Best level 3 Inquisitor buff


Given that every party I have ever been in has had a Wizardy type char who could cast haste, that old Divine Staple: DIVINE POWER doesn't look as great anymore.

The bonus to attack doesn't outdo Divine Favor until level 12, and as I said the wizard usually throws down haste.

RIGHTEOUS VIGOR looks better. Stacks with Divine Favor, bonus is good and free temp HP is nice

Deadly Juggernaut looks ok too.

Wondering what is the best 3rd level buff now....

At 3rd level:
6 1st level spells
4 2nd level spells
Judgement 1/day

magic weapon = 3 minutes for +1 enhancement to hit and damage
divine favor = 1 minute buff of +2 luck bonus to hit and damage
shield of faith = 3 minutes of +2 to AC
justice judgment = +1 to hit for entire combat

With a set of nonmagical weapon and armor:
+4 to hit, +3 damage
+2 AC

That is a pretty decent buff for a 3rd level

I'm curious about this myself, have just started playing an inquisitor and don't really have a feel for it.

Deadly Juggernaut and Righteous Vigor both seem really cool in their own niches: Juggernaut for fights against large numbers of mooks and Vigor for BBEGs, though Vigor does seem more flexible.

Coordinated effort looks interesting, sharing a teamwork feat with a couple party members might be the equivalent to buffing yourself or more. Depends on your party.

Malastra wrote:

At 3rd level:

6 1st level spells
4 2nd level spells
Judgement 1/day

I think he means level 3 _spells_ not level 3 _inquisitors_ since the three spells he listed were level 3.

Yep meant level 3 spells.

Deadly Juggernaut sounds good but mass mook battles don't seem that common in AP's

Righteous Vigor makes a Inquisitor very tanky. Extra stacking HP (up to 20) seems really good for trading blows.

Divine Power? Meh. It only gives an extra attack compared to Divine Favor up to level 12. And your wizard should be hasting you.

Magic circle vs evil
Magic vestment

Level 3 spells that can boost fighting prowess and defense


It's luck based so stacks with a lot of stuff. Also helps your allies and if any enemies get caught it's a double whammy of bonuses to you and minuses to them. It's 40 radius makes it a good spell to cast on round one.

Also Divine Power is a 4th level spell.

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