All About Speed Definitions in Pathfinder

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Since the Core Rulebook lacks easily referenced speed definitions, I scoured the rulebook for the definitions and compiled them all into this summary which I suspect others may find useful.


All About Speed Definitions in Pathfinder

There are various references to character speed terms in the Core Rulebook. Here are the definitions of those terms and examples of how they apply to characters.

Base Speed
Base speed is your unencumbered speed for a specified type of movement. Your base speed for any movement type is calculated in a similar manner as described in Base Land Speed. When a speed type is not referenced, base speed usually implies base land speed.

Base Land Speed
Base land speed is your unencumbered speed. Base land speed is calculated by applying all modifiers to your character’s speed with the exception of armor or encumbrance adjustments or any effect that modifies your “normal speed”.

In example, Kraag is a half-orc barbarian wearing light armor and calculates his speed as follows:
Total base land speed: 40’ (30’ half-orc base speed; +10’ barbarian in light or medium armor, untyped bonus for Fast Movement class feature)

Full Speed
Your speed after calculating your normal speed and applying all other adjustments that affect your normal speed is your full speed. In most circumstances, your full speed is the same as your normal speed. Some effects modify normal speed however do not specifically add to its total, such as the Haste spell. This newly modified speed is your full speed.

In example, Kraag a half-orc barbarian, wearing hide armor (medium armor) has just had Haste cast on him. Kraag calculates his speed as follows:
Total base land speed: 40’ (30’ half-orc base speed; +10’ barbarian in light or medium armor, untyped bonus for Fast Movement class feature)
Total normal speed: 30’ (40’ total base land speed; -10’ reduction as per Armor and Encumbrance speed reduction table on page 170)
Total full speed: 60’ (30’ total normal speed +30’ enhancement speed bonus)

Normal Speed
Your normal speed is your total encumbered speed (if any encumbrance applies). Normal speed is calculated by applying any armor or encumbrance reduction as indicated on the “Armor and Encumbrance for Other Base Speeds” table on page 170, to your base speed.

In example, Kraag a half-orc barbarian, has just donned hide armor (medium armor). Kraag calculates his speed as follows:
Total base land speed: 40’ (30’ half-orc base speed; +10’ barbarian in light or medium armor, untyped bonus for Fast Movement class feature)
Total normal speed: 30’ (40’ total base land speed; -10’ reduction as per Armor and Encumbrance speed reduction table on page 170)

Overland Speed
Overland movement is typically referred to as a unit of measurement over vast distances and is measured in miles per hour or miles per day. Overland movement is not the same as your land speed. Table 7-6: Movement and Distance on page 172 provides overland movement rates which are calculated as follows:
One Hour Overland: full speed divided by 10 with the result referenced in miles.
One Day Overland: one hour overland speed multiplied by 4 with the result referenced in miles.

This term is loosely used throughout the Core Rulebook and is sometimes referred to as “character speed”. Generally, unless indicated otherwise any reference to speed should be deemed as a reference to normal speed.

Speed Mode
Speed modes are usually in reference to the different modes of land speeds available: walk, hustle and run. Run is usually further defined by a situational multiplier starting at (x3).

Speed Type
This is the type of speed you have available: burrow, climb, land, fly and swim.

Top Speed
This is a reference to using the best speed mode you have available, for any type of speed.

Scarab Sages

Thanks. I'm going to click the FAQ button. :)

Would you care to offer an opinion on how Haste modifies these speeds? Does the movement increase apply before or after armor penalties, difficult terrain, etc? I had another thread around here somewhere (things fall into the Archives much quicker now) and it was related to this. I don't remember the details, only that the RAW were not very clear. :(

azhrei_fje wrote:

Thanks. I'm going to click the FAQ button. :)

Would you care to offer an opinion on how Haste modifies these speeds? Does the movement increase apply before or after armor penalties, difficult terrain, etc? I had another thread around here somewhere (things fall into the Archives much quicker now) and it was related to this. I don't remember the details, only that the RAW were not very clear. :(

Because of the confusion of haste, I included an example of it under the Full Speed definition.

Here's some other examples of how to apply haste:

Fyorn a human fighter wearing platemail (heavy armor) has just had Haste cast on him. Fyorn calculates his speed as follows:
Total base land speed: 30’ (30’ human base speed)
Total normal speed: 20’ (30’ total base land speed; -10’ reduction as per Armor and Encumbrance speed reduction table on page 170)
Total full speed: 40’ (20’ total normal speed +20’ enhancement speed bonus)

Gipper a gnome fighter wearing leather (light armor) has just had Haste cast on him. Gipper calculates his speed as follows:
Total base land speed: 20’ (20’ gnome base speed)
Total normal speed: 20’ (20’ total base land speed)
Total full speed: 40’ (20’ total normal speed +20’ enhancement speed bonus)

Fenri a gnome a 3rd level gnome monk wearing no armor has just had Haste cast on him. Fenri calculates his speed as follows:
Total base land speed: 20’ (20’ gnome base speed)
Total normal speed: 30’ (20’ total base land speed; +10’ enhancement bonus for a 3rd level monk's Fast Movement class feature)
Total full speed: 40’ (20’ "modified" normal speed (total normal speed is 30' however 10' of this is attributed to an enhancement bonus which will not stack since the haste benefit will be greater); +20’ enhancement speed bonus)

Haste has some "funky" mechanics because for enhancement bonus stacking purposes you have strip out enhancement bonuses from your Base Land Speed calculations and recalculate your Normal Speed without it. Then you have to check if the bonus you are getting from the haste is greater than the bonus you just stripped out.

The Exchange

Hey Kor, I hope you don't mind but I nabbed your very helpful info and posted it on the Glossary Page on ( direct link --> here ).

I thought the semi-official ruling was that it current land speed was the same as base land speed? wrote:
Hey Kor, I hope you don't mind but I nabbed your very helpful info and posted it on the Glossary Page on ( direct link --> here ).

I'm glad that you did... I actually intended to e-mail you on it, but I accidentally sent it to the Pathfinder Database instead.

The big breakthrough for me was finding that "base speed" and how to apply the modifiers to speed are outlined on page 192, under the headings of "Tactical Movement" and "Bonuses to Speed".

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