pearls of power and metamagic feats

Rules Questions


I know this question may be very simple but here it goes: If I cast a spell with a metamagic ability (let's say - extend) that pushes the spell up in spell (let's say to 6th lvl spell) and I have a pearl of power 6, can I recall that spell that is metamagically enhanced or just a normal 6th level spell?

Basically wanting to know if it is pfs legal to recall spells that have been prepared with a metamagic ability with a pearl of power for the spell's new level?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

If this is a spell that was prepared that way, i.e. you prepared it as a wizard or cleric, then you're good.

Grand Lodge

I want a pearl of power 6!

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Since Pearl of power only works with prepared casters (unless I am forgetting some bizarre class feature / feat combo), then it works to recall the spell with metamagic feats added to it so long as it ends up being at the level the pearl was designed for.

A pearl of power 5 can be used to recast a quickened "shield" spell, if a prepared caster had quicken spell feat prepared on a shield spell.

Dark Archive

Then Forlanderion, you can have a pearl of power 6... in real life. Have fun trying to use it. :P


Thanks guys.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

That is the slight problem... official ones only go up to 4 if I'm correct.

Silver Crusade

Nope Pearls of Power go from 1-9 with one that can recall two spells of 6th or lower.

The Kitsune Star Gem has 3 levels and allows reuse of their SLA.

Other then that I can see no other restrictions.....then again i don't have all the books.

Grand Lodge

Well, a PoP 6 is only 36,000 gp, so, by the time you have 6th level spell slots, that money shouldn't be a big deal, and the Fame should be long-since covered, although it is 45 Fame...

Worst case, unless you screw up your Fame pretty badly, would be around 11th level for that Fame, around the same time you get the spell slots.

Best case, assuming 6 PP per level, would get you to that Fame total by about mid-way through 8th level, it looks like.


Looking at possibly having 1 or 2 metamagic rods at that level be medium range (level 6 and below) so I may not have the gold to get a pearl of every level up to 6. Definately want to get a lvl 6 pearl for when preparing spells with metamagic feats.

I am also wanting to eventually take my wizard through the academy of secrets as his retirement module arc so I may need to recalculate how he plans to spend his gold.

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