The Pathfinder Shadowcaster: A Conversion (Advice Needed)


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Be warned: the Shadowcaster, while extremely cool and very much a bad-boy (or girl, as the case may be) of 3.5, was an extremely complex and complicated class. This conversion retains much of that complexity. I would like any suggestions that you might have to fully convert this class over to Pathfinder. Don't worry about hurting my feelings; I had those surgically removed years ago. LOL

Anyways, thanks in advance, ladies and gentlemen. And I do hope that you manage to enjoy what I have put together for you tonight.

Master Arminas


Alignment: Any.

Hit Die: d6.

BAB: Low

Good Saves: Fort and Will

Class Skills: Craft (Int); Fly (Dex); Intimidate (Cha); Knowledge (Any) (Int); Linguistics (Int); Perception (Wis); Profession (Wis); Spellcraft (Int); and Stealth (Dex).

Skill Points per Level: 2 plus Intelligence modifier

Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Shadowcasters are proficient with simple weapons and with light armor. They are not proficient with medium armor, heavy armor, or shields of any type. Armor does interfere with the somatic gestures required to cast mysteries as spells, so there is a chance of arcane spell failure when the shadowcaster wears armor. Mysteries invoked as spell-like or supernatural abilities are not subject to arcane spell failure when cast by a shadowcaster.

Fundamentals of Shadow (Su) : A shadowcaster masters certain basic powers before proceeding to deeper secrets of shadow. These powers—known as fundamentals of shadow (see below for a list of the different fundamentals)—function as supernatural abilities and can be used at will. Initially, a shadowcaster begins play with knowledge of three fundamentals of her choice. At 2nd level, and every even shadowcaster level gained thereafter she may learn an additional fundamental until all nine have been learned at 12th level. The save DC for a fundamental—if any—is equal to 11 + the shadowcaster’s Intelligence modifier.

Mysteries and Paths: A shadowcaster does not cast spells as other classes do, but instead invokes mystical secrets called mysteries. Rather than learning a single mystery at a time, a shadowcaster learns them in a triad of powers known as a path. Whenever a shadowcaster learns a new path, she learns all three mysteries on that path, even those whose level is greater than she is able to invoke. As a shadowcaster gains experience, she becomes able to access these higher level mysteries.
At 1st level, a shadowcaster can only invoke 1st level mysteries. At every odd level gained thereafter, a shadowcaster gains access to the next highest level of mysteries along the paths that she knows, to a maximum of 9th-level mysteries at 17th level.
Paths are divided into three categories, each one representing a new tier of shadow-magic. Apprentice level paths contain mysteries of 1st through 3rd level, and are available to a starting shadowcaster. Initiate level paths contain mysteries of 4th through 6th level and become available when a shadowcaster reaches 7th level. Master level paths contain mysteries of 7th through 9th level, and are only available to shadowcasters who have achieved at least 13th level in this class.
At 1st level, a shadowcaster may select two Apprentice level paths to add to her repertoire. At 3rd level, and every two shadowcaster levels gained thereafter, she may select one additional path of her choice. She may freely choose between any path for her selection, so long as she possesses high enough a class level as a shadowcaster to qualify for the chosen path.
At no time may a shadowcaster ever know more Initiate level paths than she knows Apprentice level paths. Nor may she ever know more Master level paths than she knows Initiate level paths.
Mysteries represent thought patterns and formulae so alien that other spells seem to pale in comparison. As a shadowcaster progresses, however, your connection to the Plane of Shadow grows stronger, and her mysteries become more ingrained in her essence. When she is capable of casting only apprentice level mysteries, she invokes them as though they were arcane spells. They all have somatic components, armor-based spell failure chance, and are subject to interruption (but they do not require material components, foci, or verbal components). Whenever she casts a mystery as an arcane spell, observers can make a DC 15 Spot check to note that her shadow is making different gestures from the ones she makes when casting the mystery.
At 7th level, when a shadowcaster becomes capable of casting initiate level mysteries, her apprentice level mysteries have become so much a part of her that they now function as spell-like abilities, and they no longer require somatic components. Her new initiate level mysteries are now invoked as arcane spells as described above.
When a shadowcaster reaches 13th level and become capable of invoking master level mysteries, another change occurs. A shadowcasters master level mysteries now functions as arcane spells, and her initiate level mysteries function as spell-like abilities. Her apprentice level mysteries become supernatural abilities at this level, and as such are no longer subject to spell resistance or hostile dispelling. Nor do they provoke attacks of opportunity when a shadowcaster invokes them.
Mysteries and spells do not easily interact. Spell attempts to dispel mysteries (or vice versa) take a -4 penalty on all dispel checks. Mysteries can be identified with a Spellcraft check, but requires a different understanding of that skill (and likewise in reverse). A shadowcaster with no knowledge of standard magical workings (i.e. caster levels) and arcane or divine casters with no knowledge of shadowcasting take a -4 penalty on all Spellcraft checks to identify mysteries or spells, respectively.
A shadowcaster can use each mystery that she knows a certain number of times per day, depending on whether the mystery is invoked as a spell (once per day), a spell-like ability (twice per day), or a supernatural ability (three times per day).
A shadowcaster does not prepare mysteries in advance of invoking them, but must still rest for 8 hours and meditate for 15 minutes each morning to refresh her invoked mysteries.
In order to invoke a mystery, a shadowcaster must have an Intelligence score of at least 10 + the level of the mystery. The save DC for a mystery cast by a shadowcaster is 11 + the level of the mystery + the shadowcaster’s Intelligence modifier.
A shadowcaster’s caster level is equal to her shadowcaster level.
A complete list of all paths and mysteries follows the class description (see below).

Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a shadowcaster gains a bonus feat from the following list: Favored Mystery, Greater Path Focus, Path Focus, Shadow Cast, Shadow Familiar, and Still Mystery. She must meet all prerequisites listed in order to choose the feat. At 5th level, and every four levels gained as a shadowcaster thereafter, she may choose one additional bonus feat from this list.

