Mage Slayer

Vorlan Keener's page

30 posts. Alias of Vrog Skyreaver.


Max HP: 72 | AC: 23; T: 17; FF: 17 | Init +10 | Fort: +9; Ref: +10; Will: +5 |


CG Half-Orc Fighter 5/Occult Slayer 3

Strength 11
Dexterity 22
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 8

About Vorlan Keener

AC 23 (10 base +6 armor +6 dex +1 deflection)
Saving Throw Modifiers: +2 to save vs. Spells and Spell-Likes

Speed 30'

Bow (PB Shot):
*Normal: +16/11 (17/12) to hit; 1d8 +1d6 +3 (4) damage; 20/x3 crit
*Manyshot: +13 to hit; 2d8 +2d6 +8 damage
*Rapid Shot: +14/14/9 (15/15/10) to hit; 1d8 +1d6 +3 (4) damage

Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) r7 +9, Spellcraft r7 +9

Feats: Improved Initiative, Manyshot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (Longbow), Weapon Specialization (Longbow)

Class Features: Magical Defense +2, Weapon Bond, Vicious Strike, Mind over Magic 1/day, Auravision

Equipment: +1, Bane (Undead) Composite Longbow, +2 Gloves of Dexterity, +2 Cloak of Resistance, +2 Mithral Shirt, Efficient Quiver, +1 Ring of Protection,Handy Haversack

Consumables: Adamantine Arrow x10, 500 regular arrows, 100 cold iron arrows, 100 alchemical silver arrows, Potion of Cure Light x2, 55 gp


Vorlan was a member of one of the migratory tribes who lived in the bright desert. He remembered thinking that his father, the lead warrior of the tribe, was the greatest man alive. Now he just thinks about the night that a single man came to their encampment and began explaining that they would either submit or die.

The men in the tribe laughed at the man, but the laughter turned to screams as he began destroying them one by one, only to animate their dead bodies and send them against the members of the tribe.

His mother pointed to the desert and told him to run.

He ran for the better part of a day before collapsing of exhaustion.

He would have died of thirst had a passing caravan not found him and saved him.

Since that day, he hunts all wizards in general, but Necromancers specifically. He looks for the man who came to his people and offered them death.

This time, he will be ready.