Information about Nex-Geb-Mana wastes area.

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Shadow Lodge

Hi everyone.
In a campaign of mine the party is traveling from Osirion to Geb to retrieve some long lost artifact.
I tried to find some information but looks like there is very little about Nex, Geb, Alkenstar or the mana wastes aside from the basic description of the campaign settings.
I know that sometimes there is some extra info thrown casually into some modules so I wonder if anyone stumbled in any relevant information about the area and the characters that populate it in any official published material.

There's an E-book available from Paizo that gives you a little bit of flavor, but not much specific info.
There's a Gazetteer about Alkenstar in the Wardens of the Reborn Forge module. It gives some basic info, but personally, I found it disappointing.
Other than that, you've got primal magic all over the place and mana wastes mutants. Not much else I can tell you without giving away spoilers from the module.

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