Shadowfinder: Weapon augments, 'ware, and other shadowrun conversions


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Scummed all the applicable gear, 'ware, etc. from the 5th ed shadowrun books and pasted it into a big 'ol word doc.

Organized it, converted it to d20, and tossed some Starfinder into the fluff.

Here's the first draft
Do yourself a favor and download a copy to open in Word as Google Docs does not play nicely with the formatting.

Post or PM me your feedback, especially as concerns balance within the context of the Starfinder system.

I've got drugs/chems/toxins, vehicles, and converting the Matrix to the Infosphere in the works as well.

I'll definitely be checking this out later.

I love the idea of Shadowrun (and the video games were great), but the actual game is far too complex for most players. I was about 25% through the section on computers in the Equipment chapter of the Starfinder CRB when it occurred to me that Starfinder was probably a better Shadowrun game than Shadowrun.

My planned campaign involves the players being shadowrunners under the cover of being reality show stars.

Well I don't know Shadowrun at all, having never played it, nor looked at, but I do want to include Netrunner cyberpunk activities in my upcoming setting. So I will read this over (just downloaded it), and give you some feedback, and while I won't steal what you've done, it will let it inspire me to do something with it.

So.... any thoughts?

I've sent you a PM - nice work.

Working on the rigging stuff during my free time now.

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kadance wrote:
Scummed all the applicable gear, 'ware, etc. from the 5th ed shadowrun books and pasted it into a big 'ol word doc.

Well, this is remarkable. I'm not sure how the balance with Starfinder's economy is working out, I'll have to check in more detail when I have the chance. But the level of detail is certainly impressive.

Be interesting to see what you wind up doing with Essence.

Very impressive indeed - hoping to properly troll through it o'er the weekend, but kudos to you Kadance.

Added in the converted, quite complicated rules for cooking explosives, making explosive devices, car/drone bombs, combining small charges into big booms, etc.

Still working on the rigging/vehicles.

Added the rules from Hard Targets and Stolen Souls (really good read!). Messed up the formatting, but I've mostly gotten it back together.

I'm still working on the vehicles and rigging, but I'm teaching a class for the next couple weeks, so progress will slow down before picking back up.

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For anyone waiting on the rigging rules: it's still in progress, but I didn't realize how unfinished "Rigger 5.0" was (at least, the American version - the German version's really much more complete).

So, rather than converting, I've got to do more of an "inspired by..." sort of rule set.

Are you just adding the new parts at the end of the document?

Would it be safe to print this off as is and just print the new parts as you add them?

Yes, I'll be appending the new vehicle/drone rules to the end of the current document.

I'll also keep them in their own separate documents on my own computer, just for the ease of editing.

Thanks for the answer and this is a amazing conversion your doing.

Thanks for the support. It's largely untested though, so if you have any feedback - pricing, effects, anything - let me know here or in a pm, please!

Made a new thread to look for new company names to replace


Artemis Industries
Echo Motors
Entertainment Systems
Esprit Industries
Pratt & Whitney
Sea Ray
Sun Tracker

But, if you have any ideas, this thread is also a good place to post them.

I've got the 250 vehicles and drones from 5th ed stat'ed out for the new rigging rules, and am doing a final pass over 92K or so word document. Hopefully I'll have the beta version ready to post in another couple weeks.

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For corporations and companies, I’ve been trawling through all the companies registered in late Victorian UK. The result is a less jazzy, but more austere set of names. You’re welcome to any and all of them.

Universal Salvage Company.
Silverpoint Refining & Arms
Royal Coast (Transport)
Daniel’s Hammer Brewery
Blackwall (General manufacture & Transport)
Aerlona Freight Conveyance
Castors Consulate & Legal
Langton Drum (Food)
Prefects Mutual (Insurances)
SenTransit (Operates the monorail)
Pantechnicon (Starship Freight Transport)
Iron Times (Media)
New Dhurwelt Engineering
Inventors Assistant Co Op
Spire College (Arcanistry, mining)
Goldfare Cab and Carriage (vehicle manufacture)
Navy & Military (Clothing)
Haverford, West & Grimm (Reclamation

Awesome! Thanks.

Closer to three weeks then two, but here's the draft for the vehicles and rigging rules:

Alpha Rigging Rules

#1: This is "done", but there's still typos and formatting errors galore. Best viewed in MS Word.

#2: I've got pictures, either the official shadowrun or concept art I think works well for all the vehicles and drones, but haven't worked them into the document.

#3: Just like my other shadowrun conversions, there's been no playtesting.

