? If so wait till they get close, it seems to hurt t5hem quite a bit and it should make them easier for the rest of us."

Daniel Arrisen |

I have but 1 left Daniel turns to face what's left of the undead horde. May Imodae protect us
[ooc]Could everyone post thier AC/Fort/Ref/Will/HP total and current. In their class line. Makes it easier on the DM and your cleric (I judge current HP by how many 'wounds' you have) stops me asking who needs healing all the time.)

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"Pray to whoever you have to Daniel to get us through this alive." Mat says with a wince as he adjusts his grip on his rapier. He looks around at his companions and says, "Well if I don't get a chance later just wanted to say I enjoyed everyones company and wish I had more time to get to know you all. Some more then others. He says in a grim voice as he smile at both Alkaid and Rhia.
Mat moves to stand next to Janos in the open and pats him on the shoulder as he slips into a fighter's crouch.
Mat uses a Readied Action to attack the first zombie that gets in striking range that Janos is not attacking.

Janos Ardeal |

Janos looks over to Mat. "Hey. So maybe that idea of going at night wasn't so good, eh?" He smiles and shrugs. "If we die, they'll tell stories about it, right?"
"Daniel, don't forget what we found in the crypt. A few vials of Holy Water might be a nice surprise for them."

Daniel Arrisen |

Was anyone tracking the gear? Just starting work so can post but only short ones for 12 hrs.
Daniel takes out 2 flasks of holy water.

DM Azure_Zero |

Daniel Arrisen |

We should remain at the gate the undead flock to the living like moths to a flame. Most likely they'll come to destroy us but at least the fence prevents us being surrounded again.
Knowledge: Religion 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

Janos Ardeal |

Janos nods. "Agreed, we should lure the bulk of them here. If there are any others, hopefully we'll be able to pick them off later. If we live, of course." Janos grabs into his pack and pulls out a healing potion. He pops the cork and drinks the contents.
Healing potion 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Rhia Van der Geist |

Knowledge: Religion 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
"Good plan, they'll keep coming at us and we mix ranged and melee attacks to hold this line, Mat you keep shooting, Alkaid, Tina, wait until a group of them close then take turns channeling."

DM Azure_Zero |

The Skeleton Champion has the same weak points as skeletons.
The Huecuva give undead an added boost against channeling.

Daniel Arrisen |

Rhia's right. Our channels burst out to 30feet. Let the clerics Channel them to destroy the creatures. Use your own attacks to destroy any that get too close

Rhia Van der Geist |

"Mat, and anyone else with ranged weapons, focus on the Hecuva and drop it first. It protects the others against positive channeling. If you have a bludgioning weapon focus on the skeletons, sharp, target a zombie. My sword will work fine against both."
Rhia points to the Hecuva, it's rotting vestments hanging across the withered flesh of the walking corpse, its mouth hanging open in a silent scream.

Rhia Van der Geist |

As Rhia takes a combat ready stance, holding her sword in a two handed grip, A potion rises from he pack, stopper popping loose as ghostly hands bring the vial to her lips to drink.
The moment she finishes the glass vial is violently flung off into the graveyard's shadowy darkness.
Mage hand, drink potion, haunted effect for unattended object
potion1d8 ⇒ 1

Daniel Arrisen |

Aden waits with flasks in hand. His expression grim, his prayers had been answered and help had arrived.