Teamwork Progression

Homebrew and House Rules

Sovereign Court

My previous party has not been not very... Teamworky. If someone aked another to do something, they were just as likely to be told 'no' as 'yes'.

I anticipate that my next group won't be like that, but I want to avoid similar situations from happening again. For this, I am thinking to homebrew that, seperate from level progression, the party can collect Teamwork Feats and use the Tactician ability like cavaliers of their level with fate chips, which in turn are rewarded for good teamwork. They can do this, as long as at least one person of the party meets the prerequisites and they can do this after a bad roll.

Does this sound like rule to encourage teamwork? Or does this sound like a way for players to gain unreasonable advantages?

An advantage exists only if the dm allow it. I give feats to my players through hard work without leveling and I have not noticed a problem, so giving the players free team work feats would not be a bad idea.

You can make your players work together by designing encounters such that they require teamwork. Example, maybe there is a monster who is immune to most damage and spell effects, the monster can only be hurt if they called shot his soft underbelly. One of the players could elect to try and flip the monster over and hold it there while the other players attack it meaning they don’t need to called shot anymore and have a high chance of hitting it. Making harder fights can also work. Encounters where the players need the flank bonus to hit or where staying in a formation is important make teamwork a must. Note here, don’t get hung up on RAW for this purpose. If the players want to work together and do something that the rules do not cover or they normally can’t do, don’t stop them. Find a way to make it work, because if the players feel like they can’t work together mechanically or that it does not matter if they do then they won’t. Doing this is encouraging teamwork through mechanical means.

Although you can also sit down with your players, and make sure the characters have a reason to work together. If none of the characters have any reason to be there and work with the other characters then they won’t feel like they need to. Giving the players a common goal other than the adventure they are currently on is a great way to get them to work together, so is encouraging the players to know each other before hand. For example, Inigo Montoya and Fezzik from the princess bride knew each other before the story started, they were good friends and during the story they worked together because of this shared history, and friendship. Focusing on common goals is a great way to make the party stay together and work together. Doing this is encouraging teamwork through narrative means.

It would be best if you did both of these things, have common goals and hard fights that require team work. These are just a few is ways I have found to get players to work together.

Verdant Wheel

Teamwork Chips sounds like a good way to get your players to work together more.

I'm interested to see where this goes.

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