#4: I'm working on the Matrix/Infosphere rules, and there's a lot of crossover with rigging.

Please, let me know here or in PM what you think, what mistakes you've spotted, or anything else you want to share.

Quick question: With the matrix rules, is anyone interested in a Technomancer conversion?

My gut says it would have to be its own class (and would thus need a new name)

Have you looked into the Interface Zero campaign setting? The author has done a Savage Worlds and Pathfinder version and is currently working on a Starfinder one. Its pure cyberpunk but shouldn't be too hard to add magic to it.

I'm currently mocking up a Shaman mystic connection based on the Shadowrun universe


Totally invested in running my Strange Aeons group right now, and, TBH a bit soured on Starfinder due to the Ninja Division fiasco.

When I finish the campaign, the group falls apart, or I find some extra time, I'll try to look at Technomancers as a class again.

First step would be changing the name. Suggestions?

I'd just make a new path of abilities for the Technomancer aimed at Otaku abilities. No need to reinvent the wheel, especially when the settings already have a ready-made conversion ready (technomancer/Starfinder = Otaku/Shadowrun, or close enough if you squint)

The starfinder "wheel" is really more of a two-dimensional circle. Translating the shadowrun matrix would give it the much needed depth.

While the starfinder technomancer uses magic and sometimes augments tech with it. The shadowrun technomancer doesn't use magic at all, and is a better hacker than the starfinder mechanic class.

I'd consider using the mechanic class as a base, giving access to two complex forms at first and every even level. Access to sprites early on with them getting stronger as you level in the class. Submersion/echoes would be likewise in-built and spread out.

Dangit.... now I'm working on it.

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6 months, but I'm still fiddling with this conversion.

The pace might pick up since I'm converting Hell's Rebels to Starfinder.

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Still working on these conversions, but I had an idea the other day for incorporating a magic system like shadowrun, without having to completely redo the path/starfinder/d20 system

Though this would entail a slight rework of nonlethal damage.

Namely, nonlethal burn: nonlethal damage (which is to say stamina damage) that cannot be healed until you have rested for 8 hours.

Additionally, I would inflict the fatigued condition when your total nonlethal damage and burn equals or exceeds half your stamina, and the exhausted condition when it equals or exceeds your stamina.

Either as a feat, or a system addition:

Burn Casting
You can cast spells without using up a spell slot.

First select a spell know, and then choose a caster level; the chosen caster level must be at least equal to the minimum caster level of the selected spell, and no higher than your base caster level.

Make a Will save: DC 10 + the spell level + the chosen caster level.

If you succeed, you cast the spell at the selected caster level (plus any applicable bonuses from other effects) without using a spell slot, but you suffer an amount of nonlethal burn equal to the spell level.

If you fail, you do not cast the spell, and you suffer an amount of nonlethal burn equal to the spell level.

If you fail by 10 or more, you do not cast the spell, and you suffer an amount of nonlethal burn equal to twice the spell level.


If you wanted to limit it, I suggest once per day per level, and succeeding on the Will save by 10 or more should not use up a daily use.

I haven't tried this out, just something I thought of the other day and thought I'd write down.

I really like this. Lots of 2nd ed memories there.

Now time for some Shadowrun style adventures!

Sorry to necro an old post, but I've got questions

kadance, I would like to know what made you use SR 5th edition as compared to 4th edition?

The wireless rules are a train wreck. I will admit your choices are a LOT better than what Catalyst did.

Also I think you have a problem with the pricing of the cyberdecks... unless you wanted them that cheap.

Finally for the Shadowrun Technomancer, just make it a Archetype for the Mechanic. Replace the Rig with whatever technomancer abilities you'd like. I would suggest a wireless hacking at first level. Mechanics Tricks can be replaced with Complex forms.

Hey! Thanks for giving them a read and offering feedback.

5th instead of 4th: Book access. I have access to the complete set.

Pricing: The prices are the original Shadowrun prices. The only things I changed the price of (that I recall at this point) are items that are direct translations of Starfinder items.

Technomancer: I've not touched the class in awhile, but if I get back to it, I'll look at the feasibility of making it an archetype. I was going a bit deeper with it than just complex forms; integrating submersion and sprite summoning. Perhaps those could be pared down for Starfinder's version of the Infosphere, but if I can get my conversion of Shadowrun's Matrix to gel, I may need a full class utilize those powerful abilities.

Converted 300+ SR5 weapons to Starfinder, along with a few new properties and mechanics (like burst fire).

Here's the FIRST DRAFT.

Still hunting for art for every weapon (a very long process) which will change a few things—like bulk and close-quarters statistics.