Deep Shadows (Ex) : At 2nd level, a shadowcaster’s power beckons to the shadows around her, causing them to warp and extend to cover her with their darkness. She gains a +2 competence bonus on all Stealth skill checks at any time she is not in direct sunlight or the radius of a daylight spell. At 8th level, and every six shadowcaster levels gained thereafter, this bonus increases by +2 to a maximum bonus of +8 at 20th level.

Umbral Sight (Su) : Starting at 3rd level, a shadowcaster’s vision extends slightly into the Plane of Shadow. She gains darkvision out to 30 feet. If she already possessed darkvision, then her existing darkvision range increases by 30 feet. At both 11th and 19th level, the range of her darkvision increases by an additional 30 feet.

Sustaining Shadow (Ex) : Upon reaching 5th-level, a shadowcaster’s bond to the Plane of Shadow allows her to absorb the dark energies found there, mitigating certain biological needs. She need eat only a single meal each week to maintain her health. At 10th level, she needs to sleep only 2 hours each night (although she can still only regain her spent mysteries once every twenty-four hours). At 15th level, she becomes immune to both poison and disease. Finally, at 20th level, she no longer needs to breathe, eat, drink, or sleep (but must still have 2 hours of rest to refresh her expended mysteries).

Shadows of Cold (Ex) : Beginning at 6th level, a shadowcaster becomes accustomed to the soul-numbing cold of the Plane of Shadow. She gains cold resistance 10. This cold resistance increases by 10 at both 10th and 14th level. At 18th level, she becomes immune to all cold damage.

Master of Shadows (Ex) : At 20th level, as a standard action, a shadowcaster may transform herself and her equipment into an incorporeal being of shadow. She may remain in shadowform for up to one minute for every shadowcaster level she has gained. This duration need not be used consecutively, but each use counts as one minute duration, regardless of the actual time spent in shadowform.
While in shadowform, the shadowcaster gains a fly speed of 60 feet with perfect maneuverability. She gains a deflection bonus to her Armor Class equal to her Intelligence modifier. She may freely cast spells at corporeal creatures with no miss chance due to her own shadowform. For all other aspects of her incorporeal state, see the incorporeal listing on page 295 of the PRD Monster Reference.

Exclusive Shadowcaster Feats


Favored Mystery
Prerequisite: Ability to invoke mysteries.
Benefit: Choose a mystery that you know and are able to invoke. You gain 1 additional daily use of that mystery.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. It effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new mystery that you know and are able to cast.

Greater Path Focus
Prerequisite: Path Focus.
Benefit: You gain a bonus of +1 to the Difficulty Class of all saving throws against mysteries from your chosen path. These bonuses stack with those granted by Path Focus.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. It effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new path to which you have applied the Path Focus feat.

Path Focus
Benefit: You gain a bonus of +1 to the Difficulty Class of all saving throws against mysteries from your chosen path.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. It effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new path.

Shadow Cast
Prerequisite: Ability to invoke mysteries.
Benefit: Designate a square adjacent to you. If no one threatens that square, you do not provoke an attack of opportunity when you cast a spell or use a spell-like ability.

Shadow Familiar
Prerequisite: Shadowcaster level 3rd.
Benefit: You can obtain a familiar in the same manner as a wizard, but it possesses several additional abilities. The familiar gains a bonus of +10 feet to all modes of movement, as well as darkvision 60 feet, resistance to cold 10, and superior low-light vision. For the purposes of determining familiar abilities that depend upon your wizard class level, your effective wizard level is your shadowcaster level - 3.

Still Mystery
Benefit: All of your mysteries are cast with no somatic components. This also prevents your shadow from making gestures that differ from your own during casting. Because mysteries activated as spell-like and supernatural abilities have no somatic components, this feat is useful only with mysteries cast as arcane spells.

Fundamentals of Shadow


Arrow of Dusk
School: Evocation
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: Ray
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to deal 2d4 points of nonlethal damage to the target. If you score a critical hit, triple the damage. For every two shadowcaster levels beyond 1st, your arrow of dusk gains an additional 1d4 damage, to a maximum of 5d4 at 7th level or higher.

Black Candle
School: Evocation [Light or Darkness]
Range: Touch
Target: Object touched
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This fundamental functions like the spell light or the spell darkness. Only one of these two effects is possible per use, and you must decide which effect is desired when casting.

Caul of Shadow
School: Abjuration
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Caul of shadow faintly darkens your form, but does not provide any bonus on Stealth skill checks or similar efforts. You gain a +1 deflection bonus to AC, with an additional +1 for every five caster levels (maximum bonus +5).

Liquid Night
School: Conjuration (Creation)
Range: Touch
Effect: A small quantity of ink
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You create a quantity of ink great enough for you to write approximately one page of text. It is not of sufficient quality to scribe spells. In darkness or shadowy illumination, the ink glows with red or yellow light that has the brightness of a candle. Water splashed on the ink causes it to wash away and cease glowing, but otherwise the ink continues to glow forever.

Mystic Reflections
School: Divination
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Mystic reflections functions like the spells detect magic and read magic, except as noted above. You must choose one option, detecting or reading with each invocation. You can detect magic up to 30 feet away.

Shadow Hood
School: Evocation
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: No
Swirling tendrils and bursts of mystic shadow distract the subject. It takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls, damage rolls, armor class, and all skill checks.

Sight Obscured
School: Illusion (Glamer)
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No
This fundamental grants a +2 enhancement bonus on Disable Device, Stealth, and Sleight of Hand skills checks, or any other checks that involve concealing the subject’s actions or gestures.

Umbral Hand
School: Transmutation
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One unattended object weighing up to 5 lb./level
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
Spell Resistance: No
Umbral hand functions like the spell mage hand, except you can manipulate heavier objects and magic items. Magic items are allowed a saving throw to negate the effect. You need not concentrate on the effect, but you must direct it with your thoughts once each round (a free action) or the effect ends.

