Dragon Hunt (PFRPG) PDFMichael C. LaBossiereThe once peaceful town of Gremsel is no longer peaceful. Several months ago a ferocious red dragon landed in the center of the town and gave the people an ultimatum: either they would pay him tribute or he would consume every creature in the town, from the smallest cat to the largest cow. Unable to stand against such a beast, the people agreed to his demand. Hope arrived in town with a new magistrate possessing funds to hire bold adventurers. Sadly for the good folks of Gremsel, hope quickly departed as the dragon boldly killed the adventurers, returning only their charred skulls to the center of town. Desperate and short on funds, the magistrate of Gremsel has put out a call for heroes bold (and generous) enough to face the dragon. Will the new heroes slay the dragon or shall their charred skulls join the tastefully arranged pile in the center of the town? Dragon Hunt is a Pathfinder Role Playing Game compatible adventure. It is intended for a party of 8th-11th level characters. Here are some of the features of the adventure:
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