Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Ahnkar-Kosh, The Unstoppable (PFRPG) PDF

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Nearly all the world dreams, so nearly everyone finds themselves in the Coliseum Morpheuon sooner or later. But plenty of evocative folk work here as well, and it's their shops, trades, and coin that keep the games flowing—and so that brings us to the market place known as The Tarnished Souk. The trick is telling friend from foe. In the Coliseum, a Demon isn’t always your enemy, an Angel isn’t always an ally.

This product provides Game Masters with details on an evocative and intriguing character found amongst the Faces of the Tarnished Souk, ready for immediate use in any campaign though specifically within the Coliseum Morpheuon. Each entry features complex stat-blocks from multiple OGL sources, history, motivation, and secrets, along with complete game statistics for low, middle and high levels of play.

    Within this entry you will find:
  • Ahnkar-Kosh, The Unstoppable: The greatest bodyguard in all the known worlds.
  • CR 21 Male dreadnaught protector quickling manimal ankylosaurus armiger 8
  • CR 14 Male protector quickling manimal ankylosaurus fighter 5
  • CR 7 Male manimal ankylosaurus

Authors: Matt Banach and Justin Sluder
Cover Artist: Toby Gregory
Pages: 8

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5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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A well done high level NPC


Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Ahnkar-Kosh, The Unstoppable by Rite Publishing

This product is 13 pages long. It starts with a cover and Credits. (2 pages)

Ahnkar-Kosh (8 pages)
It starts with a bit about how he fits into the Coliseum Morpheuon with some history and then dives into the three statblocks. They offer this NPC in 3 version the CR 21, 14 and 7. There is also 3 magic items, 1 spell, 2 feats and 3 templates. Some are new, some are reprints from other books. They are reprinted here so you have everything you need to run this NPC.

It ends with a OGL and 2 ads. (3 pages)

Closing thoughts. The artwork is nice black and white art. Layout and editing where topnotch, I didn't notice any errors at all. While this npc is made to be used with the Coliseum Morpheuon book and if you don't have it, I recommend picking that up. It can be used in any game. There is not a lot to say, about this. It gives exactly what it claims to give in a well done manner. If you are looking for a NPC or already use or plan to use Coliseum Morpheuon then I recommend picking this up. So whats my review? Well it gives what it claims and does it well. I could find not faults or problems with the product so I am giving it a 5 star review.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

The best bodyguard - make your high-level PCs cry


This pdf is 13 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page SRD and 2 pages of advertisements, leaving 8 pages of content.

This pdf presents Ankhar-Kosh and acts as both a nice stand-alone product or as an add-on to Coliseum Morpheuon.

The pdf kicks off with a page containing the background of Ankhar-Kosh, including information for CM's Dreamburning mechanics and a note on how to and how not to use this bodyguard.

Ankhar-Kosh comes in 3 vastly different incarnations for different levels:

The first one is the whopping CR 21 dreadnaught protector quickling manimal ankylosaurus armiger and his stat-block takes up 2 pages and is a beauty to behold - AC 64. 'Nuff said. He IS the ultimate bodyguard. All his skills and special abilities are aimed at keeping his charges alive and he packs a mean, mean punch. He also comes with 3 unique magic items and 2 feats reprinted from Super Genius Games products (1 page), a cooperation I'm just loving.

The second one is a CR 14 protector quickling manimal ankylosaurus fighter 5, taking up 1 page.

The third incarnation is a CR 7 manimal ankylosaurus. It takes up half a page.

The pdf closes with 3 templates, Dreadnought (CR+1 to +4, depending on the HD), Quickling (CR+1) and Manimal (great nod towards the cult-series in the name, btw.!) CR+1, including some ideas on how to implement them.

The pdf also features the new spell Create Manimal [Drd 6, Sor/Wiz 7], which makes a manimal out of an animal.


Editing and formatting are top-notch, I didn't notice any mistakes. The b/w-artwork is great.

If you say Rite Publishing, the first thing that comes to my mind is far-out, imaginative design. And stat-blocks. Big, beautiful, bad-ass stat-blocks. Coliseum Morpheuon features a huge array of great, powerful characters and this pdf is an awesome addition to this setting/adventure and I hope we'll see more in this series.

My final verdict will be 5 stars - I'm just in love with this beautiful, deadly CR 21 incarnation.

I wanted to thank Vic for getting this up.

I wanted to thank Endzeitgeist for posting his review of our product, the templates posted in the product originally come from OGL sources (see the section 15)

You're welcome! I really hope this becomes a success, as I want MORE. ^^

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Thank you very much for the review!

More amazing NPCs are soon to come, as the series continues!

Endzeitgeist wrote:
You're welcome! I really hope this becomes a success, as I want MORE. ^^

There are more on the way. Don't expect them all to be as big, bad and nasty as Kosh, but not everyone can be Superman. ;)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Black Fang wrote:
Don't expect them all to be as big, bad and nasty as Kosh, but not everyone can be Superman. ;)

Black Fang is correct. Kosh is a super-powered punch in the face. We promise that other NPCs will punch your PCs other places instead...

a punch in the heart... plot punch... sneaky punch... punch in the wallet... etc. And some will simply serve punch and pie, just to confuse you. (AKA, there will be a wide variety of power levels and uses, not just all combat juggernauts.)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I picked up the Coliseum Morpheuon about a month ago, and I must say I was not disappointed. I may (very likely) pick up this PDF as I think Ahnkar-Kosh would make an AWESOME bodyguard for

Jhavhul, the big bad from "Legacy of Fire" (in my campaign/game he managed to "get away" and I've been planning on having him resurface at a crucial moment for the PCs) but haven't done this yet. Having Kosh accompany Jhavhul just might be enough to give my high-level PCs some trouble.
(So, of course you know which CR version I'd be using). :)

Now, I haven't used Coliseum Morpheuon... yet, but I have some plans for when I might drop it in on the PCs in my twice a month Kingmaker game (which is a separate game/group from my "weekly" high-level Monday night group).

Yes indeed, very interesting.


RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

More NPCs in this series keep on rolling out every month! Check out Primus Gearheart, The Clockwork King, and this month's daring outlaw,
Le Loup Solitaire!

Also, a huge thanks for the shout-out from the Know Direction podcast, who gave a jaw-dropping review of Ahnkar-Kosh, The Unstoppable HERE at about the 1 hour 27 minute mark. (But hey, the rest of the 'cast is great too, so you don't need to skip ahead.

More to come, as the Tarnished Souk gets more and more crowded.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber


Nice review, D_M!

Thanks for talking the time to do a review I am glad you enjoyed it! Snoopy Happy Dance of Joy 5/5 stars!

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