Widened Eyes
School: Divination
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)
You gain low-light vision, enabling you to see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, shadowy illumination, and similar conditions of poor illumination. If you already have low-light vision, these effects stack, enabling you to see four times as far as a human in poor illumination.

Apprentice Paths and Mysteries


Cloak of Shadows

Steel Shadows
Level: 1st
School: Abjuration
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)
Steel shadows grants you a +3 armor bonus and a +3 shield bonus to AC, but without weight, armor check penalty, arcane spell failure, or speed reduction. The effect is not a force effect, and attacks from incorporeal creatures ignore it.

Sight Eclipsed
Level: 2nd
School: Illusion (Glamer)
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
While this mystery is in effect, you can attempt Stealth checks even while being observed, just as if you had cover or concealment for the purpose of this determination.

Sharp Shadows
Level: 3rd
School: Abjuration
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
A creature striking you with its body or a handheld weapon takes 1d6 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +15). A creature wielding a reach weapon is not subject to this damage if it attacks you. If the attacker has spell resistance, it applies to this effect (unless you invoke the mystery as a supernatural ability). Damage from sharp shadows is not considered magical for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction, and the effect is not considered a weapon for the purpose of spells such as align weapon or magic weapon.

Dark Terrain

Carpet of Shadow
Level: 1st
School: Conjuration (Creation)
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: One 5-ft. square/level (S)
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You cloak the ground with an uneven and hard to traverse surface. The terrain becomes difficult, meaning that each 5-foot square within the area costs double to move into. For instances, each light undergrowth square (normally costing 2 squares of movement to move into) now costs 4 squares of movement to move into. If you cast this mystery a second time on the same area (or a portion of the same area) while the first casting is still active, the second casting does not worsen the terrain further (although the duration of the effect on that area would be reset).

Black Fire
Level: 2nd
School: Evocation (Cold)
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: One 5-ft. square/level (S)
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Reflex negates; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
You create a shapeable shadowy curtain of black flame that covers the affected squares. The fire deals 1d4 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum of 5d4) to any creature standing in an affected square at the beginning of each of your turns until the effect ends. In addition, the flame deals damage to any creature entering or passing through an affected square (a separate saving throw is required for each square passed through). Black fire extends only three feet up from the ground, so a creature can avoid the effect of the mystery by jumping or flying over the area.

Clinging Darkness
Level: 3rd
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Reflex negates; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
Clinging darkness creates an area of darkness, as per the spell, except where noted above. A creature within the area affected by this mystery, or that enters the area on its turn, must make a Reflex save or become immobilized. Each round on its turn, an immobilized subject can attempt a new saving throw to end the condition. If an immobilized subject succeeds on its save, it still needs to save again at the start of its next turn in order to avoid succumbing to the darkness again, if it remains in the area of effect.

Ebon Whispers

Voice of Shadow
Level: 1st
This mystery functions like the spell command. A second function is a necromancy effect. Undead and constructs that fail their saving throws against this effect are dazed for 1 round. You do not have to choose which version to use.

Congress of Shadows
Level: 2nd
School: Divination (Mind-Affecting)
Range: 1 mile/level
Target: One living creature you have physically met and been introduced to
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
You speak, and your words appear in the mind of a distant creature. The message can consist of up to five words, plus one additional word per caster level. It cannot deliver command words for magic items, or in any other respect function as anything but normal speech. The subject recognizes the identity of the sender of the message if it knows you. The creature can then reply, using the same number of words that you used. The message cannot cross planar boundaries.

Level: 3rd
School: Conjuration (Teleportation)
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Once per round, as an immediate action, you can instantly transfer yourself from your current location to any other spot within a distance of 5 feet per two caster levels. You always arrive at exactly the spot desired. If you use flicker in response to an attack against you, the strike has a 50% miss chance.

Eyes of Darkness

Bend Perspective
Level: 1st
School: Divination (Scrying)
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
You view the world as though you were standing in a different spot, up to a maximum distance of 25 feet plus 5 feet per two caster levels. You cannot see through solid objects. You can, however, look around corners or over barriers; obtain a bird’s-eye view of your area, and the like. Essentially, you shift your perspective as though you were located at any spot in range to which you have line of effect.
You can switch back and forth between your own eyes and your alternate viewpoint as a swift action. You can move your alternate perspective, as in the spell arcane eye. Its speed is only 10 feet per round, however, and every round of such movement decreases the mystery’s duration by 1 minute (if you move the perspective in the last minute of the duration, you gain a few seconds of vision at the new position before the effect expires).

Piercing Sight
Level: 2nd
You can see invisible and ethereal creatures and objects as with the see invisibility spell. In addition, you gain darkvision out to 60 feet for the duration of the mystery.

Killing Shadows
Level: 3rd
School: Transmutation
Range: 30 ft.
Effect: Cone
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will half
Spell Resistance: Yes
Creatures within a cone of killing shadows take 1d8 points of damage per caster level (maximum 10d8), or half that amount on a successful Will save.

Shutters and Clouds

Dawn to Dusk
Level: 1st
You can use deeper darkness, as per the spell.

Shadow Skin
Level: 2nd
School: Abjuration
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round or less; see text
You cast this mystery as an immediate action. You gain damage reduction according to your shadowcaster level: a shadowcaster of up to 4th level gains DR 5/magic; from 5th to 9th level, you gain DR 10/magic; from 10th to 14th level you gain DR 10/magic and silver; from 15th to 19th level you gain DR 15/magic and silver; at 20th level you gain DR 15/-. This DR lasts until the beginning of your next turn.

Dancing Shadows
Level: 3rd
School: Illusion (Glamer)
Range: Touch
Target: One creature/5 levels
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
You grant the subjects concealment. If you cast this mystery on a single subject, the shadows are thicker, and the subject gains total concealment. The spell see invisibility and the mystery piercing sight do not negate these miss chances, but the spell true seeing and the mystery truth revealed do.

Touch of Twilight

Life Fades
Level: 1st
School: Necromancy
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
Your touch deals 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 5d6) and causes the subject to become fatigued for 1 round per caster level (a Fortitude save negates the fatigue). This mystery does not stack with itself, so a creature fatigued by one casting does not become exhausted by a second casting.

