[5e] Master of the Fallen Fortress [Completed!] (Inactive)

Game Master mishima

A wide field of shattered weapons, barrow mounds, and mass graves surrounds the city of Absalom, a vast plain known as the Cairnlands. Rising from the war-torn earth like the grasping arms of the dead are countless siege castles, towers, and fortresses constructed over millennia by would-be warlords who tried to take the great city and inevitably failed. Like forgotten monuments to failed conquerors, the siege castles of Absalom beckon the brave, the fearless, and the foolish with the promise of adventure and untold treasures, ever ready to create heroes or to entomb the fallen.

An unnamed siege castle has stood in the Cairnlands for hundreds if not thousands of years, magically sealed after the death of its forgotten master. But recently, a minor earthquake rocked the land, accomplishing in moments what dozens of scholars, sages, and adventurers could not achieve in years—the quake caused part of the siege castle to collapse, opening its interior for the first time in centuries. The locals now call this tower the Fallen Fortress.

Initiative Roller wrote:
