
Zuxius's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 1,906 posts. 4 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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The Exchange

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Thank you!

The Exchange

Zuxius wrote:
Is there going to be only two expansions for Darklands? I believe we have Caves and Perils but no 3rd unlike the others.

Ok, I'm replying to myself. This was a legit question and in not answering it I will take immediate action.

The Exchange

Is there going to be only two expansions for Darklands? I believe we have Caves and Perils but no 3rd unlike the others.

The Exchange

Is there going to be only two expansions for Darklands? I believe we have Caves and Perils but no 3rd unlike the others.

The Exchange

For me, the best villains are ones that I can see myself becoming. Bar none, the motivations must be grounded in hard truths and terrible abuses that compel one to feel trespassed and ultimately called to action. Good people can do bad things to other bad people who do bad things, STAY OUT OF THE WAY!

The Exchange

I think 0-Level adventures is a missed opportunity for many game tables. It truly is an origin building mechanism that would greatly enhance any game. The idea of it could be taken as "old starting hit points" where you can get slain much easier. Perhaps you can run an adventure for the fighter. Have him in a war and let the party play five soldiers, with the last man standing becoming the future Fighter of the party, except everyone knows it could have gone many directions depending who survived.

It really is endless and oddly not explored.

The Exchange

I never wanted more than a Bestiary 3...

The Exchange

Yes, updated and ready for my dollars. I am in.

The Exchange

So I assume these won't be as thick as 3.5E Dungeon Tiles. Does that mean they are easily bendable?

The Exchange

Please put ALL my subscriptions on hold as of today.

Thank you!

The Exchange

Eeeh. No news is good news?

The Exchange

Hello Everyone! We have our results for this years contest. It is bittersweet, but this is our last contest.

You can see who won here: Pathfinder Fiction Contest 2015 Results

The Exchange

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Well, it will be good to have this behind us. I look forward to what is to come.

The Exchange

Just one week left. I must admit, the time has just flown by.

We'll see what this contest will bring.

The Exchange

Not this time HT, get to work.

The Exchange

Has it really been 7 years since this post? Yeow!

Ok, I guess some time has gone by.

In the months ahead I'll be looking into this.

The Exchange

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello everyone. I'm Zuxius, founder and editor over at Pathfinder Chronicler.

Welcome to our official Paizo thread for the length of the Pathfinder Fiction Contest 2015.

I just want to say that being part of the Pathfinder Community has been an amazing experience through the years. At Pathfinder Chronicler, we write fiction centered around the world of Golarion. These contests we run generate content for our Anthologies and our website. Every year, a top five from the contest are selected to go forward to Paizo Editor Chris Carey. Chris selects the winners, and then we award 100 dollars in Paizo Gift Certificates to the first place winner, and we award 50 dollars in gift certificates to second and third place. We have done this without fail for the past five years.

In addition to winning our contest, or participating, for that matter, we also look for stories that we feel will make an excellent volume to be displayed at PaizoCon 2016. Currently we have four Volumes of works that you can get at Paizo Fans United.

This year's contest started back in May and is due to complete September 12th.
For information on how to enter our contest, follow the link I'm providing here: Pathfinder Fiction Contest Details.

This will be the sixth and final contest we will run. It has been quite a run, but we feel that it is time for us to work with all the talent we've amassed throughout the years, and go in a new interesting direction.

I, personally, have overseen five of these contests and Robert Gresham (Malikjoker) oversaw our contest back in 2012. No single contest is ever the same. This year we are featuring:
The Age of Destiny -3470 AR to 1 AR.

We hope you enjoy our theme choice. It is virgin territory to explore unique stories with options to blaze a new trail. We hope to see entries that stretch the imagination and tinkle our brains.

Pathfinder Chronicler holds the largest fan made Pathfinder Fiction base to date. Don't take my word for it though, check out our stories on our Website:
Pathfinder Chronicler Stories.

Thank you everyone for making our last five years of contests absolutely amazing! Best of luck to you in our final contest and I hope we'll be reading you soon!

The Exchange

Within three weeks I'll be moving out of my home for an unknown destination. I would like to put all my Paizo subscriptions on hold in the meantime. Thank you.

The Exchange

Not a fan of digital media being taken out, price ok however.

The Exchange

And we have the results for our Pathfinder Fiction Contest 2014!

Just click on Pathfinder Chronicler here to see just how it all went down. Enjoy reading the winners and see a rare glimpse of an industry perspective on the pieces.

The Exchange

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Five finalists to Sutter Round.

We did start the contest in July. July 4th to be exact. We may move it up to May because it has usually coincided with PaizoCon. I don't mind giving you guys a summer to procrastinate, and I think the next contest will have a date that will precede a Wayfinder due date so that excuse can go out the window too.