Flesh Fails
Level: 2nd
School: Necromancy
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
You deal either 4 points of Strength damage, 4 points of Dexterity damage, or 2 points of Constitution damage to the subject; you choose which kind of ability damage when you cast the mystery.

Umbral Touch
Level: 3rd
School: Conjuration
Range: Touch
Target: Creature or creatures touched
Duration: 1 minute/level (D); see text
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
Umbral touch infuses one of your hands with dark, shadowy energy, allowing you to make debilitating melee touch attacks. A successful strike deals 5d6 points of damage to a target, which must succeed on a Fortitude saving throw or also be slowed. While this mystery is active, you threaten an area as if you were armed and can make attacks of opportunity with your umbral touch. This mystery completely occupies one of your hands, as if you were holding an object in that hand. If you have another open hand, you can cast other mysteries or spells normally, even those with a range of touch, but you cannot deliver another mystery or touch spell and make an attack with umbral touch in the same round. This effect normally lasts for 1 minute per level, but each successful touch attack shortens the duration by 1 minute (allowing you to make one successful attack per level before the effect is discharged).

Umbral Mind

Mesmerizing Shade
Level: 1st
School: Enchantment (Compulsion, Mind-Affecting)
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One living creature
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Will partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
Shadow flickers around the subject, distracting and dazing him. The subject can avoid the daze effect with a successful Will saving throw, but still takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls, checks, and saves.

Thoughts of Shadow
Level: 2nd
School: Transmutation
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
You grant the subject a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. You decide which ability you are enhancing when you cast the mystery, and you may not later alter your choice.

Afraid of the Dark
Level: 3rd
School: Illusion (Mind-Affecting, Shadow)
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will half
Spell Resistance: Yes
You draw forth a twisted reflection of your foe from the Plane of Shadow. The image unerringly touches the subject, causing Wisdom damage equal to 1d6 points +1 point per four caster levels (maximum +5). A Will saving throw halves the Wisdom damage.

Initiate Paths and Mysteries


Black Magic

Warp Spell
Level: 4th
School: Abjuration
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: A spell or mystery cast by someone else
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates; see text
Spell Resistance: No
You can cast this mystery as an immediate action to warp another caster’s spell or mystery. In this case, warp spell must be used at the moment of the other casting. To be successful, you must beat the other caster on an opposed caster level check (1d20 + caster level). If you do not, you have failed to take control of his spell or mystery, and it manifests normally. If you succeed on the opposed check, the other caster’s mystery or spell is countered, as if you had used the counter-spell action successfully, and you gain one additional use of an apprentice level mystery that you know. You can keep this additional use until a later turn (requiring a standard action to activate), but it must be used within 1 hour or it is lost. You can also combine the activation of the additional spell or mystery with the immediate action required for the warp spell mystery, allowing you to cast the apprentice level mystery out of turn.

Echo Spell
Level: 5th
School: Universal
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Repeat a previously cast spell or mystery
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: See text
You can echo a mystery or a spell cast by anyone other than yourself, causing it to remanifest under your control. Both the caster and the effect must have been within echo spell’s range, and the entire casting must have occurred in the previous round. You can cast the mystery or the spell using your shadowcaster level level (use your Int modifier to determine the mystery or spell’s DC, its duration, saves, and the like as normal for that mystery or spell). You cannot echo a mystery or spell of a higher level than the highest-level mystery you can cast, and you can never echo a mystery or a spell of higher than 4th level.

Flood of Shadow
Level: 6th
School: Abjuration
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: 20-ft.-radius spread
Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: See text
A flood of mystical shadow-power renders casting more difficult. To cast most spells while in, or cast spells into, an area affected by flood of shadow, the caster must succeed on a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell level), or the spell is lost with no effect. Mysteries or any spells of the shadow sub-school can be cast within or into the affected area without making the Spellcraft check. In addition, if a mystery or spell of the shadow sub-school originates in an area affected by flood of shadow, its variable numerical effect is increased by 50% (as if it was empowered), although its level does not increase.

Body and Soul

Level: 4th
School: Transmutation
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level or until discharged (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
You grant the subject 5 temporary hit points for each its Hit Dice (maximum 75 temporary hit points). For the duration of the effect, the subject’s shadow grows larger than normal, and its movements are very slightly uncoordinated with those of the subject. An observer can notice this characteristic by making a DC 20 Spot check.

Level: 5th
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 ft./2 levels)
Duration: 1 round/2 levels (D)
Languor functions like either the spell slow or the spell hold monster, except as noted above. You choose which version you want before the effect begins. If you choose hold monster, the mystery can affect only one subject.

Shadow Investiture
Level: 6th
School: Transmutation
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You infuse the subject with the power contained in its own shadow. This grants the creature resistance to cold 15, the evasion ability, and darkvision 60 feet.

Dark Reflections

Shadow Evocation
Level: 4th
School: Illusion (Shadow)
This mystery functions like the spell shadow evocation, except as noted above. In addition, this mystery can mimic an evocation spell of 4th level or lower (rather than 5th level or lower).

Feign Life
Level: 5th
This mystery functions like the spell animate objects, but the items grow dark and warped, becoming more sharp edged and appearing slightly worn or decayed for the duration of the effect. The objects animated by this mystery also gain concealment.

Shadow Evocation, Greater
Level: 6th
School: Illusion (Shadow)
This mystery functions like the spell greater shadow evocation, except as noted above. In addition, this mystery can mimic an evocation spell of 6th level or lower (rather than 7th level or lower).

Ebon Roads

Step into Shadow
Level: 4th
This mystery functions like the spell dimension door.

Pass into Shadow
Level: 5th
This mystery functions like the spell plane shift, except that your destination or origination must be the Plane of Shadow.

