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”Flashy Sweeping Introduction to Cosmos Eclipse:
Welcome one and all, to a journey of epic proportions. A tale of trials in which man surpasses himself, eclipsing not only his own limitations but those of the cosmos entirely.

Or at least, that’s the sort of storytelling I’d like to see these rules engender. What lies herein is a set of rules intended to take the breaks off d20 gaming and release a rush of awesome like never seen before.

Complete and total character customization between player and GM, five tiers of play each with their own tone and atmosphere and a game intended for a standard of three players rather than a standard of four.

Cosmos Eclipse is intended to be compatible with adventures published for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game with a three-member party of the listed level.

Is there an Adventure Path you've always wanted to play, but never got the chance?
Do you hunger for a new experience with enough familiarity to feel at home?

Then this game just might be for you.

I'm looking to put together players interested in playtesting my new Roleplaying Game [intended to be compatible with Paizo AP's] in unmodified games.

Each campaign requires three stable players able to meet online at least once every two weeks. The particular meeting time is open for negotiation, but each session needs to end by 10pm Pacific Time, and if it's running at 7 Pacific there will need to be a 30 minute recess at that time as I have farm animals that need tended to at that time.

Right now I have a Shattered Star playtest going, so that one AP is off-limits for new campaigns [though standby replacement players would be immensely appreciated] but any other Adventure Path written for the Pathfinder Rules [including Anniversary Edition RotL] is available.

WIP Player's Guide Folder (empty at the initial time of posting.)

note: if you noticed this post in the recruitment board, it was explained to me that board is intended for PBPs

To prospective players, please don't limit your thinking to Pathfinder classes, talk about what you'd like for your character; both in terms of Identity (personality, origins and objectives) and in terms of Ability.

I'll give it a try. I tend to play fighter types most of the time, though there is a 3PP class I'd love to see in action (if you allow those). It's the Trickster, sort of a mix of Wizard and Rogue from Kobold Press. If 3PP isn't allowed, no problems.

The only problem I have is the time zone. I'm in Central Time, which is 2 hours ahead (I'm sure you knew that. Duh) and I have to walk my dogs between 5:30 and 6:30 your time, so I might be a few minutes late to games.

I'm not familiar at all with 5e, never had any interest in 4e, but love the PF system. If it's a homebrew type system I'm willing to give it a shot.

Thanks, DMCal

I use a system that's virtually classless, but uses 3 archtypes to lay out a framework for the character to be developed.

You could go Trickster, or some type of Martial (in whatever style you desire) the choice is yours.

Classless sounds kind of interesting. I'd like to look at the templates before deciding on one of them or the Trickster.

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TOZ's Wandering Eye wrote:

That's not creepy at all. (Averts gaze).

Trickster might either be a Spellsword (magic hero along the lines of Paladin/Ranger/Bloodrager/Duskblade) focused on a roguish style, or a Dabbler with either Stealth or Legerdemain as his Skill Art.

The Archetypes look pretty interesting. I'd love to see more in depth looks at the Dabbler and Mage, too.

kyrt-ryder wrote:


Trickster might either be a Spellsword (magic hero along the lines of Paladin/Ranger/Bloodrager/Duskblade) focused on a roguish style, or a Dabbler with either Stealth or Legerdemain as his Skill Art.

Right, I totally see the Trickster as a Dabbler, able to fill two niches. Though what you have written up in more detail on the Hero is really impressive.

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Right some of this is slightly old. Anywhere it might mention d6 in hit dice its been changed to d4


All three sound great. I'm torn between Hero and Dabbler. When do you expect to get the game off the ground?

As soon as we get a third player, select an AP and determine a schedule.

So... Ideally within a week but possibly up to two.

Okedokey. I'll give it a shot! After looking at the Archetypes again, I think I'm going to go with the Hero route. Thanks again for the invitation. I gotta go walk the dingoes (that's what I call my dogs) and fix dinner. I'm sure I'll have more questions later.

Awesome, enjoy your walk Cal.

Whenever you have questions just ask them here and I will answer as soon as I can.

When you get back, I have a question for you as well Cal...

... what sort of character are you feeling? Both the types of abilities you see him developing, the type of personality you have in mind, and anything that appeals to you in terms of backstory or goals.

Want to take that Trickster concept down a Hero Path, or be a different type of Hero?