The Exchange

Well, the divorce had nothing to do with it because it was nowhere near happening at that time. The author pretty much was caught in the middle. And for myself, I had to distance myself from the event before continuing with the other authors. It was a pretty damn devastating event while everyone hashed out the differences between editing and developing (known as "heavy editing" at the time). I stand by what I have always said. I will not put a story into an Anthology that would cause the reader to drop a book and not return to it. My responsibility goes to all the authors after the last story the reader read. That is why my stories are routinely last.

And this minor picking has nothing to do with Talonspire, so please message me privately before responding to the relevant topic. I'll be more than happy to hash out such things in other venues concerning Pathfinder Chronicler.

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I almost never post on Paizo anymore. Never. I only post to inform about our Pathfinder Fiction Contests and our presence of Pathfinder Chronicler Anthologies at various conventions.

There once was a time though, that I used to post wherever I wanted here. One day though, I was accused of starting some Edition wars thread when I was really just wondering what people thought about 4th Edition. The thread was closed and the explanation given by the moderator was "Whack-a-mole."

So, I will try to use my words very carefully before I get this thread locked.

That said.

I want no acknowledgement for Talonspire. There is not a single bit of me in it. It is all Mike, as far as I know. I may have thrown my ideas around at one time in this project. But friends, mere ideas are cheap.

Story in case:

There's been people in the past that have come to me with their ideas.

When this happens I politely nod my head and hear them out.

Then I ask them, "So, you want to co-write this?"

And they say, " No, I want you to write it. We split it. I give you my ideas and you do the writing."

I sit there thinking. How am I going to tell this person that I have my own ideas, and I'm not interested in writing with their ideas (and doing all the work) just so they can say in the end, "...and I gave him all the ideas..."???

If this is what you think happened with Talonspire, it didn't.

I did have involvement with Talonspire initially but in this case, I want no credit for my work because I put no value on ideas, whatsoever. I do, however, put incredible value on the work it takes to bring ideas to light.

That said, it would seem Montalve, you want to be credited for the time you put into this project in its infancy. My question is, "Why would you want to be associated with something that didn't use anything you added to it?" There is quite literally nothing here that you put forth. Personally, if a project doesn't represent me (my ideas), I'd distance myself from it because some people might get the wrong idea as to what kind of writer I am. And I think, for that reason, I really don't want credit.

I mean really, you did put the time in. So it is yours to ask for, but does this represent you? This project is like NFL Football. It isn't American Soccer, but since it has the word "football" in its header, that makes it credit-worthy for you?

I say no thank you. I can do something that is my own. And I do respect your ideas and writing Montalve to say, "You really don't need this. You're strong enough without it to be your own creator and master of a subject that is exclusively yours."

This project is all Mike. Long after I left the project, Mike continued on, alone. Any ideas he used that may have been mine (which I seriously doubt) were just thoughts at the moment. Quite literally, took me seconds to ponder and reflect in a live chat room. Big deal.

As for the name Talonspire, that did come from someone. I won't mention specific names but I really wanted the name Talonspire removed at the time. Some people were vehemently against giving it up. Those people are now gone from the project. I think I wanted the name changed to "Godfall" or something like that. I just didn't feel comfortable about it.

The ones that created the excellent logo were adamant at the time for keeping the name. Quite honestly, I think they stared at their creation and the name, drooling and just couldn't see a world any different. They did a great job. I'm not sure if Mike had the technical savvy to create a new logo from scratch and this is what he had.

So fine, make amends with the creator of a name and move on.

All the above that you have just read...I really don't care about. It took me an hour to explain it but what comes next I do care about.

Mike Wallace and Carolina Eade have put solid work and effort into creating this vision which is named Talonspire. It is solid. This is their work. There are others that have asked me to come forward who have yet to throw their geniuses into this project. They want my endorsement and now I'm giving it.

I fully support this project. It is a difficult thing for me to come forward like this because I represent a part of the Paizo Fan Base. Over the years I have been slandered, called all kinds of names and who knows what else has gone on to destroy what little credibility I have.

Whatever perceived controversies that may be going on with this kickstarter, I believe will be worked out. I agree that all parties should have been contacted before going forward (even you Montalve), but really there was only one party I would have contacted seriously, and from what I understand, that has already happened.

Success of this kickstarter is very important. There are many professionals waiting to jump in (biting at the bit actually). Messageboards can be so fickle, but their ability to lay waste to hard work is incredibly strong. Quite literally, Volume II for Pathfinder Chronicler was delayed a year over a single story. That is how effective this meter is in tearing a hole in someone's hard work. I respect Carolina Eade and Mike Wallace enough to come to their aid on this.

Thank you.

The Exchange

Now just one more day. Contest ends on Friday, just a minute before midnight. 5 lucky people will then been selected to go on to the Sutter Round, and of those five, James will choose three to win 200 dollars worth of Paizo Gift Certificates.

