Alienist PrC from COmplete Arcane


We just started a new game and I have decided to work my way towards this PrC. I'm playing a Chaotic Neutral Cleric to the god Mak Thuum Ngatha (from Lord of Madness book). His concept was that as an overly curious teen he walked in on a ritual that a cult was trying to do to open the Far Realm. They were not strong enough to control the opening or make it big enough for something to fully come through. What it did allow was an entity to reach through and touch a single being, me. I was forever changed from that point on. My eye turned a milky white (no irises at all) and one of my legs became twisted in an unnatral way (both resulting in the flaws Murky-eyed and slow from Unearthed Arcana). The most major lasting affect was the whispers I heard from that point on. Mak speaking to me, expressing that I could only be whole again if I found the Far Realm and unlocked it's secrets. Possibly completing what the other fools failed at. I now adventure following Mak's guidance to gain enough knowledge and power so that I can touch the Far Realm once again.

Now to the PrC. It is obviously geared towards a wizard or sorcerer. It allows the level to stack with your other levels for your familar's abilities and later on adds a template to it. I would like to slightly change the PrC to better suit a Cleric follower. Here are my thoughts on changes I would make.

1st Summon Alien, Rapid Summoning (cast summon monster as a standard action)
2nd Alien Blessing
3rd Metamagic Secret
4th Mad Certainty (add a +1 caster level to any Summon Monster spells))
5th Pseudo Legion (whenever you use a summon spell to choose from a list a level lower that the spell level you get a +1 to the number of creatures summoned or +x where x is the differenet in levels between spell level and summon list level)
6th Extra Summoning
7th Metamagic Secret
8th Insane certainty( add a +1 Hp per level in Alienist PrC)
9th Timeless body
10th Alien transcendance

The 2 skill points per level bothers me too but I can live with that. What to others think.

Sovereign Court

Looks fine to me.

Honestly not being a Conjuration Specialist Wizard/Master Specialist/Alienist will greatly weaken the already weak PrC so I cant imagine any DM not agreeing to the changes as you propose.

I would let you do it simply because i've never seen ANYONE play an alienist, so the concept is way to cool for me to disallow those minor changes.

So take the idea to your DM and let them pick it apart, but I see nothing wrong with it at all

I though of a couple of more tweaks to better suit my character. He is a cloistered cleric( unearthed Arcabe) who is trying to learn/understand the Far Realm by whrshipping one of it's entitied.

1st Summon Alien, Whispers from Beyond (Alienist levels dtsck with Bard or Clooistered Cleric levels fro Bardic Knowledge/Lore ability)
2nd Alien Blessing
3rd Rapid Summmon (cast summon moster as a stanadard action)
4th Mad Certainty (add a +1 caster level to any Summon Monster spells))
5th Pseudo Legion (whenever you use a summon spell to choose from a list a level lower that the spell level you get a +1 to the number of creatures summoned or +x where x is the differenet in levels between spell level and summon list level)
6th Extra Summoning
7th Embued Summoning Metamagic feat
8th Insane certainty( add a +1 Hp per level in Alienist PrC)
9th Timeless body
10th Alien transcendance

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Chris P wrote:

I though of a couple of more tweaks to better suit my character. He is a cloistered cleric( unearthed Arcabe) who is trying to learn/understand the Far Realm by whrshipping one of it's entitied.

1st Summon Alien, Whispers from Beyond (Alienist levels dtsck with Bard or Clooistered Cleric levels fro Bardic Knowledge/Lore ability)
2nd Alien Blessing
3rd Rapid Summmon (cast summon moster as a stanadard action)
4th Mad Certainty (add a +1 caster level to any Summon Monster spells))
5th Pseudo Legion (whenever you use a summon spell to choose from a list a level lower that the spell level you get a +1 to the number of creatures summoned or +x where x is the differenet in levels between spell level and summon list level)
6th Extra Summoning
7th Embued Summoning Metamagic feat
8th Insane certainty( add a +1 Hp per level in Alienist PrC)
9th Timeless body
10th Alien transcendance

Looks good. I would also let Whispers from Beyond also stack with Archivist (Heroes of Horror) levels for their lore ability.

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