I'm here. Create Water is a 0-level cleric spell. No, I didn't go outside the cleric spells or the domains. I can probably make due with the spells I've selected. And speaking of spells,

Nevael's Known Spells:
0-level: Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Resistance, Stabilize, Virtue

1st level: Shield of Faith, Protection from Evil, Cure Light Wounds, Bless Water, Detect Undead, Remove Fear

And based on our latest exchange, here is a slightly modified copy of your latest modifications.

Nevael v 3:
Female Cubii Cleric of Sarenrae-2
NG Medium Outsider (Native)
Init +1; Senses Perception +7, Darkvision 60 ft.
Aura: Good
AC 18 Touch 11 Flat-footed 17
( +1 Dex, +1 Natural, +6 Chainmail )
HP 25 ( 2 HD) [4d4 per level, +5 at level 1]
Fort +2 Ref +5 Will +6
Immune Poison
Resist Fire 10, Electricity 5
SR 12
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Claw +2 melee 1d4 + 1
2 Claws +2 melee 1d4 + 1 per claw
MW Scimitar +3 melee 1d6+1
Ranged Sling +2 ranged 1d4 range 50ft.
Space 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Channel Positive 1d6 [Good], DC13, 7/day
Cleric spells prepared CL 1
0-level - Guidance, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance
1st level - Burning Hands, Cure Light Wounds,
Protection from Evil (D)
Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Attack +1 CMB +2 CMD 13
Class Abilities Orisons, Aura, Channel Energy 1d6
Feats Master Shot, Eschew Materials (B)
Succubus Skills Bluff +10, Craft (Calligraphy) +5,
Diplomacy +6, Knowledge (Local) +5,
Knowledge (Planes) +5, Perception +7,
Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +5
Cleric Skills Heal +6, Knowledge (Religion) +5,
Profession (Scribe) +6, Perform (Storytelling) +3
SQ Medium Outsider (Chaos, Evil), Darkvision 60 ft.,
Abyssal Body (Immune poison, Resist Fire 10,
Electricity 5), Tough Skin (+1 Natural),
Keen Senses (+2 racial bonus to Perception checks),
Masterful Manipulator (+4 racial bonus to Bluff checks),
Spell Resistance 12, Spellcasting, Redeemed Soul

Languages Common, Abyssal, Celestial
Gear MW Scimitar, MW Chainmail, Silver Holy Symbol,
Traveler's Outfit, Cleric's Vestments, Backpack,
Bedroll, Winter Blanket, Waterskin, Donkey (Toby),
Pack Saddle, 2 Saddlebags, Gp 329, Sp 4

Special Qualities
Your soul has been redeemed of its evil beginnings.
Prerequisites: Evil subtype, good alignment.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against
attacks made and effects created by evil creatures, and
on Constitution checks to stabilize when you are reduced
to negative hit points (but not dead). This bonus stacks
with similar bonuses from spells and abilities, such as
that granted by protection from evil.
In addition, whenever you damage a creature with the
evil subtype (including with attacks, abilities, and spells),
you deal additional points of damage equal to 1/2 your
Hit Dice. You count as having the good subtype for the
purposes of meeting prerequisites.

Spellcasting: Cubii Clerics of the Dawn are Faith-Based
Midgrade Casters, drawing their magic from their belief
in Sarenrae. Their ‘spell list’ contains all spells based
on the themes of Sarenrae’s domains of Fire, Glory, Good,
Healing, Sun [subdomains included.] Unlike most of Sarenrae's
faithful, however, Cubii retain traces of their former selves
in their access to magic, also having access to highly social
spells from the Cleric and Bard lists [no more than 2 per spell
level as part of freely acquired spells gifted by levels.]
In addition, the succubus gains Eschew Materials as
a bonus feat at 1st level, and adds the following spells
to her spell list at the given spell levels:
2nd—detect thoughts, suggestion, tongues, vampiric
3rd—charm monster
4th—dominate person
6th—ethereal jaunt, greater teleport

Spells Known
0-level (4) - Detect Magic, Create Water, Light, Stabilize
1st level (2) - Cure Light Wounds, Bless Water

Spells per Day
0-level - unlimited
1st level - 2

Cleric Spells per day
0-level - 3
1st level - 4

Cleric Spells Known
0-level Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance,
Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic,
Resistance, Stabilize, Virtue
1st level Shield of Faith, Protection from Evil, Cure Light
Wounds, Bless Water, Detect Undead, Remove Fear

Domain Powers
Touch of Good 3 + Wis Mod ( 5 ) / day - Nevael can touch
a creature as a standard action, granting a sacred bonus
on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws equal
to half her Cleric level rounded down ( min. +1 ) for
one round. She can use this ability a number of times
equal to 3 plus her Wisdom modifier.