The Exchange

And now just three...teheh.

The Exchange

And just 8 days to go. I understand that Wayfinder just closed the door on submissions for their upcoming issue...so...that means a lot of people's creative time has been freed up. 8 days!

The Exchange

And we're down to 17 days. That's right writers, 17 days to present us with something quite remarkable. I know...I know...if you only had a little more time since...July 4th! Get off your high horse or low horse and stop telling yourselves that great storytelling takes time...that must be years and years in the making to reach the never before ever seen bin, and just give yourself a chance to make something that is well within your capabilities.

We're standing by.

The Exchange

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We have news!

Just in case you may not know, we have just had our Volume III posted to the Paizo Website for free download. Go get your download here.

This new addition to the existing material has many stories that were originally derived from this Pathfinder Fiction Contest. Those original stories went through extensive re-edits and are perfected for all to read. If you ever wonder what kind of story we're looking for in our contests, look no further than these Volumes.

Currently, we are working on Volume IV using stories from last year's contest. We look forward to your participation this year to craft Volume V!

On another note, we have been nominated as Paizo Fans United along with Wayfinder for FAN FAVORITE PUBLISHER at this years GenCon Ennies. Wayfinder and Pathfinder Chronicler would appreciate your vote.

I will just happen to be attending the Ennies this year at GenCon and would be tickled to hear that somehow...through some fluke, we won this award. You can vote for us and make this possible by giving us your vote! Check it out here.

Thank you everyone for being the best RPG Community ever seen in RPG and a tip of the hat goes out to all Paizo Employees that frequent our posts and stimulate us with their input.

Special thanks to Liz Courts for getting our Volume III up on the web for all to see.

The Exchange

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We have news!

Clinton Boomer will be reprising his role as our 4th Judge for this year's 2014 contest. Boomer is well known around the Community for an assortment of "things." I remember him most for his bragging contest and Christopher Walken impressions, but you may know him as author of "The Hole in Midnight" and as a writer and co-writer of various adventure paths.

We are glad to have our Twisted Wishes answered and welcome Boomer back to the team!

The Exchange

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Phouka wrote:
Is there only one round before the Sutter Round this time?

That is correct. One round to rule them all. One round to find them. One round to find the top five and in the Sutter Round grind them.

The Exchange

4 people marked this as a favorite.

We have news!

Todd Stewart has climbed aboard as one of our judges. Todd has consistently moved on to the Sutter Round time and time again in our contest and we've published his stories in all our Anthologies. He decided this year that he felt the call to give something back to all the contestants and judges from previous years.

We are very proud to have a planar expert on board!

There will be more news to come...

The Exchange

When it comes to the five cent a word thing, that excludes RPG related work. In my opinion, those two are different meters in the creative craft.

As for "Major Publishers," I would again fallback on the 5 cents a word paid gigs for "writing," specifically.

However, I do realize there are token projects out there such as Wily Writers that pay for stories that win their writing contests. This has some gray areas in it (as in did they pay your for your story or did you get a "prize")and I would not presume to tie anyone down to being a professional or paid as such.

But let's say you got Published by Bane or Penguin or Paizo (for a story), that would mean you could not participate.

As for the Combat Schools or Universities, hell yea! They count and would make for a more interesting read for several reasons. One, we can relate better to those who never held a sword or those that are attending college or a trade school.

Just my 2 cents.

The Exchange

This question was brought to my attention in an email.

Am I required to use an organization that already has been written about, or can I create an organization using knowledge of the setting that fits well within the style and feel? Just wondering which is preferred, or if there even is a preference.

To put it simply, you would choose an established organization (however remote) and then write about it as you see fit. The idea is to flex your Pathfinder knowledge and as a contest we are testing your ability to incorporate existing canon into a new story.

That said, I encourage all contestants to not lean on pre-existing Pathfinder knowledge as a given for your audience. Obscure shockers directly related to the material that is meaningless to those who are not "in the know" is clear indicator that your writing talent stretches only so far beyond the GM Screen.

My advice, make a great story first. Make it intense as it is engaging. Do not write a story without a satisfying ending. Consider the whole cha-bang before you start writing. It should have a beginning, middle and end. Readers like resolution, not....and it goes on and on like that.

The best contest stories by far hold these principles first when it comes to storytelling, and then cautiously add in canon as it seems fit or reasonable.

The Exchange

What's the hold up. Wanted to download these before leaving to the convention.

The Exchange

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello everybody!

It is that time again. Pathfinder Fiction Contest Time.

This is our official Paizo thread for the length of the contest and we'll be making special announcements here as well.

For information on how to enter the contest, follow this link here: Pathfinder Fiction Contest Details.

This will be the fifth contest we have run of its kind. I personally have overseen three of these contests and Robert Gresham (Malikjoker) oversaw our contest back in 2012. No single contest is ever the same. This year we are featuring "Guilds and Organizations of Golarion."

