Approaching Jorgenfist (spoilers) What maps to draw first?

Rise of the Runelords

Silver Crusade

So my group had a couple of encounters along the way, and will be arriving at Jorgenfist at the start of our Sunday session. They're approaching from the southeast (teleported back to Fort Rannick and marched northwest into the mountains from there), so they'll be across the river with a spyglass, fly, teleport, and group invisibility spells, and time to plan.

My biggest problem is the just the sheer size of the maps in this section of the adventure. I use wet erase flip mats and roll up mats, and I want to draw out things in advance to avoid wasting time during sessions, but there's just so much here, many sections of which won't ever get used.

How do I even approach this?

Liberty's Edge

I'll admit I don't usually pre-draw and in this case I'm not even sure I would try. Too many ways for them to go. My party went in the spider cave and through the tunnels, once they hit they second level they went across the bottom and down to the bottom level. They didn't even see most of the second level until after killing M.

Silver Crusade

Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm thinking. I prefer to draw things in advance, though, especially when they're going to be big and complex like this. Drawing at the table just slows things down, and our sessions aren't particularly long to begin with (3-4 hours, generally).

How about you draw a map giving an overview of the landscape and important landmarks (say 1 square 20 or even 50 feet) using the map on p200 AE as guideline and change to standard sized maps for encounters (which should be fast and easy to draw since you'd only need to outline boulders, rubble, trees, undergrowth).


Silver Crusade

I already printed the map/diagram from page 200 without labels to hand to the players.

I figure if they decide to go in through the caves, that's easy to draw quickly, and doesn't need to be exact.

It's if they go in through the front gate of Jorgenfist, or once they get into the main caverns below, that things have to be more exact, and they're pretty huge maps to draw. I was actually thinking of starting by drawing the main pit and area right around it in advance, and then continuing that drawing during the session depending on where they go.

One other thing I have going for me is that this group tends to over-plan. So they're likely to spend an hour or two discussing their approach tomorrow, and then not actually get very far in implementing it during that session. So before they get too deep into Jorgenfist, I'll have some time before the next session to draw the next sections of the map, and I'll hopefully know by then which sections they'll be hitting next.

I remember there being a map in the Community Created Stuff thread, e.g. this one. maybe you could print it to scale and cut out the individual rooms/areas?


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