Minderhal's Anvil encounter area

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

My Rise of the Runelords PCs have expressed an interest in exploring Minderhal's Anvil. Am I correct in thinking that Forge of the Giant God probably has a map/encounter I could adapt for that?

Just checking before I plunk down $16 for the PDF. I'm hoping there's something that could be adapted into basically one encounter -- adding the entire book would be too much in an already long campaign.

Liberty's Edge

Yes, the anvil is part of the forge and it is there in the Cathedral of Minderhal.

I think you will get FAR more out of it to run nearly the whole of the module though -- parts 2 and 3 together. It's very sandboxy and one of Tim Hitchcock's best, imo. The forge itself in its current state rather makes that a requirement before it can be used in any event.

Or, better still, run the whole AP. I am a big fan of Giantslayer, overall.

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