We hope you enjoy our theme choice.

Just an FYI, Pathfinder Chronicler holds the largest fan made Pathfinder Fiction base to date on the web. Check out our stories on our Website:
Pathfinder Chronicler Stories by Title and feel free to leave us a comment.

Thank you everyone for making our last four years of contesting amazing!

The Exchange

Just wondering if I read somewhere right. I can only suspend for a month? My plan is to get current during/after PaizoCon. Is that ok?

The Exchange

Thursday evening at the Marriott hotel!

The Exchange

Well, I will stay attentive. I definitely plan to hit AFK this trip and perhaps a pub with some of the old gang. Naturally I would gravitate to Wayfinder because that is not to be missed.

I am glad I can attend this year. This has been the most devastating year of my life financially and being able to physically stand in everyone's presence once again is nothing short of a miracle.

The Exchange

It has outgrown its use, in my opinion. There was a time you would meet one person that was related to about 20 others that were all standing in the same room, and you would meet them all by pure association. Now it is more like meeting a con goer like yourself (with no ties to anyone) and not seeing them again for the rest of the Con. That is quite different than the old Meet and Greet. I do miss those days and the only answer is to just let them go.

However, I am beginning to understand that there are a lot of sub-meetings with old timers here and there that are more focused towards what they are doing in relation to Paizo. This again, is not the same as a Meet and Greet.

Paizo was small once and we few celebrated them while D&D went fourth. Those days are long gone.

I think a first-timer meet or a second-timer meet or a third-timer meet would be more interesting. I would be in the fifth-time meet...I think.

I am very happy Paizo's success has done just about everything they denied they would do. It must have been quite a shock for Lisa to do just about everything they said they wouldn't/couldn't do. They did it though and are a larger company for it. The fans are vast now and I am just another one.

Despite that, when we go to these things, we are looking for whatever it was that made the first few conventions so much fun. There has never been one that is similar to the other.

I know I am missing out on a lot of great memories with people that I had met in previous conventions, but they are in their own meetings now as contributors, Paizo employees, 3rd party contributors and even Venture Captains. They even see each other in special invitation meetings with the "Paizo ups" to discuss their future with Paizo. I don't see them in any of these places.

Neil Spicer on the other hand I always seem to see. Heheh.

However, that is because he is somehow accessible and never too worried to have a chat.

So, Meet and Greet for me is just not what it was. And yes, it is too big to be inclusive. That is why, perhaps, I am looking to other media other than here to mingle with the "Old Timer Version" of the Meet and Greet, if you will. If we talk about it here, too many would show up.

In that context you can see that I am being exclusive (cutting out the new guys),but I find it more rewarding than seeing 50+ people who see me as someone that must be dodged to get to the other side of me.

I like to be personable and have generally real experiences and nice chats. I am not into the crowds and yelling to talk.

That is what the Meet and Greet has become and I am sorry so many new people could not experience what we had before.

The Exchange

It pains me to do it but working clinicals for free the past four months and studying in my free time for my big ARRT test has left me little alternative. I will get employed after May and hopefully resume everything after July.

The Exchange

I would like to get my subscriptions back and running now.

Thanks for the great help!

The Exchange

Yes, they'll be posted after October 10th.

The Exchange

I was just about to post this.

Hit this link for sure: Contest Finalists.

From there you can read all the entries too by clicking the title. These stories are all potentials for Pathfinder Chronicler Anthology IV. I will have you note that these are unedited and "as is" from the contestants. Before they go into actual print, they'll need A LOT of work and probably read completely different in many cases including new endings and whatnot.

The Exchange

Hi Drock, I wasn't implying that but thanks for the clarification. The reason I go with professional covers is that I feel a lot of people judge a book by its cover. I want nothing but the best for our one page splash to sell the community on what was a massive laborfest of horror (if you are editing it). Doing this and Radiology together is all consuming. My vacations are working our booths at conventions.

The Exchange

Hmm, Sara. I ordered one copy and add on character pack but it seems to be showing two. I might have ordered it and then added a subscription on too. Not sure.

The Exchange

Sure, why not. Let's live a little.

The Exchange

I would like my subscriptions back on and get up to date. Charge my account!

The Exchange

It appears we'll be staying with what we have. Hope you all make into the Top 20. Good Luck!

The Exchange

Thank you Shades and Itchy. This endeavor has taken about 4-5 years of my life to develop. The concept evolved during that time to what it is today: the contest, the stories and an overwhelming lethal amount of editing. I am about to start looking at Anthology IV and it must be completed by Norwescon. I am skeptical every time.

The Exchange

Given I've put my heart and soul into what is under the covers, I stand behind the stories 100%. This is no fan material but pure diamonds.

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