Voyage into Shadow
Level: 6th
This mystery functions like the spell shadow walk, except as noted here. Your movement rate on the Plane of Shadow is double that described by the spell. Further, upon reaching your destination, you can attempt a DC 30 Knowledge (The Planes) check; success indicates that you appear exactly where you wish, rather than being shunted to a nearby space as per the spell. You need not leave the Plane of Shadow once you enter it, and this mystery can be used on the Plane of Shadow to travel rapidly.

Elemental Shadows

Aura of Shade
Level: 4th
School: Abjuration
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
You protect the subject from low temperatures and cold energy with a thin layer of that energy’s shadowy reflection. This grants the subject immunity to normal extremes of temperatures and absorbs cold damage from attacks and effects. When an aura of shade absorbs a total of 12 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 240), it expires. For as long as the aura is active, the subject’s weapon or natural weapon melee attacks deal an extra 1d6 points of cold damage.

Dark Air or Water
Level: 5th
School: Transmutation
This mystery functions like the spell control water or control winds. You decide which version to use at the time of casting.

Shadow Storm
Level: 6th
School: Evocation (Electricity, Cold)
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets: One primary target, plus one secondary target/level (each of which must be within 30 ft. of the primary target)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
This mystery creates a blast of electricity and cold energy, much like some of the fearsome weather found on the Plane of Shadow. The storm strikes one target initially, and then arcs to other targets. The storm deals 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 20d6). Half of this damage is electricity damage, and the other half is cold damage. After it strikes, the storm arcs (like the spell chain lightning) to a number of secondary targets equal to your caster level (maximum twenty). The secondary arcs each strike one target and deal half as much damage as the primary one did (round down).

Unbinding Shade

Shadows Fade
Level: 4th
This mystery functions like the spell dispel magic, except as noted above.

Unravel Dweomer
Level: 5th
This mystery functions like the spell break enchantment, except as noted here.

Shadows Fade, Greater
Level: 6th
This mystery functions like the spell greater dispel magic, except as noted above.

Veil of Shadows

Shadow Vision
Level: 4th
School: Transmutation
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One creature with an Intelligence of 3 or higher
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You impede the subject’s vision and its ability to determine what’s happening around it. The subject takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls, ability checks, and skill checks. In addition, you have total concealment with respect to the subject (miss chance applies during each round of the duration).

Curtain of Shadows
Level: 5th
School: Transmutation
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Shadowy wall whose area is up to one 10-ft. square/level (S)
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You create a wall of shadow that completely blocks line of sight. Any creature passing through the wall takes 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 15d6).

Level: 6th
School: Divination
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This mystery immediately ends any of the following adverse conditions: ability damage, blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, immobilized, insanity, nauseated, sickened, stunned, and poisoned. In addition, it negates the effects of the mysteries mesmerizing shade, shadow hood, and shadow between, and cancels curses as the spell remove curse.

Master Paths and Mysteries


Breath of Twilight

Life Fades, Greater
Level: 7th
School: Necromancy
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One living creature/level in a 20-ft.-radius spread
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
You deal 1d6 points of damage per shadowcaster level and cause the subjects to become exhausted for 1 round per shadowcaster level (a Fortitude save reduces the damage by half and decreases the exhaustion to fatigue). This mystery does not stack with itself, so a creature fatigued by saving against one invocation does not become exhausted by saving against a second invocation.

Flesh Fails, Greater
Level: 8th
School: Necromancy
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One living creature/level in a 20-ft.-radius spread
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
This mystery functions like the mystery flesh fails, expect that you can affect multiple subjects, and you deal either 8 points of Strength damage, 8 points of Dexterity damage, or 4 points of Constitution damage. You must deal the same kind of ability damage to all subjects.

Ephemeral Storm
Level: 9th
School: Evocation
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One living creature/2 levels, no two of which are more than 20 ft. apart
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
Targets of ephemeral storm must make a Fortitude save or die. Those who succeed take 5d6 points of damage.

Dark Metamorphosis

Ephemeral Image
Level: 7th
This mystery functions like the spell project image, expect as noted above. In addition, the image that you project has concealment unless it is in direct sunlight or within the area of a daylight spell or effect.

Umbral Body
Level: 8th
School: Transmutation
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
You gain the incorporeal subtype and all advantages and traits associated with it.

Shadow Time
Level: 9th
This mystery functions like the spell time stop.

Ebon Walls

Prison of Night
Level: 7th
School: Conjuration (Creation)
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One Huge or smaller creature
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
This mystery immobilizes the subject in a prison of shadow. This prison blocks both line of effect and line of sight to the creature inside it, and is impenetrable from the outside. The creature inside the prison takes 1d6 points of cold damage at the beginning of each round that it remains inside the prison. Once each round as a standard action, a creature caught in the prison can attempt a Fortitude saving throw against the spell’s original DC to break out of the prison. Success means that the creature can move out of the prison, and it fade to nothingness. Failure means that the creature takes 1d4 points of Constitution damage and remains trapped.

Tomb of Night
Level: 8th
This mystery functions like the mystery prison of night, except that instead of taking Constitution damage upon failing a Fortitude save to escape the prison, the creature gains one negative level. In addition, tomb of night deals 3d6 points of cold damage per round.

Consume Essence
Level: 9th
School: Necromancy (Death)
Range: Touch
Target: One living creature
Duration: Instantaneous, then 1 round/level (D); see text
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The target of this horrid mystery must succeed on a Will saving throw or die. If the creature succumbs to the mystery and dies, it immediately returns to life at full hit points, but any spells it has already used remain expended. The creature is under your direct mental control. Each round you may issue instructions to the creature as a free action and it will carry out those instructions to the best of its ability. The creature remains in this state for 1 round per level, and then dies again.

Eyes of the Night Sky

Truth Revealed
Level: 7th
This mystery functions like the spell true seeing.

Far Sight
Level: 8th
This mystery functions like the spell greater scrying.

