Im a n00b help!!!!

Pathfinder Society

So like I said I'm a n00b but we are all n00bs at some point so I would like some help getting
Started thanks

I think being a bit more specific on the help you need would help everyone help you.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Florida—Melbourne

Well, first thing you need to do is register on Paizo's website and download the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play here:

That is basically all the house rules for the campaign including character creation.

Then you can look at the event listings under My Pathfinder Society and see what is being run locally that you can join.

That's general help. If you have a specific question, you can post it here.


First step is to download and read the Guide To Organized Play. Then see who your closest regional coordinator is, see if there are any games in your area. There's a lot of info in the GTOP and it's helpful if you get the opportunity to see it in play.

The GTOP can be found here. The list of regional coordinators can be found here.

Plus what trollbill said.

OK thanks for the help can't wait to start playing pathfinders.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

Bear in mind that the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organised Play is expected to be updated to v6.0 for the new season literally any day now, so you might want to wait before printing it out or anything like that.

5/5 5/55/55/5

DonutTheGreat wrote:

So like I said I'm a n00b but we are all n00bs at some point so I would like some help getting

Started thanks

The society is the organized play for the pathfinder roleplaying game.

You find a game, either in meatspace or online. (easiest way to do this: where are you?)

You make a character. 20 point buy, 150 gp of starting equipment.

Your character is a member of the pathfinder society: the out of game and in game group of murderho..erm.. gentlemen explorer archeologists. This is the excuse to have you all together and adventuring without cramming you all together without descending into cannibalism a bit of back-story you should think about when it comes to your character. WHY are they with these people? "They're paying me" is an acceptable answer, but not necessarily the most fulfilling.

Allowed races are (by the time you find a game anyway) The core races, tengu, Kitsune, Nagaji, and wayangs.

You play a published adventure, you get a chronicle sheet that the DM sign and says "You played this adventure, here's your loot, and XP (usually 1). Everything you find in the adventure gets liquidated into cash. As you complete missions for the society the gold cap you can spend on items increases.

Get 3 xp, level up, wash rinse repeat.

Some important notes:

While enforcement can vary, you're supposed to have a source with you in order to use it. So if you have a feat from the dragon slayers handbook, you should have the dragons slayers handbook available at the table for the dm to see.

The society is incredibly open about whats allowed in terms of mechanics. If it doesn't mess with wealth by level its probably allowed: No crafting , no custom magic items. If your character concept needs a +1 keen shocking battle fan you'll be able to get one eventually.

what to expect at a pfs table:
What to expect, lets say the game starts at 7

Game starts at 7

6:55 people start to trickle in

Folks eat, gossip, get settled in.

7:15 Geek soduku! People finalize how many people they have for which table. The veterans will then decide who's playing what character, trying to balance out levels, tiers, and party composition. The DM desperately tries to sneak in one more reading of he scenario

7:30: people get going. There's a mission briefing that one person will be paying attention to while most players find dice and minis check character sheets, phones,and chronicle sheets to make last minute purchases. You will get a flurry of 5 or six mispronounced names without much clear idea whether drendle drang is a person you're talking to, a place you want to go, or a particularly nasty curse you want to avoid.

You'll have a chance to ask questions, gather information and make knowledge checks to get some idea of what you're in for.

There will be ~ 4 encounters, usually some mooks for one fight, a trap or three, some sort of a skill or social challange, some sort of strong monster thats usually more likely to kill you than the boss, and then a solo or near solo boss fight. These will inevitably involve some "i'm over here he's over there what are you doing how are you searching how does that rule work" while trying to keep the game moving.

The encounters will test adventuring basics. Can you attack at both melee and ranged. Can you deal with swarms and other unusual creature types. Can you deal with damage reduction and incoporeal critters.

10:30 the boss fight starts! Hurrry!

11:05 The dm hurridly signs chronicle sheets and hands them out with a "go ahead fill them out"

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