A to Z is a collection of Spes Magna Games blogposts written during the April 2012 A to Z blogging challenge. All 26 blogposts have been subjected to revisions, edits, and other improvements. The end result is a 40-plus-page, printer-friendly PDF featuring fluff and crunch such as:
Alternate rules for channeling energy, energy drain, exploding dice, jumping, monks, outsiders, and x-ray vision
Bromantic poetry
GM advice about how to motivate your players to be more invested in your game
Luck, a new ability score
New archetypes, one each for the magus and the rogue
NPC villains such as an awakened psionic gorilla
All of this and more can be yours for less than a cup of gourmet coffee!
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This alphabetical collection is a very original, funny and interesting compilation of things, extracted from the brain of Mark Chance.
He takes us in his little trip along the alphabet, in a whimsical way like kids do when they recite their ABC in the car, with animals, fruits or superheroes.
But here we get very different things for each letter, in style and in use, some crunchy aids and some pure fluff.
Some examples:
One of my favorite is a simple yet efficient luck system, easy to add to the game.
To expand even further possibilities, there are "exploding dice".
For Monks lovers - or haters - there is a light revision of the mechanics of flurry of blows.
Clerics and undead fans will find some ideas for undead turning and level drains.
On the fluff side, beyond rules, there are also many good things: Suggestions for immaterial angels and demons, superstitions, remedies against the dreaded boredom at the table, rewards ideas for jaded characters...
And more.
Get it. And read it from A to Z. That's simple as ABC. :)