Reflections of Things to Come
Level: 9th
School: Divination
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 10 minutes/level or until discharged
This mystery grants you knowledge of what will occur (or at least what is likely to occur), granting you several benefits. You gain the uncanny dodge ability, a +10 insight bonus on initiative checks (you always get to act in a surprise round), and a +4 insight bonus to Armor Class. In addition, you can discharge the energy of this mystery as an immediate action to cause an attack to miss you that would otherwise have been successful. You can declare that you are using this ability after the result of the attack roll is known, but you must do so before damage is determined. Using this ability discharges and ends the mystery. You can also discharge the energy of this mystery as an immediate action to immediately convert a failed saving throw into a successful one. Using this ability discharges and ends the mystery.

Heart and Soul

Dark Soul
Level: 7th
School: Enchantment (Compulsion; Mind-Affecting)
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes; see text
You turn the dark energies from the Plane of Shadow upon another creature, compelling it to act in ways that it normally would not. While this effect is active, you can use a standard action to focus the shadow energies on one living creature within 30 feet that you select. The creature must succeed on a Will saving throw (DC 18 + your Int modifier) or immediately make a melee attack against one target chosen by you within its reach.

Soul Puppet
Level: 8th
School: Enchantment (Compulsion, Mind-Affecting)
Range: Touch
Target: One living creature touched
Duration: 1 day/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The control granted by soul puppet follows the same mechanics as the spell dominate monster. Anyone observing the subject with the spell true seeing, the mystery truth revealed, or a similar ability sees tendrils of darkness extending a few feet from the subject before fading into nothingness. Similarly, anyone who observes you while directing the subject notices tendrils extending from your fingers, also fading into nothing.

Shadow Surge
Level: 9th
Range: Close: 25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels
Target: Up to one living creature/level, no two of which are more than 30 ft. apart
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This mystery functions like the spell dominate monster, except as noted above.

Shadow Calling

Summon Umbral Servant
Level: 7th
This mystery functions like the spell summon monster I, except as noted here. You can summon a greater shadow elemental or 1d3 huge shadow elementals. Shadow elementals use the statistics as fire elementals, but deal cold damage instead of fire damage.

Shadow Plague
Level: 8th
School: Conjuration (Creation; Cold)
This mystery functions like the spell incendiary cloud, except that it deals cold damage rather than fire damage.

Army of Shadow
Level: 9th
This mystery functions like the spell summon monster I, except as noted here. You can summon an elder shadow elemental or 1d3 greater shadow elementals. Shadow elementals use the statistics as fire elementals, but deal cold damage instead of fire damage.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Now THIS seems like a class that would get Blind Fight, Improved Blind Fight, and Greater Blind Fight as bonus feats. Maybe even Shadow Strike and Blinding Critical.

Maybe Shadow Strike at 1st, Blind Fight at 5th, Improved Blind Fight at 10th, Greater Blind Fight at 15th, and Blinding Critical at 20th.

Maybe give it some Sneak Attack at a reduced rate? 1, 5, 9, 13, 17 or 1, 7, 13, 19? Or 3, 7, 11, 15, 19 to prevent 1 level dips just for the sneak attack....

Hmmm? Five dice of sneak attack by 20th level; of course it has a BAB 5 points lower than a rogue at 20th level, so those attacks won't be hitting as often. Does she need the Blind Fight chains? She gets darkvision (which in Pathfinder works in magical darkness, hurrah!) starting at 3rd level and her range gets better and better as she goes up in levels. I'm just not sure . . . which I why I asked for your advice to being with!

Master Arminas

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

How often can you use each mystery?

1-3 times per day. Mysteries cast as spells can each be used once each per day. Mysteries cast as spell-like abilities can each be used twice per day. Mysteries cast as supernatural abilities can each be used three times per day.

So, a 1st-6th level shadowcaster can use every mystery she knows 1 time per day (all Apprentice level paths).

At 7th-12th level, she may use all apprentice mysteries twice per day, and her Initiate level paths 1 time per day.

13th level and above, she may use her Apprentice mysteries three times per day, her Initiate mysteries twice per day, and her master mysteries once per day.

The feat Favored Mystery gives her one additional daily use for a specific mystery selected.

Here is the exact text from Mysteries and Paths:

Master Arminas said wrote:

At 7th level, when a shadowcaster becomes capable of casting initiate level mysteries, her apprentice level mysteries have become so much a part of her that they now function as spell-like abilities, and they no longer require somatic components. Her new initiate level mysteries are now invoked as arcane spells as described above.

When a shadowcaster reaches 13th level and become capable of invoking master level mysteries, another change occurs. A shadowcasters master level mysteries now functions as arcane spells, and her initiate level mysteries function as spell-like abilities. Her apprentice level mysteries become supernatural abilities at this level, and as such are no longer subject to spell resistance or hostile dispelling. Nor do they provoke attacks of opportunity when a shadowcaster invokes them.
Mysteries and spells do not easily interact. Spell attempts to dispel mysteries (or vice versa) take a -4 penalty on all dispel checks. Mysteries can be identified with a Spellcraft check, but requires a different understanding of that skill (and likewise in reverse). A shadowcaster with no knowledge of standard magical workings (i.e. caster levels) and arcane or divine casters with no knowledge of shadowcasting take a -4 penalty on all Spellcraft checks to identify mysteries or spells, respectively.
A shadowcaster can use each mystery that she knows a certain number of times per day, depending on whether the mystery is invoked as a spell (once per day), a spell-like ability (twice per day), or a supernatural ability (three times per day).

Master Arminas

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32


Let me see if I get this right.

At 1st level, he has 2 1st level powers he can use, each once per day.
At 2nd level, he has 2 1st level powers he can use, each once per day.
At 3rd level, he has 3 1st level powers he can use, each once per day and 3 2nd level powers he can use, each once per day.

Is that right?

Yes. The class is kind of wierd like that, but I am just converting what I was given in Tome of Magic! lol

You know, that gives me a thought. Give the new Path choices at 2nd level and every EVEN level. So you go from 2 1st level at 1st-level, to 3 1st level at 2nd level, to 3 1st and 3 2nd level at 3rd level, to 4 1st and 4 2nd at 4th level, etc., etc.


