Ekaym Smallcask

Tierce's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 258 posts (3,307 including aliases). 2 reviews. 2 lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters. 21 aliases.

Sovereign Court

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Greylurker has convinced me, I will check out NeoExodus!

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Denlin and Ester - backstories are a bit short. If you want to keep it that way, its fine, but it would be nice to know a bit more about your characters.

And this goes for everyone else, if you are having troubles with designing a backstory, there are two options I recommend to give yourself some help. Use the random back story tables in the new and awesome Ultimate Campaign. Or use a method that I use by asking yourself the following questions:

Step 1: Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind.

Step 2: List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.

Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet.

Step 4: Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile.

Step 5: Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.

Most of those options will get you on the right path

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Human (Chelaxian) Paladin/3

Public Speaking! at least half of us have a charisma score 14 and over. Most beautiful batch of orphans ever, how did we not get adopted!

Sovereign Court

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Nice name, going to use you geass to take over the world?

Sovereign Court 2/5

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I have received the go ahead from Hobby Ninja to start hosting PFS games at their store. I am currently recruiting for a GM and for a small player base to get them started. If anyone lives in the East Durham area or knows anyone who lives there and is interested in playing, please let me know either through here or through email


Sovereign Court

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I have a half-drow player in my RotRL, only people that were terrified of him were the elf player and the other elves in Sandpoint

And after he saved the town from the goblin raid, people looked past his heritage

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Flit seems a bit torn before he finally speaks, "I was half way out of the city when I turned back... I'm leaving for Magnimar, there's a Society Lodge that's being set up there for the various missions that the Grand Lodge is sending to explore Varisia. I came back because I wanted to say good bye, even though you spurred my advances earlier, I think you are one of the prettiest woman I have ever seen...."

Flit takes out a leather bound book from within his pack, "I need you to hold on to this for me, it's my sketch book and journal. Your welcome to read it and look at my art. If I make it to Magnimar in one piece, I will send for it."

He turns from Olly and heads for the window, he opens it and begins to slip out, he stops momentarily before turning around and caressing Olly's face and giving her a long surprise kiss before heading back to leave through the window.

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Your fighting skeletons, should never compose combat posts at work, mixed up three different races

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Flit seems to look at Olly for a few seconds before responding. "Oh, I see... I can understand that. I am a bard as well, so I can certainly relate that when your instrument is broken, it certainly feels like you are missing a piece of your person..." He turns away from her and walks a few feet before turning around once again. "Best Journeys to you." He says to Olly in Gnomish.

You watch as Flit walks away from Olly, he waits until she is distracted and moved on and he puts his uneaten salmon on a table and hands the pitcher of winterdrop mead to a random towns person before walking away. His ears are notably sagging.

Anyone Near Flit:
The breeze seems to change and you notice as Flit turns around and sniffs the air. He appears slightly confused before walking off quickly

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In an unrelated topic, who would like to see a picture of my daughter?

Only click the link if you like pictures of extremely cute babies


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During your performance, Flit continues to make his rounds about the festival, but once he sees Olly and Zelladania perform, he comes over immediately and appears completely fascinated by Olly and her drumming. He sits on the ground to watch and takes out his journal and appears to be working in it while watching the performance.

Once you finish a set, Flit walks over, tears out a paper from inside his journal and passes it to Olly. The sheet of paper has a rather flawless sketch of your performance, but Olly seems to be towards the center and more of the focus of the picture. Flit turns a bit red before walking quickly away

Sovereign Court

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Depends on your attitude when you do it. If you play it off cool and nonchalant then it's not really a jerk move. But if you go out of your way to seem like a jerk, then its a jerk move.

The way I see it, its 20 feet of fall damage to level 6 characters. That's 2d6, so nothing that's going to result in a TPK. So again, it all depends on how you present it to the players

Sovereign Court 2/5

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1)Being able to play the character in any scenario or santioned modules as long as you meet the level requirement, no matter who the GM is or where you are and as long as you haven't played it before

2)All characters are balanced - no low level characters will over powered gear

3)No crazy insane high level characters with godlike powers

4)It's fun

Sovereign Court

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I punch the dragon!

Sovereign Court

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Allowing paladin's to be one step in alignment from their chosen god, like clerics. It makes sense to me

Sovereign Court

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Without fail, every person who finds out I'm a gamer will follow that up with thi question: "do you watch big bang theory?"

Sovereign Court

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Here are both the re-done Hero Lab portfolios from Book 1 and the new NPC files from book 2.

I was unable to design Whalebone Pilk from book 2, so if anyone can, please let me know and we can add him in.

Book 1 - The Wormwood Mutiny

Book 2 - Raiders of the Fever Sea

Sovereign Court

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Hello Fellow Pathfinders,

The following is my group’s adventures in Skull and Shackles (so far). This was moved from the Skull and Shackles forum as it was requested that I continue the story. Without further ado, the story as it has happened so far:
Here’s our group breakdown:

Elf Rogue (Swashbuckler)
Human Magus
Human Cleric of Besmara
Dwarf Gunslinger (Musket Master)

Some background information before we start and you will see it in the story. Both the Cleric and Rogue are both played by people who can be quite confrontational with NPC’s and any RP bullies, so I knew that this Adventure Path was going to be quite entertaining.

Sovereign Court

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Here is what I got. Please tweek it however you like, especially on order of feats. The AP will only go to level 15, but I included the extra 5 levels for the hell of it. Also, should I design a more powerful rifle as my eventual goal?