Fire Bolt 30 ft. 1d6 + 1/2 Cleric Level ( min 1 )Fire -
As a standard action, Nevael can unleash a scorching
bolt of divine fire from her outstretched hand. She
can target any single foe within 30 ft. as a ranged
touch attack. If she hits the foe, the fire bolt
does 1d6 points of fire damage + 1 for every two
cleric levels she posesses. She can use this ability
a number of times per day equal to 3 plus her Wisdom

Personal Details (expanded)

Nevael is a non-evil succubus that has voluntarily
exiled herself from the Abyss. The passage was very
traumatic and stripped away most of her Hit Die. In
desperation, she cried out to any diety that would listen.
Sarenrae heard her cry, and made Nevael one of her own.

She appears to be eighteen. She is six feet tall and
weighs 126 pounds. She has pale skin, long red-brown hair
and brown eyes. Also, she has a barbed tail and small
horns coming out of her forehead. She currently resembles
a Tiefling.

She dresses conservatively and likes to be around
others. She has a fondness for infants and children,
due to her time in service to the orphanage run by Sarenrae's
temple. She dislikes unnecessary violence and hates
to see innocent people suffer. Because of this, she
spends a lot of time doing charity work, such as healing
the sick and feeding the hungry, often for nothing in
return. She has a quiet personality and prefers to think
things through rather than act rashly.

Note: I've moved the Redeemed Soul feat into the Special Qualities
section, technically making it a "racial feature," and replaced it
with Point Blank Shot. I don't think that she will get a first-level
Cleric feat until she becomes a Cleric after level 2.

I've changed Point Blank Shot to Master Shot, added the known spells, and put the fourth skill point in the non-class skill Perform (storytelling) to entertain the orphans (basically a background skill).


John, do you have Private Messaging turned off? I made a google documents character sheet for you, but I don't want to give the editing link out publicly.

kyrt-ryder wrote:

When you get back, I have a question for you as well Cal...

... what sort of character are you feeling? Both the types of abilities you see him developing, the type of personality you have in mind, and anything that appeals to you in terms of backstory or goals.

Want to take that Trickster concept down a Hero Path, or be a different type of Hero?

Well, I see the Trickster as more of a dabbler, but I haven't decided on which of the Hero types I like best. I'll try to get back to you later today as I've got kind of a busy afternoon. Oh, and if haven't decided on a schedule, I can do weekly but every two weeks probably works best for me.

Also, can you post the link to the Hero again? I can't seem to be able to access the Google Doc at this time.



I think I like the Grit Hero. I see him as a rakish sort of guy, gets by on his wits and his swordplay. Possibly from a rich, snobbish family, he's the "black sheep" who had to go sow his wild oats before accepting the mantle of responsibility that he'll one day inherit from his family. He's the kind to laugh in the face of danger, but knows damned well when to get the hell out its way when the time comes. But he's loyal to his companions, believing that by remaining at their side during tense times they'll return the favor.

kyrt-ryder wrote:
John, do you have Private Messaging turned off? I made a google documents character sheet for you, but I don't want to give the editing link out publicly.
Do I need to have Skype turned on for that? Also, I may not always be available, as nine of the last ten workdays were eleven-hour shifts. You can simply e-mail me the link at

Email has been sent John.

Your Grit Hero sounds awesome Cal, tell me what sort of power you'd be interested in for First Level? Any sort of awesome ability you'd like the character to have, if it must be toned down I can do that pretty easily.

You also get one feat from any source you like. Don't even look at prerequisites, go for the very best feat you can think of for your concept. I'll adjust the power as necessary.

NOTE: I'm presenting the link to the Ability Scores and what they do, as well as the link to the Skills below. I use 3d6 twelve times take the best six results, but take a liberal approach as GM to hand out a bit of bonuses if needbe. [Your stats are already accepted John.]

Ability Scores


[Note: There was a recent revision between use of Skill Ranks and a simpler Trained vs Untrained skills, any reference to ranks should instead be interpreted as a reference to levels.]


Got the email and downloaded the link. What you're doing sounds like the simplified class system in the old D&D 3.0 Unearthed Arcana.


There is a certain amount of similarity, though mine are amped up to 11 and use the Bard/Alchemist/Inquisitor/Magus etc etc as the base for the middle-ground, rather than the Rogue.

How do you like what's on your sheet thus far John?

kyrt-ryder wrote:

Email has been sent John.

Your Grit Hero sounds awesome Cal, tell me what sort of power you'd be interested in for First Level? Any sort of awesome ability you'd like the character to have, if it must be toned down I can do that pretty easily.

