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Name: Blackthorns Band
Alignment: Lawful
Role: Expanionists\Adventurers
Accepted Roles: All members of society are accepted into Blackthorns band as long as they take the oath of loyalty
Let it be known that on this day the renowned adventurer Lord Blackthorn had declared his intentions to travel into the wilderness to found a safehaven for travellers and adventurers alike. This place shall become a beacon of justice for the area and slowly but surely, Lord Blackthorn will bring cililization to the landscape.
Lord Blackthorn himself will be available to answer any questions you may have regarding his plans for civilizing the untamed wilds.

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Am I correct in assuming that by lawful you mean lawful neutral?
Anyway welcome to the River Kingdoms. My organizations takes little interest in the affairs of law and chaos but so long as you do not let evil take sway in your holdings we will be glad to do business with you and help cleanse your lands of the unrighteous.

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I've added this announcement to the Chartered Companies - Guild Recruitment list in Pathfinder Online - Community Information.

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Justice? or just order, obedience, law and bureaucracy?
I don't care much for Hellknight 'justice' or the imperial bureaucracy, but a place of true justice safety and predicability could get my support.
Lord Blackthorn,
how do you feel about 'doing what needs to be done' for the settlement if that requires less than honorable methods?
Do you have any allegiance or authority above yourself? Are you to be a dictator, or are you someone elses crony?

Arlock Blackwind |
If I am any good at guessing I would say it will be a Monarchy of regal laws to justify necassery actions. Throw out a bard for incuring a rebellion and beheading the leader of a cult even if it was a good deity because it would create a power strugle that would cripple the economy. I may be wrong and please correct me if I am, but thats the way I would word it for the sake of keeping laws and the kingdom intact and in order.

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Any idea if you will be actively associated with the Hellknights organization?
Arlcok, whilst I have had dealings with the organisation in the past I would not actively seek their assosiation without dire need. I find their association to powers outside our realms of existence troubling. As for individual members of the company, their business is their own as long as it does not violate the sanctity of the charter and the stability of the lands. Members of the Hellknights, and indeed any organisation should bear this in mind in dealings with Blackthorns Band.
how do you feel about 'doing what needs to be done' for the settlement if that requires less than honorable methods?
My friend, that is an interesting question. My primary aim would be to ensure the settlement is safe for the many. It would be a disservice to the people who are depending on my company for safety to not consider every option.
Do you have any allegiance or authority above yourself? Are you to be a dictator, or are you someone elses crony?
I owe my allegiance to the brothers of my company and the contracts we accept. They also of course owe their allegiance to me, such is the nature of our bond. Whilst I must bear the burden of leadership, I too must ensure that the most capable members of the company are given responsibility and the freedom to act, withon the remit of law.
If I am any good at guessing I would say it will be a Monarchy of regal laws to justify necassery actions. Throw out a bard for incuring a rebellion and beheading the leader of a cult even if it was a good deity because it would create a power strugle that would cripple the economy. I may be wrong and please correct me if I am, but thats the way I would word it for the sake of keeping laws and the kingdom intact and in order.
I feel that a monarchy or autocracy is desirable, nay required, for the first steps into civilization to be successfull but I am pragmatic enough to understand that this would need to change as the settlement grows. As the needs of the company and the needs of the people change, so too must Lord Blackthorn, However I am not sure I agree with one of your examples as freedom of religious worship is an important tennant to my life. As long as the cleric had broken no laws and paid the appropriate fees and obtained the necessary licenses I see no crime. Appropriate checks and measures must be ensirined in law however to ensure that no organisation could grow powerful enough to disturb my peace, facing the full wrath of the band if required.

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Greetings Lord Blackthorn. Given your emphasis on respect of Law, I am certain the Keepers of the Circle have much to offer in contracts, goods, and services. Please note that should the need arise our Keepers of the Circle Chancery is now open for any foreign envoys that might wish to parlay with us.
Erian El'ranelen, Warden of Gold, Keepers of the Circle