Male Svirfneblin Gunslinger (Musket Master)
LN Small Humanoid (Gnome)
Senses Darkvision (120 feet), Low-Light Vision

Spd 20 ft.
Ranged: +1 Reliable, Seeking Rifle
Spell-Like Abilities Blindness/Deafness (1/day), Blur (1/day), Disguise Self (1/day), Nondetection (Constant)
Str 13, Dex 18 (Bump to 23 by level 20), Con 8, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8


Level 1: Point Blank Shot, Rapid Reload: Musket (Class Ability)
Level 3: Precise Shot
Level 4: Rapid Shot
Level 5: Deadly Aim
Level 7: Weapon Focus: Rifle
Level 8: Dodge
Level 9: Mobility
Level 11: Deft Shootist Deed
Level 12: Signature Deed: Bleeding Wound
Level 13: Snap Shot
Level 15: Combat Reflexes
Level 16: Improved Snap Shot
Level 17: Improved Precise Shot
Level 19: Extra Grit
Level 20: Improved Critical: Rifle

Traits Freedom Fighter, Peg Leg (Yes he has a peg leg)

Sovereign Court

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I’m trying to create an optimal gunslinger build from level 1 to 15, but I can’t seem to decide what the viable feats are after level 7. So far I have:

Point Blank Shot, Rapid Reload: Musket (archetype bonus)
Precise Shot
Rapid Shot
Deadly Aim
Weapon Focus: Musket

From this point I am undecided on either taking dodge and mobility so I can take deft shooter and not have to worry about AoO, or taking something like vital strike and snap shot to increase my DPS. Any help is appreciated. I also don’t mind taking some small dips, with the exception of the monk of the sacred mountain idea, 4 levels is a bit more of a dip then I’m willing to take.

Sovereign Court

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Well we finished our first session last night, here's our group breakdown:

Elf Rogue (Swashbuckler)
Human Magus
Human Cleric of Besmara
Dwarf Alchemist (Grenadier)

Now before I start explainging what happened, I will tell you that my player group is quite... confrontational. So I knew after reading the Wormwood Mutiny that things might be a bit difficult. Man was I in for a surprise. Here's how our first two days on this ship went.

Day One:

After waking up on the ship, the group took a quick stock of their situtaion, some where a bit miffed that they were lacking their equipment minus the clothing on their backs. When Master Scourge comes down and rushes everyone up on deck, the group hurries and lines up. The Captain was about to start his introduction when the Rogue decides to beeline for the poop deck to assault the captain and "rip off his ugly beard". Master Scoruge tries to trip him, but misses. Mr. Plugg intervenes to also try to subdue the Rogue, but the rogue easily avoids and twirls around Mr. Plugg to come face to face with the Captain. The Rogue is about to reach for, and pull on the captain's beard when he is finally subdued by both Mr. Plugg and the ship's wizard (who's name escapes me). The Rogue is sentenced to 3 lashes at the "Bloody Hour" for his transgressions.

The assigning of job's goes off without a hitch, the cleric, assigned to being a swab, tries several times to try to open the door leading to the officer's cabin, but is discovered twice, and is sentenced to work the bilges the next day. The cook's mate (Magus) fails to catch enough fish and is also sentenced to work the bilges the next day.

Sandara introduces her self and gives 1 or 2 items back to the players, most notable she gives the rogue his elven curve blade, the cleric her morningstar, and the magus his aldori dueling blade. She also warns the rogue not to try anything else that is crazy or he might get himself killed, a sentiment that the alchemist repeats to him.

With the day being over, rum rations are handed out. The rogue takes his rum ration and throws it into the face of Master Scourge and the rogue is subdued, tied to the mainmast and given 9 lashes, 3 for his previous crime and 6 for his continued problems. With the start of the Bloody hour, the players witness the kheelhauling of Magpie. Most of the players are exhausted at this point and two head to sleep while the other two decide to gamble. The cleric again tries to sneak into the officers cabin but is unable to get the door open.

Day Two:

The group is assaulted by the pirates trying to make them late. They very nearly kill the main guy who pulls a knife on them, but is convinced by Sandara and the alchemist player to let them go.

Both the Cleric and Magus report to the bilges for the day, where they fail their rolls and end up being exhausted. The rogue however sneaks off from his rigging duties to find the quartermaster where he convinces her that his armor is cursed. He suceeds and he gains his armor back.

At the end of the day, rum rations are distributed, and the rogue again throws his in the face of Master Scourge, who is about to administer punishment when the rogue charges him. Long story short, the rogue is subdued by Mr. Plugg and half a dozen other pirates, but not in time to save Master Scourge, who has been murdered by the Rogue. The rogue is sentensed to kheelhauling, to which the player thinks he can survive, but by about the third round of being under, the player realises that he isn't going walk away from this, so he attempts to escape from the rope and does manage (with a natural 20 on his check) to get loose from the rope. He then climbs up the anchor chain to come face to face with Captain Barnabus, who comments that the rogue has a death wish, but can't seem to be killed. The rogue is sentensed to 24 hours in the sweatbox, after which he will be given direct duties from Mr. Plugg. If the rogue steps one toes out of line again, Captain Barnabus comments that he will rip off all his limbs and leave him for the sharks.

And that's how it went...

Sovereign Court

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Here's the link, I will also email you both a copy to make sure you get it

Hero Lab Portfolios

A few notes, I didn't include non-combat gear on the NPC's, only items needed in combat.

Plugg's damage on the tidewater cutlass is not coming up properly, so keep an eye on that

Sovereign Court

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Hey Guys,

I've spent a good amount of time creating portfolios in Hero Lab for all the NPC's in Part 1 of the Skull and Shackles. The intent is for using the tactical console and for quick reference through the dashboard.

Do any GM's of Skull and Shackles want a copy of them?