Synthesis Summoner & enlarge person.

Rules Questions

I have a half-elf Synthesis Summoner (quadruped base form).

Would the spell Enlarge Person function with him?

Spell says it enlarge a humanoid creature (Summoner is; eidolon isnt)

The fused eidolon write up mentions the two creature counts as both types, whichever is worst for him.

So, Enlarge Person, does it work?

I think you answered your own question. It wouldn't work.

Silver Crusade

SKR on the subject:

Errata wrote:

Summoner: Can a synthesist (page 80) use spells on himself that don't affect outsiders, even though he is treated as his own type or the outsider type, "whichever is worse"?

Yes, because the normal eidolon's share spells ability says "A summoner may cast spells on his eidolon even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the eidolon's type (outsider)," and the synthesist archetype doesn't change that.

Note: This is a revision of an earlier question that used enlarge person as an example. FAQ pending about size-changing magic and a synthesist (because of the limitation of "the eidolon must be at least the same size as the synthesist" rule).

—Sean K Reynolds, 08/02/11

Seems like while normally Enlarge Person would work under the current rules, they may change that in a later FAQ. That however has not been posted to my knowledge, so the current rules set support allowing enlarge person.

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