Speak Softly and Carry a Bright Lantern!


List Price: $6.79

Our Price: $6.11

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New Pathfinder Miniatures available from Reaper!

Another double dose of Reaper Miniatures are ready for your Pathfinder table, and these two explorers are ready to delve the dungeon deep!

Adventurer Styrian Kindler has lived a pauper's life in Ustalav, the only son of a destitute aristocratic family. Yearning for a life beyond the path set for him by his father, he found himself entranced by the stories his aunt told. When he found out that good ol' Aunt A was once a Pathfinder agent, and that she offered a way for him to study at the University of Caliphas, he jumped at the chance. Eventually, his love of Varisian legends pulled him across Avistan and to the town of Sandpoint. Played by editor Wes Schneider in James Jacobs's "Shadow Under Sandpoint" campaign, this miniature is great for any player character—especially one that's going to go searching around in dark mausoleums and caverns!

Speaking of rummaging around for secrets in ancient ruins, the Pathfinder Explorer is another miniature that is great for Pathfinder Society agents doing what they do best (besides getting into trouble)! Armed with an old map, scrolls of ancient knowledge, and quarterstaff, this miniature wants nothing more than to find an unknown spot on the map, explore it, and report all about it to the Pathfinder Society!

All of the Pathfinder Miniatures from Reaper come unassembled and unpainted. Check them all out right here, and find the right miniature for your player character with their enormous selection of miniatures here!

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