Think you have enough feats to choose from? Think again! Feats 101 gives you—yes, you guessed it—101 feats that will help you realize the vision you've had for your character.
From new metamagic feats to feats that make use of your bond to your Animal Companion, Familiar, or Mount along with Combat Maneuvers, and Sorcerous Bloodlines, Feats 101 brings a host of new abilities to your character.
Wholly compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Feats 101 adds new agonizing choices to character creation and advancement without breaking the game.
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I've had this PDF for a while. I use it but it has never been seen as a mandatory feat book that has really juicy options. However that does not mean that there are bad feats here, in fact I like quite a few of them, just nothing game changing or amazing, and that's just my preference for feats that get stuck into every single campaign you run so I won't really hold that against it.
If you want to get some neat options then this pdf is for you and I have used some of the feats repeatedly so it is useful just not indispensable. That said if you like taking feats for flavor I'm giving it four stars. Not necessary but incredibly nice to have.
Well written and quite clever, this book offers feats for any character design. A lot of wor clearly went into each new Feat, and all of them deserve a spot at your game table. Recommended.
Feats 101 by Rite Publishing. I was given this product for the purposes of this review. I have not yet played using these feats my review is based on reading the feats and checking a few against existing PFRPG feats.
This product is 30 pages long. Cover, credits and ToC take up 3 pages. While OGL and back cover take up 2 pages.
It introduces 4 new types of feats. The first page is a intro and explaining this 4 new types of feats.
Combat Maneuver feats - These are feats designed to work with the new pathfinder mechanic in the combat maneuvers.
Bonded Feats – These are feats for those with animal companions, familiars, etc.
Talent Feats – These are special inborn feats that can only be taken at level one.
Spell-Touched Feats – These are feats one can take after having been exposed to a certain spell.
It of course has plenty of feats for the current types of feats in PFRPG. Needless to say there is 101 new feats.
The next 5 pages is a very nicely laid out chart that list each feat, what the prerequisites are, and up to two sentences of what it does. Making at a glance very easy to see what feats do and what you need to take them. They are also broken up by feat type, which further helps. The other 19 pages of the book contain the full descriptions of the feats. Below I will list a few example feats from the book.
Cloaked Fighting Style – When a enemy misses you can then attempt to disarm them.
Companion Cache – Familiar may store a equal number of spells as the casters level. So at 5th level you could store 1 3rd and 1 2nd, or 5 1st level etc. Otherwise works like a ring of spell storing.
Freezing Spell – Added to any damage spell, if the target fails the save must make a new Fort save or be slowed for one round.
Unborn Sorcery – Change the energy type of a spell to negative.
Monstrous Physique – Increase by one size category, apply the AC, attack and reach for the new class but not the stats.
Ok that is a few example feats. So here's my closing thoughts. First a few of the feats seemed familiar to me. I don't know if they was taken from OGL sources or not. Most look new or at least I have never seen them before. I found the feats as a whole to be well thought out and often very interesting. Some feats do seem a bit strong and some a bit weak but most fall within the same range as the ones in Pathfinder RPG. I did notice that a couple of the spells got left off the list. Companion Cache is not on the Bonded Feat list.
The book is very pretty, Rite Publishing has the nicest best laid out books of any 3pp currently IMHO. The artwork is nice as well, not something I typically care about. I see nice artwork as a bonus. My one major critic for the book is this. I really wish the feat tables had, had the name of the feats hyperlinked to the feat text. It is easy to find them as it does have alphabetical links, but it would have been nice. So taken as a whole since I did see a couple of minor errors I am giving this a 4.5 star.
This is my favorite release from Rite Publishing so far. Not that my game will use all 101 feats presented, but there wasn't a clunker in the bunch. This product makes excellent use of the new Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules and especially adds more depth to sorcerous bloodlines.
I only had a couple of quibbles--not enough to bring the rating down--for example, there were a couple of feats for negative energy channelers but not for positive energy channelers, and Wisdom is not an attribute I would have imagined for a fire-born sorcerer.
Overall, I felt like I got more than my money's worth, and I look forward to a companion book after the Advanced Players Guide hits the street.