Master Arminas

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

In the conversion I made, I kept the "mysteries known" the same (so 20 over a 20 level career), but changed it so each could be cast a number of times per day equal to your Intelligence modifier (or Charisma modifier---I forget which I used as the casting stat).

So, at lower levels, you could use each mystery 2 to 5 times per day, and even more times per day as you got stat boosting items, ability score increases, and Tomes of inherent bonuses.

I figure the additional times per day was balanced by the reduction in "spells" or "mysteries" known, compared to the sorcerer, and the fact that mysteries tend to be less powerful or have limited utility compared to the variety of spells that sorcerers can learn.

The shadowcaster uses powers kind of a combo of the sorcerer and warlock.

Silver Crusade

This is a fantastic class!! Bravo MA!

How about adding in the Control Light ability?

I could see walking into a lit room and having the lights begin to fade. The Shadowcaster can adjust her surroundings to better fit him/her.

Thank you, Shallowsoul. I like the Control Light idea; have it as a class feature instead of a Mystery, perhaps. But how to word it? The still needs a lot of work to clean up.

Master Arminas

Silver Crusade

How about this:

Control Light (Sp): Shadowcasters can decrease the levels of light within
a 100-ft. radius of themselves by a factor of 10% per level. This
decreases the overall effective range of vision for characters and
creatures dependent on light by the same percentage. For example,
a human can normally see 20 feet by the light of a torch. If a 5th level
Shadowcaster were to diminish the light by 50%, the human could see
only 10 feet. Characters within the affected area gain a +1 bonus to
Hide checks for each 25% decrease in light.

How about this:

Shadowy Illumination (Ex): At 4th level, the connection between a shadowcaster and the powers of shadow begins to manifest around her person. Non-magical sources of illumination (other than direct sunlight) within 10 feet of the shadowcaster are dimmed slightly in her presence, reducing the area which they illuminate by 5 feet. For example, a torch normally illuminates in a 20 foot radius (increased to 40 feet for dim illumination). If brought within 10 feet of a shadowcaster, that same torch would only light a 15-foot radius (30 feet for dim illumination). Illumination by a source of light cannot be reduced to less than 5 feet by this ability (although such weak lighting tends to flicker and sputter as if about to die out). This ability is not under the conscious control of the shadowcaster and is always in effect. At 7th level, and every three levels gained thereafter as a shadowcaster, the radius of her shadowy illumination increases by an additional 10 feet (to a maximum of 60 feet at 19th level). Starting at 10th level, non-magical sources of illumination within a shadowcaster's effective range have the area which they illuminate reduced by 10 feet rather than 5 feet and magical sources of illumination have their radius reduced by 5 feet. At 18th level, the power of this ability increases yet again, reducing the radius of illumination for non-magical sources of light by 15 feet and magical sources of light by 10 feet.

Gives the class that spooky, shadowy feel, but doesn't actually provide any mechanical bonus other than reducing the radius of light sources in range. Which can be quite mechanically powerful in the right circumstances.


Master Arminas

Silver Crusade

master arminas wrote:

How about this:

Shadowy Illumination (Ex): At 4th level, the connection between a shadowcaster and the powers of shadow begins to manifest around her person. Non-magical sources of illumination (other than direct sunlight) within 10 feet of the shadowcaster are dimmed slightly in her presence, reducing the area which they illuminate by 5 feet. For example, a torch normally illuminates in a 20 foot radius (increased to 40 feet for dim illumination). If brought within 10 feet of a shadowcaster, that same torch would only light a 15-foot radius (30 feet for dim illumination). Illumination by a source of light cannot be reduced to less than 5 feet by this ability (although such weak lighting tends to flicker and sputter as if about to die out). This ability is not under the conscious control of the shadowcaster and is always in effect. At 7th level, and every three levels gained thereafter as a shadowcaster, the radius of her shadowy illumination increases by an additional 10 feet (to a maximum of 60 feet at 19th level). Starting at 10th level, non-magical sources of illumination within a shadowcaster's effective range have the area which they illuminate reduced by 10 feet rather than 5 feet and magical sources of illumination have their radius reduced by 5 feet. At 18th level, the power of this ability increases yet again, reducing the radius of illumination for non-magical sources of light by 15 feet and magical sources of light by 10 feet.

Gives the class that spooky, shadowy feel, but doesn't actually provide any mechanical bonus other than reducing the radius of light sources in range. Which can be quite mechanically powerful in the right circumstances.


Master Arminas

Looks great! I could see this class working great with rogue types.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Maybe standardize it to work with the standard lighting conditions of Bright Light, Normal Light, Dim Light, and Darkness. ight

Maybe at 4th level, they lower the amount of ambient illumination by 1 step. At 12th, they lower it by two steps. At 20th, they lower it by 3 steps.

The radius can be 5 or 10 feet per level or something.

Yeah I agree it should use the steps...

Hm... Over all that looks fun, but then that leaves poor little 12th level without any non-mystery powers gained...

What if they got something else then too? Something that could maybe even be kinda dinky, but might be something halfway useful, like every hour the Shadowcaster spends in shadowy illumination or lower light, they can heal 1 HP or something? I dunno.

alchemyprime wrote:

Hm... Over all that looks fun, but then that leaves poor little 12th level without any non-mystery powers gained...

What if they got something else then too? Something that could maybe even be kinda dinky, but might be something halfway useful, like every hour the Shadowcaster spends in shadowy illumination or lower light, they can heal 1 HP or something? I dunno.

Are you operating off the thought the that every level should give you *something? No dead levels type of thing?

Just wondering if it's that or you think the class is too weak.

Oh, I don't think it's too weak. It's just that, by adding Shadowy Illumination, now every level but 12th gets something besides Mysteries or Fundamentals except 12th. 12th, as it is, gets one Fundamental power, the standard increase to BAB, Fort Saves and Will Saves, and the standard skill ranks. Essentially, it's just "Okay, pick that one 0 level spell you've not been wanting. That's all you get."

