Ultimate Spell Decks: Witch Spell Cards (PFRPG) PDF

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Wish you didn't have to flip through books or searching PDFs every time you want to cast a spell? You can't see to remember the range, duration or Save of a spell off the top of your head? Wish you could introduce unique and new spells to your campaigns in an easy format. Help is coming for you in the form of Ultimate Spell Decks: Witch Spell Cards. For use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game players and GMs! Ultimate Spell Decks: Witch Spell Cards are printable forms for players and GMs alike which makes managing a spellbook simple and easy. Now your storehouse of magical power will fit right in the palm of your hand with these easy to use, convenient spell decks. Each card contains the significant and relevant rules and description of a different spellcaster's arsenal for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. If you play a Witch, then you have to have this product.

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4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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Great little add on


This is a great little add on for games.
I like to have my specific cards out so I don't have to shuffle though all the cards or flip though the book.
My only gripe is that its missing a few spells so a blank spell card would be great so I could add extra cards without them looking out of place.
all in all $3 is nothing and I'm glad I bought it, but I wouldn't call it a complete set.

Now available at Paizo!

Dark Archive

Which books are covered by this deck? Such as Ultimate Magic?

Alzared wrote:
Which books are covered by this deck? Such as Ultimate Magic?

When we made this it was only the Core Rulebook, Advanced Players Guide and Ultimate Magic.

Dark Archive

Awesome, those are the books I was hoping for.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Warning before you buy and spend ~$30 printing this to cardstock! This is OLD. The spell selection is NOT updated past the Core Rulebook, Advanced Players Guide, and Ultimate Magic. Note that these also do NOT include spells granted by Witch patrons listed in the APG and Ultimate Magic. There are also a few problems with Quality Assurance I'll explain a bit further in this post. I have a 5th level Witch I use in Society and found this card collection was missing the following spells:

Does not include Arcane Mark (Core Rule Book), Adhesive Spittle (Advanced Class Guide), Ear-piercing scream (Ultimate Magic), Ventriloquism (Time Witch Patron Gifted Spell from Ultimate Magic / Advanced Players Guide), Long Arm (Advanced Class Guide), Air Bubble (Ultimate Combat), Silence (Time Witch Patron Gifted Spell from Ultimate Magic / Advanced Players Guide), Whispering Lore (Advanced Race Guide), Hex Vulnerability (Advanced Class Guide), Thorny Entangle (Advanced Class Guide), Aggressive Thundercloud (Advanced Class Guide), Molten Orb (Advanced Class Guide).

Unfortunately due to not being updated at all, Witches will find this excludes many of the "best in slot" spells that came after the development of this deck such as many of those found in the Advanced Class Guide.

These are some of the errors that I've found so far in cards that do exist for this deck:

- The detect magic card runs into a second card without a "detect magic continued" title.

- Reduce Person is attached to the bottom of the Read Magic spell card.

- 2nd Reduce Person card has no "continued" title.

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