Bloodline Familiars and Wildblooded / non-core Bloodlines

Pathfinder Society



Two-part question:

a) A 1st level Wildblooded Sage Sorcerer wishes to take the Bloodline Familiar (from Familiar Folio pg 16) by trading Wildblood's 1st level Power for the Familiar. Is that PFS legal? If yes, is the Bloodline counted as Arcane for the mutation the Familiar gains?

b) A 1st level Psychic Bloodline Sorcerer wishes to take the Bloodline Familiar. Can the Sorcerer do that? If yes, what is the mutation the Familiar gains?

Additional resources lists pg16-17 of Familiar Folio "The Bloodlines are legal to play" so it might mean that a) would be OK and b) not. Or that there should be something completely different written on those two pages.

Thanks in advance.

5/5 *****

Kaapelikala wrote:


Two-part question:

a) A 1st level Wildblooded Sage Sorcerer wishes to take the Bloodline Familiar (from Familiar Folio pg 16) by trading Wildblood's 1st level Power for the Familiar. Is that PFS legal? If yes, is the Bloodline counted as Arcane for the mutation the Familiar gains?

PFS doesn't really have a separate set of rules for things like this so you may be better off asking in the rules forum. Having said that it doesn't look like the Bloodline Familiar option is an archetype. It is in its own separate section, it doesn't call itself an archetype, in fact there is an entirely different section called Caster Archetype's that you might have expected to find it in if it was. However, it works very much like an archetype, modifying your base class abilities such as bloodline powers.

If it is not an archetype then I think you can combine them. If it is then you cannot combine them as they both modify the first level bloodline power. I would expect table variation.

b) A 1st level Psychic Bloodline Sorcerer wishes to take the Bloodline Familiar. Can the Sorcerer do that? If yes, what is the mutation the Familiar gains?

No, the only options are the ones in the Folio. We don't get to create alternatives in PFS. From Familiar Folio:

At 1st level, a sorcerer, bloodrager, or any other character with one of the following bloodlines can choose to gain a bloodline familiar

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

If you want a familiar as a psychic sorcerer, you can:

1) Take the tattooed sorcerer archetype (it trades off 1st and 9th level powers, though)
2) Take a skill focus in a Knowledge plus Eldritch Heritage
3) Pick up a silver raven figurine of wondrous power plus the feat companion figurine.
4) Pick up iron will, familial bond and improved familial bond.

None of those would give you a bloodline familiar, though.


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