So it was just me thinking, at this point we have one level that might as well be a Dead Level, and that bugs me.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

It's usually OK for spellcasters to have dead levels, but to have just 1 dead level is a tad odd. And there are probably tons of great flavorful options for the shadowcaster at 12th level.

Maybe something to do with concealment? Like they only have a 20% miss chance against targets with full concealment (instead of a 50% chance). Alternatively, they might benefit from a 50% miss chance if they only have concealment (instead of the normal 20% chance).

Maybe a Greater Fundamentals ability, which boosts the save DC to 10 + 1/2 the shadowcaster's level + his Intelligence modifier?

Maybe the ability to affect incorporeal creatures without penalty when using his Fundamentals and Mysteries?

Maybe the ability to use his normal AC against incorporeal attacks instead of his touch AC?

Shadow Lodge

I find it lacking the pathfinder feel. Almost all pathfinder classes have some kind of customization - special abilities you choose from a list, be it Sorcerer bloodlines, Witch hexes, Rogue tricks, etc. This conversion lacks it, imho.

Shadowcaster was always a fun class, but more for its mood than power. It gets a very small amount of spells and even though at higher levels he can cast them more often - campaings are usually at lower to mid levels.

I suggest maybe something like... ummm... "Initiations" that he would gain similary to witch hexes.

Some examples of such initiations:

Unseen casting - Shadowcaster may use a Stealth check to hide the fact he's casting a spell. He can't use it in bright light.

Dark magic - Umbral Spell, Shadow Grasp metamagic feats do not increase spell level

Shadow flow - using your own sustaining shadows ability you may extend its effect on 1/5 levels creature within 15 ft, however, the exposure of the shadow's power on untrained individuals causes them to get a penalty -1 to all physical checks.

Unspoken mysteries - gain an ability to talk with shadows as per "speak with animals" spell. 1 min/level. Each use must be at least 1 min.

Umbral chill - you gain cold resistance 5. At 5th level it increases to 7. At 10th level it increases to 12 and you gain fire resistance 5. At 15th level the resistances increase respectively to 15 and 10.

Seeker in the dark - you gain perception bonus in shadows and darkness +5. You also gain an ability to track other's shadows. To use that ability you must either have something of that person or had touched that person's shadow. You cannot track it if it does not have a shadow.

Conceal presence - you gain Hide in plain sight.

Power of the Hidden - when casting a spell while stealthed you gain a bonus to overcome spell resistance of your enemies equal to +1/4 levels. While stealthed, you also gain spell resistance equal to 5 + 1/every level of shadowcaster.

Qumi wrote:

I find it lacking the pathfinder feel. Almost all pathfinder classes have some kind of customization - special abilities you choose from a list, be it Sorcerer bloodlines, Witch hexes, Rogue tricks, etc. This conversion lacks it, imho.

Shadowcaster was always a fun class, but more for its mood than power. It gets a very small amount of spells and even though at higher levels he can cast them more often - campaings are usually at lower to mid levels.

I suggest maybe something like... ummm... "Initiations" that he would gain similary to witch hexes.

Some examples of such initiations:

Unseen casting - Shadowcaster may use a Stealth check to hide the fact he's casting a spell. He can't use it in bright light.

Dark magic - Umbral Spell, Shadow Grasp metamagic feats do not increase spell level

Shadow flow - using your own sustaining shadows ability you may extend its effect on 1/5 levels creature within 15 ft, however, the exposure of the shadow's power on untrained individuals causes them to get a penalty -1 to all physical checks.

Unspoken mysteries - gain an ability to talk with shadows as per "speak with animals" spell. 1 min/level. Each use must be at least 1 min.

Umbral chill - you gain cold resistance 5. At 5th level it increases to 7. At 10th level it increases to 12 and you gain fire resistance 5. At 15th level the resistances increase respectively to 15 and 10.

Seeker in the dark - you gain perception bonus in shadows and darkness +5. You also gain an ability to track other's shadows. To use that ability you must either have something of that person or had touched that person's shadow. You cannot track it if it does not have a shadow.

Conceal presence - you gain Hide in plain sight.

Power of the Hidden - when casting a spell while stealthed you gain a bonus to overcome spell resistance of your enemies equal to +1/4 levels. While stealthed, you also gain spell resistance equal to 5 + 1/every level of shadowcaster.

You might want to check out the final revised version, Master Arminas's Shadowcaster for Pathfinder.


The Shadow Caster was one of my favorite class in 3.5, even if it was weaker than a typical spellcaster. I really liked how this class rewarded you with either bonus feats when you picked mysteries from different paths or more powerful mysteries if you specialized in a single path.

Scarab Sages

I'm about to use your Shadowcaster for a PbP campaign on these very forums. The following edits, however, are being used:

- the arrow of dusk mystery deals lethal damage

- a sufficiently high Intelligence score grants additional mystery uses per day as though the Shadowcaster were a wizard with an Intelligence score 4 lower (for example, an Intelligence of 24 would bestow 2 bonus 1st-level mystery uses and 1 bonus use of 2nd- through 5th-level mysteries)

- The "Shadows of Cold" class feature has been replaced with the following:

Muted Hues (Ex): Within the Plane of Shadow, many sensations and energies are dampened, including temperature, and this eventually extends to the form of the Shadowcaster. Beginning at 6th level, shadowcasters gain cold and fire resistance 5. These resistances increase by 5 at both 10th and 14th level. At 18th level, these resistances are doubled (to 30 each), and become cumulative with other sources of fire and cold resistance.

Good luck! Let us know how it goes.


Well, it is an intersting class, and I do have my reservations (the ability to "at will" (meaning every round) throw a 2d4 ranged touch attack, even if it only did non leathal damage, is a bit of a problem for me).

The powers, though your use the "hand waving" magic of saying there are a "limited" number of them, also seem over powered for their levels. I mean a +6 bonus to AC for ten minutes (and can be done more than once a day, very soon in development), at first level,seems too high.

Overall, i do not think it is a well balanced class, but I'm going to allow it in my game "The Castaways" just to see how it works and see what kind of power it brings to the encounters. I'll let you know how it works out,


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