Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary

Product Discussion

Scarab Sages

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After an off-hand/humourous remark two weeks ago I decided to dust off the Advanced Bestiary and apply a template of one fantasy classic monster onto another - now I can't post which monster and template in case my players read this.

The template I used suggested a +2 CR but with all the other buffs etc I'm thinking of suggesting another +1 to CR for every 2 levels of additional character class...

I wish I could be more specific, but if i mention the 'new creature' before testing it, my players will know it's me!!!!!

so, i'm just asking has any else tried this bestiary with the PFRPG Bestiaries? Was the new creature well received by the players or did it just bomb?

Scarab Sages

AntediluvianXIII wrote:

After an off-hand/humourous remark two weeks ago I decided to dust off the Advanced Bestiary and apply a template of one fantasy classic monster onto another - now I can't post which monster and template in case my players read this.

The template I used suggested a +2 CR but with all the other buffs etc I'm thinking of suggesting another +1 to CR for every 2 levels of additional character class...

I wish I could be more specific, but if i mention the 'new creature' before testing it, my players will know it's me!!!!!

so, i'm just asking has any else tried this bestiary with the PFRPG Bestiaries? Was the new creature well received by the players or did it just bomb?

I've used the Advanced Bestiary more than once when writing a new PFRPG product and putting together stats. There are some adjustments you will need to make here and there, but its overall still very useable.

For final CR, sometimes you will have to eyeball it (and the charts in the Bestiary help here) but generally when adding base classes to a monster you should add +CL-1 to the base CR. If the class is not a good fit for the monster, it might be +CL-2. Thus a templated monster will be Base CR + template CR + CL -1.

Scarab Sages

Thanx for the reply - I think i'll rigorously test the new beasty before I unleash it on the players - to make it viable against a 1st level party I'll reduce the AC, HP, atk bonus and remove some of the added skills and feats - THEN unleash it at them again at the appropraite CR *cue maniacal laughter*

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It is also a good opportunity to remind everyone that Advanced Bestiary ROCKS.

Seriously, it's one of the best 3.5 era monster books. And for sure the best template book ever.

Scarab Sages

I would be remiss if I did not point out Rite Publishing's Book of Monster Templates which follows in the footsteps of Advanced Bestiary and is fully compatible with PFRPG.

Liberty's Edge

Goodman Games Book of Templates is as good as Advanced Bestiary, I'd have to argue... and both are wonderful for Pathfinder Games to this day.

Rite's Book of Monster Templates is a magnificent tool as well, I'll second.

Scarab Sages

*Jumps around like a stung goblin* Excellent - thanx guys! You can never have enough beasties to throw at your players :D

Any of those plus The Tome of Horrors Complete = hours of monster goodness.

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