
Veilwar Obscur's page

22 posts. Organized Play character for Lost 33.

Full Name

Gaius Nepos




Rogue 2/ Fighter 3




Medium (5'5'', 155lb.)





Strength 16
Dexterity 17
Constitution 16
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 14
Charisma 14

About Gaius Nepos

HP: 57

AC: 17 = Base 10 + Armor 4 + Stat 3
Flat: 14 = Base 10 + Armor 4
Touch: 13 = Base 10 + Stat 3

Base Attack: +4

Initiative: +3

Speed: 30'

Fort: +6 = Fighter +3 + Rogue 0 + Con 3
Ref: +7 = Fighter +1 + Rogue 3 + Dex 3
Will: +3 = Fighter +1 + Rogue 0 + Wis 3


  • Able Learner.......................(Races of Destiny p.150)
  • Two Weapon Fighting................(Player's Handbook pg.102)
  • Weapon Focus Short Sword...........(Player's Handbook pg.102)

Fighter Feat:

  • Quick Draw.........................(Player's Handbook pg.98)
  • Weapon Finesse.....................(Player's Handbook pg.102)

Could use a bit of help here are there any non standard Langauges?

Racial Traits:

  • Extra Feat at 1st Level (Able Learner)
  • Extra Skill Point


  • Sneak Attack +1d6
  • Evasion
  • Trapfinding
  • Armor Proficiency (LIght, Medium, Heavy)
  • Shield Proficiency
  • Tower Shield Proficiency
  • Simple Weapon Proficiency
  • Martial Weapon Proficiency

Appraise......................... 2 = Int 2 + Ranks 0.0 + Misc 0
Balance......................... 12 = Dex 3 + Ranks 7.0 + Misc 2
Bluff............................ 2 = Cha 2 + Ranks 0.0 + Misc 0
Climb............................ 3 = Str 3 + Ranks 0.0 + Misc 0
Concentration.................... 3 = Con 3 + Ranks 0.0 + Misc 0
Diplomacy........................ 2 = Cha 2 + Ranks 0.0 + Misc 0
Disable Device................... 6 = Int 2 + Ranks 4.0 + Misc 0
Disguise......................... 2 = Cha 2 + Ranks 0.0 + Misc 0
Escape Artist.................... 7 = Dex 3 + Ranks 4.0 + Misc 0
Forgery.......................... 2 = Int 2 + Ranks 0.0 + Misc 0
Gather Information............... 6 = Cha 2 + Ranks 4.0 + Misc 0
Heal............................. 2 = Wis 2 + Ranks 0.0 + Misc 0
Hide............................ 11 = Dex 3 + Ranks 8.0 + Misc 0
Intimidate....................... 2 = Cha 2 + Ranks 0.0 + Misc 0
Jump............................. 5 = Str 3 + Ranks 0.0 + Misc 2
Listen.......................... 10 = Wis 2 + Ranks 8.0 + Misc 0
Move Silently................... 11 = Dex 3 + Ranks 8.0 + Misc 0
Ride............................. 3 = Dex 3 + Ranks 0.0 + Misc 0
Search........................... 6 = Wis 2 + Ranks 4.0 + Misc 0
Sense Motive..................... 6 = Wis 2 + Ranks 4.0 + Misc 0
Spot............................ 10 = Wis 2 + Ranks 8.0 + Misc 0
Survival......................... 5 = Wis 2 + Ranks 3.0 + Misc 0
Swim............................. 3 = Str 3 + Ranks 0.0 + Misc 0
Tumble.......................... 11 = Dex 3 + Ranks 8.0 + Misc 0
Use Rope......................... 3 = Dex 3 + Ranks 0.0 + Misc 0

Mithral Shirt AC +4 Max Dex +6 Check +0 Type Light

|Lesser Undead Bane Short Sword | Main Hand | Piercing | Medium | 19-20/x2 | 5 ft.|
| | To Hit | Damage | | To Hit | Damage |
| 1H-P | +9 | 1d6+4 | 2W-P(OH) | +5 | 1d6+4 |
| 1H-o | +9 | 1d6+2 | 2W-P(OL) | +7 | 1d6+4 |
| 2H | +9 | 1d6+4 | 2W-OH | +7 | 1d6+2 |
Divine, +1d6 damage to undead; and total +2d6 to ghouls, ghasts, and wights. Glows light blue when in hand

|Short Sword | Off Hand | Piercing | Medium | 19-20/x2 | 5 ft.|
| | To Hit | Damage | | To Hit | Damage |
| 1H-P | +8 | 1d6+3 | 2W-P(OH) | +4 | 1d6+3 |
| 1H-o | +8 | 1d6+1 | 2W-P(OL) | +6 | 1d6+3 |
| 2H | +8 | 1d6+3 | 2W-OH | +6 | 1d6+1 |

|Dagger(x5) | Carried | Piercing/Slashing | Medium | 19-20/x2 | 5 ft.|
| | To Hit | Damage | | To Hit | Damage |
| 1H-P | +7 | 1d6+3 | 2W-P(OH) | +3 | 1d6+3 |
| 1H-o | +7 | 1d6+1 | 2W-P(OL) | +5 | 1d6+3 |
| 2H | +7 | 1d6+3 | 2W-OH | +5 | 1d6+1 |
| | 10 ft. | 20 ft. | 30 ft. | 40 ft. | 50 ft. |
| Thrown | +7 | +5 | +3 | +1 | -1 |
| Damage | 1d4+3 | 1d4+3 | 1d4+3 | 1d4+3 | 1d4+3 |

1H-P: One handed, in primary hand. 1H-O: One handed, in off hand. 2H: Two handed. 2W-P-(OH): 2 weapons, primary hand (off hand weapon is heavy). 2W-P-(OL): 2 weapons, primary hand (off hand weapon is light). 2W-OH: 2 weapons, off hand.


  • Backpack
  • Bedroll
  • Flint and Steel
  • Pouch (Belt)
  • Rations(10 days)
  • Rope (Hempen/50ft.)
  • Sunrod (x2)
  • Waterskin
  • Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (x2)