Axelthegreat |
So, late last night, I decided to convert one of my favorite D&D 4e races to fit pathfinder, and this is what I have so far;
The 4e race: (here)
For an idea of how they look: (here) and (here)
It never occurred to me how difficult it is to find decent anthropomorphic shark pictures before now :/
the stats:
Running total: 10 RP
Monstrous Humanoid (3 RP)
Darkvision, 60 ft.
Medium Size (0 RP)
Normal Move Speed (0 RP)
Specialized Attribute Bonuses (1 RP)
+2 to Str and Con, -2 to Int
Standard Language Quality (0 RP)
Common, and Sharkfolk (not entirely sure on a racial language...) as well as up to 7 others (yet to decide)
Swim (2 RP)
Swim speed of 30 ft, +8 to swim.
Bite (2 RP)
Gain a natural attack with 1d4+str damage
Amphibious (2 RP)
Can breathe both in air and water.
Anyway, just though I'd share what I had in case anyone else wanted to have shark-people or to leave advice.