Started smoothing differences between the files and giving the gear conversions a second look.

Keep going at it. Valuable conversions for future games.

Just got a copy of the German-only 'State of the Art ADL,' so I'll add that content as I translate it.

Anyone know if there's anything in the German-only Shadow Manual/Shattenhandbuch 1-4, gear-wise? Or is it all setting fluff?

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This has turned into a bit of a major update. I'm adding a few more books' worth of stuff, updating a few things, overhauling sensors, and some other minor changes. The linked doc is just an early work in progress. I'll update again when it's more complete.

Figured out some good formulae for converting shadowrun armor to starfinder; it runs a point or two high, but lacks the environmental protections of normal armor, so I think it balances.

Got the first 90+ pages re-formatted with several changes made:
The first post link still works for a doc version, and
Here's a nicely formatted PDF that I'll try to keep updated as well.

01. Overhauled sensors - tried to simplify the rules

02. Modified PI-Tac - little changes and clarifications

03. Moved Disguise Gear from Security to Other Gear

04. Removed Tactical Grapple Gun from Survival Gear - it's included with the weapon conversions

05. Changed thermographic visual enhancement to grant blindsense (heat)

06. Reduced the penalty for using an ocular drone to be in line with the SF rules for losing an eye (from the wounding weapon property)

07. Created single cybereye rules out of whole cloth in part to be able to use the additional eye mount augment

08. Brought cybereye essence costs in line with the rest of the augmentations

09. Incorporated German version errata for Chrome Flesh gear (the English version is such a mess!)

10. Added Krime Katalog gear (vehicles and drones not yet added)

11. Overhauled ammo prices to bring them in-line with SF pricing scheme

12. Refigured cyberdeck prices

13. Brought rope prices in line with the SF armory (kept the other rope types proportionally priced)

14. Added commlink apps and a slew of common items

15. Overhauled armor bonuses and prices based on item level to bring them in line with Starfinder norms. Terrestrial armors have slightly higher armor bonuses, but lack the environmental safeguards of standard Starfinder armor.

16. Changed the shield armor modifications (both values and prices) to be in line with SF armor upgrades and the resistant skin augment from SF Armory

17. Changed the Co-Pilot Tac-App since it was unclear what it did. It's still... underwhelming, but hopefully it's clear.

18. Reduced Skilljack prices to match with German rulebook (latest printing & errata), then adjusted prices and Ratings to a 1-20 scale.

19. Reduced the Translat-Ear price to keep it "vastly cheaper [...] than a full skilljack"

20. Re-examined liminal bodies and their effects

21. Changed the armor cyberlimb enhancements from a KAC bonus to a DR bonus

22. Tried to overhaul and simplify modular cyberlimbs
-bundled the limb and connector essence costs
-limited the shoulder/hip connector capacity cost to cybertorsos
-recovered 1 capacity for full modular cyberarms for consistency with internal connectors costing 1 capacity

23. Removed the one-shot dartgun cybergun. It lacks full mechanics in Chrome Flesh (ess., capacity), and can easily be replaced with a cybergun version of any of the injection ranged weapons

24. Made several bioware augments more specific to starfinder rules

25. Did not include (yet?):
-SPINRAD INDUSTRIES TROMPE L’OEIL LUXURY COMMLINK (computer tier 6, level 16, 50,000¥) - No capacity listed
-MADAR (MAGNETIC DEFLECTION ARRAY) - no pricing, could just tag it a a million, but its rules are really clunky
-Crazy Repeller - works against CFD aflicted, but would be more useful in starfinder. Also, no pricing
-Smart Bullet (gyrojets) - no pricing, and would basically be 'guided' in Starfinder
-Nausea Ammo - keeping these restricted to the nausea gun
-Mag rounds - no pricing, and they have some strange interactions with gravity effects which could be problematic with solarians.
-FAB-ULOUS ARMOR - no pricing
-HEALING GOOP - no pricing

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Finished the genetech and started on the long work to correct/finish/overhaul explosives. Hopefully I'll post an update on Friday and maybe even start spellchecking...

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Wow, I love your work.

Glad you like it. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, let me know.

I should probably post those fixes to the explosives that I totally finished months ago...

If you have attempted to get to my linked file(s) above and found that you needed to ask permission, you have my apology. I was not regularly checking the e-mail address attached to the account.

I have now removed the google security update from hundreds of my shared files, so hopefully no one will have to ask permission to view them.

This is amazing exactly what ive been looking for/wanted to do. Thanks!

Glad it works for you.

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