Odd overheard conversation snippets

Off-Topic Discussions

Sovereign Court

So I am sitting outside the W in ATL and just heard the following statement:

"I've made a lot of money having sex with women"

Followed by a discussion of film production.

Just freaking odd the things folks talk about loudly in public...

Dark Archive

"If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year at college."

A group of friends and I were at a local coffee stop when I happened to notice that a older couple at table next to us were ease-dropping on us. I turned to one of the guys next to me and said "Ok we got the house scoped out. We'll need the explosives by Wednesday. Can your guy get the stuff for us on time?" He looked at me blankly at this absolute non-sequitur, and then started discussing the details of an bogus illegal arms deal. We soon had the whole table involved in the planning of a foreign mercenary operation involving unnamed government departments and black-book funding.

The old couple left quickly 5 minutes later.

Silver Crusade

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I heard some strange snippets while playing PFS, but I have to say, that your improv sounds like a nice beginning to an adventure.

And a good way to get a visit from a named government agency. How the old man wasn't a G-man [/joke]

Spencer Ramirez wrote:
I heard some strange snippets while playing PFS, but I have to say, that your improv sounds like a nice beginning to an adventure.

Thanks! And you are partly right. Everyone at the table that night had been past or present players I had gm'd at one time or another. That's probably why we made it click together so well. Most of those guys are scattered all over now, as jobs, marriage and life in general has moved us apart, but it was still good times while it lasted.

Manwolf wrote:
And a good way to get a visit from a named government agency. How the old man wasn't a G-man [/joke]

Naw. This was back in the late 90's, before the New York attack made everyone a gov't spy looking for boogiemen under every rock.

Calex wrote:
Manwolf wrote:
And a good way to get a visit from a named government agency. How the old man wasn't a G-man [/joke]
Naw. This was back in the late 90's, before the New York attack made everyone a gov't spy looking for boogiemen under every rock.

That just to keep them busy, everyone knows boogiemen live in closets.

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