You also get one feat from any source you like. Don't even look at prerequisites, go for the very best feat you can think of for your concept. I'll adjust the power as necessary.

Thanks, Kyrt. I'm going to be busy most of the day but I'll think about things and try to get you some answers this evening.

Here's a power I thought of while walking the dogs: Something to enhance to armorless AC, like maybe doubling the DEX bonus, which also enhances his Acrobatics to a degree for chandelier swingin' and fighing on narrow or uneven surfaces. I see him as the quick and deadly swashbuckling type. This may be too powerful, but of course you adjudicate it the way you see best.

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There is no dex bonus to AC but we can certainly do something along that theme.

Far more appropriate to a Grit Hero would be something that allows you to dodge/parry an incoming attack.

Spidey-Sense: by spending 2 grit points as an Immediate Action when he would otherwise be affected by a power, effect or attack, the Grit Hero can negate its effects on him, evading/parrying it completely and totally.

If necessary this power will move him as far as required [in the shortest distance possible] to avoid the effect in question, up to the limit of his move speed.

Regarding the power, that sounds fine. For the feat I'd like Weapon Finesse, and if necessary I'd take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat as well for the dueling sword.

For Skills I think I'll take

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Regarding the power, that sounds fine. For the feat I'd like Weapon Finesse, and if necessary I'd take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat as well for the dueling sword.

Weapon Finesse is irrelevant, as this game doesn't use Ability Scores to Attack rolls.

On weapons, use whichever weapon flavor you like. The only weapon distinctions I've kept are damage types [Budgeon, Slash or Pierce] and one-hand vs two-hand.

Ok, then it's back to Feat hunting!

I'm assuming (and correct me if I'm wrong) Ability scores do affect saves? If that's the case I'll take Lightning Reflexes.

I have a question regarding ability scores. If by using your method, I end up with 6 18s, is that legal?

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I have a question regarding ability scores. If by using your method, I end up with 6 18s, is that legal?

If that actually happens you could have it lol. Ability scores are far less important in this game so it won't have as big an impact as usual.

Just roll the bones cal, lets see what comes up

And you are assuming incorrectly. Saves are not affected by ability scores.

Ok, I feel like the slow kid in calculus class, but what is the Hit Die for the Grit Hero? And what is Vitality?

And I seem to have trouble finding the right feat, so let me try Godless Healing. It allows me to Heal 1d8+level once a day.

Let me apologize for asking so many questions. For reasons I won't go into, I don't process things as well as I once did. So I can be a bit slow to grasp a new rule or concept, and you have a lot of interesting changes that I'm grappling with.

No worries Cal, Part of this is a ruleset that is still being refined.

Heroes have 3 Vitality, therefore they have 6d4 hit dice, average 15 (con mod does not apply)

At first level rather than max HD its HD+5

Godless Healing huh. Will require some serious powering up but this will work.

kyrt-ryder wrote:

There is a certain amount of similarity, though mine are amped up to 11 and use the Bard/Alchemist/Inquisitor/Magus etc etc as the base for the middle-ground, rather than the Rogue.

How do you like what's on your sheet thus far John?

It's O.K. for combat purposes, in my opinion. But for actual role-play, I think I'd like to use the full sheet, if at all possible.


I ended up with 26 HP at first level, if I did it right (21+5).

For skills I ended up with

STR 16
DEX 18
CON 16
INT 12
WIS 11
CHA 13

Sure, you can maintain a personal sheet as well. I was more referring to the powers.

@ Cal: woah nice rolls. I had expected to see you use Paizo's dice roller but considering I accepted the succubus' point buy I'm trusting you here.

Don't forget to select your free knowledges.

I didn't know Paizo had a dice roller, though I should have. I used the WotC Dice Roller. I'll re-roll if you want me to use the Paizo roller.

I must be missing a rules sheet somewhere that tells me some of the answers to the questions I've been having, or I've seriously overlooked something. How many free Knowledge skills do I get?

The Knowledge Skill does, along with the changes to the Knowlege skill in this game.

Don't worry about this batch of rolls, we"re good.

kyrt-ryder wrote:

The Knowledge Skill does, along with the changes to the Knowlege skill in this game.

Don't worry about this batch of rolls, we"re good.

Cool, but I'm still unsure about how many knowledge skills I get? Is it a fixed number or is it all of them?

1 + Int Bonus (1 in your case) + 3 if you took Knowledge as a skill.

So choose 2 Knowleges Cal.

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