Uncharted Isles PDF

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Avast, me hearties! Be ye pirates in need o’ isles to explore? Here be some scribings, tellin’ a bit o’ some islands far and wide. Any master o’ a game involvin’ sea journeyin’ can make use o’ these bits o’ description. They be useful in a game o’ fantasy or a game in what some be callin’ the “real world.”

This be not tellin’ all about one single island, but little bits about what could be several different islands if the master o’ the game be wantin’ it that way. The isles be not all deserted; a couple be showin’ signs o’ human habitation. There be no characters appearin’, though, nor towns. ’Tis merely the white beach, the green hill, the tall tree, the occasional critter, and the wide sea, that be biding here.

Don’t be missin’ such a treasure! It be free to any lubber what wishes to be sailin’ the warm seas, so get ye a copy now.

Uncharted Isles includes 36 short descriptions of tropical island sights from exotic ports far and wide. This product provides the GM with a way to stimulate the characters’ senses and the players’ imaginations. The descriptions can give players a “feel” for a situation; a better image of what is happening or what their characters are experiencing. The text is designed to be read aloud and shared with all.

Tabletop Adventures—whate’er ye play, matey, we got yer back.

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