Angazhani (High Girallon)

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Our Price: $6.99

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Just plain Awesome..better than cup cakes


I have read through this adventure in it's entirety and have to say that it is just fantastic! The NPCs and factions involved are delicious, including the reappearance of old NPCs, albeit in vastly different roles. The "offing" of someone from beforehand is also downright rat bastardly.

The final encounter, which Nic aluded to in his review, is fantastic, not just because of it's uniqueness, but the varied possibilities it offers (hint... the players can choose in how they dispose of the tricky wicket, but with some serious long term consequences). The two adventures and all the supporting stuff that is available (off to download some of the maps for my session right now)make this an even better purchase. I can't recommend this line of product highly enough!

Our Price: $6.99

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Great urban adventure


This first adventure delivers where other AP's have not-developing a singular setting and providing a base that will play all the way through the entire AP ( from the looks of this adventure.

One of my peeves with Shackled City etc. was the whole "heroes journey" concept, that took a lot away from the initial bonds of the PCs. The Skullcrackers promises lots of political intrigue, alliances and enemies, and treachery a plenty.There was one perticular ruse that had me cackling with glee.

There were some typos and some of the "random encounters" were not my cup of tea, but that's more a personal preference than anything else.

I look forward to running this as well as picking up the next adventure!

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Great Module


Outside of Crucible of Chaos, I found this to be the module in recent times. It is very open ended with a lot of room for flexibility. The adventure is also quite sensible and does not drag at all- so much of what happens depends on PC interactions and choices. Excellent effort; awesome cover art too!