If you aren't like me and tend to allow or disallow things on a pass/fail basis, but are willing to pick and choose what you want to put into your campaign, you will most likely be able to find a lot of use to you in this book. For me, I tend to like to say that a source is all in (perhaps with a few minor caveats) or just avoid the complication of adding a new source to the campaign.
I don't regret the purchase, and I got of lot of interesting ideas from it, but I do have to admit, it wasn't quite there for me.
To explain further, I'm probably a pain, because I like to make things as simple as possible, so I tend to be all or nothing with what I allow into my games. There are a lot of feats that I like in here, but not enough to pick and choose and complicate the process of explaining to my players what is and isn't allowed.
Some specific nit picks of mine . . . a lot of the utility abilities, such as the feats that allow a character to follow up with an auto threaten critical, seem kind of cool, but I also can't help but feel that feats like this might be similar to things that will come up in future products, and therefore will cross over with "official" material.
The meta-magic feats that allow for extra fire/acid/cold, etc. damage to spells are interesting, but I can't help but feel that making these meta-magic feats that don't bump spell level makes these potentially problematic, and something that I'd rather have seen as a feat that, for example, sets things on fire only if you use a spell with the [fire] descriptor, which, to me, feels a bit more streamlined.
I do like that the feat that allows for an automatic critical on an opponent if you allow the opponent to crit you allows the opponent to make a Sense Motive check to keep him from being compelled to do this. When there was a similar feat in the Book of Experimental Might II, my biggest concern was that it could be used as a "trap" for opponents that have no way to avoid the auto attack (such as spellcasters getting an attack with their whopping quarterstaff or dagger attack).
One feat that I really, really liked, however, was the Allied Cohort feat, which allows for what most people really want out of the Leadership feat without the "extras." In fact, if there is something I would be willing to "piecemeal" into my game, it will be this feat.
Overall, as I said, its a solid item, but for my own personal taste, I really tend to be all or nothing, and it wasn't quite hitting on all the right notes to make me want to allow it wholesale or with minor caveats.
I'll rate this too, as I tend to be bad about not posting such things.
I wanted to personally thank Taig for taking the time to do a review of Feats 101. 5 out of 5 stars! Does the Snoopy Happy Dance of Joy!
not enough to bring the rating down--for example, there were a couple of feats for negative energy channelers but not for positive energy channelers, and Wisdom is not an attribute I would have imagined for a fire-born sorcerer.
I will make sure to add a few of those to the sequel.
The design choice behind wisdom was based on the dangerous nature of fire, it can be used to create or destroy. You can use fire to heat a home or burn it down. Use it to cook your food, or burn an opponent alive. etc. etc.
I wanted to personally thank Taig for taking the time to do a review of Feats 101. 5 out of 5 stars! Does the Snoopy Happy Dance of Joy!
not enough to bring the rating down--for example, there were a couple of feats for negative energy channelers but not for positive energy channelers, and Wisdom is not an attribute I would have imagined for a fire-born sorcerer.
I will make sure to add a few of those to the sequel.
The design choice behind wisdom was based on the dangerous nature of fire, it can be used to create or destroy. You can use fire to heat a home or burn it down. Use it to cook your food, or burn an opponent alive. etc. etc.
I certainly wasn't going to ding you (score-wise) for a difference in opinion. :)
I do see what you're saying about using Wisdom. Thanks for the clarification.
Also, since you didn't advertise anything about feats for positive energy channelers, I felt like the product delivered on what it promised. I just thought they needed some love.
I wanted to thank Dark Mistress for taking the time to do yet another through review of one of our products.
On the hyperlink note, I have had some requests for hyperlinks and others state they are glad I did not hyperlink it as they don't like reading through a PDF clicking accidentally while moving the page around and ending up some place else.
If you try to please all the people it ends badly, So I just went with the bookmarks.
I hope my review didn't sound too negative. I feel like I have not much to say without getting into individual feats. Overall with so little room for feats I use this book a lot but wouldn't miss it if it didn't exist, which I see as both good and bad but its not a bad book and other people will get a kick out of it so it reflected into the four star rating.
Question: Regarding merge spell, the terminology in this feat brought up questions a group I play with had. Variable effects can mean a lot of things and some people read it as level-dependent variables like duration etc. Others saw this more like variable damage pools. Same thing for targets, the feat says same target but some people were curious about two spells that can effect multiple targets. How do you weigh in?